A villa not far from Dior's residence was recently sold to a foreign businessman.

In her own small courtyard, Xia Di was sitting leisurely on a rocking chair, wearing a sky blue dress and a wide-brimmed sun hat.

Holding a romantic love novel in hand, gently stirring a cup of black coffee without any sugar.

At this moment, she only looks at her appearance. She looks like those rich girls in the mysterious city who enjoy the bright autumn sun for a long time.

The slow-paced life of Veronica's royal family was also like this.

On another chair, Prince Shaq of the Sea Kingdom was not as calm as she was. His big tail was hanging down and he was soaking in a large basin, flicking the water uneasily.

While making preparations, Xia Di was extremely nervous and had to analyze and speculate in detail on every slightest change, making her subordinates nervous.

Now that the action has begun, she begins to calm down, while Shaq, who is a little idle, cannot calm down.

Xia Di asked someone to serve Shaq a cup of coffee and a plate of dessert, and said with a smile: "Everything we can do has been done. All variables have been taken into account. Just wait for the harvest."

"Yes, we have prepared so much, we will definitely not lose!"

Shaq forced a smile and cheered himself up.

Although he didn't know about Xia Di's two-month gambling agreement, it was also a major event that affected whether he could go home. It seemed that he really couldn't wait for the harvest with peace of mind.

In principle, there shouldn't be so much pressure to capture a target that only has the strength of a high-level magician on paper.

But in the face of Shadi's endless backup plans, Shaq was restricted by the contract and used all the power he could mobilize. The sunk cost was too high, and he was really in a state that he couldn't afford to lose.

This mysterious city is, after all, the territory of the Queen of Evernight. That woman has created too many incredible achievements and is the most difficult variable for them to control.

While they were talking, the communication magic circuit formed in Shadi's ears was not interrupted for a moment:

"The first special team is in place and confirmed that the target has left the room."

"The secret sentry has been cleared, space blockade has been set up, and control traps have been set up."

"The second, third, and fourth teams have arrived at the designated location."

"The room tool spirit 'Big Smart' has successfully invaded and is rewriting the control program and will soon take full control of the target location."

One message after another, because Xia Di's investigation was thorough enough and the preparations were sufficient, her men executed every step smoothly.

Occasionally there are small obstacles, but they are within the scope of our ability to deal with them on the spot.

A backup plan that anticipates all variables can always produce twice the result with half the effort at times like this.

"Reporting to the instructor, all preparations and arrangements have been completed. We are just waiting for the target to be captured." A core member of the Tianming Army said.

"Copy that, your teams are waiting in hiding and report to me any abnormalities you find."

Xia Di ordered calmly and calmly, showing strong confidence that everything was under control.

Listening to her commanding, Shaq gradually stopped thinking.

Maybe this is charisma, right?

All our arrangements are made after precise calculations and careful analysis. If there is mental calculation but no intention, it will definitely not fail, right?

The mentor is worthy of being a mentor, and he can easily do things that we cannot do.

A mere Roger would never be able to uncover the Wuzhi Mountain of His Highness Xia Di!

But actually...

Xia Di was far less calm than she showed.

If she was really confident enough, she wouldn't deliberately wear the clothes she liked as a girl in order to feel like she was in her glory days.

She didn't know why, but her heart always palpitated inexplicably when she thought about this operation, and she had nightmares for several days in a row.

But she had no choice. The time pressure on the gambling agreement was here, and the layout had been pushed to this level, and there was no reason to go back.

They have one and only one chance to take action. As long as they are exposed and Aldu's security level increases, the difficulty of subsequent operations will inevitably increase exponentially.

This is also the reason why Xia Di is so stubborn. The empire has still cast a huge shadow on her soul. Living under the eyes of Queen Yongye is not much different from seeking death.

So Xia Di's arrangements were not limited to Dior's residence.

An interdimensional communication from the abyss was accessed: "Reporting to the mentor, the investigation team of the Secret Law Society has been ambushed, and the other party is already asking for help... The Queen of Evernight has responded to the call for help and has joined the battlefield!"

Before he finished speaking, this magical communication became extremely unstable, and there seemed to be countless magics exploding at the same time.

Then the communication was cut off.

Xia Di was secretly palpitating. Is this the authority of the Queen of Evernight to take action?

She was placed under Abyss's men, who were fighting in the east and west, and was the elite of Tianming's army.

At the same time, the Tianming Army also paid a very high price and signed a contract with the devil to ask them to take action. Their strength was definitely several times greater than the reconnaissance team of the Secret Law Society.

As a result, as soon as the Queen of Evernight appeared, the situation was immediately reversed.

It’s really unimaginable how far that crazy woman’s strength has reached now.

"I will never forget your sacrifices, and the dynasty will not forget you either."

Xia Di sighed quietly, knowing that the men over there would definitely not survive.

Now they can only rejoice that they successfully lured away the Queen of Evernight. Their actions should be easy to complete.

Leading away the Queen of Evernight is a key step for her to capture Dio. There is only one person with legendary combat power in the entire Ivy Empire.

As long as she is not around, Xia Di feels that her strength can offset all variables and accidents that arise.

Although she can't match the Queen of Evernight, she has at least one-tenth of the Queen's combat power.

As long as she is not a pervert like the Queen of Eternal Night, whose magic power seems to have no limit, ordinary legendary powerhouses are nothing to be afraid of!

In the other direction from Dior's residence, there is a villa that was expropriated without compensation.

Hicks has led the Dark Night Guard to stay here for nearly a week, monitoring all the actions of the Tianming Army in the City of Mystery, and observing whether they act according to their plans.

This is to avoid causing additional disruption to the lives of ordinary citizens after implementation.

It seems that nothing has changed in this area as usual, but the Night Guard has cooperated with the Arcane Society to partially activate the magic circle to protect the city.

As long as the combat energy exceeds a certain limit, irrelevant personnel will be teleported to evacuate immediately.

"It's a pity that we are not in the harvest position this time."

The one-eyed swordsman played with the eight-armed glove boredly, with different weapons jumping between his fingers. He was somewhat disappointed with this arrangement, but he was also very curious.

This time, the Dark Night Guard was only responsible for the second-line combat force that the Tianming Army was responsible for supporting in the city. The commander said that there would be a dedicated person in charge of the enemy's elite combat force that actually appeared at Dio's residence.

There is nothing to say about Roger's control and prestige over the Night Guard, and Hicks will definitely carry out his orders resolutely.

But Hicks is still very curious about who this "special person" is.

We obviously have everything under control, but how powerful is this "special person" that allows our commander to personally arrange for people to be killed and take credit?

Hicks wasn't bragging, Night Guard really had an absolute advantage.

Relying on the non-magic monitoring equipment that leads the world of eternal night, all actions of the Tianming Army are under their surveillance.

Seeing the enemy's ignorance and extremely serious preparations for battle every day, the Night Guard even felt pitiful and sorry for these restorers.

Mr. Xia, it doesn’t matter how many layers of backup plans you prepare, we are all watching!

You play one set of cards, and we will dismantle the other set. I'm really sorry for you...

If it weren't for the order from above to get the big fish out of the pot, many people would be tempted to close the net.

Fortunately, they were not kept waiting. Xia Di was also faced with time pressure. Today, the Tianming Army and the elite of the Sea Kingdom finally started their final action.

A dragnet to capture Lord Dior is being woven, with layers of layers laid out very carefully, one link after another.

However, the Night Guard is like a big man holding scissors, standing beside this net, ready to cut it to pieces at any time, and then recycle the broken net cloth to replace Her Majesty the Queen with a stainless steel basin...

Xinghan Palace.

The cabinet ministers waited until the meeting was approaching before receiving the temporary news that today's cabinet meeting was canceled because the Empress of Evernight rushed to the aid of the Abyss.

Just in case, the information about the battle of wits and courage between the Tianming Army and the Dark Night Guard is kept confidential. Only Roger and the Queen of Evernight have the full knowledge of the inside story, and the other departments are only cooperating to complete relevant intelligence.

Even the cabinet, except Roger who was present as Dior, and Margaret were all surprised that the Queen of Evernight suddenly ran away to the abyss.

The little ceiling fan couldn't help but think, there are obviously many enemies around the empire, are they ready to open up the abyss now?

[When I conquer the abyss and absorb more demons to become citizens of the empire, maybe I won’t be so lonely...]

Inexplicably, she thought of the word "lonely" and subconsciously glanced at Dio, who was sitting at the end of the conference table, and quickly looked away.

Margaret, you are still too weak after all. You must have said it dozens of times next time, but why haven't you spoken about the alliance?

You can't be so weak anymore!

Tomorrow is definitely the last time!

While the Queen was away, the Secretary-General arranged for everyone to discuss urgent matters that required coordination between different departments, and then adjourned the meeting.

Everyone exited one by one, and Margaret called to Roger who was closest to the door and walking in front: "Master Dio, wait for me."

She wanted to talk to Dio about the possibility of His Majesty attacking the Abyss.

Angelina, who was packing up documents, suddenly stopped her hands.

She had heard from her subordinates that Margaret had been going to Dior's residence for breakfast every day recently.

However, there was not much communication between the two people at the cabinet meeting, and there seemed to be no more exchanges in other private situations.

So it should be defined as this little mixed-race devil who pestered Dior shamelessly and without restraint, right?

Huh, Devil's Brand Brown Candy, just like being shameless against yourself every day, this little devil will never end it once it gets involved.

A true imperial lady would never behave like she did to cause trouble for others!

Angelina immediately sympathized with Dior and believed that Margaret's behavior could be considered workplace harassment.

Right relative to Dior has always been quite recognized.

Because of his talent, and also because he and his brother "have a very good personal relationship."

From Angelina's perspective, Roger started to show his strength after meeting Dio. In a short period of time, he quickly transformed from a useless brother to a hero of the empire. His abilities and knowledge were like a completely different person.

This shows that Dior's influence on his younger brother must be very important. He is both a friend and a teacher. The Charles family owes him a huge favor.

After the Bloody Night of Odo, Margaret forced Roger to take over as the commander of the city defense army. It was Dio who took the initiative to stop the disaster for his brother. The Charles family owed him another favor.

Angelina gave Dior several gifts, but these could not repay him for helping his brother.

So Angelina once asked Dior as a friend if she needed help.

Unfortunately, Dio said that he had no worries about food and drink, and there was nothing extra that needed to bother the Right Prime Minister.

Although he failed to repay the favor, in Angelina's opinion, Dio was the kind of noble scholar who had no desires and devoted himself to the empire, and his evaluation rose again.

She stood up and left with the documents in her arms. Seeing Margaret still lingering around Dio and chattering about something, she felt a little angry.

As the chief minister of the cabinet (the Right Prime Minister is higher than the Left Prime Minister, so it is not wrong to say so), she has the responsibility to ensure the atmosphere of the cabinet, and there must not be a situation where seniors bully newcomers.

So Angelina walked three steps away from the two of them and coughed a few times to show her presence.

"Right Prime Minister, isn't it bad for you to eavesdrop on others like this?" Margaret turned her head provocatively and stared at the blue-haired saint.

Roger looked at her with a puzzled look. His sister was not the kind of person who would interrupt others' conversations casually.

Angelina ignored Margaret and said to Roger: "Dio, the cabinet is not a lawless place. If you encounter any unfair treatment, just tell me and I will definitely do justice for you."

"Angelina, you think too much. Nothing happened as you imagined." Dio replied with a smile, realizing that she misunderstood that she was bullied by the small ceiling fan.

Margaret was furious when she heard this. What did this blue-haired Madonna mean? She slandered me for bullying people?

But compared to anger, she was more flustered.

Is this the first time Margaret knows that Lord Dio and the blue-haired Madonna are so close that they call each other by name?

When did the blue-haired Madonna run ahead of her again without a sound?

On ordinary days, she would definitely retort and have a big quarrel with Angelina, but at this time she was only thinking about her own little thoughts and thinking about what kind of relationship Lord Dio and Angelina had.

Angelina reminded Margaret and saw that Margaret looked guilty with her head down. She felt that her deterrence purpose had been achieved and bowed gracefully: "It's good that the situation I'm worried about has not happened. I won't bother you for now. Dio, come to Charles's house when you have time. I will definitely entertain you well."

Roger smiled awkwardly but politely, thinking that he knew Charles's house well and didn't need your hospitality.

From beginning to end, Angelina didn't even look at Margaret and left.

Margaret lowered her head and didn't care about Angelina's provocation.

"Lord Left Prime Minister, do you still want to continue discussing the possibility of the Empire invading the Demon Realm?" Dio's voice pulled Margaret back to reality.

During the time she was in a daze, there was no one in the Council Hall, only the two of them.

She raised her head, but compared to her usual proud and confident expression, the light in her eyes was extremely dim at this moment, and she whispered: "Lord Dio, can you walk with me?"

"Yes." Roger didn't refuse.

He felt that Margaret was a little bit off. Could it be that she was hurt by Angelina's slander?

She's not that fragile, is she?

However, now he was just going back to act with Teacher Tianming, so he might as well accompany her for a while and not let the child get really upset.

The two of them walked out of the palace.

But even after walking out of the palace, Margaret still looked worried and didn't speak.

"You're not just dragging me along to make up the steps, are you?" Roger asked half-jokingly.

Margaret's hesitant and tangled expression showed a kind of determination, and she mustered up the courage to say: "Can I, can I call you Dio too?"

Roger was stunned for a moment.

He thought to himself that this mixed-blood little devil was too petty. Whatever Angelina has, you also have to have, right?

He touched his forehead helplessly: "Of course..."

Margaret was sensitive to his emotions and added: "Don't pity me. If this will cause you trouble, we can maintain our current relationship. I... I won't bother you every day for breakfast."

Because of her loneliness since childhood, Margaret rarely considers others.

But Angelina's reminder made her realize that her behavior may have been a burden in the eyes of others.

Her voice became smaller and smaller, her head drooped, her tail also drooped, her two little hands grabbed the hem of her skirt so hard, her skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

It was the first time that Roger discovered that the left prime minister of the empire, who seemed to be covered with thorns, was so thin and petite. He was at a loss when facing the people he cared about, just like a helpless child.

Maybe because she had no childhood, so in some ways, she was an idiot, and she never had the opportunity to grow up, so she was so naive?

Roger suddenly felt sorry for her, and his voice softened unconsciously, saying softly: "Maybe there is indeed a problem. That is, I already treat you as a friend, but I don't know whether you need a friend like me?"

"Of course... I need it!" Margaret blurted out.

So eating and chatting together like this, we are already friends?

Roger couldn't help but chuckle: "Then it's natural to call each other by name, Mary?"

The little devil's body trembled slightly, and slowly raised his head. Seeing Dio's serious expression, his beautiful red eyes gradually regained their luster, and he said in surprise: "Thank you, Dio... I, I am very happy, I thought you would choose Angelina."

Roger spread his hands very frankly: "There is no need to make a choice, she and I are also friends."

Margaret was immediately confused and told the truth subconsciously: "How can you do this? I will not be friends with her! I originally came to you hoping that you could help me win more favor from His Majesty than Angelina!"

"She and I are friends, and it has nothing to do with whether you are friends with her." Roger said seriously, "Just like, if you want to win His Majesty's favor, it has nothing to do with His Majesty's impression of Angelina."

It's a very simple truth. If someone else told Margaret, she would definitely not have the patience to listen.

The little devil and the blue-haired Madonna are incompatible. Sooner or later, one day, it will be either me or her!

But Dio is the friend she chose herself, the only friend she has ever had. Margaret really listened to what he said.

"It seems... is it really like this? I don't actually need to compete with Angelina?" The little devil followed Roger's thoughts and found that he seemed to have really got into a dead end before, and then fell into self-doubt.

If that's the case, what have I been fighting with Angelina for all these years?

Roger was afraid that she couldn't accept this fact and couldn't think straight for a while, so he interrupted her thinking at the right time: "Anyway, as a friend, if you want to win more favor from His Majesty, I can help you."

"Really? That's great, it won't cause you any trouble, right?" Margaret was full of surprise, and instantly forgot about Angelina.

I waited for so long, hesitated for so long, didn't I just want to get a promise like Dior?

"Friends should help each other, and it's just a piece of cake." Roger said nonchalantly.

He didn't explain, it was still the same reason, winning the favor of His Majesty and suppressing Angelina were two completely unrelated things.

But such a promise was enough for Margaret to be happy. She said seriously: "I don't think I can help you for the time being, so I'll treat you to lunch. You can choose any restaurant."

Before Roger answered, he suddenly felt a sense of alarm in his heart. He found that the street scenes around him seemed to be distorted, and the hustle and bustle of the city was getting farther and farther away from him.

Oops, I was too focused on the conversation and forgot that I had a date with the Tianming Army.

It seems that because I was too slow to go home, Xia Di directly activated the backup plan and killed me halfway?

Moreover, this way, I can take away the head of a mixed-blood little devil?

"My mentor, are you a little too greedy?" Roger whispered softly.

Margaret also vaguely sensed something, pulled Roger's robe, and her voice trembled a little: "Dio, have you noticed that the environment here is not right?"

She has seen that there are obscure but powerful magic fluctuations in different directions, and a very short battle is erupting.

At the same time, she found that her guards could no longer be contacted.

"Don't worry, you just need to cast a protective magic on yourself next." Roger said calmly.

"I am a magician, and you are a senior magician. I should protect you." Margaret said loudly in dissatisfaction, and at the same time to give herself courage.

Not far away, Xia Di had already appeared with the elite of the Tianming Army and the Sea Country, and the weapons in her hands were dripping with blood.

It was obvious that they had solved the defense force protecting Margaret.

"Are you sure that I am really just a senior magician?"

Roger asked back softly, not only asking Margaret, but also asking the besiegers who took the initiative to show up.

At the same time, he no longer hesitated and directly activated the Demon King's order.

Ask the Queen to come!

The magic power beyond the legend appeared on his body, which directly made his body overcome gravity and float in the air, and his eyes looked directly at Xia Di who showed an unexpected expression.

"Dio is so strong that he has a bit of the Queen's style..."

Margaret looked up at Roger's figure, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

Because of this familiar magic power, she felt inexplicably relieved and had twelve points of trust in Dio.

So as he instructed, she only cast protective magic on herself and did not become a burden in his battle.


Although the target's combat power exceeded expectations, Xia Di's own appearance was to offset these variables.

Abandoning the ambush and taking action in advance is to save time and prevent the Queen of Eternal Night from returning from the abyss.

Except for her, no matter who you are, I will suppress you when I see you!

But Roger's magic power is still rising, as if there is no end, until Xia Di's smile that everything is under control is a little stiff.

Oh no, is this another turret with unlimited magic power?

Roger's fingertips are shining, and a playful smile emerges.

Master Mentor, you finally have a health bar!

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