Under extremely loose restraints.

The afternoon class also ended quickly.

All Sakurajima high schools generally end at 3:30 p.m., and this highly nurturing high school is no exception.

Degree holders can choose to join the clubs of interest or simply choose to go home.

It’s just the beginning of school.

No one has joined the society yet.

There is still more than an hour of free time before the school informs the club briefing.

Taking advantage of the free time after school, after the teacher left the classroom, Horikita Suzune came to the podium.

“Guys, listen to me a little bit.”

“What’s the matter with Horikita that I and Karuizawa are planning to hang out, so why don’t we talk about it next time?”

Unexpectedly, the first person to stand up and say no will actually be the little angel of Class D, Kushida Kirito!

“That is to say, Kushida sauce is very hard today, we are planning to hold a party to comfort Kushida sauce, what is the matter tomorrow.”

Yamauchi Haruki immediately complied, and after saying this, he joined forces with the foolish trio of Sudo and Ikehiroji and began to pack up their things, without the slightest intention of listening to Horihoku.

After all, Kiyotaka Horikita is far from the gentle Kushida incense.

“It’s great to have this idiot licking dog to help!”

Kushida was also relieved at the same time.

The rumors during the day made her feel irritable, and she went back to the dormitory at noon to vent a little before she could barely maintain her current gentle appearance.

According to Kushita’s judgment.

The only person who knows her past is probably Suzune Horikita from the same country.

In other words.

The only one who spreads rumors may be Horikita Suzune!

This damn Horihoku wouldn’t be here to expose her past, right?

Kushida was extremely reluctant to let his past be exposed.

Although he wanted to secretly withdraw Horikita from school, Horikita was so hateful.

It’s just a head-on fight!


Now that school has just started, Horikita has not yet had any influence.

And she has successfully attracted several boys with her excellent appearance and gentle temperament, and Haruki Yamauchi is one of them.

The other is the Heavenly Night Snow that gives trust at critical times.


Although not as good as Hirata, Yexue also has a certain influence among girls.

It must be that you have a greater advantage!

Come to think of it.

Kushida threw an expectant look at Ye Xue, and there were faint flashes of crystal tears between his eyes, and a touch of crimson flashed on his face.

Under the cute appearance, it makes people feel good at first glance and want to take the initiative to protect such a girl.


Ye Xue was playful in his heart, and indeed he was somewhat amazed at Kushita’s acting skills.

But the conversation between the two was not on the same channel at all.

As for what Horihoku wants to say, Nightshade also has a certain understanding.

After all so far.

Everything that happened is still in your own hands.


Nor can Kushida be disgusted, otherwise, all the arrangements made will be in vain.

“Lingyin, is what you’re going to talk about important?”

Yuyuki stood up and looked at Horikita “If it’s not important, why don’t you just convey it to Kushida later?” ”

Hearing Ye Xue’s words, Horikita also casually looked at Kushida and said coldly, “Idiots who want to leave, as you like, however, the things I want to talk about should be quite important, and it is better to personally suggest that you stay.” ”


Hearing Horikita’s icy tone, Sudo stood up angrily and slammed his right hand on the table.

“Horikita, right, since just now, a woman alone, what is your attitude?”

“Just a woman? This is really an arrogant statement. ”

Horikita stabbed back in an instant, retorting in a cold tone, “I said that if you don’t want to stay stupid, you can just leave, you can’t even understand such a simple word?” ”

“What is your attitude, are you looking down on me?” Give it a try! ”

“Well… Well, calm down, Sudo, as a popular man, we should be generous and don’t see her in general! ”

The enraged Sudo is about to act, but is soon stopped by the foolish trio’s Ikekuji and Haruki Yamauchi.

Although Horikita’s attitude was too cold and arrogant, Sudo’s speech also instantly caused dissatisfaction among the girls in the class.

After all.

Sudo looked down on the woman’s speech, and the map cannon fired was so big that he didn’t mean it.


Haruki Yamauchi, an outsider who persuaded the fight, was also blacklisted by the girls in the class, and his speech was not appropriate.

Seeing such a class, Hirata hurriedly walked out and showed a hearty smile.

“Anyway, there is still more than an hour before the club briefing, so it is better to hear what Horikita wants to say, after all, we are all peers in the same class, and there will be more places to communicate in the future.”

After a slight pause, Hirata looked at Kushida again and proposed, “And I personally plan to join the football department, most of the students who want to join the club may not have time until after five o’clock, and then more students can participate in Kushita’s party.” ”

At the end, Hirata looked at Kushida in a half-joking tone and said, “Classmate Kushita, can you give us a chance?” ”

Face such a Hirata.

Kushida didn’t have any words to refute.


Knowing that Horihoku was not trying to expose her past, Kushida temporarily gave up on the idea of targeting Horikita.

Kushida nodded with an amiable smile, “Of course, but it’s best to hurry up, after all, just started school, other classes may also have the possibility of gathering, too late may have no place.” ”

Worried about Horikita’s subsequent moves, Kushida gave a preventive injection in advance that could be withdrawn.

Hirata nodded in relief and looked at Horikita again.

“Horikita, can you try to make as long and short as possible, and if it’s too long, you can also find an opportunity to tell me alone and I’ll relay it to you.”

“Of course, I also don’t want to waste too much time for people who don’t have value.”

Horikita nodded calmly, she really thought so.


Horikita’s personality at this time was really unpleasant, and Sudo directly slammed the stationery on the table into Horihoku and shouted loudly.

“You bastard is really looking down on me and retracting what Lao Tzu just said.”

“It’s surprising, it seems that you are still a little self-aware.”

Horikita dodged sideways and looked at Sudo without fear.

The rest of the class took a few steps backwards, but still did not dare to leave. Leaving without permission can easily give the impression of disregard for the collective.

Even the brave lone ranger did not dare to rebel against the general trend of the class at this time.

No one came forward to persuade the two, and Sudo had lost everyone’s favor because of what he had just said, but Horikita’s words were really unpleasant.

It can only help each other.

Class D, faintly some collapse trend!

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