Left Prime Minister's Mansion.

For Margaret, today was a very bad day, and the degree of badness could be ranked in the top three in her life.

Originally, she was looking forward to the happy breakfast time, but she ran into Roger at Dior's house, wearing his clothes!

The rainbow in the sky seemed to indicate that his only friend had some hobbies that were not simple!

At that moment, she thought that the world that was getting better and better was stained with a layer of indissoluble haze.

Obviously, she felt that he was so good unconsciously, and she had an inappropriate dependence on him, and began to have ambitions and possessiveness that surpassed friends.

She wanted to slowly understand his likes and dislikes, and try to learn to be gentle and considerate, walk into her life, and be the unique person around him...

As a result, she found that there was already someone around Dior before she found the right starting line!

And the biggest blow to the half-blooded little devil was that it was still a man!

The opponent was a woman, and she felt that she could still rely on her appearance, scheming, and shamelessness to compete.

Even if it was that annoying blue-haired Madonna, she was not without a chance of winning, right?

But the problem is, the opponent is a man, her brother!

Even the hardware is different, the port is incompatible, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the battlefield, but she is defeated...

She was on guard, afraid that the blue-haired saint would steal Dio's race.

But unexpectedly, the actual situation was that the other person's brother had already laughed at her at the finish line...

Those self-righteous efforts must be ridiculous, right?

"No wonder I found common ground with Dio so easily, and he didn't dislike me. So we are good friends, hahahaha..."

Margaret showed a miserable smile, her eyes were dim without any light and hope.

The little devil's concept is still relatively open, and he doesn't think that such a Dio is disgusting, but he feels sorry for himself for being too stupid and naive.

There should be a lot of details. There are too many coincidences and things that are tied together between Dio and Roger, and he didn't discover these things early.

Especially this morning, Roger said "this is my home" in such a natural tone, which fully shows that it is definitely not the first time he stayed at Dior's place. They knew each other a long time ago, and Roger had already regarded it as his home...

Dior, it doesn't matter if you don't want it!

Isn't it just that there are no friends? I have been here for so many years before.

As long as I can see Her Majesty every day and bathe in her light, I, a little sunflower, will be happy enough every day!

Margaret couldn't eat breakfast, fell hard into the garden, and came to the Council Hall early, waiting for the arrival of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Only by drawing energy from the idol can she get through this morning of despair and then get her life back to normal.

Then, she received a notice from the Secretary-General that the Queen of Eternal Night had something to do and today's cabinet meeting was cancelled.

Margaret was immediately torn!


Why did I cancel the meeting any other day?

Is the whole world against me?

She lost her friends and idols, and it seemed that she was the only one left in the huge empire.

The cold wind blew in her face, and the whole world was no longer bright.

She did not report to the military, and she asked for a day off from her subordinates, and returned home in a daze.

"Your Majesty, woo woo, my Majesty, it was enough to just meet once, why didn't you come to save your little devil... Your Majesty, I miss you so much..."

Margaret logged into the Knights' Special Zone of the Magician Camp and posted a post without a beginning or an end.

"Captain, hold on, don't stop, our dream will definitely come true!"

"Whether you see him or not, your Majesty is there, no sadness or joy..."

"Don't be sad, boss, we are still waiting for your beautiful pictures!"

"All unhappiness will be overcome, just like your Majesty has overcome countless setbacks!"

Even though there was no substantial content, Margaret's message quickly received a lot of likes and replies.

Like the warmth brought by the little girl lighting a match, it was unreal and very far away, but it was the last warmth she could touch.

The Knights' Order was established with the help of Dio. It exists only to praise the Queen of Eternal Night and has been managed carefully.

As long as you praise the Queen, any post will do.

The current users of the Magician Camp are all magicians, and 99% of magicians are fans of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Since its establishment, such an area that does nothing but praises the Queen has been lively and has quickly gathered a large number of fanatical fans of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Of course, if you think that the Knights' Order is full of girls because you see everyone with cute avatars and various Q-version queens, you are thinking too much.

In fact, there are no fewer men than women behind the vests. Let's protect the best queen together!

During breakfast time again and again, Margaret heard a lot of fan circle operation tips from Roger. As an administrator, she guided the rich secondary creation of grain and took the initiative to post a lot of exquisite magic projections from the perspective of the left phase.

She also guided fans to push each other's posts and reply to each other, and push everyone's posts to the front page of the entire message board to gain higher attention and increase cohesion.

Compared to other divisions that discuss freely and quarrel for no reason, the Knights are united in their purpose and are dedicated to praising the Queen. Their hobby is to work on data together, so they appear to be particularly harmonious and friendly.

If it is the Internet age, there will still be battles between fans of different idols, which will affect the impression of passers-by.

But in the magician camp, the Queen of Evernight is the only god for magicians.

Even if you are not so fanatical, you won't be disgusted when you see such beautiful pictures as "His Majesty's front row photo when reviewing memorials", right?

No matter how pedantic you are, you can't resist beautiful things...

Your majesty is so strong and beautiful, oh oh oh oh, I can no longer suppress my girly heart, and I will volunteer to join the Knights from now on!

This is the development and growth process of the Knights. It is so smooth that countless traffic idols are crying.

Margaret often had access to the Queen, and the magical projections she took secretly, coupled with the loving and meticulous photo editing, and her full cooking skills, everyone could feel her care, and she was well received by everyone.

She is both the founder of this division and an active administrator, and she gradually became known as the group leader.

The captain was unhappy today, and the knights offered words of comfort one after another, but they didn't want her to fall!

Few people dared to guess that the group leader was Margaret, the left prime minister, but the pictures she released must at least be important maids of Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace to have a chance to take pictures from the front, right?

"That's not right. The Queen is so powerful. She must have known that someone was secretly taking photos with magic. She was such a fan that she didn't stop him."

There are also prophet fans who accidentally guessed the truth.

Classmate Xiao Ao is quite narcissistic most of the time. When Margaret is filming herself, she acts like a flatterer and even actively cooperates:

I look so beautiful and sassy today, you have to take pictures of me beautifully!

The traffic of the Knights is very high. In less than an hour, Margaret's post has tens of thousands of likes and nearly a thousand comments, making it one of the top ten hot posts on the site.

Based on the number of users in the magician camp, this is already very scary data.

It fully shows that the popularity of Queen of Evernight has radiated to Margaret, and the traffic is still considerable.

Margaret rolled around on the bed, and the message notifications that kept ringing gradually made her feel that the world was getting brighter again.

The lost light in her eyes came back again.

The comfort for these knights who have never met before is not necessarily in the point of view, but through those screens, the warmth left by those words can also be felt.

There are also people who are trying and working hard to care about themselves.

Even if His Majesty did not appear in person to encourage me today, the spirit she left behind has cultivated such a loving knights, and I cannot embarrass her!

Rounding it all off, this is His Majesty’s love for me!

Brave Mary, not afraid of difficulties, cheer up!

"Thank you everyone, thank you for every message. I feel like I'm doing well again!"

Margaret left a message to reply to everyone, proving that she had not been defeated yet, and her fighting spirit was burning again, and she whispered to herself:

"Besties should be besties, let's prove that there is pure friendship between men and women!"

It would be a real loss for me to give up Dior for a mere Roger!

I, Margaret, must be Dior’s most loyal, open-minded and tolerant friend.

Enjoy the good things about your friends, but also accept the differences between them and ordinary people!

The little devil began to think about what kind of attitude he would have towards Dio next, and towards Roger who might appear next to him at any time:

"A relationship like theirs will not be accepted or recognized in the empire, so they must be very sensitive, even have low self-esteem, and will always hide it...Roger came to open the door and confessed the relationship in front of me. Isn't it a kind of Where’s the trust?”

"I can't live up to this trust! When I see them again, I must not show surprise, nor show excessive care and pity. I must behave as if they are a normal and ordinary couple, and encourage them to keep going. He is a qualified friend!”

"Well, no matter what kind of interaction you see them doing, you should smile calmly and don't scream and be surprised like this morning. Such an action will definitely cause a lot of damage to Roger's mind, right? !”

Margaret judged others by herself, and deeply explored the fragile psychology of "minority groups", and summarized more than 80 tips for making friends, hoping to become a good friend who treats "Dillo CP" equally.

Of course, her heart was bleeding when she wrote these tips.

This is equivalent to giving up your first love, returning to the position of friends, and wishing them to grow old together and have children soon...

Oh, by the way, they are infinitely good, but they just can’t give birth.

This point should be avoided and never mentioned in the future, so as not to cause sadness.

Take notes, take notes!

In order to avoid panic when they meet again, Margaret used magic to construct images of Dio and Roger, and then arranged various exchanges and interactions between the two of them based on some scenes she knew.

My heart aches.

But it hurts, so get used to it!

You even think these images are... great?

When we meet again, just smile!

From today on, I am the open-minded, gentle and considerate Margaret!

Business district, Dior house.

Roger slept until three o'clock in the morning before he woke up naturally.

"Are you awake?" He saw Queen Yongye looking at him with a look of relief, "The operation was successful, you are already a girl!"


Roger was so shocked that a series of muscles tightened.

But then he also noticed that the spear was still there, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

His Majesty was just joking, and he didn't really go crazy and do any biological transformation surgery.

"Hmph, come and have lunch."

The Queen of Eternal Night glared at him with resentment, and did not dwell on this topic, and walked towards the restaurant gracefully.

The Queen, who didn't know the truth yet, actually said with that look, you are so cowardly, it's useless to keep that thing, or just be a girl.

But Roger's focus is on, have lunch?

There is no trace of Da Congming opening the door, and there is no fluctuation of teleportation magic, which means that no one has entered this room.

I have been sleeping all the time, in other words, the Queen of Eternal Night made a lunch for me?

Although she prepared some snacks last night, Roger from the Assets Department was mixing drinks, and it was normal for her to take on some cooking operations accordingly.

But preparing lunch while I was sleeping, this is a bit interesting...

Isn't it because I let her sleep on the sofa yesterday that she deliberately made dark dishes to watch me make a fool of myself?

A queen who wants to show her wife power: The Thai Saint said that to control a man's heart, you must first control his stomach.

And I have been practicing cooking skills with all my heart, so I will never cook dark dishes in my life, okay?

Roger got up worriedly, washed up simply, and then walked to the restaurant.

Then he enjoyed a table of rich dishes that could not compare with the god-level skills of the system, but were better than most restaurants in the Secret City in terms of color, fragrance and taste.

This made Roger quite uneasy.

Because of his good sleep quality and enough sleep, Roger's mental strength has recovered to the lower limit of regional broadcasting, so his doubts were also broadcast to the Queen of Eternal Night at the same time.

[It's actually quite delicious. Isn't she taking the opportunity to retaliate against herself? Is there any hidden trap in the combination of these ingredients? ]

He carefully picked up the dishes throughout the whole process, chewed suspiciously, and swallowed hesitantly, almost making the Queen of Eternal Night angry.

I couldn't sleep because I was unhappy, so I got up from lying down and worked for a long time. I endured not using many magics along the way. At least I cooked 60% of the dishes myself. It was very thoughtful, okay?

And it was this guy's favorite "Chinese food", how considerate?

And he respected his strange habits and used two bamboo sticks called "chopsticks" as tableware. Do you know how long you have been practicing?

As a result, I am now suspected of poisoning him. There is no one in the world who is more wronged than me!

"It seems that my cooking skills are not good. I have wronged Roger, my dear. I'd better eat these by myself."

The Queen of Eternal Night raised her hand to set up a magic barrier, isolating Roger from the dining table.

Except for the rice in his hand, he couldn't touch any dishes.

Roger's expression suddenly became embarrassed, realizing that he seemed to have acted too much and seemed to have hurt His Majesty?

He said quickly: "Your Majesty, your cooking skills are not only amazing, but also rare in the world. How can I feel wronged?"


"You don't let me eat, I can only watch, this is really wronged."

"You deserve it."

"You will get fat if you eat so much, or I can help you share the pressure, right?"

"Fat is fat, eating your rice?"

The Queen of Eternal Night threw her chopsticks in anger. Being fat is a taboo for women. Is she being despised?

Roger nodded and smiled: "Unfortunately, your majesty, what you are eating now is really my rice."


The range of the magic barrier expanded, and Roger was directly driven out of the restaurant by someone who was angry and embarrassed.

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