'System, give me a lottery! ’ Su Zhiwen came home at night and saw that there were already 7900 villains on the panel, so he decisively chose to draw a lottery.

He swelled up again.

The lottery is so sweet!

[Ding, deduction of 500 villain points, the lottery draw begins]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for his luck. He has won the B-level skill 'Firearms Proficiency'. Do you want to use it immediately? 】

'Oh, it's a soul break! ’ Su Zhiwen touched the jade pendant on his chest, very excited.

It's really sleepy to give away the pillow. When he abolished Chutian before, he also took away the storage jade pendant from Chutian's body.

This is a good thing, how could Su Zhiwen let it go.

Su Zhiwen threw away all the miscellaneous things that Chutian put in Yupei, leaving behind a pile of guns and equipment and a marriage certificate.

Su Zhiwen could only look at that pile of firearms, and he didn't know how to use them at all. Now that it's all over, he's proficient in firearms, and those things will come in handy in the future.

As for the marriage certificate, Su Zhiwen originally planned to throw it away with those miscellaneous things.

But after seeing Chen Jiajia's name on it, Su Zhiwen quickly put it away.

No wonder Chutian went to the coffee shop with Chen Jiajia last time, so the problem lies here!

'use. ’ Without hesitation, Su Zhiwen chose to use it.

A moment later, Su Zhiwen took out a pistol from the jade pendant, flipped it around in his hand, and played various tricks.

Compared with swords, guns are the romance of men. After all, art is explosions.

Not long after, Su Zhiwen put away his gun and continued to draw prizes.

I was not so lucky in the next few times, and thank you for your patronage a few times in a row.

Su Zhiwen took a look and found that the villain value was still enough, so he gritted his teeth and continued smoking.

Finally, I won the props on the eighth time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for having great luck. The item "Thousand Silk Mask" has been drawn. The Thousand Silk Mask has the effect of changing the appearance and aura. The host can understand the specific usage by himself]

‘Uh, isn’t this just a disguise mask? What do I want this thing for? ’ Su Zhiwen was speechless. He drew eight times in a row before he got a skill and an item.

The skills are still useful, but he really didn't think of the use of this prop.

The dignified young master of the Su family doesn't have to hide from anyone when he goes out, does he need to change his appearance?

After winning such a thing, Su Zhiwen didn't plan to continue drawing.

‘Today’s luck is not good, let’s save it for next time. '

Moreover, Su Zhiwen also discovered that every time he draws a lottery in the system, what he draws is something that can be used. Instead of wasting it now, it is better to save it for a critical moment.

Su Zhiwen clicked on the properties panel again.

[Host: Su Zhiwen]

[Physical fitness: 320]

【Intelligence: 30】

【Agility: 320】

【Defense: 320】

【Combat power: 320】

[Skills: elementary driving skills, piano introduction, basketball proficiency, perspective ability, master medical skills, five poison palms, gun proficiency]

[Cultivation method: Xiaoyao Jing (Peak of Spiritual Level)]

[Villain value: 3900]

【Villain points: 30】

Seeing his own attributes, Su Zhiwen is very satisfied. As far as the protagonists he has met so far, he can be beaten.

But our personality cannot be changed. As a rich second generation, of course we have to pretend to be powerless.

The villain points have been accumulated to 30, but so far, Su Zhiwen has not found any other uses for the villain points besides increasing the basic attributes.

But his attribute is already very strong now, there is no need to add some, it is better to keep it for now.


On the weekend, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when Su Zhiwen woke up.

After a brief breakfast, Su Zhiwen planned to visit Mu Yunbing's shop.

As Mu Yunbing's supplier, it's okay to check the qualifications of the partners, right?

However, when Rolls-Royce drove halfway, it was stopped.

"There's a nasty bank robbery ahead, please take a detour."

Su Zhiwen didn't care either, and planned to make a detour.

But on second thought, something is wrong, why does this routine sound so familiar?

As we all know, in urban novel plots, eight out of ten books have bank robbery incidents, making it seem like the country is useless.

How can there be so many robberies in reality?

But when it happened in this world, Su Zhiwen wasn't too surprised. Isn't this the scene where the protagonist pretends to be aggressive?

Therefore, Su Zhiwen decided to look at the situation first, as for the matter of looking for Mu Yunbing.

Set aside for now.

Su Zhiwen found a parking space, sat in the car, and began to observe the situation inside the bank with a perspective.

At this time, the bank has been controlled by six masked men.

As hostages, the staff and customers were all gathered in the lobby, crouching on the ground with their heads in their arms, guarded by two masked men.

A masked man was guarding the passage at the back, two people stuffed money into it with a cloth bag, and one was on guard, keeping an eye on the police outside.

Su Zhiwen focused on searching for the hostages squatting on the ground, when he saw Chen Yurou, Qin Shiyu and Yang Yifeng were inside.

Su Zhiwen became more convinced of his guess.

Of course, Su Zhiwen didn't want Yang Yifeng to pretend to be the coin, if Yang Yifeng did it, then the goodwill he gained from Chen Yurou would be gone.

All turned to Yang Yifeng.

It was impossible to make a direct move. Su Zhiwen didn't want to show his strength in front of Yang Yifeng, which would easily arouse Yang Yifeng's vigilance.

Moreover, even if he took action, he would not be able to deal with six robbers at once. If the robbers found out, the safety of the hostages would not be guaranteed.

While thinking about countermeasures, Su Zhiwen kept his eyes on the six robbers, using his perspective to search for various weapons that they might have hidden on their bodies.

Suddenly, Su Zhiwen found a photo on one of the robbers.

That was Chen Yurou's photo.

Su Zhiwen quickly realized that this was not a simple robbery, but a premeditated kidnapping!

Their real purpose was not to rob a bank at all, but to kidnap Chen Yurou.

'Then the robbers' next move should be to take hostages and ask the police to give them a vehicle to escape. Moreover, this hostage can only be Chen Yurou. '

As Su Zhiwen guessed, the robber asked the police to find a car.

And warned that there should be no listening or monitoring equipment on the car, let alone trackers, otherwise they would kill the hostages.

The robbers inside also chose a hostage 'randomly', and by coincidence, they chose Chen Yurou.

Everything went smoothly as expected.

However, there was an episode in which someone in the bank actually asked for a change of hostages.

Of course, this person is Yang Yifeng. As Chen Yurou's bodyguard, it is impossible for him to watch Chen Yurou be taken away.

But there were too many people at the scene, and he couldn't guarantee everyone's safety, so he had to wait until he got out before doing anything.

Seeing that Yang Yifeng stood up without fear and took the initiative to be a hostage, the robbers couldn't help being a little more vigilant.

They are all people who lick blood on the tip of a knife, so you can't be too careful.

Without saying a word, he fired a shot at Yang Yifeng.

Of course, the robbers didn't shoot at a fatal place, but just shot Yang Yifeng's thigh.

In this way, they can safely take Yang Yifeng away as a hostage.

Yang Yifeng was tough enough, he was shot in the thigh, and he just groaned.

However, the gunshots startled the rest of the people in the hall, screaming loudly, as if they were the ones being hit.

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