Chapter Ninety-Four Horikita Action, Kushida Who Learns the Truth About the Rumors!!

Night falls.

The beautiful blue sea during the day is also dark at the moment, and the waves sweep as if they want to choose people to devour.

Luxury cruises are still lit up on the spotlight. An open-air café located on the ground floor to the fifth floor.

Near 10 p.m., there were not many people around, and most of the students had returned to their dormitories or to the stage or cinema on the basement floor.

However, due to school rules, most facilities are required to be open 24 hours.

One corner.

Horikita Suzune sat up straight and quietly enjoyed the coffee in her hand. From childhood to adulthood, he chased the back of his brother Horikita Gaku.

Indifferent to anyone else or anything. I don’t know why lately.

Thinking back to the scene where the shrine and Ye Xue kissed together, I felt a little irritable inside, and I thought that there was some reason for the illness, but now it seems that it is not.

Thinking of the two times he had been forcibly kissed by Ye Xue and the unhappy expression on his face. Horikita Suzune couldn’t help but smile faintly.

If you want to give this feeling a title, almost everyone will call this feeling like.

Although I don’t know what it’s like to like a person, Horikita Suzune doesn’t feel like it, she just looks at the way Ye Xue is eating and holding back, and her mood is comfortable.

Although he knew that the Heavenly Night Snow was stronger than himself.

But Horikita Suzune did not feel that she was worse than the others, and slowly, she would let Yuyuki recognize her strength and no longer dare to underestimate herself.

Can this feeling be called liking? She didn’t know.

I don’t care about that.

But the feeling of irritability does not disappear, because of the position, there is no right to accuse Ichinose of anything, but Kushida is really difficult to accept.

If Kushida and Yukiyu kissed in front of him, Horikita would feel even more bored than when he saw the shrine.


A young girl with short orange-yellow hair in a burgundy red school uniform and a white pleated skirt came to Horikita and sat down.

“It’s really rare that Horikita would actually contact me.”

It was Kushida Kirito who had a sweet smile on her face, as if she was very happy, “Horikita classmates are finally willing to accept me, it is so good~”

Ignoring her feelings, Horikita calmly sipped his coffee, “Horikita classmate, I heard that the uninhabited island exam was recommended by you to become a leader, what is your purpose?” ”

“What is Horikita talking about?”

Kushida couldn’t help but clump the pleated skirt on his tight legs and skim to the side with some sadness, “Horikita is too sad to say this, maybe Horikita has misunderstood me, but I just think that Horikita is the best choice to become a leader.” ”


Horikita stared indifferently at Kushida opposite.

Is this guy acting too deep to put himself in it?

Obviously, he thinks that he is a prisoner who spreads rumors, what white lotus is he pretending, or are you afraid that he is recording?

Hypocrisy, quickly gave up the idea of dialogue with Kushita, Horihoku said bluntly, “This time the No Man’s Island Exam D class can get so many points, it is the credit of the night snow, but he also found the leader of the A and C classes, in fact, also found the leader of the B class, but I do not agree to write the name of the B class.” ”


Kushita’s smile instantly stiffened on his face. Betrayed!

Night Snow betrayed her! No way!

Although I can already feel that the night snow may not be as simple as I thought.

But he had clearly said that he would help her deal with Horikita and Kushida quickly regained his sweet smile, “It turned out to be so, but is there any point in giving you all the credit for the night snow?” Horikita must be joking with me! ”

“What’s the use of lying to you?”

Didn’t expect this guy to be able to pretend, the hypocritical guy is the most annoying, Horikita Suzune said coldly, “He wants to be promoted to Class A, but he doesn’t want to put in too much effort, so he made a pact with me to bring Class D to 500 class points, and then I will lead the class to take the night snow to the A class together.” ”

After a slight pause, as if thinking of something happy, Horikita chuckled, “In this way, he still slightly recognizes my strength, after all, the person who chooses to cooperate with Yexue is me, not Kushida you.” ”

“Well, then congratulations to Horikita students, but there is no evidence that your words are true.”

Kushida lowered his gaze and clenched his fists, his tone not fluctuating in the slightest.

No evidence is taken for granted, after all, neither of them signed a contract.

It just didn’t feel right, and Kushida in front of her congratulated her while denying that her words were making trouble, and her brain was a little abnormal.

“Also, Classmate Kushita, you may have always thought that the person who spread rumors at the beginning of the school was me, after all, we graduated from the same junior high school, and it is understandable to think so.”

Looking at Kushida on the other side, there was no reaction, and Horikita didn’t care, “Knowing that rumor, I also remembered that when I was in junior high school, the school did suspend a class for some reason, and now it seems that it is the reason for Kushita’s classmates.” But I am sorry to tell you that the person who spread the rumors is not me, although I don’t know how he learned about your past, but the person who spread the rumors is Night Snow. ”

Hearing this shocking news, Kushida still lowered his head and said in a tone that did not fluctuate, “What about the evidence? ”

“Nothing… Evidence. ”

Horikita served coffee with a small hand. Also reacted.

The contract was still in the hands of Ye Xue, which was a contract to prevent Horikita from repenting, so there was only one copy, and she had no evidence in her hand.

Kushida couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his tone eased a little, “Classmate Horikita, it’s better not to talk about things without evidence.” ”

“Are you an idiot?”

Horikita Suzune suddenly stood up and stared coldly at Kushida in front of him, “If you don’t believe it, you can ask Yukiyu directly.” ”


The sound of slapping the table sounded.

The whole table trembled, and the coffee in front of Horihoku spilled out.

Kushida also stood up without any fear, holding the table with one hand, clenching his fist with the other hand, and said with a vicious face, “I don’t need you to teach me how to do it, of course I will ask the night snow, but even if all this is true, Horikita Suzune, I will definitely not let you feel better.” ”

Looking at Kushida in front of him suddenly like a changed person, violent and vicious, Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, not thinking that the kind little angel actually had such a side, and even more did not understand why she was so hostile to herself.

However, she also quickly calmed down and looked at Kushida in front of her, “Classmate Kushita, you still look more comfortable like this.” ”


Not expecting to get such a reply, Kushida was stunned for a moment, but his face was even more vicious, “I just hate your blunt appearance the most, it’s really disgusting.” ”


Staring at Horihoku Suzune in front of him, Kushida smacked in disgust and turned away. She trusted Night Snow so much.

Night Snow certainly wouldn’t lie to her either.

Horikita Suzune, the damned woman, must have wanted to stir up the relationship between the two of them before she came up with such a statement.

“This guy, it’s okay to have a brain.”

Looking at Kushita’s back, Horikita Suzune frowned.

As long as Kushida asks Ye Xue, I believe that Ye Xue will not lie, after all, this is the agreement between her and Ye Xue.

At that time, it would be difficult for the night snow to get close to the field again, and I didn’t expect that this little angel with gentle surface sunshine actually had such a violent side behind his back.

See this look of Kushita.

It is estimated that a boy will not be willing to accept. But.

In case one night Snow really lied. Horikita swore that he would never trust that guy again.

She also did this for the good of Ye Xue, so that Ye Xue would not be deceived by such a hypocritical woman as Kushita.

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