The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 211 Valkyrie Wanhua Mirror (4k)

Duck didn't know that the treasures left by the brave were also arranged in the same way, otherwise he could probably guess that it was actually a popular thing at the time.

However, he did not stop because of this, but cautiously touched in.

Of course, Yallwight couldn't have created such a mirror room for no reason, there must be a mystery hidden in it.

"This should be the last puzzle."

After confirming that there was no danger, Duck removed the schoolbag and took out a magic pen.

He brought a lot of tools this time, but without any pre-information, he can only use the magic pen to perform magic detection on each mirror, hoping to find out something.

It's just that this treasure trove, which was supposed to be the Dragon's Nest, is much larger than the treasure trove of the brave. The whole procedure is very troublesome, and it may take more time than expected.

But he brought three days' worth of rations and enough time for research.


at the same time.

Scott and others also found the treasure of the brave under the leadership of Werther.

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Because they had come here once, the process of their search for the treasure was relatively smooth, but there seemed to be some minor changes in the secret passage, which made them take a wrong journey several times and wasted some time.

Now that he has found the secret room again, Werther, after taking a look at the room full of mirrors, entrusts the task of solving the puzzle to the two seniors.

"Is this the treasure of the brave?"

Scott stepped into the back room first.

He looked excited, it was something the brave left behind after all.

After listening to the stories of the brave men told by their parents, many children of this era would imagine that they could get the inheritance of the brave men and become heroes when they grew up.

Scott was also a fanciful child in the past, and had been excited for a long time that he could become a magus.

It's just that his fantasy was finally shattered in the face of cruel reality.

Now, although he has thought about working hard again, it is very difficult to start again.

His situation is really similar to Werther's, so he also empathizes with Werther's current situation.

The only difference between Werther and him is that Werther has a talent higher than that of ordinary mages, but he does not.

But if Werther succeeds with his help, he feels he has the potential to bounce back, too.

This kind of idea of ​​simply placing hope on others without any effort on your part is actually an escape.

But that's Scott.

A person who can't carry a heavy burden on his shoulders and leans toward cowardice.


Scott couldn't find any mystery from the secret room.

He finally straightened his bangs in front of the mirror, then walked out of the secret room and shrugged: "Unfortunately, it seems that I am not the one appointed by the brave."

"That's to be expected, Scott."

Betty sneered and made no secret of it.

Werther worried: "Since this is the case, I can only ask Senior Sister."

Betty confided confidence in her mouth: "I heard that the brave man's grades in school are not good, and the puzzles he can set up will not be too difficult."


Werther's expression became a little hazy for a moment, thinking that Betty would be dumped by her ex-boyfriend, and it was not without reason.

She must not have read the book called "Emotional Intelligence"!

But Betty's IQ is not low.

In the fourth-year Magic Academy, although she is not the top, she is also in the category of top students, and she can use various knowledge freely.

Before entering the secret room, she took out a pair of glasses from her backpack and put them on, which finally made her feel like a "scholar".

Werther asked curiously, "What glasses are those?"

Scott glanced at him and said, "Magic glasses, you can see some traces of the flow of magic power, which are often used in refining and refining."

Werther suddenly said: "Anyway, is it a tool that will only be used in the second grade?"

Scott: "No, if I remember correctly, in the next semester of the first year, you will start to touch these high-end props."

Werther scratched his head, a little embarrassed.


But after Betty entered the secret room, she couldn't help frowning.

The secret room was filled with chaotic magic, the remnants of Scott's magic.

In this case, she had to wait until the magic power dissipated naturally, and then conduct a more detailed study of the mirror.

Before that, she could only make a certain degree of scrutiny by observing factors such as the shape and arrangement of mirrors.

After two or three hours.

Betty sighed.

Mirrors are good carriers of magic, and ancient magicians often used mirrors made of mercury to cast spells—especially curses!

Therefore, after the magic power is attached to the mirror, the loss is very slow.

She had to take the initiative, and it took a long time to dispel Scott's magic residue.

After removing distractions.

She held up the magic guide glasses, reached out and pointed on one of the mirrors, and began to carefully observe the direction of the flow of magic power on the mirror.

She tends to think that the mirror itself should be a magic tool. If she can find a suitable method, it is likely to open the "mirror world", and the so-called treasure should be hidden in the "mirror world".

After all, this secret room is so big, if there is no such design, there is no way to hide things.

Unless, the treasures left by the brave are not real objects, but some kind of precious information.

But that should also be conveyed with the mirror as the carrier.

Most likely a "lock" is set!

So the main goal at the moment is to find the "lock".

Only if the "lock" is found, the "lock" can be unlocked.

This may be a very long process.


Knowledgeable people are always patient.

After Betty officially started her research, she no longer cared about the passage of time.

And Werther, Scott, and Robert, who pushed all the research to her, waited outside the back room.

Werther and Scott naturally got together.

Robert leaned aside and watched them chat and laugh in a low voice, his eyes gradually indifferent.

Originally, in this case, he and Werther should be together, and Scott should be the one hiding in the corner.

This made his heart very uncomfortable.


In the shadows that the fire had never touched, a bat that did not know when it appeared was quietly shrinking in the corner, and the corners of its wings turned into black mist, making it blend into the darkness perfectly.

In a far away secret passage.

The pale figure standing like a zombie in the shadow of the secret passage opened his eyes as the night deepened.

There was blood-like fluid flowing from his feet.

Be active in that moment.

It started to climb up from its toes, and climbed all the way to under the neck, forming a dark red high collar.

In the blink of an eye, a noble boy who seemed to have emerged from a picture book, wearing a "vampire suit" with the inherent impression of human beings, walked out of the shadows.

His skin was as pale as a corpse, his eyes were as scarlet as blood, and the corners of his mouth were slightly open, revealing two pairs of sharp fangs.

He was cold and handsome, elegant and noble.

It is like a blood noble awakened from the eternal sleep, achieving eternity in the dark night!


But when hunger takes over the brain, when scarlet fills the eyes.

The thirst for blood crushes graceful deportment.

The vampire, which should have been extinct, showed a ferocious and twisted face in the dark and dead secret passage, and the hoarse roar squeezed out of his throat was full of unspeakable ferocity and madness.

He dragged his stiff limbs, following his physical instinct, and took steps in the direction of the secret passage intruder.

Crisis is coming.


In the dragon's nest.

Duck's research has also stalled.

It took him a long time to do magic tests on each mirror, but the final result was clear at a glance.

None of the mirrors tested had any special response to magic.

As if they were all just ordinary mirrors!

This time, Duck wondered if he had missed a thing or two.

He repeatedly walked back and forth on the mirror surface, exhausted his brain to think, but found nothing.

"Is it the lack of necessary knowledge that limits my thinking?"

Dak grew irritable.

"Or, take them apart?"

This is no joke.

Breaking the old rules and opening up new paths is not an idea.

The night is deep.

Duck wasn't sleepy.

He sat down and stared at one of the mirrors, trying his best to resist the desire to remove the mirror!

In the long-term struggle of thinking, an idea emerges naturally.

What is behind these mirrors?

Human beings have a desire to vent violence from birth.

Rip paper and smash toys.

Break all the rules that bind you...

I don't know how long it took.

He stood up abruptly, and the little evil beast guarding the entrance of the cave was shocked.


The same thought uncontrollably emerged in Betty's mind.

The mirrors that filled the secret room made people grumpy.

If the entrance and exit of the secret room were not sealed by mirrors, this would be a terrible mirror room that can drive people crazy!

In order to ease her emotions, Betty had to go out of the secret room.

After seeing the three of Werther, she couldn't help complaining: "Can it make a difference?"

Werther picked up the noodles he had just cooked, and said attentively, "Sister, eat a little first?"

Betty glanced at the noodles with only two pieces of jerky floating. In fact, she had no appetite, but she still took it and said, "Thank you."

Cold night.

The hot noodle soup still warms the heart.


Robert was still leaning in the corner. He kept watching Werther and Scott cooking the noodles, thinking that after Werther was done cooking, he would call him to eat, or better, bring him a bowl directly.

But that bowl is now in Betty's hands.

After a long time.

Werther said a little impatiently: "Robert, are you going to stand there all the time? Come and eat noodles."

Robert touched his stomach and walked over slowly.

He felt like an outsider.

"I knew I wouldn't follow..."


"What's the use of a mirror?"

Dak, who suddenly got up, walked behind the little evil beast and asked.

The little evil beast raised his head in confusion, trying to tell his master that he was just a ruthless shark hand, not a reasoning character with high IQ.

But under Duck's gaze, it still racked its brains and reported the answer: "Wash your face?"

Seeing that Dak didn't respond, he said again gluttonously: "Dress up yourself? Talk to yourself? Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful in this world?"

Dak shook his head, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a long-lost smile appeared.

"The purpose of a mirror is to reflect light, of course!"


Dark found himself in the wrong place of thinking.

Because the experience along the way is too fantastic, he instinctively associates the mirror with magic, but ignores the original purpose of the mirror.

Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking in, in fact, it is easy to think of a kind of toy that was once made in the handicraft class of elementary school - Wanhua Mirror!

The so-called Wanhua mirror is a kaleidoscope.

It is an optical toy that uses the reflection of light by a mirror and places a triangular prism in the middle of the cylinder to create a fantastic and magnificent visual pattern.

This world seems to have had similar props, but they were not circulated as toys.

Magicians prefer to regard it as a magic tool, even if it does not involve any magic-related elements, but this does not prevent magicians from naming it "mirror's magic".

Duck wasn't sure yet whether he had found the right answer.

But it's at least an idea.

He exited the dragon's nest and summoned the fairy Ibrahimovic at the entrance of the cave.

Among all his magic wizards, Fairy Ibrahimovic is a rare wizard who can freely use light techniques.

The other is the moon Ibrahimovic in the state of [Bliss 3 Moon], but it is not controlled.

As Fairy Ibrahimovic was summoned, it wrapped Dak's arm with a ribbon for the first time.

A sweet scent emanates from its ribbon.

Duck squatted down and rubbed his cheek, then said his request.

Fairy Ibrahimovic shouted excitedly, saying that he had no problem!

"That's good."

Duck breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that Fairy Ibrahimovic couldn't manipulate light skills well to assist in experiments, but now it seems that a high enough intelligence level has helped it break the shackles of magic wizards.

Unlike ordinary magic wizards that can only release skills step by step, it has been able to precisely control skills within the allowable range.

For example, control the power of [Moon Power] to 0, and only condense the summoned moonlight into a small beam of light!

If Fairy Ibrahimovic can't do this, Dak can only find a way to make a simple concentrator that emits a beam of light.

But that's hard.

Maybe you can only exit the secret passage, go to Traveler Street to buy something like a concentrator, and start all over again.

Fortunately, Fairy Ibrahimovic is cute enough.

Dake greeted the little evil beast to retreat behind the fairy Ibrahimovic, and he also prepared a pen and paper to record at any time.

in the next moment.

Suddenly there was moonlight above the head.

The fairy Ibrahimovic who was bathed in the moonlight was so beautiful that she fell into the world like a fairy in the sky.

It raised its head high, let the moonlight condense slightly in its mouth, and finally emitted a high-bright beam without any damage!

Like a laser, the beam of light irradiated straight in the middle of a mirror facing the hole, and then was reflected by the mirror to the other mirror, and then reflected to the other mirror.

Almost instantly.

The continuous reflection of the light beam is to construct a fantastic and magnificent array of light in the dragon's nest!


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