The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 6 Dark Dimon Can't Give Up His Greed for Knowledge

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The temperature in September has begun to drop, and the morning in St. Mary Ann blew a little coolness, just like the indifferent world, beautiful and frozen. s

Chilling! s

Duck never imagined that the thirst for knowledge could also be regarded as "greed"! s

Is this Demon God bloodline so shameless for awakening? s

What to do now? s

Have you read this book yet? s

Can't take this class yet? s

Lazy and hardworking. s

Knowledge and greed. s

How can this be balanced? s

Am I Duck Studying Too Seriously? s

Or study too long? s

Duck looked up at the Cuckoo Bird Wall Clock above the fireplace, and before he knew it, it was already seven-twenty. s

"I learned about 65 minutes, but the real time to enter the state should be within 50 minutes. It was also with the long reading that I gradually developed a desire to acquire more relevant knowledge."s

"The desire is so strong that it is not satisfied, and it becomes greed."s

"But it's hard for the average person to get to that level."s

Duck is still self-aware in this regard, and he knows that he is not the kind of person who is thirsty for knowledge. s

Then, after the Demon God's bloodline entered the awakening stage, the lower limit of his triggering the big sin indicator became very low! s

Assume that someone else needs a level 0 desire to be considered greedy. s

He only needs a level of 9, or even an 8, or a 7, and it will be considered greedy! s

So, it is not impossible to learn. s

But don't study too much! s

Ordinary classes and ordinary homework should still be within the range of fault tolerance. s

Active learning and passive learning are definitely different. s

As for whether this is the case, a few small experiments are needed. s

Dak took a deep breath, the greed index was 73, and there was still a lot of room for trial and error. s

Stupid people will choose to step back at this time. s

Smart people try to find the right way. s



Duck closed the textbook. There were already a lot of people in the common room, but he had been immersed in the ocean of knowledge and didn't find it. s

After packing up his textbooks, Duck put on his shoulder bag, walked out of the tower alone, crossed the bridge, and entered the castle. s

The interior of the Academy's castle is intricate, but the Sorting Card will point you in the right direction. s

The meals in the college cafeteria are rich and varied, unlike last night's opening banquet, there were almost no vegetarian food. s

Duck picked out a few simple foods, and ate a decent breakfast very modestly. s

Then, he followed the guidance of the sorting card to find the classroom for the first class. s

It's almost eight o'clock at this time, but the freshmen will generally arrive at this time. s

The classroom of the Summoning Class is very large, it is an amphitheater, and it can accommodate two classes. s

The first class of the Academy of Nobles seems to be with the freshmen of the Academy of Knights? s

Duck silently came to the corner of the last row on the left against the wall, and put the schoolbag in the drawer. s


He had just sat down, and the elusive Diana, as if she had already recognized him, leaned over shamelessly. s

Duck glanced at her face like a freshly peeled egg, and quickly suppressed the urge to pinch. s

"Fortunately, I realized fast enough!"s

Dak held his fingers and pointed to the front row seemingly casually. s

Just as Diana was about to sit down beside him, she couldn't help but wonder, "Dark wants me to sit with her?"

Duck said nothing. s

Diana said happily: "She doesn't look like a cheerful duck, Diana is going to help her!"s

Duck still didn't say anything. s

Diana had already run to the front row on her own, and played sticky stickers with the girl who looked a little cowardly. s


"I escaped the first day of the first year, but I failed to escape the fifteenth day."s

Duck was silent. s


Rose Florty was a little flustered when she dealt with the overly enthusiastic Diana. s

The girl who had just had her birthday half a month ago hadn't even stepped out of the castle before she came to St. Mary's College. s

Her parents died at the hands of the Demon King's army, and after four years in an orphanage, she was brought home by her uncle who was a viscount at the age of five. s

Viscount Flotti and Madam had been married for ten years and had no children. She originally wanted to bring her, who is related by blood, home to be raised as a daughter, but never thought that the Viscountess was pregnant just half a year after she entered the castle! s

So Rose, who had only enjoyed the "little princess" treatment for half a year, became a burden that no one loved and loved. s

The viscount couple sent her back to the orphanage because of their bad face, so they simply threw her in the castle and handed it over to the maid to take care of her. s

Three meals a day is quite a lot, books for pre-school education are also bought, no one is taught aristocratic etiquette, but nothing else. s

She was confined to a room in the castle, and occasionally saw the viscount couple growing up through the window.

The older cousin was playing in the garden, and his heart was jammed. s

People's personality is greatly influenced by the family environment. Rose gradually becomes introverted and likes fantasies, but she is obviously cowardly and dare not reach out. s

And Diana, who appeared in front of her at this time, was a beam of light that shone into her heart. s

Rose is gradually attacked by Diana, and the two little girls are tired of being together. s


Friendships in childhood are pure and precious, and they are hard to regain when they grow up. s

And Dak, who caused all this development by yin and yang, is also happy to see it happen. s

"Diana has a new friend, so she shouldn't harass me again, right?"s

He raised his head slightly, let the wind blow his cheeks, and then looked out the window in the direction the wind was blowing. s

St. Mary's unique Ji Lily, opened. s


The first-year summoning teacher, Professor Sarah Silver, stepped into the classroom one second before the class bell rang. s

The classroom, which was particularly noisy because of the freshness of the new enrollment, fell silent in an instant. s

It wasn't that the freshmen kept their mouths shut, but as Professor Sylph entered, the wind of silence blew into the classroom, causing the sound to disappear instantly! s

The House of Nobles are basically students who have received elite pre-school education, and most of them realized at the first time that it was Professor Sylph who used the [Speech Card]! s

However, there are many people in the Knights Academy who have no relevant concepts. s

Robert, who was sitting next to Werther, even shouted in fear, his cheeks to his neck were as red as they were cooked. s

When Professor Sylph walked to the desk and lifted the silence, Robert's scream rang out! s




"Broheim, for the sake of the first class, I will not deduct your credits for now."s

Professor Sylph lifted the pale golden hair that flew in front of him to the back of his long pointed ears, and said indifferently. s

"Before the class, let's talk about the school rules. I believe most of you haven't read it yet. I'm Sarah Sylph, half-elf, professor of Summoning at St. Marian's College."s

A class at St. Marian’s College is 90 minutes long. The first class starts at 8:00 in the morning, and there is a half-hour break between classes. The second class ends at 11:30 noon, and the afternoon starts at 2:00. There is only one class. s

The House uses a credit system and, like Hogwarts, has a House Cup - not a mere honor, but a real Holy Grail! s

The "Marian Holy Grail" is said to be a magic tool that has existed since the establishment of the academy, and it is also known as the "Wish Cup" because it possesses the power to satisfy wishes. s

Among the four branches, the college with the highest credits can win the College Cup, and the Wishing Cup will provide everyone in the first to sixth grades of this college with a chance to make a wish. s

——The inscription on the wishing cup: greedy, nothing. s



Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection~s

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