never mind!

That's it for now!

The ugly figure took a few steps back, and her eyes were always locked on this Jiang Feng, as long as there was a slight movement from this person, um, she would fight to the end with the other person for the first time. In any relationship, she would definitely not allow herself to continue to suffer like this.


Jiang Feng left here.

Ugly Renfeng's hands clenched tightly, this person, just left like this? Did you just leave here? Is it so arrogant?

This time, the call is coming!

The content of the call was to let Jiang Feng go to the airport to pick up Bing Yuqing's best friend, Han Xueer!

Since he asked him to go by name, he had no choice but to go.

No, it was the first time I drove to this airport!

Airports are generally better than railway stations, but sometimes there are exceptions!

At this moment, this exception appears, no, these few people, this is directly surrounded by Han Xueer, it is really such a feeling that it is three layers inside and three layers outside, this is such a posture of being surrounded by a group, This is to lock Han Xueer.

Han Xue'er's eyes stared at these people. In broad daylight, the sky was bright, but the other party actually dared to shoot at her like this? She didn't believe it, absolutely didn't believe it.

and then?

Then things just got easier.

No, these people are just trying to get up. I just looked at you just now, at the moment I want to touch it, after a while, maybe I want to take advantage of it!

The more these people go on like this, the more courageous they become. At the end of the day, they don't even know what they have done.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Across the distance, Jiang Feng roared.

The kung fu of this voice, no, these few people instantly stopped their sullen hearts, and immediately looked at this Jiang Feng, and they didn't know where this guy came from.

Jiang Feng finally had a chance to get close to each other.

No, he came with this confident pace, and he arrived in front of the other party with three steps and two steps.

"A few of you guys are in broad daylight, is it suitable? I'll ask you, is it suitable?"

"It fits, it fits!"

said the leading man.


This slap greeted him with no mercy at all.

This time, this is to make the opponent know how powerful it is.

The other party was slapped, and his eyes were gloomy. He didn't expect that this guy would attack him after a word of disagreement. Good, good, very good.

It is such a virtue for the other party, the other party is really 100% dead, and it is absolutely impossible to not clean up the other party.

Well, impossible!

"Look at what?"

After Jiang Feng finished asking, he slapped the other party again.

When you start, you really don't have any softness at all. It's such a virtue. If you want to hit you, I will hit you. Is there anything wrong?

Is there something wrong with such a one-time slap?

The opponent's eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at Jiang Feng, this person is fearless.

In any case, he also has several friends.

This **** guy is completely ignoring his sensory feelings when he starts! What, looking for death, right?

"Looking for death, right?"

The man pointed at Jiang Feng and shouted.

Jiang Feng nodded, and he simply admitted that he didn't care, I'm courting death, what's wrong! I am such a virtue! For a while now, it has always been like this. Do you have any objections?

There is a single person who is angry. This person has admitted that he is courting death. This person is so boring.

"Go, go, go together!"

At this moment, the man shouted angrily.

Then, everyone rushed towards this Jiangfeng.

After rushing over like this, do you think it's fun to play with you?

Do you think oppression is over?

This is not the case, this is to cover the attack on your body in an instant, this is to bring you this very terrifying damage in an instant.

This is to fight in an instant so that you don't know what it looks like.

One attack, failed!

The second attack is the same as above.

As long as you don't give up, the final result will be a complete failure.

As long as you kill yourself, the final result will be to kill yourself and successfully go to the Palace of the King of Hell?

The counter-kill has begun.

In an instant, the man's little friend was cleaned up by Jiang Feng.

It's over without even the strength to fight. What happened?

It is such a feeling that people do not understand, it is such a feeling that it is impossible to be happy and impossible to be happy.

"I, I'm also a person with culture. You just made things happen like this?"

The leading man asked Jiang Feng.

"Is that a literate person? I didn't see it. Is it elementary school culture?"


The leading man pointed at Jiang Feng, the damned one, he had never seen a person with such a unique look. He could tell his own culture at a glance. Yes, he didn't go after two years of junior high school, and then, This is a clerical job with a primary school culture.

And then, at this moment, I can't wait to give the other party such a feeling that the corpse is broken into ten thousand pieces. Looking at the other party is unprecedented, does the other party not notice it?


Side kick is coming!

The strength of others can completely oppress you, have you not noticed it?


The side kick is back.

Are you angry?

Are you crazy?

Are your brains buzzing?


"I, I, I'm angry!"

The lead man growled.

This feeling, as if there is nothing that can't be done in such a situation that you are in a hurry.

However, it could be seen that at this moment, Jiang Feng did not take the person who was really angry in his eyes.

"Bing Yuqing asked me to pick you up!"

Jiang Feng said to Han Xiaoxue.

"Oh, I see!"

Han Xiaoxue nodded.

After that, things were simple. No, the two got in the car and left.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't pay attention to these blind streamers.

The one who took the lead looked at the backs of these two people, and this anger was soaring into the sky, gnashing his teeth, wishing that he was going to kill them at such a rhythm, I never thought that this matter would develop to such a degree.

What is this?

Is it so irritating?

Is it so unappealing?

Is being so aggressive on purpose to make you anxious?

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