The Villain of Destiny: The Heroine is Tied at the Beginning

Chapter 227: Childishness can't solve problems

No, the young master started making calls as soon as he came out.

Call someone!

There is a nearby area, it seems that Mr. Hu is very, very powerful!

Since it's shriveled on your territory, then you have to come over and solve such a guy in an instant!

Money, it's not an issue at all, really!

As much as you want, then as much as you want, it's that simple!

In a matter of minutes, the money is brought to you and slapped in front of you, and it's over.

Time flies!

This is how long it has been since I don't know.

Hu Lao Yao really brought someone here. It doesn't matter if he gives the young master face or not, he must give face to the Renminbi!

The young master is a renminbi player, and he is amazing.

What happened after that was that the **** young master kept him waiting.

Waiting and waiting like this, no, I finally waited for someone.

The two came out after drinking too much. At this time, it was already dark.

This is directly to eat supper and dinner together, and just sit down after a large food stall.

On top of this, the Ice Rain is actually pretty good!

Change it to the other eldest lady, you let her eat in this kind of place?

This is absolutely impossible! It would be quite disgusting if you haven't sat down yet.

However, Bing Yuqing is different. As long as there are no obvious sanitation problems here, the hygiene is up to standard. Even if it looks dirty, it doesn't matter much, it doesn't matter.

Then, Bing Yuqing's eyes stared straight at Jiang Feng's back.

Jiang Feng also sensed the movement behind him, but he didn't take it seriously.

No, this movement is getting closer and closer, it is impossible to ignore it, then look back at it like this!

At a glance, that is to see this young master who doesn't know how to write the word sensible. The other party really wants to develop things to such an irreversible level.

What Jiang Feng hopes is that the other party can be a little more conscious and sensible, not to do things, but what? The other party obviously wants to do things, obviously it is not likeable, looking at the other party is very, very irritable, really.

"Don't look at me with such contempt, who am I? My name is Zhang Sanben!"

"I do not know!"

Jiang Feng shook his head.

This is seeking truth from facts. I really don't know each other. Who is Zhang Sanben? This name is simply such a feeling that I have never heard of it at all. How can the other party be so arrogant and public?

Is Zhang Sanben a very powerful thing?

It's so awesome I didn't see it.

"I, I, I am Zhang Sanben!"

"You are, let alone three, four are also you, and five are also. You need as many copies as you want, and I won't stop you, right?"

Jiang Feng shrugged.

This is Jiang Feng's attitude.

This attitude is really very dog, and it is really very, very irritating.

Zhang Sanben is so angry, he can't wait to die with this **** guy. He has never seen such an angry person. It's like this guy did it on purpose!

At this moment, Hu Lao Yao just took one step forward, and directly pulled out a military thorn from his body. In this way, he was staring at Jiang Feng intently.

He is a knife player.

As long as the other party keeps messing with him like this, he won't keep swearing at the other party like this. For him, the knife just danced towards the other party's body. This attack again and again, this It must be to bring this fatal injury to the other party.

It's a fatal injury. It's a really, really scary feeling. It's like it's driving you crazy.

and then?

Is there any change in that?


People are still looking at you so indifferently, and in those eyes, they are full of contempt.

This, this is a success to stimulate Hu Lao Yao.

Hu Lao Yao could have had a talk with Jiang Feng, but as long as the three books were comfortable, he could not do it.

Now, can't talk!

Now, it has to be a shot.

Now, this must be to let you know the seriousness of this matter. He is not a simple and ordinary thing, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

A swipe!

So many subordinates are watching, let's do it.

Hu Lao Yao's attack has already arrived.

With such a feeling that there is no room left, it must bring people this very terrible life damage.

Bring it once, bring it a second time!

This is really something that will continue to bring and will not have any changes.

This feeling, I am afraid it is difficult and good, really.

Zhang Sanben's eyes were staring at the dispute between these two people. In his heart, he was cheering for Mr. Hu. If you can do it, you must be able to kill him. You can't allow him to do this. He has been living arrogantly all the time, this person really deserves to die.

No matter how much you cheer up, it can't change the reality like this, that is, the attack, without any ambiguity, is still failing!

If you fail like this, it doesn't feel like there is any chance of success.

People have just been evading, they haven't fought back!

Once people are counter-killing, tsk tsk tsk, that terrifying attack greets you, how can you still bear it?

This is impossible.

It's time to fight back!

This counter-killing punch with this sworn feeling is really close to the bones of the body in an instant, and then, it is directly to give you such a look that it is completely taken down.

Really, this punch is quite scary.



Bang, bang!

Keep hitting.

This is simply to keep hitting like this.


"I, I'm really angry, you know, if you keep messing around with me like this, and it breaks me down, I want you to die, yes, do you know it!"

"I do not know!"

Jiang Feng shook his head and continued to fight back.

The banging sound also continued to sound!

The attack is also a continuous hit.

This posture, this feeling, to continue, must drive you crazy.

Do you think you are having fun?

That's what you think too much!

You are thinking about some impossible and childish things.

Childishness doesn't solve the problem.

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