Da Jinzi wanted to pull out his fists, even if he put both hands together, his left hand grabbed the wrist of his right hand. This is the whole body exerting force, so it doesn't work. If it goes on like this, it's not a problem. .

How to do?

I just need to find a way to solve the problem, I will die of melancholy.

Da Jinzi's eyes stared at Jiang Feng.

So, does staring at it work?

Jiang Feng also exerted such a slight force, and the pain caused by this slight force simply made Da Jinzi's facial features look hideous.

Da Jinzi's mood was unprecedentedly heavy. In this shopping mall, he just walked sideways in a nest like this for a long time. How could he be planted today?

This person is also very arrogant. He doesn't care about who you are, or what kind of dog you are. If you should start, you will start. This, it's true that people are not very happy.

No, I have to find a way to treat the other party as a problem and solve it in a serious way.

Da Jinzi can't wait to bite this person to death, his anger is really skyrocketing.

"What's wrong with this?"

Jiang Feng tilted his head and looked at Da Jinzi and asked.

"Nothing, what can I do, I'm fine, I'm fine, eh!"

"Oh, then you go on well, don't stop you, really!"

"Can you let go?"

"Yes you can!"

Jiang Feng loosened the opponent's fist.

Dajinzi is even more angry, let go if you let go. Is this a matter of letting go?

This is disrespecting people, this is not treating people as one thing, this is something that is deliberately intended to be such a disgusting person, this special, it is really such a feeling that makes people a little angry.

Jiang Feng hugged Bing Yuqing's little waist and left.

The feeling of calling the board, so clear, seems to be saying, do you still want to pick up my girl? Don't pee and look in the mirror to see how you look like a blind liuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. If you don't change it, you will be like this for the rest of your life.

Walking and walking like this, no, I met a familiar person again!

This person is a classmate of Bing Yuqing. The girl in the class can be regarded as a best friend during her studies. The other party is Li Yuanyuan!

As for Li Yuanyuan, she is a good person, but she has a little problem, and she has low self-esteem.

As long as this Li Yuanyuan is willing to continue to follow Bing Yuqing like this, but in fact, Bing Yuqing really doesn't care whether the other party's home environment is good or not, she will definitely give the other party a bite to eat, she will definitely There is no suspense in supporting the other party.

As for the other party, he gave up on his own initiative.

It's really been many years since such a separation. What I didn't expect was that I saw each other here.

The other party is doing well now. She is only one man and still splits with many women. As for the other party, this is one woman and two men accompanying her. Not bad, not bad, really not bad!

Obviously, Li Yuanyuan wasn't going to take care of Bing Yuqing and was going to go there directly.

Bing Yuqing blocked Li Yuanyuan's way in an instant.

Open your hands, don't let go!

When you meet old classmates, you pretend that you don't know each other and you're done? If you don't know her, she still knows you! She used to be such a good best friend, she would definitely give it to you if she had a bite. At this moment, are you ready to just not know her?

No, this is not allowed to happen.

Li Yuanyuan was very embarrassed, and really didn't want to implicate the other party, but, as for the other party, if it blocked her way, there was really no way.

"Li Yuanyuan, where have you been hanging out lately!"

"Me, I'm working on a project recently, a big project, 1040!"

"Isn't that a pyramid scheme?"

At such a time, Jiang Feng interjected.

The expressions of the two men suddenly changed, they became ugly, and their eyes became gloomy, staring straight at Jiang Feng.

This means, it really means to greet you with an attack at any time, you really don't want to talk nonsense, this is inappropriate.

"How could it be MLM? It's a huge project, a vast project!"

"I don't know how much it was given one by one. The rebates have been paid in. I can't see a penny, I haven't seen chicken feathers, and I haven't seen the project. This is not a pyramid scheme, so what is it? Stop making trouble, this is a pyramid scheme. That's right! I'm 100% sure, eh!"

"Are you looking for death?"

The tall man can't stand it anymore, his name is Sun Dalei! If this person is so unattractive all the time, he may make a move. If he has the possibility to make a move, really, this terrifying attack power will be displayed. Once it is displayed, it is simply Such a rhythm to kill you, a turtle grandson.

Do you think you are having fun?

No, no, it's not good!

This is directly under the clenching of both fists, such a swinging fist is an attack, and you have to do this to your body, and you will not be able to fix it.

"Ah? Don't you know this is a pyramid scheme? Do you still want to maintain it?"

Jiang Feng looked at Sun Dalei and asked.

"I, I don't admit that this is a pyramid scheme, I just don't admit it, I must not admit it, don't admit it!"

Sun Dalei shouted.

"Then you don't admit it, this is also a pyramid scheme, it's a pyramid scheme, it must be a pyramid scheme! Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Feng asked.

Sun Dalei's eyes were completely closed, good, very good!

So irritating, isn't it?

It's for him, isn't it?

That's what it's like to be steadfast, isn't it?

Very nice, really! It is such a virtue that it is directed at you. This is an iron fist attack, and it must hit you.

Once Sun Dalei is a thunderstorm, it is really very scary. It is absolutely impossible if it does not bring you this fatal injury. you these?


It's been ten minutes!

Sun Dalei has been staring at Jiang Feng like this, threatening the other party with his eyes, and pressing the other party with his aura. This is to scare the other party to death.

As for Jiang Feng, when he stretched out his right hand, he pinched Sun Dalei's nose.

Such an effort.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Sun Dalei suddenly howled.

Damn, this is too hard, right?

What is this for?

The other party is so special that people can't handle it. It's terrible that this mood changes in an instant. I can't wait to die with the other party. But right now, it really hurts.

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