The Villain of Destiny: The Heroine is Tied at the Beginning

Chapter 261: can't change the situation

such a time.

Such a figure!

So, this is blocking Bing Yuqing's way.

This is staring straight at her!

Just look at it, a superfluous nonsense is such a feeling that there is not much to say.

This is what I thought, it is clear, it must be such a feeling of taking her down.

However, Bing Yuqing is also not afraid at all, because the safety issue is completely handed over to Jiang Feng. Well, there is no need to worry, these are small problems.

As for Jiang Feng, looking at Bing Yuqing indifferently, that feeling, I don't think it's uncommon for me to look down on you, the situation is such a situation.

"People are going to hurt me!"

"Oh oh!"

Jiang Feng nodded.

No, this woman just doesn't know what the relationship between these two people is. This means that there is a relationship, which seems to be unrelated, and that it is not related, but it is indeed a bit related.

"Give me some of the snacks in your cart!"

"What does this have to do with the snacks in other people's trolleys? If you want to eat it, you can buy it yourself. It's such a simple matter. You can buy it yourself, and no one will stop you, right? !"

"I won't buy it myself, how could I buy it myself, are you thinking too much?"

"So, what do you mean?"

"I mean it doesn't make sense!"

"Then go away, I don't want to see you!"

Jiang Feng waved his hand and said.

"You are so arrogant!"

"How could I have something to do with arrogance? I'm seeking truth from facts. Go away, I don't want to see you!"

Jiang Feng said to the other party.

"Would you like to see me or not, that's your personal business and it has nothing to do with me. In such a situation that it has nothing to do with me, um, I hope, you must not go on like this, Good or bad! Not suitable! Once people develop to the point where they have no relationship with each other, it will be troublesome!"

"How troublesome?"

"It's trouble!"

"Oh, I see!"

Jiang Feng nodded.

Communication failed again.

The other party took out his mobile phone from his body.

Did you see it? This is the modern communication tool, the mobile phone!

As long as she wants to, she can call at this moment.

However, as long as she calls, it will be called over!

If she called someone, tsk tsk tsk, what would be the end? You are so shy, how could the person she called will condone you and take you down? Once you are taken down, can you still have good winter melons to eat? Is this the case?


"No, how could I be sick? I'm not at all!"

"If you're not sick, what are you doing looking at me? It's because there's something wrong with your brain, isn't it?"

"I have a problem with my eyes!"

"Then if you have a problem, you should go for treatment. Well, you should go for treatment!"

"I won't treat it, what the hell!"

"Okay, if you go on like this, then it's really a communication failure!"

"If you fail to communicate, you will fail. Who will you scare? You scare me!"

Jiang Feng shrugged.

No, such a frivolous shrug of the shoulders, this is a feeling that makes people completely mad, this is quite uncomfortable. kind of look!

This gives people the feeling that they really want to die.

Soon, people will come!

Finally, reinforcements arrived in such a situation before this complete explosion lost his mind.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen people here!

It was all called by one of the little brothers, who was the organizer.

This little brother is already standing beside the other party, with that look in his eyes, do you think he is just looking at you? No, that's not the case. I must beat you so much that you are crying like your mother and father?

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a ferocious look in your eyes. Those who didn't know it thought you were a shepherd dog, tsk tsk tsk, it looks so scary."

"You, a little respect for me, okay?"

The other party looked at Jiang Feng and asked.

"Then respecting you is not my style, my style is disrespect, is there something wrong!"

Jiang Feng asked.

"Okay, okay, okay, messing around with me like this, right? You don't feel that I'm so angry right now, do you? I'll ask you, right?"

"Well, yes!"

Jiang Feng nodded and said.

"You, you are such a rhythm that you want to kill me!"

"Yes, that's what I came to think about, is there something wrong?"

"Young man, you are provoking a man who will be very scary when he explodes. Once this man shows this lethality, it will be a threat to his life, a threat to your life. , you will die, the bayonet will see red. It will ruin your life, do you know that!"

"I know what this thing does?"

"My Nima!"

"What happened to you Nima?"

"I, I, I Nima!"

"What's wrong with you Nima, but you say it, I'll just wait to hear it, make me happy!"

"Go on, go, go, go!"

The other party is in such a situation of soaring anger, and this is the order of the attack.

As soon as the order to attack was issued, things became simpler.


This is a momentary effort, this big guy just rushed forward, not to play with you.

This is a minute's effort to bring you this very terrifying damage.

It's scary!

and then?

It's just scary.

Even these people attacked fearlessly at the moment, attacked once, and failed!

Second time, fail!

The third time the fourth time! That is the same as the previous one, there is no such a possibility of success.

"You, you really want to drive people crazy, don't you?"

"Yes, I really want to drive people crazy, is there something wrong?"

"You, awesome, really!"

"Have you seen this all?"

"I'm going to use this weapon to make you regret it now!"

No, the other party is switching weapons. Just now, the dagger attack failed. Now he has taken out the rest of the weapons. It looks like a knife like a machete. The lethality of the rainbow's unfolding is truly astonishing.

With such a feeling of brushing, there is no possibility of a successful hit.

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