Li Jiayuan let himself gradually calm down.

After all, this is the most basic quality a doctor should possess!

The more urgent it is, the more it is necessary to calm down!

In the next moment, Li Jiayuan took a deep breath, then held his breath and carefully searched for the bleeding spot.

In less than five seconds, he was found.

He immediately started to press between them, and then started to stop the bleeding for Zhang Lili.

In less than three seconds, Cyclonus' blood was instantly stopped!

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

All the people around looked at Jiang Feng in disbelief.

"Oh my god, this is just too fierce!"

"The genius doctor is really well-deserved, and as soon as he shoots, you know if there is any!"

"Dr. Li is a legendary figure in the entire medical field. Of course, he is much more powerful!"

"Dr. Li is simply my idol!"


There was an uproar from the crowd.

Many people were shocked and couldn't help but sighed again and again, screaming constantly!

"What the **** are you doing, why don't you hurry up and prepare for the surgery?"

Li Jiayuan was still standing in front of the performance, and the group of people who had no plans to come over roared and said.


In a short sentence, a group of people present was shocked, and one by one, they immediately returned to their senses.

They quickly went to their respective preparations.


He directly sent Zhang Lili to Li Jiayuan's separate emergency room.

And this emergency room is opposite Mother Dong.

Inside the whole room.

There are cameras everywhere, which can broadcast live images of the surgery in 360 degrees in real time.

Of course, these were actually prepared for those doctors to learn Chen Yu's surgical techniques.

Not only that.

Outside the door of the emergency room, there are also transparent floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

In this way, it is convenient for Li Jiayuan to give first aid, and other doctors can also learn Li Jiayuan's treatment methods and increase their experience and level.

"Huh? Could it be that Dr. Li Jiayuan is about to start the operation again?"

At the same time, as soon as there was a slight movement in the live broadcast room, it was quickly noticed.

"My God, have you all seen the symptoms of this patient, this patient has been stabbed several times, and has already injured his heart!"

"The patient's bleeding is very serious now. I don't know how Dr. Li Jiayuan managed to stop the bleeding?"

"This situation is too serious. This patient will definitely not live long. Even I have been involved in the medical field for more than 30 years, but there is nothing I can do!"

"For such a serious patient, only Dr. Li Jiayuan can fight for it. I have no way to cure his disease."

A lot of people around were talking about this matter one by one.

After a while, the number of patients in the live broadcast room gradually increased.

If anyone knew that these talented professors, who were famous in the medical field, were now respecting and complimenting a young man in his twenties, he didn't know what to think in his heart.

Soon, the preparations for the surgery will be ready.

The anesthesia has been put down, and the blood bank has also taken out several pieces of blood, and began to transfuse Zhang Lili with blood.

On the ventilator, Zhang Lili's current state is constantly displayed.

Following Li Jiayuan's order, the operation began immediately.

Li Jiayuan picked up the scalpel and immediately started the operation.

In Li Jiayuan's mind, the experiences of surgery kept appearing.

According to the surgical experience in his memory, Li Jiayuan immediately began to operate on the patient.


Li Jiayuan's speed began to increase continuously.

The speed in the hand is also constantly accelerating.

In the operating room, there was silence everywhere, and no one said a word!

Li Jiayuan immediately began to suture the blood vessels.

His speed seemed extremely fast, and several broken blood vessels were sutured in an instant.

At this moment, all the viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked by the scene in front of them when they saw this scene!

One by one, they couldn't say a word at once, and they stared at the live broadcast in the screen, learning constantly.

After half an hour, Li Jiayuan's highly nervous emotions were relieved a little.

You know, the operation is almost done, and now all he needs to do is to sew up the patient's skin.

Li Jiayuan knew that after he had finished treating Zhang Lili, there was still a patient waiting for him to undergo surgery.

Li Jiayuan couldn't help but glanced at the time in the distance, forty minutes had passed now.

In fact, Li Jiayuan did not expect that he would end the operation so quickly.

He has already budgeted for the time before, as long as he can complete the operation within ten minutes, then he will have time to perform the operation on Dong's mother.

At first, he planned to end the operation as soon as possible, and then go to treat Dong's mother.

But he suddenly realized something, and immediately slowed down his speed.

If she had rescued Dong's mother now, Dong Menghan would definitely be very grateful to her.

At that time, it was much easier for me to get close to Dong Menghan.

But what if you wait a little longer!

Just when Dong Menghan was about to lose it, she suddenly appeared and saved her from the fire and water.

At that time, maybe it will be easier for me to get the favor of beautiful women!

In addition, Dong Menghan, who was extremely flustered at that time, would definitely ask for help and begged for himself. Wouldn't he be able to capture the hearts and favors of beauties for him?

Moreover, Li Jiayuan knew that Dong Menghan's mother could only be cured by herself.

At that time, even if Jiang Feng is rich, what can he do?

In this world, there are many more people, and there is no way to buy things with money.

Even if it was time, Jiang Feng finally found a way, but it was definitely too late.

After all, it was not too early to rescue.

There are still ten minutes left, how can it be too late.


He plans to pursue Dong Menghan and make Dong Menghan his girlfriend.

This is the best way to let Dong Menghan leave these bastards!

As long as Dong Menghan falls in love with him, he will definitely be able to escape Jiang Feng's control!

As for that Jiang Feng.

In fact, he didn't put Jiang Feng in his eyes at all.

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