The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 83 The Little Devil Beast Crying And Chirping 【11】

A chirping tree fruit the size of a longan can only produce a small cup of juice through dissolution and fermentation.

The juice had a deep blue color, and it didn't look like a human could drink it.

Fortunately, the little evil beast is not human.

Duck couldn't help feeling a little grateful.

The little evil beast that was forced to fly back lowered its head and carefully sipped the juice in the small cup.

Well, there is a hint of sweetness.

Thinking like this, the little evil beast unknowingly drank a whole cup of the fruit juice of the chirping tree.

"how do you feel?"

Dak's belated concern moved the little evil beast very much, and it turned around with a burst of "—".

Dak couldn't help but wondered, "What did you say?"

Little Evil Beast: "—"

Dark: "(⊙o⊙)?"

Little Devil Beast: "——!"

Duck: "You mean it?"

Little Evil Beast: "——————!"

Dak: "How would I know what you want to say if you don't tell me?"

Little Demon Beast: "————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————!"


In short, the little devil can't make a sound.

Of course Dak realized the problem immediately, and glanced at the clock to write down the time.

Without the little evil beast, Dak certainly wouldn't do random experiments.

He picked a book and read it for a while, until the little evil beast suddenly made a cracking sound of "Ah—" before getting up to record the time.

"Is it about 8 minutes long?"

"Shouldn't it be said that it is indeed one of the materials for making forbidden cards?"

"Hey, if you use this juice according to the method of making a potion card, can you find another way to make an alternative forbidden card?"

As long as you are a first-year student, there is no one who is not greedy for Professor Sylph's [Forbidden Card].

The kind of spirit that makes everyone quiet with a wave of his hand is really handsome.

It's a pity that the making of the [Forbidden Card] is a technology that can only be learned by senior students, and the requirements are very high in terms of technical difficulty and material quality.

Among the first-year students, even Darke had self-knowledge, and never thought of touching that level of refining method in the past.

However, he seems to have a glimmer of chance now?

Thinking of this, Dak carefully preserved the remaining two tweeting berries.

Although the chirping tree fruit is not expensive, most of the chirping tree fruit that can be bought in the traveler's street are processed dried fruit, unless you go to the flower shop to try your luck.


Afterwards, Dak extravagantly took out 30 credits of spiral tree fruit for experiment,

The fermentation of the spiral fruit also took about 15 minutes.

Fortunately, Dak has mastered the exquisite method of replenishing magic, otherwise it would not be brewed.

The juice of the spiral tree fruit presents a strange black color, and it will spin up when stirred slightly.

A screwberry eventually ferments into a full glass of juice.

Seeing that there was only one glass of black and white juice, Dak thought about it, and chose to use a silver spoon to fill a spoonful, and handed it to the little evil beast.

Duck: "Ah."

Little Devil Beast: "Ah."

A spoonful of belly.

The little evil beast stretched out its claws and spiraled up to the sky.

Duck reached out and poked its belly, and it giggled.

So Dak breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How is it? What's unusual?"

Little Demonic Beast: "Hehehe."

Duck: "Huh?"

Little Demonic Beast: "Hehehe."

Well, this time it's the ears.

Dak felt that he should have discovered the secret of the spiral fruit.

Little Devil Beast's hearing impairment lasted for about two minutes and then healed.

Dark confirmed the effects of the two tree juices, writing in his notebook:

Tweeting Juice: Unable to make a sound.

Helix tree juice: Hearing impairment.

Drinking the two juices together makes you deaf and dumb.


Dak looked at the glass of helix tree juice, thinking about how to preserve this thing.

Besides, he couldn't help but wonder, if the two juices were mixed, would that result in a missing effect, or both?

"Do you want to try again?"

Do whatever comes to mind.

Duck took another tweeting berry and let the [pot] dissolve and ferment it into juice.

Then take a spoonful of each of the two juices into another small cup, and mix thoroughly.

After the black and white juice and the deep blue juice merge, there is no color fusion, but a wonderful liquid of black, white and blue.

The little evil beast that was forced to take a sip turned into a deaf-mute beast.

The effect seemed to be strengthened, and it lasted for a full five minutes.

Duck suddenly realized something.

After that, he looked at the remaining amount of the two juices, and fermented the last tweeting tree fruit into juice, so that he could achieve a 1:1 ratio as much as possible.

After that, mix the two juices thoroughly, cover them and put them aside for the time being.

It was half past eight in the evening.

Duck knew it was time to put what he had learned into practice.

In the absence of a suitable storage method, the shelf life of the two juices will not be long. The best way is to take it while it is hot and directly make it into a potion card!


Of course, he wasn't big enough to directly use it for the first potion card making experiment.

There are white dried fruits and blue fruits, but it is not their turn.

In short, the first step is to put the white dried fruit or blue fruit into the shell of the pot...

But at this moment, Dak, who had just completed a small fusion, suddenly had distracting thoughts.

He put a white dried fruit and a blue fruit into the carapace of the pot.

These two fruits dissolve and ferment simultaneously in the carapace, and finally form a mixed liquid.

Dak first used [Arrogance 1] to make the little evil beast arrogant, and made it shoot [small darts] to consume mana.

Then he scooped out a spoonful from the mixed juice and fed it to it.

After absorbing this spoonful of mixed juice, the little evil beast really felt that its magic power was recovering quickly.

As for the healing effect of the other half, it has not been shown yet.

But this is enough for Dark.

He never thought that he would become fat with one bite.

After that, he opened "Pierre Explains to You Personally", and started the experiment step by step according to the method recorded in the book.

There are so many ways to refine potions into potion cards. If you insist on subdividing them, each potion has a different refining method.

What Darke tried was naturally the general method described in it.

To be more precise, it is a general method of refining [Magic Return Potion] into a potion card.

Imitating this method and replacing the [Magic Return Potion] with mixed fruit juice is Dak's current idea.

The production of potion cards is completely different from magic wizard cards. From the very beginning, there is no need for life-cultivating substrates such as fairy honey juice and brain leaf essence water.

Its core lies in a No. 3 formation called "Dalton's formation".

Dalton is a great magister second only to Merlin, who created a new era of converting potions into potion cards.



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