The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 626 Dark Dimon and the Vampire Ritual (5k)


The [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] who broke out of the shell raised his hair and let out a slightly immature roar.

The coercion unique to the dragon species spread instantly.

Dak looked at the [Shield Knight] on the red call area, and without hesitation issued the order: "Attack!"

[Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] vibrated his wings and charged towards the red half with an excited look.

And Dak himself started to summon [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic] the moment he rushed out.

When [Magic Beast: Ibrahimovic] was summoned, [Blue-Eyed Young Dragon] had already crossed half of the court, and his big round eyes were filled with boiling fighting intent.

"Knight of the Shield!"

Justin Wayne shouted suddenly.

"Nirvana Shield of Glory!"

And Justin Wayne, who finally waited until the summoning cd was turned, immediately focused on the second magic card in his summoning hand.

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next moment.

The burly [Shield Knight] suddenly let out a loud roar, pouring all the strength into the giant shield.

The coat of arms on the giant shield lit up instantly, and the dazzling golden light covered the entire shield surface, forming a light and shadow larger than the shield.

[Shield Knight] is almost integrated with the giant shield.


The 【Blue-Eyes Young Dragon】 who charged forward slammed into the 【Shield of Glory】!

The golden light of [Shield of Glory] trembled wildly, and the heavy giant shield was knocked back and slid back.

Although the [Shield Knight] standing behind the giant shield is already weak, the burning momentum on his body has not decreased but increased.

The golden light exploded.

[Blue-Eyes Young Dragon]'s charge was forcibly blocked by this [Shield Knight]!


【Race: Human Race】

[Card Name: Knight of the Shield]

[Type: Elf Card]

【Attack: 0】

【Defense: 2000】

[Attribute: General Department]

[Magic: 1100]

Duck was not surprised.

Justin Wayne's [Shield Knight] is not the first time to appear, its powerful defense beyond the star is amazing.

[Nirvana: Shield of Glory]

Without the protection of [Shield of Glory], it would be impossible to block the second attack of [Blue-Eyed Dragon].

But when [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] turned his body sharply and was about to slash the giant shield with his dragon tail, Justin Wayne finally completed the summoning at this moment.

But one can't be two.

Just blocking this blow has exhausted the full strength of the [Shield Knight].

[Card Name: Skeleton Knight]

The second [Knight] appeared in the red call area.

It was the [Skull Knight] who was wearing a broken armor and riding a skeleton horse!

【Race: Undead Species】

[Attribute: Ghost]

[Type: Elf Card]


[Defense: 900]

[Nirvana: Decaying Justice, Knight Immortality]

【Magic Power: 900】

[Attack: 1000]

[Corrupted Justice] allows [Skull Knight] to give up defense completely, and gain a powerful attack of 1900 points at the cost of zero defense value.

[Knight Immortality] enables [Skull Knight] or its [Knight] companion to get a chance to "don't die".

The [Skull Knight], which has two nirvanas, has extremely crotch-pulling attributes, but as the two nirvanas of the undead species, it has become the core of Justin Wayne's magic card.

The [Skull Knight] who understood the order of the magister immediately turned his head and stared at the [Shield Knight] with his holed eyes.

The next moment, the black light shot from his eyes penetrated into the body of the [Shield Knight].

The specific effect is similar to the [Tough] of [Pot Pot], but it can be used on the [Knight] on the right.

Therefore, when it was summoned, Justin Wayne shouted anxiously: "[The knight is not dead], the target shield rider!"

When its mana plummeted to 0, the huge shield and body of [Shield Knight] had become completely transparent.

But it did not die, but continued to stand on the battlefield as a "ghost body".

Then the dragon tail of the [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] was slapped on the giant shield of the [Shield Knight].

The magic of the [Shield Knight] plummeted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this urgent duel arena, 【Blue-Eyes Young Dragon】with a hint of childish behavior, the scene suddenly slowed down.

Justin Wayne was a little relieved after confirming that the [Blue-Eyed Dragon] was no longer attacking.

The huge shield like a city wall was still in front of the blue cube magic ball.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] suddenly stopped, looked at the [Shield Knight] curiously, and even raised his claws, obviously wanting to poke it.


【Battle Phase (2)】【30s】

The 30-second countdown for the first round has ended. If he can draw that crucial magic card next, it is not that he has no chance of defeating [Blue-Eyed Young Dragon].

Duck has never shown the [Dragon Egg Transformation]'s ability to regenerate like a phoenix in public, and Justin Wayne doesn't know about it.

Seeing that the card surface of the magic card was already glowing with black light, he suddenly raised his head to look at the projection above, and instantly saw the card surface of the magic card - that was what Dak had revealed in the duel. The magic guide card that he has used, which has left a deep impression on him—[Underworld Soul Ring]!

"In the name of Dak Dimon, the wizard summons - [Underworld Soul Ring]!"


But when Justin Wayne was about to stretch out his hand to draw the card, he suddenly found that Dak Dimon on the blue team's stage was flipping another magic card over.

The magic power of [Shield Knight] has been reset to zero, but [Skull Knight] is still full, so there is no need to say how to choose.

Duck didn't give Justin Wayne a chance to drag his heels further.

A collar of gray flames was summoned.

Dak turned his wrist and pointed the magic card forward in his hand, and the [Underworld Soul Ring] suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already worn on the neck of the [Skull Knight].

At the same time, he issued a new order to [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon]: "Wake up."

[Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] instantly closed his fingers into a fist, and a punch with a dignified expression slammed on the transparent giant shield of [Shield Knight].

The moment the [Underworld Soul Ring] was put on the neck of the [Skull Knight], a vigorous gray flame suddenly ignited.

Then Duck raised his hand and held the [Skull Knight] abruptly in the air, and quickly dragged it towards the blue side half.

Justin Wayne's expression on the red team's stage changed greatly, and he instantly raised his hand to point to the magic ball.

The line of magic power shot frantically, sticking to the magic ball.

The [Shield Knight], who had a defensive path and did not have any residual magic power, was shattered by this sudden punch!

Then 【Blue-Eyes Young Dragon】 rushed towards the red cube magic ball without hesitation.

At the same time, the red cube magic ball, which had only one thousand mana remaining, was also shot upwards by this punch.

[Blue-Eyed Young Dragon] flapped his wings and suddenly caught up.

Justin Wayne pulled the red cube magic ball up.

But [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] opened his wings instantly, kicked his feet hard, and shot into the air with a "boom", a punch from the bottom up almost instantly shattered the magic ball's life barrier!

Duck looked at the situation on the field and decisively stopped the sacrifice call.

At this time, it is meaningless to use [Skull Knight] as a sacrifice to sacrifice and summon [Dilumon].

Justin Wayne's face became more pressing.

At this stage of the duel, unless the magician has the means of double-mindedness, or the life barrier of the magic ball is enough to withstand the damage of one blow, it is basically powerless to return to the sky.

This is the case with the previous duels of the high-level powerhouses. If one is not careful, they will lose the whole game at the beginning.

No matter how many hole cards are hidden in the deck, it is impossible for the opponent to give you a chance to use it.

【Blue-Eyes Young Dragon】is enough to end this duel.


As the magic power of the red cube magic ball was reduced to zero, the duel came to an end.


Dak Dimon's duel style is no longer something that a second-year rookie duelist can handle.

Justin Wayne tried his best to control the magic ball to evade, but was easily overtaken by [Blue-Eyed Dragon], and then slapped the last life barrier with a slap.

"Victor: Dak Dimon!"

The referee announced the end of the duel.


"The battle is over!"


After Dak retracted the magic wizards one by one, he nodded slightly towards Justin Wayne opposite, and walked off the stage.

It was also announced that Dak Dimon's [Silver Cup] points race was over.

He will temporarily leave the [Silver Cup] arena and focus more on higher-level events.

Temporary failure is not important, what is important is whether you can learn something useful from this failure.

Next, Justin Wayne will also sign up for the [Golden Cup], which is not limited to grades, like all other second-year students who have obtained duelist qualifications.

Justin Wayne didn't stay depressed for long, and walked off the contestants' stage immediately after Duck stepped down.

For sophomores, it's still a long time, and even the rest of the sophomore year.

Duck left the open-air dueling hall straight after he got off the stage.

【Silver Cup】Temporarily come to an end.

While the vast majority of sophomores are destined to be bunnies among wolves, that's what Professor Pawa Jones is here for.


The difficulty of these two elective courses is rapidly increasing as the course progresses.

Especially the [Astrology class].

The costumes for Halloween are almost ready.

Next, in addition to continuing to study the method of refining [Clown Mask] into an item card, he also needs to spend more time on his [Astrology Class] and [Alchemy Class].

But Duck didn't think he had a talent for divination at first, so he didn't get too frustrated by it.

What bothered him more was that little Ibrahimovic was about to be unable to keep up...

Duck has found that he is gradually unable to keep up with the teaching progress of 【Astrology Class】.

One is that Professor Mitia Bartholomew's teaching content is becoming more and more professional, and the other is that his "divination talent" can't keep up.

What Duck can do now is to transcribe the notes as comprehensively as possible for future research.

Even if you fail this year's 【Astrology Class】, you can still continue to study according to the notebook.

What troubles Ibrahimovic is of course not the reason for his "divination talent", but that his knowledge reserve is not enough.

This has led to the fact that even if it evolves into [Sun Ibrahimovic], it cannot be integrated.

He is very open about this.

And against it.

As Ibrahimovic's knowledge grows, one day he will be able to master astrology.

As for Dak himself... Is there a specialization in the art industry!

Just as the course progressed, Professor Kazel also began to assign extracurricular homework, which even included homework related to alchemy experiments, which required a lot of time.

In such a situation, Duck has mastered some simple alchemy, and he is getting closer and closer to his goal of making a golem.

Dak performed well in [Alchemy Class].

Although Professor Kazel's teaching content is gradually deepening, his talent in alchemy is obviously far stronger than astrology. So far, he has never encountered a situation where he cannot understand the teaching content.

On the last weekend with just a few days left until Halloween, the sophomores seemed to suddenly lift the delay, and the festive atmosphere finally exploded.

Dak Dimon, who has actually received several prom invitations, has received more prom invitations this weekend.


In this gradually heavy schoolwork, a week passed quietly.

Fortunately, Halloween is not Christmas after all, and the love atmosphere in the second grade has indeed faded a lot, and he has not been harassed too much.

Saturday, October 26th.

Obviously, he had clearly rejected some girls last year, but this year he received their invitation again.

While Duck politely refused, he sometimes wondered, why do these girls who haven't communicated much for a year think that an invitation letter can change the result?

After returning to the dormitory, Duck excitedly fitted himself with props of vampire fangs, pointed ears and wings, and then looked at the vampire wings in the mirror, and suddenly had the idea of ​​making it into a [props card].

The reason is naturally because the vampire wings that are simply placed behind him are too big and stupid, and they can't move.

Dark asked Diana and Rose again, and picked up the makeup props ordered last week from Traveler's Row.

Then the three of them strolled together in Traveler Street for a while, before returning to their dormitories after lunch.

Dak has now achieved a certain degree of achievement in the research on [Item Cards].

Plus the vampire wings aren't hard to come by - it's just that those mass-produced vampire wings lack the features.

Both in terms of viewing and flexibility, there are great flaws.

Do it when you think of it.

"One is to make the vampire wings move."

"The second is to make the vampire wings shrink and shrink."

So even if it fails, it's not a big problem.

"Two elements."

Dak analyzed for a moment, and then started the experiment directly.

After two hours, he was slightly excited and took a magic card in his hand.

"The former is very easy, the latter is somewhat difficult."

"But if you don't pursue the strength of vampire wings and don't need additional flight capabilities..."

Not only that, the transparent human figure only had makeup applied to its face, making its face pale and its eye sockets deep, as if it had thick dark circles.

The name of the magic card is [Vampire Ritual].

If this magic card has to be said, it should belong to the category of [transformation card].

On the card surface of the magic guide card, a transparent human figure is drawn, and the vampire wings, vampire fangs, and pointed ears installed on the transparent human figure—yes, he also incorporated the props of the fangs and ears.

And with the injection of magic power, it is very simple to control the vibration of the wings, which is lifelike.

In addition, the vampire wings can also be reduced to the size of a palm when not in use, like a pair of chicken wings.

After summoning it with a normal summoning spell, it can give a person a vampire-like disguise.

He pressed the magic card to his heart to experiment, and it was successfully summoned.

Compared with last year's [Prince of the Night Set], Duck was obviously more fond of this set of makeup.

At least it made it look like he was actually attending a Christmas masquerade ball, not some kind of aristocratic dinner.

After thinking for a while, he put on the black suit he bought before, put on a high hat, picked up his cane, and summoned the [Vampire Ritual] again, which is a very perfect makeup to become a noble Mr. Vampire.

"The needle doesn't poke!"

But he didn't come to ask.

It's like he didn't ask Pandora-senpai's Halloween outfit at all.

"I wonder how Diana and Rose are getting ready?"

Dak touched his chin, a little curious.

And this year's Halloween, there seems to be more surprises!

Since this week, news has suddenly leaked from the academy that this year's Halloween event will be completely different from the past.

Those are all going to be Halloween surprises!


Without Professor Cazel presiding over the overall situation, as far as those professors in the academy are concerned, anything is possible.

Among them, especially Professor Lily needs to be vigilant!

Mingming Academy has been using the same set of rules for so many years, at most adjusting the credit rewards for various "ghosts".

But thinking that Professor Kazel was addicted to the [Heart of God] and couldn't extricate himself, Duck felt that the credibility of the news had skyrocketed.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

But in this way, Duck is looking forward to it even more.

The rules of the event that have continued on Halloween are classic, but he has already participated once, and naturally hopes to have a new experience in the new year.

Not many people will come to him at this time.

Limited to the noble house, even less.

Dak raised his head to look at the door, and then pouted at the little evil beast.

He himself undressed the [Vampire Ritual] and quickly picked up the remnants of the experiment.

However, Aurora always appears at night, and she can hardly be seen during the day.

"If it wasn't for them, who would it be, Eudora?"

Diana and Rose are the most likely, but they are still having lunch together at noon today, and it is unlikely that they will come again in the afternoon.

Besides them, Aurora came the most frequently.

- It's Anna and Angie.

The little evil beast has opened the door, and today's uninvited guest finally got into it.

Duck turned to look at the door.



【Good morning! 】

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