The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 157: The Imperial Edition of a Couple's Scam (1/2)

A half plane filled with pink mist.

Shana lay on the floor helplessly, looking at the unchanging sky, floor, and wall, and sighed deeply.

Why did she have such a brain-twitch and chose such a color tone? There is no warmth of hibiscus tent. Looking at it for a long time will only make you feel more lonely, lonely, and cold...

In the pink color full of girlishness, everything is silent, and she is alone. This is obviously a hundred thousand times critical strike to the girl!

Even the most simple gray and white color would not be more tormenting than now.

She never thought that Roger would not cooperate at all, but instead joined forces with the Queen of Eternal Night to lock her up here.

In short, everything is Roger's fault!

The little angel made the big iron pot on someone's head bigger.

Although her body is called the time shepherd and is proficient in time spells, it can only be performed based on divine power.

Shana can use magic to perform ordinary level time suspension by herself.

But what's the use of this in the boredom of spending seconds like years?

Go to sleep, but I can't sleep.

After all, I didn't do anything that would consume my energy.

She felt a certain expectation from her body, and she thought about imitating the movements that bastard had done, and looking for a little happiness...

But there is no shelter here. What if the Qingteng Empire's negotiation delegation enters at this time? Wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

I used to be a six-winged angel, and now I am the second strongest person in the empire under the queen. Don't I have any face?

So, I'd better lie down and wait for Xiao Ao or other imperial people to open the door and let me out...

Even though I was itching in my heart, the only toy was myself, and I couldn't play with it, so I could only wait boredly.

Wait until I doubted my life, wait until I doubted whether Xiao Ao had forgotten me...

She accidentally guessed it right.

If the two people over there were not bored, and Roger reminded her, the Queen of Eternal Night would really have forgotten her.

In short, in Shana's feeling, thousands of years had passed, and she finally felt a little space fluctuation.

She stood up with a bang, and looked at the place where the space door appeared obediently. Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night came out, talking and laughing.

"So your majesty has been to such an interesting plane..."

"Yes, the plane rules there are very strange. You are born old and then slowly get smaller..."

Well, it was quite boring, but thinking of Shana made me think of the Seven Gods, and thinking of the Seven Gods made me think of plane travel.

So the two began to talk about the strange worlds they had seen and visited, and found a new topic.

This is the normal state when men and women are attracted to each other.

The disturbances outside are just an excuse to get closer to each other and get to know each other better.

Even if they are angels, it doesn't matter. The amount of information brought by a movie or a roasted sweet potato is about the same.

They are just looking for excuses, so that the two can get together and find something to do.

So, the two of them chatted and came close to Shana. Obviously, there was no intimate action, but the tone and demeanor of their speech made Shana smell a strong and extremely sour smell from a distance.

With the pink background, the lonely little angel looked at the couples, causing a billion times of critical strike.

Heh, it's not spring, you two dogs and bitches, hold back!

Shana rubbed his eyes and scratched his ears, suspecting that he was hallucinating because he had been locked up here for too long.

Speaking of which, it shouldn't be a formal meeting between the two camps, trading and exchanging information seriously and solemnly.

Even if it was a murderous interrogation, she thought it was normal.

But she came over chatting like this, and then the Queen of Eternal Night looked at her and asked casually: "What do you think, do you want to continue talking?"

Shana's mentality collapsed directly.

Do you really value me?

This is basically the tone of walking to the barbecue stall at night and asking the boss whether to continue business. Are you kidding me!

We are about to trade, but the information about the top camps and the top powers in this multiverse is good, okay?

Roger looked at Shana's uncertain expression, constipated and tangled, and sighed: "It seems that she has not made a final decision yet. Let's go somewhere else to play first."

"Okay." The Queen of Eternal Night followed suit and opened the space door again.

"Wait, wait!" Shana was shocked and hurriedly called them.

Are you two kidding me? You have made a judgment before I even spoke?

I have thought about it a long time ago, I am willing to trade!

The girl's position was completely messed up, fearing that these two people would leave like this and forget about her, and she didn't know when she would be locked up next...

Roger turned around and said impatiently: "Do you have anything else?"

This indifferent tone made Shana, who thought he had an important bargaining chip, begin to doubt himself.

Is there any other angel in Xiao Ao's hands?

Do they already have enough information, so they don't care about the information I provide?

So in this case, no matter how long I am imprisoned, it won't be a loss to them, it's just that I am extremely bored here, right...

Xana thought of dozens of possibilities in a flash, and felt that if he didn't trade the information, it would not be selling at a high price, but he would be so bored here that he would be captured by the main body. He said cautiously: "Well... Actually, I can trade."

"What are the conditions?" The Queen of Eternal Night also turned around and asked very reservedly.

"Well..." Xia Na looked at Roger unwillingly, feeling that if he made any excessive demands, Yazi had little hope, so he said desperately, "Let me out, and I can answer three of your questions!"

Queen Evernight and Roger looked at each other, and both laughed.

"Aiqing is right. As long as I want to leave, she can't wait."

"This is a trick that has never been passed down from the Charles family."

“Not bad, not bad, I’ll cooperate again when I get another chance!”

"No problem, I understand actors' self-cultivation very well!"

The two of them chatted among themselves, as if Shana didn't exist.

Wow, the smell of dog food is getting stronger and stronger. I want to cry!

Xia Na lowered his head in frustration and looked at his hands, as if they were not skin, but silicone products...

It turns out that I am not an important captive at all, but a prop for them to enhance their feelings and smooth their lives, right?

A single girl who yearns for love, but is fed dog food by her parents.jpg

Just when Xia Na was immersed in this world, it was not worth it, and I wanted to return to the Kingdom of God, Queen Yongye handed over a long list with a serious expression:

"If you answer enough and get 100 points, you can go out."

Xia Na held this carefully designed piece of paper with hundreds of questions on it. Each question was marked with a list of points, and he understood that this was still a serial scheme.

These two people are playing retreat in order to advance. In fact, they attach great importance to her intelligence and deliberately show that she has lost value. In fact, they are trying to pay the minimum price and gain her cooperation!

This move of retreating into advancement was clearly something she had played before, and Queen Yong Ye did not fall for it at that time.

As a result, the Queen of Evernight and Roger used it together. She did not see the insidiousness of the other party and directly begged them not to leave...

Is this heartbreaking?

Are you two deliberately seeking revenge?

Is it really okay for two adults to team up to attack my little child who was less than three days old?

Shana held the list in his hands and wanted to tear it into pieces, shouting angrily that I would never answer any paper in humiliation!

But at this time, she followed the space door that Queen Yongye had not closed and saw the prosperous world of the mysterious city.

The Queen of Eternal Night herself stood in front of the door in a lively manner, looking at Xia Na, her beautiful speaking eyes seemed to be asking, do you see your freedom waving?

Just answer a few simple questions and you can leave this boring and empty pink demiplane and enjoy life!

Roger took out a large hourglass from the space ring and told Shana through his actions that this was a time-limited answer.

Shana's whole body was in bad shape.

Don't be like this, I can't bear it, I really can't bear it...

With freedom right in front of us and freedom counting down, being locked up here is really too boring...

He lowered his head, looked at the list of questions, and began to select and calculate how to reveal the least key information in exchange for freedom.

She obeyed.

When the hourglass is about to run out.

Xia Na also handed the list back to Queen Yongye, with a look of aggrievedness and resentment on her face, and said fiercely: "Insidious human beings!"

This list is a magic item.

You only need to recite the question silently in your mind, and you can enter the corresponding answer without having to write it yourself.

At the same time, it also has a certain authenticity detection function. If Shana wants to enter wrong information intentionally and has bad intentions, he will not be able to enter answers.

It's not okay to make up information that she doesn't know.

This lie detection function does not come from the list itself, but from the backdoor left in her body, which cooperates with the list.

That's why Xia Na felt even more aggrieved.

She had no idea how much backhand Queen Yongye had left in her body, which made her feel guilty when she looked at this woman.

Who knows how many methods she has not used yet, so she just dealt with herself casually...

You obviously can't beat me, you can easily crush my pitiful little projection, but you still want to torture me like this, you are really going too far!

Her little Ao shouldn't be like this...

Roger must have led her astray!

Roger was really aggrieved when he was glared at by the girl again for no reason.

Why does the Queen like to leave a back door to shut me up?

Although from the list of questions to his cooperation with Queen Evernight tonight, it was indeed all his idea...

But you stupid projection, you are not strong enough, why do you blame me?

Queen Yongye took back the list, confirmed that the answer Shana handed over had satisfied their bottom line, and took a step aside to make way for the space door:

"you're free."

"That's it?"

Xia Na couldn't help but was stunned.

According to some of the memories she inherited from her main body, Nalinele's conditions with others were definitely one after another, slowly draining out all the value.

From the moment she saw the list of many questions, and she only needed to answer one-tenth to get enough points to leave here, she felt that this was a familiar rhythm.

The other party took out this thing because he was very serious about trading with her.

Because these questions are carefully designed, and the subsequent points are also very scientific (that is, it is beneficial to Party A).

When one party is quite greedy, it can actually lower the vigilance of the other party, because guys who have no desires or desires are the most difficult to deal with.

Shana was mentally prepared for the other party to find fault with her for various reasons, and then say that she was not finished and needed to answer more questions, thereby squeezing out more value.

She was at a disadvantage from the beginning of this game, so she had no hope of taking the initiative. She could only be at the mercy of others like those who were played by Nalinele in the past.

But the result now is that Queen Yongye directly said that she was free.

"That's it, you can leave at any time."

Queen Yongye looked at her unexpected expression and felt happy.

Can I let you guess it?

This was originally her and Roger's entertainment time, and there were many questions on the list to pry into the gossip and privacy of the Seven Gods, and had nothing to do with the other party's core interests.

Therefore, even if the basic goal is achieved, they will not be greedy even if they have the upper hand.

This is a respect for the promise rather than setting all kinds of small-minded rules.

What's more, she still had the hope that this little angel would go nowhere and finally surrender to the empire.

So the Queen of Eternal Night left Shana, who was still wondering what was going on, and teleported away with Roger first.

The space door was still open, and Xia Na could also feel that this reinforced space suddenly lost its blockade, and she could enter and exit freely from now on.

"So, is this the real deal..."

Shana's distorted world view was finally corrected.

Transaction is about both parties getting what they need and exchanging benefits, rather than one party playing with the rules and winning twice in one transaction.

However, this can also be explained by the fact that the other party does not value her that much, but is immersed in the happiness of their world. She is just a temporary prop for fun...

"This is unreasonable, this is unreasonable... I will make you take me seriously sooner or later! I will definitely!"

She thought to herself and left this space that she had long been tired of, and then casually destroyed this demiplane that symbolized her dark history.

Returning to Odu, this time I had no guide, and I was quite unfamiliar with this world and didn’t know where I was going.

Fortunately, her appearance was different enough from Xia Di's, and her clothes made her look like she was from a wealthy family. No one would dare to cause trouble for her while she was in a daze on the roadside.

"First, I need more information...the Great Library?"

Xia Na recalled some of the introductions Roger had made to him, and knew that they were wonders of the Ivy League. You only need to be a senior magician to browse them at will, and you do not need to be a national of the Ivy Empire.

The long silver-red intertwined hair shone in the moonlight. In order to regain control of the rules and become a boss who could hold Roger's bastard in his hand and ravage him at will, the little angel chose to postpone the time of enjoying fun and learn more information through study.

Even if you enjoy life, you can't really have fun like animals. You have to be able to eat, play, and be tasteful and elegant, right?

When she was blocked in the space, she also repeatedly reviewed the brief "confrontation" with Roger, and understood the disgust in Roger's eyes.

Next time, next time I won’t be able to reach you!

Sooner or later, I will get back all the losses I have suffered!

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