Chapter 156 The Race of Legends, the Change of Class!!


“It’s too fast.”

“Night snow, come on!”

The first grade instantly sounded a fierce cheer, and the atmosphere of this sports festival was ignited to the highest point.

Sakayanagi had his small hand on his lap and stared at the figure of the night snow with a shallow smile on his face.

The true genius who showed his extraordinary talents from an early age!

It is early autumn, once you run, you can feel the cool autumn wind, as if the girl’s cold little hand is blowing on the body, making people feel comfortable.

The surrounding scenery quickly retreated backwards, and the night snow broke through the air flow like a sharp arrow, Horihoku and his figure gradually disappeared into the afterglow, slowly disappearing from the field of vision from half a position behind.

Although he did run fast, it wasn’t enough to beat the night snow.

Horikita Gaku, you only have this degree.

Night Snow focused entirely on the race.

There may be because of the love of his brother, but the biggest problem is that he is not confident enough in his own strength, so he is afraid of obliterating the growth of the North Bell Sound, so that his sister loses the possibility of surpassing himself.

Looking at the figure of Nan Yunya in front of him, the night snow passed the first bend and crossed the straight line, and the gap between the two was gradually shrinking.

Ye Xue didn’t care about this either.

All he had to do was break the perfect image of Horihoku in Kita’s mind and replace it completely.

I don’t care if this will erase the growth of Horikita Suzune.

Because as long as he wants to win, he will inevitably win.

This is absolute confidence in himself, and it is also the back of Horikita Suzune who will spend his life chasing.

“Worthy of you”

Class C tent, Horikita Suzune sat in the position and muttered to himself.

Watching her long-awaited brother being surpassed, it didn’t seem surprising that Ye Xue, although she was always so cynical, could always easily solve what she couldn’t do.

Night Snow can win, it seems so natural.

She couldn’t imagine the night snow defeating.

I don’t know when she will be able to have the strength of Night Snow.


In the second corner, Nan Yunya was a little surprised to see the figure of the night snow on his side, he was originally two seconds ahead, and he would actually be caught up.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Nan Yunya was also aroused in fighting spirit, and his arm swung faster and faster.

However, I can only watch the night snow slowly shake off the gap.

“Night snow! You see, no, the night snow ran more than that! ”

“See, so powerful, I didn’t expect such a big disadvantage to be pulled back by him!”

“Then again, did that guy release water in the previous game?”

In the camp of Class C, Ike was a little curious, and the night snow was now much faster than when he was in the individual competition.

“What does it matter?”

“Anyway, Ye Xue won all the competitions he participated in, isn’t that enough?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Karuizawa looked at Chi Kuanzhi and the others with his hands crossed at his waist and toes, and the surrounding Kushida, Wang Meiyu and others immediately echoed.

If the class status is not enough, deliberately hiding the strength and not wanting to contribute to the class, it will naturally be discussed behind people’s backs.

But the projects in which Ye Xue participated in the competition did achieve tangible results, and no one could say anything.

The sports festival is not a game in which individuals can support heroes, even if they participate in all competitions and win the first place, the points obtained are only a very small part.

Unless there is a surprise trick, or let the class maintain the habit of exercising from the beginning of the school.

Without any accidents, Ye Xue seemed to have done a very ordinary small thing to win the first, and then Nan Yunya won the second, with the distance advantage established by his former companions, this was a natural result, he and the digging north school were also equal opponents, and Horibei school could only be relegated to the third.

Although they won the first place, the second and third were won by the two A classes in the red group, just like they did not win, but there was some effect on the overall score of the grade.

This is the power of the collective, and the school seems to want to train students in this direction, and various examinations can see the shadow of testing unity.

As the best baton of the next nine classes ran across the finish line, the school gave the final result directly on the huge electronic bulletin board.

【This sports festival, the red group wins!】 】

【Grade 1 Class Composite Score:

1st place: 1st year B class;

2nd Prize: 1st year D class;

3rd place: 1 year C class;

4th place: 1st year A class;

Grade 2 and 3 Composite Score…]

“Well, it’s no wonder it’s like this.”

The crowd in Class C had long expected the result, and although Yuyuki and Sudo had won the first place many times in the individual competition, the team competition did lose twice to Dragon Garden’s Class D.

Due to the strategy previously formulated, the main members of the B class and the C class are also staggered with each other, and the results of the B class Shibata are basically the first, the second, and everyone else can get the third to fifth place.

The only thing that can be happy is that in the second half of Sakayanagis’s firm divisive attitude, the A class almost collapsed and could not exert any strength.

From a distance, there was also a dispute between Class A, and there were less than ten people standing behind Sakayanagi and the number was overwhelmingly disadvantaged, but Sakayanagi still looked at Katsuragi with a faint shallow smile and no fear.

It can be expected that if Ge Cheng does not come up with any more effective means, the division of Class A will be more serious in the future.

In the future, special examinations are expected to be more intense.

Although there is no reward for the winning level, the losing white group has to reduce the class points by one hundred points per class, and the first grade comprehensive score, the first place class can get fifty points, but the white group loses, and finally it is deducted fifty points.

Although the Dragon Park Red Group won the victory, it only won the second place, and the number of Class D points did not change.

Horikita only regrettably finished third in the grade, and the white group to which he belonged also lost, and Class C was also deducted one hundred and fifty points.

Although Ge Cheng hugged his thigh and won the victory, the last place in the grade was also deducted 100 points.

Just by looking at the scores, you can understand that there are no winners in this sports festival.

Class A: 924 points;

Class B: 803 points;

Class C: 563 points;

Class D: 392 points;

“Sorry, everyone, it’s all the reason for my lack of strength.”

Horikita sincerely apologized.

This is a responsibility as a leader, and since you have lost, any language is an excuse.

“No matter what, dig the north students, please raise your head.”

Kushida looked at the people around him with a sweet smile, “I didn’t get excellent results in this exam, this is my mistake.” ”


Matsushita Chiaki was in his heart, but Horikita’s sincere apology did impress everyone, and the dignita Suzune who never put the people in the class in his eyes would actually apologize.

“It’s my fault to say that.”

Sudo scratched his head in embarrassment.

His results can not be said to be bad, except for a few projects, basically got the predetermined results, which is second only to the night snow.

Feeling the sight of everyone, Sudo explained in embarrassment, “I don’t want to win much in the back, I just hope that the sports festival will end soon, otherwise I should be able to take a few more firsts.” ”

Although I don’t know what method Ayakoji used, Sudo’s attitude is indeed slowly changing, and his quiz results have long been out of the bottom one, and he can admit his mistake in this way because of Horikita’s sincere attitude.

“Huh? What kind of complacency are you? ”

Chi Kuanchi bumped his elbow against Sudo unhappily, and only after half a sound did he reproach himself, “You are still good, at least there are some achievements, I did not play any role at all this time, how can it be counted as my fault?” ”

Horikita’s sincere apology did work, and under the guidance of Kushida and Karuizawa, Class C opened the introspection meeting.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hirata was deeply relieved and showed a hearty smile, “Then for the sake of the future exam, let’s cheer together!” ”

Kushida and Karuizawa also bring the atmosphere to the class and ensure that they will contribute more to the class in the future.

At this time, the electronic screen on the playground has not stopped.

【Grade 1 Elite Player: Heavenly Night Snow】

With Sakayanagi and Takaenji at the bottom, and a group of people in Class A, Airi Sakura also managed to break away from the worst-performing group of ten.

“That’s a bit of a consolation.”

“However, the projects that Tianyujun participated in alone are the first, which is also a matter of course.”

“Hey, I originally wanted to get a little more test scores, but now I’m in trouble.”

“Wow, you don’t say I forgot, I took the last two and I have to be deducted.”

“It’s all right, get rid of Hirata and give us a study session later, okay, Hirata?”

“Of course, you can please me at any time!”

Hirata readily accepted everyone’s request, and although the sports festival failed, the class seemed to be more united.

The main reason, I am afraid, is the apology of the digging of the North Bell Tone.

The group was ready to hold a condolence party after school, and there was always a reason to celebrate whether they won or lost.

Night Snow also left on the grounds that he was too tired.

He did get a lot, provoked the sense of competition between Matsushita Chiaki and Kushida Kirito and broke the perfect image of Horihoku in Horikita Suzune’s heart.

From now on, Horikita Suzune will also become well-behaved and obedient.

This is the fundamental difference between him and this school, when everyone is eager to win and refuse to lose.

Night Snow only cares about the problem of gain, if failure can bring greater benefits, then defeat is also harmless.

He hadn’t forgotten that he still had to punish Horikita Suzune well.

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