Deep in the Kanbusak Desert, 70 kilometers east of Srena City, a new city on the edge of an oasis is laying its foundation.

In the storage area where large quantities of supplies are transported by caravans of different races, a petite girl with long purple hair is copying and checking various information in a notebook, which is quite meticulous.

If the Night Guard were here, they would be surprised at the identity of this girl. The beloved daughter of the former Duke of Nankanton would actually wear simple clothes with obvious orc style and work so hard.

This girl is none other than Cornelia Kanton, who fled to the Elf Empire with her father, and was robbed of her family and food by Tashika halfway.

Duke Nankanton became the eternal holy fire in the Star Palace, but the Empire was too lazy to accept his family and children.

Tashika is not the kind of cruel queen who likes to kill the whole family, and when chatting online, she also heard Roger talk about the hanging street lamp plan that kills people and destroys their hearts.

So she finally chose to respect the last wish of the Duke of Nankanton and sent people to send his family and servants to the Elf Empire.

As for the quality of life of these already quite poor guys in the Elf Empire, it is not within the scope of concern of the new Orc Queen.

She is just helping Lord Charles to have fun, and she does not really sympathize with these noble ladies and young masters.

The slow pace of life, luxurious material enjoyment, and rich entertainment activities of the Elf Empire have always been recognized and yearned for by the upper class of all races, but all these enjoyments are based on the economy.

As the oldest and self-proclaimed most elegant race on the continent, the elves have always been arrogant.

The rich can enjoy everything in the Elf Empire, but the poor living there will not be much better than other countries, and may even be worse...

Not an elf, not believing in the God of Nature, and not being able to provide enough immigration investment, you may not even have the most basic human rights.

The arrogance of the elves is never reasonable. Rich people from other places will be discriminated against for contributing gold coins there, not to mention the poor who go there to make money and make a living.

Hey, I'm afraid I will enjoy a lot of cold eyes, right?

Of course, since the Orc Kingdom is in a state of disrepair and the level of education is worse than that of the Empire, it is in urgent need of a workforce that can read and do accounting.

So Terra also extended an olive branch to humans who are willing to stay in the desert to work.

This is also a way to slowly ease the hatred between the Orcs and the Empire. As long as there is communication, the relationship will get better and better most of the time.

Making money is not bad.

However, to Tashika's surprise, among this batch of captives, few servants are willing to stay in the Orc Kingdom, but it is the eldest lady Cornelia who wants to stay in the desert.

Tashika personally met this very talented magic girl: "Your servants think that the desert is too desolate and the Orcs are too barbaric. There is no future here. I need a reason for you to choose us."

Cornelia was very calm: "Is this place closer to the Empire?"

Tashika looked at me with a look of "Do you really think I am a big stupid bear?"

Cornelia spread her hands and said, "Okay, I can see that you are working for the Empire. If possible, I hope to return to the Empire one day."

Tasika did not refute her guess. She personally sent Duke Nankaniton back to the Empire, which would definitely not escape the eyes of her own daughter.

Just as the daughter of a traitor of the Empire, she joined the Terra Orc Kingdom to achieve the goal of returning to the Empire...

It is a roundabout way to save the country, isn't it too roundabout?

Moreover, the Empire and herself can be regarded as the enemies who killed her father.

Tasika felt that Cornelia was too calm, and her expression became more serious: "Even if you are unable to avenge your father, it is not convincing to work for us instead."

"From the moment he betrayed his loyalty because of greed, death is inevitable..." Cornelia said affirmatively, and sadness still appeared in her eyes.

After all, he was her father. Even if he did something wrong, he loved her for more than ten years. Even if the family is as deep as the sea, there are still feelings.

But the last message that Duke Nankaniton left to the whole family was not to seek revenge.

Moreover, although she was just a young lady who enjoyed life, it didn't mean she would always be like that.

Since she started her life on the run, she grew up quickly, and she realized intelligently and rationally that the sudden decline of her family was inseparable from her father's wrong stance.

She basically figured out what the Duke of Nankaniton had done by paying attention and inquiring secretly.

She knew that he was hoarding food and wanted to take the opportunity to turn things around, and she also found out that he had been in contact with the Tianming Army.

The magic makeup plate that tricked her into signing a soul contract flowed into the Nankaniton Villa because of her father's secret contact with Xia Di.

So, she exposed Roger's strength, which led to the Duke of Nankaniton taking the lead in forcing the Queen of Eternal Night to abdicate, and then became a victim of the Queen's road to centralization...

Was he the culprit himself?

Fate is so wonderful.

"In fact, I agree more with Her Majesty's ideas and Lord Charles' assistance. I believe that the Empire will become the strongest country in the world. I don't want to repeat my father's mistakes and miss the opportunity."

In other words, if I go to the Elf Empire, I won't be able to hold on to the thighs.

Konilia knew that if she wanted to stay here, she had to get the approval of Tashika, so she didn't hide her thoughts and spoke them all out.

Anyway, her family has completely declined and the coffin has been finalized, so these are no longer secrets.

Tasika spoke sincerely and nodded gently: "The Queen is an unprecedented great monarch, and Lord Charles cares about the people. Their cooperation can indeed create an unprecedented prosperity..."

"Do you agree with my idea?" Cornelia looked at Tasika in surprise.

She had been thinking about these ideas in her heart and did not dare to tell anyone around her. She wanted to stay in the desert and made a secret decision without telling her family.

Unexpectedly, Tasika, the orc queen, understood her instantly, and seemed to understand her more deeply than she did. She couldn't help but feel surprised to meet a soulmate.

"Of course, because I heard Lord Charles talk about his ideal country and he has been working hard for it."

Tasika suddenly became interested in talking and told Cornelia about the non-confidential parts of her conversations with Roger.

These theoretical things - in this era, they are usually called delusions, and most people don't believe them.

But Cornelia is different. She jumped out of the empire to see the changes in the empire, and she can see more than those who are in the game.

She believed that the grand blueprints described by Roger were indeed possible to achieve.

"Sure enough, Lord Charles is an extraordinary person!" Cornelia remembered the handsome young man she had seen at the ball, and found that he was not only handsome, but also had profound thoughts that transcended the times.

"Of course, Lord Charles's ideas have always guided me forward!"

Tashika said proudly, and by the way, she also agreed to Cornelia's request to stay in the Kingdom of Terra to serve.

She was a little fond of this peer who could discuss Lord Charles with her...

No matter how loyal those orcs were, it would not be easy for the queen to praise an imperial man, especially an imperial man who had sniped the orc coalition forces.

So, the Terra branch of Roger's support club was initially established, with Tashika as the president and Cornelia as the secretary.

There are two major topics on a daily basis:

First, what is Lord Charles' ideal prosperous age like.

Second, Lord Charles is so handsome!



Empire, the city of mystery, the civilian area

Roger never imagined that he would have such a high prestige in the Qingteng Empire and have gained so much trust from ordinary people.

Although this trust was borrowed from the Queen of Eternal Night, the Queen's unconditional trust in him would change the imperial people's perception of him.

It's like an unknown small brand that quickly became known by hiring a top spokesperson.

But in the end, it still depends on the quality of the product, and Roger has to do many practical things with extraordinary significance.

It may be a coincidence, or a sudden inspiration, or saving the nation from extinction, or the ideal picture he has always had in his heart...

From an ordinary person to now, the process is very long, and the coincidence of fate and the original motivation are no longer traceable.

The good news is that the current situation is not bad?

He can hardly remember when he began to identify with this empire and was willing to regard it as his hometown in another world.

With the full support of a powerful and enlightened emperor, they finally drove this country on the fast track to becoming stronger despite internal and external troubles.

He thought he would just build this country silently, but the people here were more simple than he expected.

With just a little bit of dawn, they returned tenfold gratitude and a hundredfold efforts, sharing the love that once belonged to the Queen of Eternal Night with him.

And it was not just a little, it was a lot, which made Roger feel guilty and thought it was completely beyond the lethal amount of gratitude he had done.

He wanted to sincerely shout, what virtue do I have...

It can only be said that the lives of the people of the empire are too difficult, but they are not stupid, who is sincere and who is seeking fame, and they can still distinguish clearly.

The feelings of family and country, if used well, will not only have unstoppable militarism, but also look forward to the birth of a magnificent picture of starving and building a new Qingteng.

Compared with these people, some of the guys who are fed too much by the Grand Druid Grandpa in modern times are really unruly people.

Yearning for the outside world, cursing their own home, and then rolling around and cursing the benefits taken by others, making many places a mess.

With them as a comparison, Roger couldn't help but feel that these imperial citizens who cheered for the victory after driving away the Tianming Army were adorable:

They were too simple and too easy to satisfy.

He was willing to be kidnapped by such a heart!

He looked back at the Queen of Eternal Night. I think this Queen is not stupid. She can probably see through these relationships, but she is still moved by them.

That's why she fulfills the responsibilities of an emperor day and night, right?

Those heavy trusts can really suffocate people.

But this feeling of being trusted and needed is really good!

Roger turned his eyes back and looked down at the cheering crowd. There were so many people that made him dizzy.

But when he made a decision, he was no longer nervous and panicked at the beginning.

He showed a confident and extremely friendly smile, and his voice amplified by magic spread throughout the audience:

"Thank you all for your support for the Night Guard. We are just a newly established organization. We have done some things during this period and have achieved some results, but we are not worthy of everyone's praise at all. Some people say that life has become better now, but I don't think so. This is still a huge gap from my ideal prosperity."

Everyone began to think that Roger was in Versailles, and you, the Night Guard, smashed all the nobles into the mud as soon as it was established, and the empire directly entered the new aristocratic era. Is this "some results"?

But later he began to describe an ideal prosperous world, which really made these people agree with Roger's previous statement:

Compared with such a beautiful world, you really can't stop, Commander!

"In my ideal prosperous world, not to mention having meat every meal, at least we should eliminate famine, and people should not starve to death again!"

"In my ideal prosperous world, there will be strong productivity, our goods will be sold to the multiverse, we will be the makers of trade rules, and we will let everyone enjoy the wealth brought by trade!"

"In my ideal prosperous world, we will not take the initiative to provoke war, but any enemy who invades us will pay the price of blood and will fall into the ocean of people's war..."

"In my ideal prosperous world, every child will receive education, they will become a new generation of nobles with ideals and goals, they will become the managers of this country, they will become the real masters of this country... the sharpest blade in the hands of Her Majesty the Queen!"

Roger suddenly saw the slightly changed face of the Queen of Eternal Night behind him, and then he added half a sentence in a hurry-

He almost said anti-imperialism and people's mastery!

Fortunately, the people below were listening with great interest and did not notice Roger's abrupt turn.

These people of the empire who could not even get enough food had never heard of such a bright future.

Although it seemed unreliable compared to the current life, Lord Charles's confident tone and detailed, unthinking examples did not seem to be talking nonsense at all!

As a modern person, Roger did not know how to realize the four modernizations in detail, but it was too simple to brag about what modernization looked like!

If you can't write programs, just talk about how fun the game is. Isn't it enough to have a mouth?

What's more, many things were discussed with Tashika, and they were just reviewed not long ago. He is really familiar with this.

Seeing that these people were almost fooled, Roger's tone became louder: "Cheers for our empire, for our queen, and for the great victory we will always achieve!"

He raised his fist to the sky with all his strength, and his people also screamed and shouted while shaking their fists, and followed Roger to roar:

"Long live the empire! Long live the queen! Long live victory!"

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger's enthusiastic expression, but his hands behind his back were shaking slightly, and she couldn't help but feel that this painting style was a bit abstract.

Who would have thought that such a timid and cautious guy would also play the role of a madman to fool his people one day?

This inevitably made her feel a little guilty.

When Roger stepped back from the front, the Queen of Eternal Night said softly: "I'm sorry, I made you live the way you don't like."

"Who said I don't like it?" Roger sneered, "If a person has never fought for anything in his life, isn't it a loss?"

The Queen of Eternal Night's eyes were hot, and she felt extremely moved.

The little boy I have raised for so long has become my knight, ready to protect me and sacrifice everything for me?

Unexpectedly, Roger added: "For this empire, I will become omnipotent."

Eternal Night Queen: ...

I was wrong, I was really wrong, how could I think such a fool could come to his senses?

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