In the past, the sword was used to fight.

Swords are generally divided into three types: soft swords, semi-soft swords, and hard swords.

Soft swords are the swords used by martial arts masters on TV!

They are usually hidden at the waist and used against the enemy when necessary. It is difficult for ordinary people to use them.

Semi-soft swords are neither used by masters nor ordinary people. Most of them are used for performances!

And Lu Yu's Qingguang sword obviously belongs to the third type: hard sword.

Hard swords are the swords used by generals or soldiers in ancient times.

The Qingguang sword has a wider blade and is heavier.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that although his Qingguang sword had awakened.

But with so much rust on it, the lethality would definitely not be too strong.

Moreover, there are some tiny scales on the back of the lizard man, and the defense does not seem to be particularly weak.

The result of the duel between him and it should be that he will use this heavy sword to smash the lizard man to death.

But he never thought that this sword was so sharp?

After injuring the lizard man, it cut it in half with one sword? ?

And... the rust on it seems to have fallen off a little?

"Could it be that the rust on it can be cleaned off?"

Thinking of this, Lu Yu did not hesitate and quickly slapped the Qinggang sword against the wall next to him.


After a crisp sound of metal, the rust on it fell to the ground.

The brand new blue-black sword body engraved with the words "Qinggang" immediately appeared!


A simple golden pattern flashed by!

"Good sword!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Such a brand new long sword is worthy of the word "magic weapon".

It's worth the effort to find Xu Hao.

"Little brother, you are awesome!"

The middle-aged man who heard the fighting came back.

Seeing the body of the monster with its head separated on the ground, he couldn't help but praise: "It only took two swords to kill this monster? Tsk tsk, brother, you have practiced this, right?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and didn't answer his question!

The middle-aged man's smile became a little awkward when he saw this, but he continued to speak in order to ease the atmosphere.

"Brother, my name is Liu Jian, what's your name?"

Lu Yu still ignored him and went out to investigate the situation in other rooms.

He had no interest in these strangers.

He was even less interested in teaming up with these strangers to survive.

What he cared about most now was to improve his strength.

Now that the height of the 8th floor is so high, there will not be many monsters coming up.

So this is a good opportunity to exercise!

Seeing Lu Yu said nothing, Liu Jian's face was a little embarrassed.

When Lu Yu walked away, his face immediately darkened.

"Damn it, isn't it just a broken weapon? Why are you pretending? Give me a weapon, I can still kill these monsters!"

Before he finished speaking, there were several screams from the street downstairs, and he ran into his room and closed the door in fear.


Lu Yu ignored him and continued to search for monsters on this floor.

Most of the windows in the room with the door open were open.

Occasionally, one or two lizardmen would climb up.

Lu Yu didn't say anything and rushed up to fight them in hand-to-hand combat.

With his physical fitness beyond ordinary people and the sharp Qinggang sword in his hand!

He killed them very smoothly.

One or two!

[Weapon Grade: Black Iron (Energy Value 2/10)]

[Weapon Grade: Black Iron (Energy Value 3/10)]

The Qinggang Sword is also rapidly absorbing the energy of these monsters.

After a series of battles, Lu Yu found that these lizardmen were not as bad as he had thought before.

Although they only have animal instincts.

They have no IQ and their movements are not very fast.

But the defensive power of the scales on their backs is not weak at all!

Even the Qinggang Sword in his hand can only barely break it, and it is impossible to kill it with one sword.

Their weaknesses are in the abdomen and neck.

Only attacking these two places can have unexpected effects.

Before, Lu Yu was able to kill one with two swords, but it just happened to hit its weak point.

Shaking his head and not thinking about it anymore, Lu Yu immediately closed the window after killing a lizardman in front of him!

Doing this can prevent the bloody smell from being too strong and attracting other monsters.

Because fighting with all your strength requires a lot of physical strength!

So after Lu Yu killed the eighth lizardman, his physical strength was severely depleted.

"Kill two more, and then you have to take a break!"

Lu Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead and took two deep breaths.

September in the south is still very hot.

After the battle just now, Lu Yu's T-shirt was soaked with sweat.

But there are still two more lizardmen to upgrade the Qinggang Sword.

So Lu Yu was ready to hold on a little longer.

But just when Lu Yu was about to get up and continue fighting, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the corridor.

Da Da Da!

The footsteps were not only hurried, but also extremely dense.

It was the kind that there were a lot of people.

"Hurry, hurry, everyone run upstairs!"

"Have they really turned into monsters?"


"Fuck, the monsters are going upstairs!"

"Hurry, run!"

"Fuck, let me go! Let me go."

"Ah, my hand!"

"Yu Bin, save me... Save me..."

"Fuck, fuck!"

"I'll kill you!"

Screams, screams, cries for help, shouts of killing, one after another.

Lu Yu looked closely and saw that due to the cosmic storm, all electrical equipment was paralyzed in an instant.

After the monsters invaded the hotel from the main entrance, a large number of survivors could only run upstairs from the stairs.

Because the 8th floor is the top floor of this hotel.

These survivors came too fast and there were too many of them

So Lu Yu couldn't go back and ask Yan Yun to open the door immediately.

He could only sheath the long sword and follow the crowd to an empty room.


The crowd rushed in quickly, and within a moment, thirteen or fourteen people came in.

The originally spacious guest room became crowded in an instant.


The door was slammed shut, and everyone quickly locked it.

"Huh, huh..." The man who closed the door was panting, and the whole person seemed to be exhausted.

He leaned against the door and gasped for breath.

The others also looked like they had survived a disaster.

Lu Yu took a look and found that there were men, women, old and young in this group of people.

But most of them were men.

After all, compared with women, men have a natural physical advantage.

"Hey, shit, shit!"

A thin man suddenly exclaimed.

He pointed to the corner of the wall with his hand, hesitating and unable to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on?"

The others were also extremely nervous by his shouting, and looked in the direction he pointed.

"Hey?!! This is..."

"Corpses? Monster corpses?"

"Did someone kill them?"

"Fuck, that's amazing!"

"Who did this?"

Two bloody lizard corpses lay quietly under the curtains in the corner.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

After finding out that these monsters were dead, the tension could not help but relax a little.

But then they found some problems.

How long have these monsters appeared?

Apart from anything else, it takes great courage to fight these monsters.

How could someone kill them at this time?

Isn't this incredible?

Most people seemed to have thought of this and began to quickly search for the possible "masters" in the room.

When their eyes swept over the others one by one, a tall and thin young man suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey, boss?"

"Huh?" Seeing the young man who greeted him, Lu Yu was also surprised: "Shi Lei?"

"Boss, why are you here?"

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