The Villain Of The Apocalypse: I Am The Devil Of Joy

Chapter 176 The Emergence Of High-Tech Warriors

The strength that Mo Shen just showed really made Su Xueer a little scared, so now Su Xueer has become cautious.

Su Xueer slowly approached Shen Shen, not forgetting to observe Shen Shen's every move.

It wasn't until she confirmed that silence was really no longer possible that Su Xueer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... I admit that you are not a bastard." Su Xueer spoke to Shen Mo.

"If you were any more powerful... just a little bit, I might have a headache."

As she spoke, Su Xueer made a sign of "100 million dots" with two fingers.

"'s all over! Let's end it like this!" Su Xueer pointed the pistol at the silence on the ground and said.

"I...I can't fall here..." Silence, who was exhausted, still said to himself.

The red line just now did not completely absorb his vitality. After all, the human body itself has a defense mechanism.

If you think about it, this is like a person who cannot strangle himself to death no matter what.

That's because when the human body detects the occurrence of danger signals, the human body will respond autonomously.

This reaction is inevitable, it is human nature after all.

A silent body will not let its vitality be sucked away by the red thread.

Before the life force is exhausted, the body automatically cuts off the red thread.

Having said that, Silence is already dying.

After all, how long can the remaining vitality sustain Silence?


Ye Lian felt a strong beating.

This is Ye Lian's heartbeat... Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Something very bad had happened, something that worried her terribly.

The link of the line was broken, suddenly it was broken...

However, the fourth-level Ye Lian is still somewhat intelligent even without the assistance of a line, and does not just make strange calls like the strange birds.

"Mo...Brother Mo..." Ye Lian said in a hoarse voice.

Without the connection, she could no longer speak like a normal person.

A few clear words that occasionally popped out of her mouth were her limit.

Looking at all this, Qin Chenyi suddenly frowned.

"Silence him... he's actually not dead." Qin Chenyi muttered.

Based on the changes in Ye Lian, Qin Chenyi can judge that things have appeared and disappeared.

This shows that silence has reached its limit.

But...but the news of Silent Death did not reach Qin Chenyi's ears.

Su Xueer is not a Virgin, she is just a very, very "simple" girl.

Qin Chenyi didn't believe that she would leave silence behind. this a change?

Thinking of this, Qin Chenyi felt a little unhappy.

"I've had enough fun, let's end it." Qin Chenyi said lightly.

"The fire of hell will burn his soul." Qin Chenyi recited such a spell.

Indeed... the burst of chanting spells is the fastest way to deal with the opponent.

Hua Hua Hua Hua Hua——

Before Ye Lian could react, she was surrounded by blue flames.

Normally, even the ultra-high-temperature flames emitted by the flamethrower would not be able to cause any harm to a fourth-level creature.

But...but this flame brought Ye Lian an extremely uneasy feeling, an extremely restless feeling.

Ye Lian became impatient and wanted to break out of the fire circle.

"Uh ah ah!" Ye Lian screamed the moment she touched the flame and immediately withdrew.

The damage caused by the flame was not physical, and there was no trace of injury on Ye Lian's skin.

But correspondingly, Ye Lian's soul has been burned out of a fire hole.

The feeling of a broken soul... was even more painful.

"You can actually escape under the induction of adsorption spells. You are worthy of being a fourth-level zombie." Qin Chenyi praised.

"Then you can take your time here first...I'm going to see your Brother Mo." Qin Chenyi wrote lightly.

After all, Shen Mo is the destiny of this plot, and the bulk of the reward is also due to Shen Mo.

What's over there is more important.

As for Ye Lian... Qin Chenyi is not in a hurry.

After all, with the "Death Burning Fire" around, it is impossible for Ye Lian to escape.

"Mo...Brother Mo..." Ye Lian muttered, and then suddenly became excited.

"Brother Mo! I want to save him!"

Ye Lian once again tried to break through the confinement of Death Burning Fire.

"Ahhhhh!" Ye Lian roared in pain, but this time she did not retract immediately, but forced herself forward.


In the end, Ye Lian failed and returned to the encirclement exhausted, falling to the ground in pain.

Seeing this, Qin Chenyi nodded with satisfaction, and then eliminated the wall of flesh.

Under the influence of Qin Chenyi's spell, the wall of flesh that was originally as hard as a super alloy suddenly became soft.

Finally, the flesh wall completely turned into a pool of liquid, and then evaporated and disappeared.

"You... who are you?!" Su Xueer said in disbelief as she looked at the new group of people.

They appeared almost out of thin was so outrageous!

Moreover, their technological content is also very high. They are all wearing battle armor made of a special material, and they are also wearing helmets that glow red.

They also each held a high-tech gun and an alloy knife on their waist.

How should I put it...just like the high-tech warriors projected in the movie!

Just when Su Xueer was about to kill Silence with one shot, they appeared.

Then they used a special prop to change the trajectory of the bullet!

This kind of technology starts with at least 10,000 points in Amelia Su's store.

This made Amelia Su even more curious about their identities.

They did not respond to Amelia Su, but started talking to each other.

"Boss... this is the man the director is looking for, right?" A male high-tech warrior with a rough voice asked, pointing his finger at the dying silence on the ground.

"Well... the name, appearance, and physical signs... all match, it should be him." Another shorter high-tech warrior responded.

"But he seems to be dying. How should we explain to the director?"

Although they all used helmets to process their voices, it was clearly a female voice that could be heard at this time.

"It doesn't matter. After all, there are so many high-tech equipment in the shelter. It shouldn't be difficult to revive the target in this state." The high-tech warrior with a rough voice responded.

"Yeah, yeah! My brother, the director, is a very, very good person! He doesn't blame us for such a trivial matter!" This time the person speaking seemed to be a little girl, and this could be seen from the appearance of her suit. .

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