The speech of the Queen of Eternal Night caused a strong response throughout the empire.

It was already very painful to be defeated, and the huge losses and casualties also brought everyone uncontrollable grief.

Fortunately, at this time, Duncan and Sophie could still be blamed to relieve the pressure and have a violent outlet.

As a result, at this time, the Queen of Eternal Night, who everyone loves the most, stood up and said that the responsibility for the defeat was not only on the two of them, but everyone who promoted the war was responsible, and even the queen herself had to reflect on herself...

Suddenly, this only channel was gone. Do you have to reflect on yourself?

This is even more annoying!

Even if every snowflake will bravely go to the end of the world during an avalanche, it is always difficult and painful for a person to admit that he has made a mistake.

There are many people in this world who would rather talk nonsense than say a simple sentence "I don't know".

Fortunately, although there are few rational and calm people, they always exist.

Before, the empire had been going smoothly in all aspects for many years, and there was indeed an inflated mood spreading across the country.

Now that we have fallen in the hands of the defeated orc kingdom, it is like a bucket of cold water poured on our heads, forcing everyone to rethink the meaning of war.

War is always a serious matter, and it is the last resort to protect the people and implement the will of the country.

It is not an entertainment performance that everyone wants to see when life is boring.

The military allows it, but the enemy does not allow it yet!

The empire is powerful, but the war is still likely to fail. In the past, everyone has subconsciously treated war as a child's play.

When they are indecisive, they will go to war directly. This is the arrogant attitude of the empire before. They dare to shout "fuck his ass" when facing gods.

The Queen of Eternal Night is willing to agree to Roger's defeat arrangement, and she also sees that if such emotions continue to spread, sooner or later the empire will face more failures.

Not all enemies are the rotten fish and shrimps in the Eternal Night World. Sooner or later, they will have to face the Seven Gods. At that time, if they fail, they will have no chance to preserve their strength in order to fight again.

Failure is shameful, and reflection will also cause disgust, but the empire has no choice.

The significance of this defeat to the empire is more profound than victory:

First, it eased the high fighting spirit in the country. The imperialists should calm down and re-examine themselves, think about new fighting methods, realize that other countries will continue to improve, and pay attention to every opponent;

Second, it misled the judgment of the great powers on the strength of the empire, and bought more development time for the empire;

Finally, it enhanced the world status of the Kingdom of Terra.

Successfully resisting the invasion of the Qingteng Empire, Tashika will become the first line of defense for the great powers to resist Qingteng, and is willing to support the further development of the orcs.

The totem bracelet can also be shipped more smoothly in the future, and the number of users will grow rapidly, quickly approaching the small goal of 100 million online users in the virtual space.



After the battle of Da Yi settlement, the Qingteng Empire maintained protests and condemnations against the Kingdom of Terra, but did not continue to wage war. Instead, it took economic means to sanction the orcs and forcibly blocked many trade channels.

Then earn more excess profits by smuggling (manual dog head).

But in the eyes of the powers who did not know the truth, after such a battle, the Kingdom of Terra proved itself, and Tashika also proved himself:

The orcs have the ability to defend the Kambusak Desert and continue to trade with the powers.

Tashika also declared that the hatred between the orcs and the empire will never end, which won more support from the powers.

Everyone has the same idea: it would be great if only the orcs could be killed and the expansion of the Qingteng Empire could be blocked!

It just so happened that Tashika also proposed the construction of the second phase of the Dafia Canal.

The second phase of the canal has been built to the core area of ​​the Kambusak Desert, and the shamans have also come up with new technologies and improved new plants that can more efficiently prevent wind and sand, control desertification, increase more arable land, and change the environmental climate of the entire region.

At the same time, Tashika also announced that they will imitate the Paradise Illusion and build a "Free City" open to all races, becoming the cultural center, entertainment center, and amusement center of the entire desert, and using the advantages of the geographical location to welcome tourists from all over the world to enjoy.

In the past, the Orc Kingdom had many tribes and constant conflicts, but now they have integrated into a new country, and everyone has found that their location is indeed good.

To the east is the Qingteng Empire, and to the west are other ethnic powers. The geographical location is almost exactly in the center of the main continent of the Eternal Night World.

The location chosen by Free City is not much different from the core areas of major countries in the world. It can be said that it is very suitable to be an open and communicative city and a holiday resort for many people.

Of course, if the Orc Kingdom encounters a war, it will be the most vulnerable place to be attacked from all sides.

This is why the orcs have never been integrated. In addition to the historical reasons between the tribes, there are always powerful countries around them who do not want these tribes to unite and secretly create new conflicts between the tribes.

Let the orc tribes occupy the chaotic buffer zone and reduce the threat of the Qingteng Empire. This is a tacit understanding of many powers.

Moreover, the development value of the desert is also low, which is why the Orc Kingdom was allowed to grow before.

Now the Orc Kingdom has really been established and has broken away from the expectations of the powers, but Tasika has shown enough hatred for the Qingteng Empire, which is very useful to the powers.

Before, the Qingteng Empire passively tied the powers to the chariot, and now the powers began to try to fool the Kingdom of Terra to never forget their hatred for the Qingteng Empire.

In order to achieve this goal, the powers have the motivation to help the Kingdom of Terra grow and develop in exchange for their development of the empire.

The powers thought they had implemented the Marshall Plan of the other world, but if the true nature of Tashika was considered, this wave was completely in Roger's calculations.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Terra soon announced that the second phase of the Dafia Canal project and the desert management project would be launched at the same time, and the profit of the totem bracelet would ensure the progress of the project.

The vigorous construction kicked off, symbolizing the ambition of the orc queen. At the same time, the planning of the Free City was launched, which was also very tempting to the powers.

At this moment, the most prosperous and modern city in the Eternal Night World is the Mystery City.

But it is the capital of the Qingteng Empire. If the high-ranking officials and leaders of the powers go there to spend money, it is not tourism, but a trap.

Therefore, a city that is as open as the Secret City and enjoys services has become a necessity for the rich and powerful.

How can they be satisfied with living in the virtual world with those poor people and enjoying services?

First of all, the price there is too cheap, which does not highlight the status of the nobles.

So the Free City of the Kingdom of Terra came into being, which just met the needs of the great powers.

There are frictions and even blood feuds between each other. A new country like the Kingdom of Terra, on the contrary, has no burden of past history...

The more the great powers think about it, the more they think that the planning of the Free City is really good, and there is a lot of room for development in the future. It would be a big loss if they don't participate now.

So the great powers began to find Tashika, expressing their willingness to invest in the Free City and build Terra together.

In exchange, they hope to have some control over the Free City.

This Free City and the desert greening plan were originally baits for Tashika and Roger to attract investment from the great powers. How could they refuse?

So the investment and competition around the shares of the Free City kicked off.

Under the unprecedented propaganda offensive, the Kingdom of Terra has once again become the focal area of ​​the world.

Currently, it is the only political force that has defeated the Qingteng Empire, and it has a construction plan with unlimited prospects and advanced technology.

At the same time, Tashika is capable enough and has shown a very welcoming and open attitude towards foreign capital investment.

Not only the great powers, but also those large chambers of commerce with long-term investment needs have seen the "future" of the Kingdom of Terra.

So the capital frenzy that has never appeared in this world, an extremely magical scene, was staged:

There are only renderings of the Free City, and that area is still a desert, but real estate has already been sold.

Tashika divided the tradable plots of the Free City into 100 parts, and publicly subscribed to the ownership of those lands from neighboring countries and powerful chambers of commerce.

There is no need to pay immediately, only a 30% advance payment is required, and then it can be paid in installments within 30 years, and the interest rate is lower than most loans in this era.

The great powers are not stupid. After calculating the accounts, they found that this is not a hundred yuan for three hundred yuan?

The great powers who don’t know what leverage is, immediately felt that this is a very cost-effective deal!

A low-interest loan of 30 years was easily repaid. This beautiful land of Free City was rounded up, isn't it given for free?

In the previous encounter with Da Yi, Tashika did not use the reinforcements of the powers as cannon fodder. This is a manifestation of courage and control, and won an excellent reputation.

The plan she is going to promote now must be extremely reliable!

The powers were originally preparing to invest in the Kingdom of Terra, and now there is such a favorable investment policy, and a large number of subscription applications were submitted immediately.

In the end, all 100 plots of land taken out by Free City were sold out.

Afterwards, the powers that still had money to spend said they wanted to buy more.

These people are red-eyed when chasing ups and downs.

For this request, Roger did not hesitate to be polite to the sucker, and used his god-level design skills to push a wave of Free City's second-phase satellite city.

This public auction, the powers and the big chambers of commerce competed with each other, and the second-phase land was sold out again!

Calculating the average price per square meter, the satellite city area is even 15% higher than the core city area...

But those who bought it feel that they have made a profit. This free city will rise to the sky sooner or later!

When it comes to real estate investment, the immortal species are quite experienced.

And each of them has full exploitation capabilities. After thousands of years of accumulation, there is not much else in the treasury, but there are a lot of gold coins.

For Tashika, these two waves of transactions can really be said to be a dream that will wake up with laughter.

Even if it is only a 30% advance payment, it is a very considerable number when added up. This can fully promote the governance of the Kanbusak Desert.

Such a project volume is no longer something that the orcs can afford. It just so happens that there are many chambers of commerce here, and it is quite convenient to mobilize labor and various materials.

So trade and transportation routes gradually formed, and a large amount of materials gathered here. The once barren desert land seemed to have the potential to become the center of the entire Eternal Night World overnight.

Here you can find the latest alchemical products produced by the Qingteng Empire, the traditional crafts of the elves, the specialties of the underground races, and fresh slaves from other planes...

The "awakened" Tasica intends to build Terra into a free port. With policies and taxes that are conducive to commercial activities, it is really getting more and more lively here.

The planned Free City is the core of the ambition to land a free port.

But Tashika's growth is not just that.

When the construction of Free City was invited to attract investment, Tashika only gave 5% of the advance payment, and the rest was all paid by the construction team.

Are you still afraid that the queen will run away? The money is just paid early or late, and everyone has confidence in Tashika.

But after the real estate started, Tashika could use the projects under construction as collateral to borrow more money from the bold chamber of commerce.

Then she used the borrowed money to start more projects at the same time, and publicly recruited construction teams again, using 5% of the advance payment in exchange for their advance payment for construction.

As long as she increased her revenue strongly, those chambers of commerce would always agree to make money.

And with new projects, more cash could be mortgaged.

The money in Tashika's hand quickly expanded like a balloon.

The Dafia Canal still needs four phases of construction, but under Tashika's capital operation, the four phases were constructed simultaneously.

The Kanbusak Desert is full of druids planting big trees.

The barren desert of the past will turn into a green mountain and clear water within two years.

At the same time, the wealth actually controlled by the Kingdom of Terra with limited capital is increasing by multiples and dozens.

This is a common financial leverage method on Earth, and the real estate developers of the Rabbit Family are the most crazy.

A company may only have tens of billions of cash, but through various means such as loans, mortgages, pre-sales, and fundraising, it may eventually operate hundreds of billions or trillions of funds.

Leverage of dozens of times is a very common operation for them.

This risk is much smaller than stocks. The most important thing is that it has caught up with the crazy rise of real estate for more than 20 years. Bank funds are blindly optimistic about real estate companies, and the difficulty of loans is countless times lower than that of physical enterprises.

Just like those external capitals waving gold coins and wanting to participate in the construction of the Kingdom of Terra.

It is Tashika who does not give them face by not letting them get on the bus.

Roger returned to the Secret City after the Qingteng Empire withdrew its troops, so he only heard Tashika report her money-making feat afterwards.

"It's crazy. Now most of the Eternal Night World is admiring you blowing bubbles." He felt like he had known Tashka again.

The queen who used to have too much cash and couldn't sleep, now has dozens of times the debt, but the Seven Colors is getting better and better. Amazing!

Facing Roger's slightly mocking eyes, Tashka responded calmly: "I plan to set up a Terra Investment Development Fund to participate in the research and development of some projects of the Secret Law Society."

"Come and invest! Our projects have high returns and guarantee to meet all the requirements of the sponsor!" Roger immediately changed to a humble attitude.

The Empire has many projects underway at the same time, and it is short of gold.

Tashka smiled and stared at Roger: "The sponsor doesn't ask for much, just you."

"Don't joke, our country is all serious business." Roger immediately took a step back.

Tashka sighed slightly and discussed cooperation in a serious manner.

Only then did Roger confirm that her growth rate really amazed him.

It has only been a short time, and the value of the Terra Kingdom has increased tenfold out of thin air, embarking on a super-fast development track.

As a result, she turned around and became the queen of capital, investing in the Qingteng Empire in turn!

She is now frantically gathering the wealth accumulated by other countries over the past hundreds and thousands of years, and controlling its flow.

Compared with the current Tashika, Sophie's lucky cat is just a beggar.

It can only be said that capital has always been so crazy.

But also because of Tashika's ability, totem bracelets are shipped in batches, and the paradise fantasy has no bottom line. Now the total number of online users in the virtual space has successfully exceeded 100 million.

Roger finally remembered the layout goal that he had forgotten.

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