The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 612 Super Furious Word Slash (4k)

[Round pupil: Ibrahimovic stares at the opponent with angry eyes, making the opponent feel fear and reducing the opponent's desire to attack. 】

The information about [Round Pupil] did not surprise Dak.

After relying on [Rage 2] to rise to the second star, Ibrahimovic also successfully obtained a new field skill - [Green Grass Field]!

[Green Grass Field] is undoubtedly a grass field skill.

But Duck vaguely remembered that this was originally supposed to be a field skill with a collective healing effect—every target standing on the [Green Grass Field] could be healed.

This effect is incompatible with [Rage].

After thinking for a while, he continued to check.

In addition to [Green Grass Field] and Round Eyes, Ibrahimovic's third nirvana has also become a very special [Rage] skill.

"If this nirvana is in the hands of a high-attack magic wizard, it must be a magical skill!"

"It's a pity that Ibrahimovic, who is a magical beast, only has 700 attacks after he was upgraded to two stars."

"[Pride] is [help], [greed] is [desire], [bliss] is [coquetry], [rage]... is [revenge]!"

"I remember that the original effect of [Vengeance] is... If a companion fell in the previous round, the power will be doubled?"

He frowned suddenly.

The first thing that caught his attention was not [Green Grass Field], but [Vengeance]!

Dak thought with a little regret, and injected more magic into the magic card.

Immediately afterwards, deeper information feeds back.

[Vengeance (Rage): When the companions around you fall one by one, the desire for revenge will make the anger burn! The fall of each companion will double the strength of Ibrahimovic! 】

To his surprise, [Vengeance] has undergone a very big change compared to the original version.

"This means that Ibrahimovic can get a full range of strength bonuses without a companion around him falling."

"In attack, it's +700!"

"Double here should be relative to the basic strength."

"But even so, it's already very exaggerated."

"Sacrificing three companions..."

"If you can hold back for seven or eight rounds, or with the Zoo series' Quick Summon deck, Ibrahimovic's attacks can accumulate quickly, and even with just one blow, it can turn the situation around."

"Sacrificing a companion, 1400 attack!"

"Sacrifice two companions, 2100 attack!"

"In addition, do the splits, etc., count as an individual?"

Duck hugged Ibrahimovic and couldn't help thinking about it.

"The question is how to send it to the enemy, and what is the upper limit of the power increase, and what is the time limit for the rage to last?"

"It's not a good experiment..."

In addition to accelerating, the Nightmare Demon can instantly change the position of itself and the target in the [Nightmare Space], which can completely allow Ibrahimovic to break into the battlefield.

If [Vengeance] were stacked seven or eight layers, it would be a punch to pierce the sky.

If these studies are made clear, the [Vengeance] can be used in a wide range.

Ibrahimovic's short legs and [Nightmare Space] may be able to achieve unexpected results.



Dak couldn't help but hug Ibrahimovic and rubbed its face hard.

Ibrahimovic had been holding back very hard, but after being rubbed like this, he couldn't control it and bit his arm.

[Green Grass Field (Rage): Turn the ground into a grass field within five rounds, and the grass on the field becomes crazy and aggressive. Except for the magic wizard rich in [Rage] factor, any magic wizard on the ground will be attacked by the grass. The entangled magic spirit will be continuously sucked out of life (magic). These lives will be halved equally to the magic wizards that are rich in [Rage] factor on the green grass field. Standing on the grass field, the power of grass-type nirvana will increase by 30%. 】

Dak grabbed the back of Ibrahimovic's neck and continued to look at [Green Grass Field].

"But the power of grass-type nirvana is only increased by 30%, which is slightly lower than 50% of other venues."

"If you want to use this field skill, you need to study the amount of life absorbed by the opponent."

"Absorb your opponent's life and feed yourself back?"

"Sure enough, it's the home of [Rage]."

It would be great if Ibrahimovic was a high-star magic wizard!

But the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and everything cannot be perfect.

"If the damage is similar to the [Sandstorm], it can absorb 10~20 points of real damage per second, which is quite scary."

After reading this [Green Grass Field], Duck couldn't help but sigh.


"After Ibrahimovic, it's Agumon, you can go to the cafeteria for a meal first."

Overall, Duck is quite satisfied.

He was in a good mood, so he teased Ibrahimovic who was holding back his anger for a while, and then he started recording.

"It's okay." Agumon poked his fingers, showing a rare twisted expression, "That's... I want to fight too!"

Dak was stunned for a while, then frowned slightly, thinking: "It's not impossible."

After taking a few magic wizards to the cafeteria for a meal, and then returning, the CD of [Rage 2] has almost passed.

Dak Jiang Yagu

The beast came into the office, picked up the little aunt Huoniao who was following its butt, and asked, "Is your study going well recently?"

Of course, because it is only one star, it is unlikely to be used in normal duels.

But Dak's Agumon is different. It is a two-star magic wizard, and its combat power is not weak!

Like the little evil beasts, Agumon belong to the faculties, and rely on the [curse cage] to become a normal magic wizard with fighting power.

Since familiars generally only have one star, they are not prohibited from being used in duels other than community challenges.

Dak touched its head and smiled.

[Silver Tournament] Forget it, let's make [Golden Tournament] Agumon's debut battle.

The reason why Duck didn't bring it is just because the magical animals in the society still need its care.

"There will be a chance."

After Agumon got a response, it was obviously excited: "Then, let's start!"

Dak nodded and took out [Cage Cage] and [Rage 2].

At that time, it is enough to leave one other magic wizard to take care of it in the community.

Big milk tanks are great at taking care of little babies.

Under the crimson brilliance, an orange [Rage] emblem appeared on Agumon's forehead.

It really is the same as the little evil beast, and it is naturally able to adapt to all [big sins].

"In the name of Dak Dimon, the wizard summons - [Cage Cage]!"

He put the Agumon into the [Cage Cage], then summoned it and used [Rage 2].

Although it is still in the growth stage, it can evolve into a three-star magic wizard.

This time is no exception, the form of Agumon has undergone great changes.

And its applicability is significantly higher.

Just [Sin 2] can make it transfer and evolve.

Dak was a little excited when he looked at Agumon, which was transformed into a samurai.

The Agumon that evolved from [Rage] for the first time has furrowed brows and anger in its eyes, but its will is tenacious and is not dominated by [Rage].

Its body gradually swelled, a bun grew on the back of its head, it wore a blue-gray samurai uniform, and a long and narrow samurai sword hung around its waist, and even its eyes became sharp!

"A brand new subspecies?"

[Card Name: Samurai Agumon]

[Type: Elf Card]

Dak picked up the magic card and injected magic power, and soon got feedback.

[Attribute: Dragon/Fighting]

[Magic: 1100]


[race: dragon species]

[Nirvana: Ultra-high-speed one-character slash, ultra-low-speed one-character slash]

[Attack: 1500]

[Defense: 1300]

Just by looking at the samurai sword, Dak knew that it would definitely be able to use the [Holy Sword] extremely well!

"Ultra-high-speed and ultra-low-speed one word slash... It's understandable at high speed, but what is the effect of low speed?"

If you look closely, you will find the coat of arms of 【Rage】 on the right chest of 【Samurai Agumon】 samurai uniform.

It calls itself the "Wandering Super Swordsman" in the digital world, and even though the title was created by itself, it does have top-notch sword skills!

[Ultra-high-speed one-word slash: Swipe a knife at an ultra-high speed. When the attack power breaks through the defense power, it will be executed ignoring the defense power. 】

Dark looked curiously.

"One attack, one defense!"

[Ultra-low-speed one-word slash: Swipe a knife at an ultra-low speed, when the attack power is lower than the opponent's attack power, the attack will be unloaded. 】

If you can equip [Holy Sword], these two nirvanas will be even stronger!

Of course, the [Holy Sword] itself is an exceptional existence.

The more you taste, the more you can discover the power of these two nirvanas.

If you can use these two special skills, 【Samurai Agumon】 can even gain the ability to leapfrog kills.

[Samurai Agumon] was about to vent, and immediately nodded.

I saw it walk to the empty space, hold the handle of the knife with its right hand, and concentrate a little.

Equipped with [Holy Sword], it just makes it more unusual.

Dak's heart moved, and suddenly [Samurai Agumon] suddenly performed.

"The skill of the world, only fast is not broken!"

Dak asked quickly: "Can you cut another knife?"

In the next instant, a sword shadow suddenly crossed in front of it, and then only after hearing the sound of "clang", the sword was sheathed.

From Dak's point of view, he couldn't even see the shape of the blade.

Agumon drew his sword again.

This knife is extremely slow, but its momentum is even more dignified. It stepped on the ground in front of it, like a mountain, and pulled out the knife at a very slow speed.

Agumon slowly shook his head and said, "Thirty seconds!"

"Thirty seconds of CD? Only thirty seconds?" Duck couldn't help but said, "Try the slow knife again."

When it ended, Duck asked, "It's also thirty seconds?"

Agumon nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Yes."

Where the blade crossed, the air flow surging.

It is obviously a combination of the concept of "four ounces and a thousand pounds".

【Rage 2】

The effect is very satisfactory.

After that, Dak let the little evil beast and the variegated monster get acquainted with the taste of [Rage] respectively, and ended the experiment tonight.

There is a sense of depression in his tone, as if the volcano is hiding in the body, eager to explode!


Fast forward to Wednesday afternoon.

Duck spent a whole afternoon studying with great concentration, and finally broke through the final barrier.

And his research on the [Moon Stone] refining method has finally reached a critical point.

Just in case, he took two points of [Bliss] for backup tonight and continued to study.

Due to the particularity of the [Dark Magic Stone] itself, there are many details that are different from the usual in the refining method.

Many of those details are not applicable to [Moon Stone].

He no longer hesitated, and after eating something casual, he started the experiment.

The [Moon Stone] refining this time is based on the refining of [Dark Magic Stone].

That is, magic and blood!

[Dark Magic Stone] itself is made by relying on the magic power and blood of high-ranking demons as the main materials. If you want to make it, you need the same materials to assist in making it.

Relying on Professor Kazel's guidance, Duck eliminated some of them and replaced them with more suitable methods.

Finally, the key elements of auxiliary refining were determined.

He was mentally prepared for failure.


Although the [Moon Stone] is not a creation of magic power and blood, Dak's refining this time is to use the [Moon Stone] as a raw material, and use another method to put the [Moon Stone] in the [Moon Stone]. In the process of refining into 【Item Cards】, you can refine items like 【Dark Magic Stone】.

Therefore, his refining this time is more complicated and difficult than the refining steps of [Dark Magic Stone].

This is the key to refining.

Dak learned a lot from the making of Dark Magic Stone.

It took more than an hour just to make the [softener].

He dripped his own blood and magic power into the [softening agent], so that the [Moon Stone] could slowly absorb his blood and magic power during the soaking process.

After the [Moon Stone] and the rest of the materials were properly processed, Duck tried to light up the [Haimer Formation Array].

The formation that floated upward was like ripples of light on the surface of the water. He began to inject a sufficient amount of magic power into it, and then dripped the blood that had been treated in advance.


In the process of [Moon Stone] gradually "softening", he completed the production of "ink" and the debugging of "magic language", and finally, relying on sufficient materials, he finally found a way through repeated failures. Path to the final answer.

After confirming that it was correct, put in the "moon stone" whose surface was "blurred".

Then drop in [Bliss].

The blood was absorbed in the moment of dripping, and there was no trace of blood on the surface.

Dak picked up the mercury glass rod, stirred it gently in the smooth surface until it was even, and then added the accessories one by one.

Three drops.


a drop.

two drops.

Like the lake under the moonlight, it is very calm.

Duck looked at the moonstone floating in the center, and was silent for a moment.

Duck stopped.

But after these three points of [Bliss] were dropped in, the entire formation did not change much, only a faint pink glow appeared on the surface.

And seven points is enough to cultivate a [Fruit of Serious Sin].

If it takes seven points of [Bliss] to refine a [Moon Stone]... Even if the final effect can be compared to [Bliss 3], it only saves three points.

These three points [Bliss] seem to be completely insufficient.

But if you continue to invest, the next node is seven o'clock.

To make up seven points, two more points need to be drawn.

If it is not enough, it will be lost to the grandmother's house.

Furthermore, what if these seven points [Bliss] are still not enough?

Even adding the amount drawn last night, he now only has two points of [Bliss] left.

This is a problem.


So, is it time to stop loss?

Or take a risk?



[Next, at around six in the morning, I paid off my debts at work. 】

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