Queen Yongye's questions were sharp and her attitude was tough.

But more nobles in the crowd came out and stood behind the Duke of South Canton to express their support for them.

The melon-eating people who had been watching the excitement before were dumbfounded.

I thought I was seeing the fall of a new star, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a confrontation between the Queen of Evernight and the noble class?

There seemed to be a gulf between the queen and the nobles.

The Royal Orchestra's music also fell into pieces. It was impossible to continue playing in such an atmosphere, and the venue fell silent.

Some women and young people present could no longer understand what was happening at this moment. Some people frowned in thought, worried, and had a vague premonition of bad things.

But the most people were actually excited.

Everyone loves His Majesty, but it seems quite exciting to have such a strong man give in.

The eldest son of the Duke of South Carneton noticed that his little sister was pale and trembling as she stared at the Queen, and patted her on the shoulder:

"Sister, what are you afraid of? If our father and the others unite, even His Majesty will not be able to oppose the will of the entire empire."

"I hope that's the case..." Cornelia forced a smile and didn't want to say much to him.

She was extremely frightened at the time, and now this scene is all rounded off by her.

Whether the queen overwhelms the nobles, or the nobles overpower the queen, if the loser gets angry and investigates what happened tonight, she has no chance of running away.

Although she covered up and even dropped the news in the men's room to reduce the probability of being suspected, this is a magical world!

Now that she has a god to protect her, what she does will be invisible to the prophetic mage.

But Nelia didn't know where this scene would go, and could only watch more and more nobles join the crowd asking for orders.

What they were fighting against was the Queen of Evernight.

And Roger Charles, whose presence could not be completely obscured even though the Queen shone brightly next to her.

He went from helpless and confused to enlightened. At this moment, he saw countless people standing up to demand his exile. He did not show any fear, but showed a playful smile.

Who would have thought that a young man who stirred up troubles in the empire could cause such a terrifying scene on the night of the triumphal celebration.

More and more people have realized that this is not a simple battle of wills, but a political struggle.

The banishment of Roger was the demand of the nobles, but what it represented behind it was the check and balance of the noble class on the Queen of Evernight.

They could not tolerate the Queen of Evernight to continue to act recklessly and weaken the interests and authority of the nobles.

Just like Dameng's struggle for the foundation of the country, the emperor's appointment of a prince should have been his own family matter, but the civil servant group desperately intervened and opposed it for decades in order to suppress the imperial power.

The nature of the struggle carried out by the nobles of the Ivy Empire at this moment is similar. It is the Queen of Evernight's right to choose her dance partner, and it is a very small matter.

However, there were flaws in Roger's body, and he was full of hatred. As a result, the nobles who had long been dissatisfied with him immediately started to attack like a shark after smelling blood.

After all, it is too difficult to find fault with Queen Yongye.

The policies pursued by this queen are all based on justice, and there is nothing outstanding about her personal life. She can only target the people around her.

Roger was both lucky and unlucky, and became the target of their attacks.

All achievements are turned a blind eye. No matter whether you are guilty of deceiving the emperor or not, you will be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor here.

There are too many such groundless accusations in history both at home and abroad.

Kings are often forced by the situation to push their beloved ministers and concubines to the position of sacrifice, or simply to make the bird disappear and the bow is hidden, in order to reduce the backlash caused by excessive policies.

Politics is an art of compromise.

Hello, hello, hello everyone, the common people's 28 cents are divided, the gentry's are returned in full, and the meat-eaters complete the redistribution of interests with a smile.

The nobles of the empire are still following this pattern subconsciously, and think that Queen Yongye wears the same pants as them.

The Queen had done some things that crossed the line before, and was temporarily deceived by an adulterer.

Everyone made a fuss, so that the queen could see that her actions had hurt her absolutely loyal nobles and realize her mistakes.

Then the empire returns to the traditional game of hello, me, hello, everyone, and continues to exploit those untouchables. This detour will be considered over.

The emperor always needs nobles to help manage the country!

This is the structure that has existed in this world for thousands of years. The imperial nobles were born in this era, and they naturally believed that this structure should continue forever.

This is what they rely on to dare to stand up.

Of course, the first wave of people to stand up were not the powerful and important figures in the aristocracy.

The old foxes actually instigated a group of reckless nobles who simply disliked Roger to come forward to ask for help and test the Queen's reaction.

This trick is very simple. The Queen of Evernight is so beautiful tonight. Roger, a loser who has just entered the aristocratic circle, has overshadowed all the men and made everyone stand out.

Most of the nobles in the empire are used to being arrogant.

They are a real privileged class. They can do whatever they want in their own territory. They have strong men and private armies under them. They control taxes and regulate labor. They don't need to pay for killing, they only need to pay compensation.

Their duty is to swear an oath to defend the emperor and carry out the war.

The empire was invincible, and they subconsciously regarded this as their own merit, which was quite inflated.

There are also quite a few people who feel that if the queen is really so arrogant, she will invite the church back and introduce theocratic power to fight against the imperial power.

When the time comes, the nobles will be able to reap the benefits.

As long as the interests of the family are guaranteed, the damage to the empire and the common people is not in the consideration of the nobles.

They felt that the same should be true for the Queen of Evernight, because she was also the patriarch of the Shelley family.

But Queen Evernight saw a better way from Roger.

The aristocratic system has existed for thousands of years. It is not an eternal truth, but the world has been suppressed by the gods and has never made progress.

Liberating magic from the military and further developing it to be widely used in all aspects of social production will bring about agricultural growth, industrial progress, and a super war weapon. It will also infinitely strengthen the central government's control over local areas, and can achieve greater results. High degree of centralization.

Queen Yong Ye usually doesn't like to use her brain, but her little brain is quite clever when it comes to it.

Just seeing a few fragments of the world called "Earth" from Roger's voice was enough to "borrow" a new empire that conformed to her will.

This is also an empire completely different from what the nobles imagined.

A new empire that seems to have no place for them after centralization of power.

However, the nobles suddenly realized that they were in trouble, and Queen Evernight subconsciously reacted with a ten thousand times tougher attitude to protect Roger.

Roger, who can bring better changes to the empire, is definitely more important than a corrupt noble who can only hold him back.

Moreover, when I dance, there are dogs barking, which ruins the scenery and loses face.

As more and more nobles came forward to ask for help, she realized that these old foxes were attacking Roger on the surface, but they were actually trying to force her to give in.

How could an emperor who was extremely self-righteous change his mind just because of some nobles who would be eliminated by the times?

Naturally, what these nobles got was Queen Yongye's determination not to give in!

As a result, those old foxes who were hiding behind to instigate this matter were in a difficult position, so they could only continue to increase their power and step out to fight against the growing imperial power.

And publicized this matter as a crisis for the entire aristocratic class, so that more nobles would agree with their position.

Maybe their moral level is not good, but their basic business level is still there.

Understand that the matter has come to this, and if they give in, they will lose completely. From then on, they will only be gradually cannibalized by the Queen of Evernight and lose everything they have now.

There is only one way for them to go to the dark side and drag more people into the water. They hope that His Majesty can do the right thing and not blame everyone, and then overturn the balance in her heart and return to the right path.

As Queen Yongye waited quietly, three-quarters of the nobles present finally stood opposite her with different expressions and even some confusion.

Only the staunch royalists headed by Angelina and Margaret were left. The military aristocrats who had risen in the wars in recent years were willing to stand behind Queen Evernight and support the opposition between Queen Evernight and the nobles.

The atmosphere of the celebration has gone away, and everyone has forgotten that the main theme of the night should be dancing and having an affair.

A few old foxes made a few gestures, and the nobles all knelt down on one knee and said in unison: "Please your Majesty, please banish Roger Charles!"

In the eyes of the nobles, they had regressed on this request, and they only went to war to drive Roger away.

The subtext is that we also know that Your Majesty is very strong now, and we respect your strength and contribution.

So we give you a face and allow you to maintain the policies that have been enacted.

But you also have to give the nobles some face and make some concessions, such as letting Roger leave the City of Mystery, otherwise the authority of the nobles will be gone.

The actual losses on the side of Queen Evernight were very small.

Being exiled, as long as the Queen is willing, she can bring him back after the incident subsides.

Roger himself is ready to continue hosting "New Arcane" as Dio.

But although Queen Yongye heard his thoughts, she completely ignored and cared about them.

Those eyes as deep as the sea greeted every "righteous" face in front of them, raising a contemptuous smile:

"It's really interesting. Looking at your expressions and listening to your words, I would have thought that my dear Roger is so evil and that if he only exists for one day, he will slide this empire towards destruction, and you are the loyal ministers who risk their lives to help Ivy... …”

She paused as she spoke, with cold murderous intent in her eyes, and the smile on her face became more and more wild: "It's just that I'm not confused yet. I can still see clearly who is the hero and who is the pest!"

"Your Majesty, please banish Roger Charles!"

All the nobles lowered their heads and firmly repeated their demands.

They also lost their skin and stopped pretending.

There is no right and wrong between loyalty and treachery at this moment, there are only camps and positions, pretending not to understand the taunts of Queen Evernight.

"I'm sorry, I refuse. I will never let the meritorious officials suffer any injustice."

Unfortunately, the voice of Queen Yongye was firmer than theirs. She pointed at the nobles kneeling on the ground with her slender jade fingers, "When you were helpless in the face of the Seventeen Kingdoms, it was Roger who offered your advice to quell the chaos; when you were hoarding food and preparing to take advantage of the famine to make a fortune, At that time, it was Roger who came up with the magic weapon; when you were singing and dancing, it was Roger who entered the realm of inner demons and saved my life; when you were having a rough time at the dance, Roger was still working overtime at Yinbingzhuang to compile "The New Arcana" !

It is true that you are all meritorious officials, but I have already rewarded you for your past achievements. No one can rest on the merit book and do whatever they want in the empire. From now on, if any noble mentions banishing Roger again, I will banish him to the depths of the desert to plant big trees, and he will not be allowed to return to the oasis! "

Roger couldn't help but trembled when he heard this.

He never thought that he would have such an important position in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Three quarters of the nobles of the empire knelt in front of her, but she still wanted to protect him and refused to make even a little concession?

At this moment, he suddenly realized that although this scum queen would not say thank you on weekdays and even teased him, she was not an ungrateful person.

She remembered what he had done in her heart, and it was very important.

She might just have sat on the lonely throne for too long and forgot how to get along with people normally.

The Queen of Eternal Night was really angry here, and a threat directly made many nobles who asked for orders want to retreat.

No one wants to plant big trees in the desert. Can that thing survive?

Even the few old foxes who led the plan had never imagined such a scene.

Three quarters of the nobles stood up to oppose, but His Majesty was still stubborn. What should he do next?

The nobles who had always been in the same boat with the Queen of Eternal Night began to seriously think about how to fight if the Queen was on the opposite side.

Play nm, vote!

So tonight, whether she was so powerful or so confident, or Roger had an unexpected position in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night, these nobles suddenly didn't want to continue to explore.

Now everyone is in the palace, could it be that they really rebelled, and really invited the Seven Gods Church back to suppress the Queen?

After the rebellion, a new king was established?

There is no other bloodline in the Shelley family. They were all cleaned up by the Kingdom of Walbruga and the Queen of Eternal Night herself. She has no children...

Alas, it is too difficult to be a noble in the Qingteng Empire!

Several old foxes exchanged glances and prepared to find a way to end today's farce.

At this moment, Roger suddenly spoke in a somewhat mean tone: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, I am wronged, I don't want to leave Aodu."

The Queen of Eternal Night was angry, thinking that I have been so strong for you, and you are still wronged, why don't you go to heaven?

She turned around to teach this troublemaker a lesson, and suddenly found that he was blinking at her.

Combined with her thoughts, she immediately understood that this kid had a trick again.

He wants to start a group!

The Queen of Eternal Night read the script he wrote, and her expression instantly became "gentle": "Lord Roger, no grievance, no grievance, am I not letting you vent your anger?"

Roger acted "willful": "Not enough, no, no, I want to teach them myself."

The Queen of Eternal Night had a face of "helplessness and pampering": "Okay, you say what to do, I will listen to you."

"Then you appoint me an official who can manage these nobles." Roger took out the Eternal Night Order in his arms and shook it in front of those nobles.

They knew they were performing.

But those nobles didn't know!

After the Queen of Eternal Night turned her head and looked at Roger, her expression, tone, and words made the kneeling nobles so angry that their noses were crooked.

There is no harm without comparison.

She is as cold as the autumn wind to us, but as warm as spring to Roger, right?

Many young nobles have no hope of getting the Queen's favor, nor do they want to see others get it. This is their original intention to jump out and accuse Roger tonight.

As a result, the two of them played "dogs and bitches" in front of them, and madly output to them, so that the rationality that these people just emerged was directly drowned.

Don't post, don't post, this dog food is endless!

Some old and sophisticated nobles noticed that Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night had a very stiff dialogue performance. This sudden show of affection might be a trick!

But that group of rabble, who dared to contradict the Queen with a few random provocations, couldn't stand being attacked by Roger and hated by him. The flames in their hearts were rising.

How could an old duke with diabetes eat all this? He stood up and pointed at Roger's nose and said, "How dare you, little bastard, take care of me?"

With him at the head, a large number of hot-tempered nobles immediately began to greet Roger with the most vicious language.

The Queen of Eternal Night's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Very good, this group is starting, I can continue to enter the field to deal damage and collect street lamp pendants (*^▽^*)

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