Chapter 60 Uninhabited Island Special Exam!!


More than 100 first-year students gathered together, with a small high platform in front of them.

Class A class director Majima Tomoto also walked to the front of the stage with a loudspeaker, and the B class guide Star Palace Zhihui, the C class guide Sakaue Horse and the tea pillar Saeda all stood quietly on the sidelines.

“First of all, except for one student who was unable to attend due to illness, I am glad that you have arrived here smoothly, so we are going to start the first special exam of the year!”

“Special exams, what’s going on?”

“Did the teacher say that?” How I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything like this. ”

Not only Shinohara behind him, but also Matsushita Chiaki in front of him was also very confused.

Ye Xue listened quietly, and the one who did not arrive should be Sakayanagi Yousu of Class A.

Instantly changing from luxury travel to wilderness survival is unacceptable to most people.

Majima didn’t care about the students’ wavering either.

“The exam ends now until 12 noon on August 7, during which time you will have a week of wild survival, living on this island, everything needs to be thought for yourselves.”

“The school will only give, two tents, two flashlights, and a box of matches per class, however, there is no limit to sunscreen, and toothbrushes are assigned to you each, as a special case, girls are allowed to use physiological supplies without restrictions.”

The teacher’s words were not completely finished, and the students at the bottom were already in a commotion.

Some people had even questioned it, and Ike questioned it in a voice that everyone could hear, “We have never heard of such a ridiculous thing, and there are only two tents, what to do about eating, we are still just students, how can that happen?” ”

“Also, this kind of exam doesn’t make sense.”

Other students chimed in.


Seeing that many students in Class D were protesting, Saeki warned in a cold voice, “Not understanding the meaning shows that you are short-sighted.” ”

“There is no shortage of multinational companies in the world that build such teams, even those that are decided by rolling the dice, and the world is wider and more profound than you think.”

“In other words, the people who can’t tell the difference between reality and illusion are you.”

“Maybe there will be people in the heart whether such a company really exists, but students who stay in this kind of thinking are only people who do not have hope for development in the future.”

“Just because you still want to question the practices of first-class companies? It’s ridiculous, if you are the president and run a more powerful company than in the example, then you may have the power to deny. ”

“Now, just listen.”

Cha Zhu’s words were undoubtedly very harsh, and even easily aroused the resistance of the students, and there was no doubt that she was not suitable to be a teacher.

But the students were also calmed by the cold face of the tea pillar, and gradually quieted down, and some people looked at the Gaoyuan Temple and the night snow.

If anyone has the qualifications to refute the teacher, there is no doubt that it is only them. Night Snow stood still and indifferent.

This kind of exam can be a good way to increase teamwork, team cohesion, willpower, more familiar with the peers around you, closer to the relationship.

There is no harm in having only good for any team.

Majima Sensei, on the other hand, is the complete opposite and takes great care of her students.

“You guys are a little upset, and we can understand that.”

“However, you can rest assured that although it is a special exam, it does not need to be considered too deeply, and the school will give each class 300 special exam points.”

“Everyone in the class has the right to use this batch of points, and it is your freedom to use them as you want, whether it is roasting meat, occasionally making a campfire, swimming in the sea, spending a week’s exam like a trip.”

“To this end, we have also prepared a guidebook, which records all the things that can be purchased, and each class will get a copy, although the lost will be reissued, but it will cost points, so please try to manage it.”

“Another note is that after this special examination, the remaining special examination points of each class will be converted into class points one to one, and what kind of examination you want to pass depends on your own judgment.”

The students of Class D have some riots in an instant, that is, if they endure for a week and do not spend any points, the number of class points can be directly increased by 300 points after the exam.

The guidebook was passed to Hirata by several students, and Yuyuki whispered, “Hirata, show me first.” ”

“No problem.”

Hirata replied without any hesitation.

Ye Xue took the manual from his hand, and at a cursory glance, there were hundreds of pages, simple toilets, nutrition packages, pure water, etc., and the school really thought it through.

The last page also has a few things to note about.

First, if the school judges that he is unwell or seriously injured, etc., he will be deducted 30 points, and the student will withdraw from the special examination.

Second, when violence, looting, or destruction of equipment against other classes, the class to which the student belongs immediately loses its qualifications and confiscates all points of the parties.

Third, absenteeism is carried out every morning at eight o’clock in the morning, and 5 o’clock is deducted from each person when the roll call is conducted at eight o’clock in the evening.

Fourth, when environmental pollution occurs, 20 points will be deducted. On the high platform, Mr. Majima’s words continued.

“In addition, the rules of this special examination will be added.”

“This uninhabited island is densely packed with many strongholds, where machines with [possession] mechanisms exist, and occupying classes will be given exclusive rights, and it is your freedom to use nothing, and if there is a mistake in occupying the rest of the class strongholds, fifty points will be deducted.”

“However, [possession] is only valid for eight hours, and the effect will be lifted as soon as the time is reached, but it can be occupied repeatedly, and an additional point can be obtained for each occupation, but this is temporary and cannot be used in the exam, but will only be accumulated at the end of the exam.”

“A key card is required to be used in possession, and only the fingerprint authentication key card of the elected leader can be occupied, and the name of the leader will be written on the key card, which cannot be impersonated and cannot be replaced without legitimate reasons.”

“Finally, at the end of the exam at noon on August 7, there will be a session to guess other class leaders.”

“Guessing a class leader will get 50 points, and the guessed Chinese side will deduct 50 points and the points obtained by occupying the stronghold are invalid, but once you guess wrongly, the wrong guesser will deduct fifty points, and it is your freedom to choose.”

In this way, people who want to gain points by occupying the stronghold will also be jealous, and the more they act, the more flaws they have, it is easy to be discovered as the identity of the leader, but it is not worth the loss.

A brief description of the rules is also written in the manual.

First, a special key card is required to occupy the stronghold.

Second, each time you gain a point of occupation, you can freely use the stronghold. Third, use the stronghold occupied by the other class without permission and deduct 50 points. Fourth, only leaders can use the key card.

Fifth, it is impossible to change leaders without justifiable reasons.

Looking at the people who were still talking, Majima Sensei expanded his voice.

“The rule instructions are over, now each class receives basic supplies, special exams, and officially begins!”

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