Among the currently available information, even Shana's answer cannot explain whether the Seven Gods are determined to win the Eternal Night World, or whether it is just because their plane blocks the Seven Gods' path and they need to be crushed. .

However, with the mastery of the plane system of the Secret Society and the promise of Nali Nair, leaving the original plane and wandering in the astral world is an operation that sounds difficult, but it can definitely be achieved.

In addition, the Son of the Plane plan is equivalent to actively causing trouble for the Seven Gods and delaying their arrival in the world of eternal night. This is basically the weakest party's best effort to gain the initiative.

He is suspected of using the lives of other planes to buy himself time...

"Basically agree to the continuation of the above plan." Queen Yongye seriously and solemnly chose to copy the homework, "Go to Tianhai Tower and ask Sir Galilei to recommend a few sons of the system."

"Thank you for your support, Your Majesty." Roger took a deep look at the woman.

He was previously afraid that she would rather die than run away, and would fight the Seven Gods to the end.

Queen Yongye heard his thoughts and explained rather uneasily: "Fight to the end because there is no hope. Since we still have room for development, of course we can operate it."

"I understand." Roger couldn't help but smile. Such a shy queen was a bit cute.

Magicians such as Frankenstein also looked at Roger with admiration.

After understanding the true intentions of the Seven Gods, they also have great fear in their hearts, feeling that there is little hope of victory in their world.

We are not the kind of brainless and fanatical people. If we objectively analyze the strength gap between the two sides, we will inevitably come to a rather desperate conclusion.

Now that Roger has finished talking about his previous arrangements, he has found a possible path in despair.

Magical industrialization is all well and good. The only problem is that it takes time to unfold and make the war machine of the empire operate with unprecedented efficiency.

Now Roger bought them time.

Everyone also expressed their understanding of hiding this from them before planning this step.

Roger chose to forget this incident before, probably because he was afraid that the gods would interrupt Ah Fu's deification and cause the entire army to be annihilated.

It is even possible to expose Shana's existence and directly attract the attention of the Seven Gods to the Eternal Night World.

Now that Afu's deity ceremony has been completed, he has entered into hiding through the power of freedom, and the Seven Gods cannot find such a god who secretly develops believers.

And with Afu who has become a god, and with the help of the free godhead, they have room to carry out the Son of the System plan.

On the basis of the success of the Son of System plan, Eternal Night World can successfully implement the subsequent wandering plane plan.

This is a step-by-step operation, taking risks when the enemy already has an absolute advantage. Any mistake may lead to the entire game being lost.

Roger completed the early layout by himself, and they were even more grateful to the young man for shouldering all the pressure.

As everyone walked towards the teleportation array, Frankenstein and several other researchers bowed to Roger:

"If the empire can continue, Sir Charles's contribution is indispensable. It has been hard work these days."

They are good at research, but they can't do this kind of tactical work. They really can't do it.

"It doesn't matter, I've always wanted to be a wall-facer."

Roger scratched his head and smiled shyly.

Well, if you can talk, just talk more. It's okay. I'm not embarrassed. Praise me as much as you want!

On the undulating sea, a three-masted warship was being pushed back and forth by the waves. Facing the mighty power of heaven and earth, even the largest warship was like a toy with no power to protect itself.

In the cabin at the bottom, the air was so turbid that it made you sick.

A large group of skinny people collapsed on the ground. There were traces of vomit everywhere on the ground, and even their clothes were stained.

But in such an environment, breathing is already exhausting all their efforts. How can they, prisoners of war, dare to expect luxuries like clean water to clean their bodies?

In a corner of the slightly cleaner cabin, a thin white-haired girl hugged a girl who was several years younger, put her pillow on her knees, and whispered in her ear:

"Sister, hold on, I'll find a priest to see a doctor for you when we get to the shore... Wow!"

The boat rocked too much, and many times the sudden waves made her wonder if she was flying through the sky.

Under such changes, she finally couldn't restrain her stomach from churning, and turned around to vomit out some clear stomach acid.

Because I haven’t eaten much at all, how can I have food in my stomach to vomit?

The girl on her knees was also awakened. She opened her eyes wide and waved her hands in the air: "Sister, I'm scared, I'm so scared... It's so dark here, I can't see anything..."

The girl quickly grabbed her sister's hand and comforted her: "Sister, sister is here. Don't panic. Don't panic. I'm here."

She struggled to drag her sister towards the oil lamp that illuminated the cabin in the constantly shaking cabin.

"Sister, I can't see. I'm so scared. Did you really light the lamp..."

The girl held her hand without much strength, and her face was flushed because of the fever.

The girl looked at her sister's eyes, which were open and shapeless, and then looked at the light in front of her. She finally realized something and hugged her tightly.

Her eyes may have been burned out because she had not been treated for a prolonged fever.

"Oh, sister, the lights went out because of the surf. You go to sleep for a while. We will light the lights at dawn. Can we light the lights again at dawn?"

She comforted the girl softly, not daring to tell her the truth.

The girl didn't have much physical strength after all. Under the gentle comfort of her sister, she gradually fell asleep, but her breathing became slower and slower.

The girl could feel her sister's life getting weaker and weaker, and she couldn't help but shed tears of despair.

The waves were raging like tides. They were already slaves of a conquered country who were in danger of dying at any moment. Where could they find a priest to treat them on the enemy's warship?

She asked the soldier who came to deliver food to her, willing to give everything, but she didn't get any mercy.

"Don't care if such a young child is sick. There is no suitable job for her on the shore, unless... I believe you won't be willing, right?"

The soldier looked at the girl's pretty face. Although she was very thin and dirty, she was also a beauty.

As for her sister, she hasn't grown up yet. Except for some nobles with special hobbies, no one is interested in this kind of sickly girl.

But if she falls into those people's hands, can she still be considered alive?

What's more, he is just a soldier at the bottom. How can he ask those priests to save a seriously ill prisoner of war?

It turns out that there is no hope ahead of him.

The girl hugged her sister desperately, feeling her heartbeat slow down. She bit her lips tightly and whispered softly: "God of the heavens, omnipotent God, if anyone can hear my voice, please save my sister. I am willing to dedicate my soul and spirit to you... Is there any god who can hear my prayers..."

She cried with blood, but no mysterious and great existence responded to her.

The gods only like those strong sheepdogs who can manage more lambs for him, and are unwilling to help the fragile lambs directly.

The power of faith is not blown by the wind. Every bit of investment is to get a return, not to waste on waste.


The hull shook violently, and the girl was thrown into the sky. The head of the sister in her arms hit the upper deck directly, and blood was pouring from her head.

The girl hurriedly hugged her sister and wanted to stop the bleeding for her, but her little hands could not stop the blood at all.

The girl woke up in pain and carefully grabbed the girl: "Sister, don't worry about me, I'm too sick and blind, don't worry about me... Just try to survive for me, don't hate the enemy, forget me, live well, we don't have the capital to hate the winner... Don't worry about me, a blind person..."

"No... I don't want to..."

The girl hugged the girl in her arms, and hatred suddenly appeared on her face, "It turns out that God has never had any mercy. Those cold and ruthless things are not worthy of our daily praise?"

[Ding! Sensing that the host recognizes the reality of the world, my fate is in my own hands, not in the hands of God. The system is unlocked. ]

[Novice mission: Assassinate the captain. Mission reward: Healing severe injuries scroll x1, underwater breathing scroll x2]

[Because the host is weak, in order to balance the difficulty of the mission, a novice gift package is rewarded. Do you want to open it immediately? ]

The girl looked at the flashing text in front of her with some surprise and confusion, and she didn't understand what it was.

But looking at the people around, they didn't seem to see these words, and tentatively whispered: "Open?"

[One Dragon Vein Warlock lv10 Experience Card]

[Small Healing Potion X3]

[100 Gold Coins]

"Small Healing Potion?" The girl looked at this scene with surprise, and as her mind moved slightly, a small bottle emitting warm glow appeared in her hand.

After she gave it to her sister, the girl's condition did not worsen. The girl also stood up with a card in her hand and staggered towards the cabin door:

"No matter what your system is, as long as it can save my sister, let alone the captain, even the king will kill you!"

With every step she took, her body would undergo many changes, dragon horns and dragon scales appeared on her body, and she didn't need to release magic at all, just a punch to crack the heavy wooden door, and walked to the upper cabin under the cover of the angry waves.



The scorching sun hung in the sky, making the whole town lazy.

The old woman on the recliner fell asleep and slipped to the ground. A young man rushed over, helped her up, and his hand shone with blood, healing her knee injury.

"Thank you, Xirui. Where are you going in this hot day?" The old lady woke up in a daze, looking at this handsome boy, she really liked him.

Xirui showed a trace of hesitation on her face, and then showed a warm smile: "I'm going to do something outside the town, don't worry."

He put the fan back in the old lady's hand, and walked out of the town with a tall figure. In the hot air, the figure was a little distorted and blurred.

The old lady didn't know why, her eyes fell on Xirui, and she always felt that something was going to happen.

"Such a good child, don't get into trouble..."

There are fewer and fewer young people in the village, and the few lazy people left will also dislike them, the old people, for wasting food.

Only Xirui, who just moved in, greeted every old man enthusiastically and always helped them.

Obviously, they are all small things, but you can feel that he loves such an ordinary and humble life.

Outside the town, a group of knights in distinctive armor were waiting for Xi Rui. Their blood-red capes revealed their identities:

The Inquisition, church assassins who existed to judge heretics.

The arrogant inquisitor sighed, "I can't believe that the villain who assassinated Earl Edward is playing the role of one of the top ten young men in such a small town. Is this considered a great hidden person in the city?"

Ciri stretched out her hand. Instead of the warm smile just now, there was no expression on her face: "What I do has nothing to do with the people in this town."


The shackles locked Ciri's hands, and the judge raised the corner of his mouth contemptuously: "That's not necessarily true. If they take you in, they are suspected of blasphemy, and you must be tried."

"I told you they don't know anything-"

"What a heretic says cannot be used as testimony. I only believe in divine magic."

The judge was about to order his referees to enter the town. Suddenly, Ciri knocked him off his horse. At the same time, a pair of ferocious bat wings sprouted from his back, and a bloody light appeared in his eyes.

"I know that demons don't have any good intentions!" The judge and his men immediately surrounded Ciri and beat him until he was covered in blood and fell to the ground limply.

Ciri's strength was originally superior to these people, but the inquisitor deceived Ciri into voluntarily being bound on the condition of letting the townspeople go. The shackles on his hands could suppress his demonic power.

But they lied to him.

Even if he is caught, the innocent townspeople who took him in will still have to be charged.

"Take in the demons and burn them together as punishment." The judge ruthlessly pronounced the sentence.

Ciri stared at the inquisitor fiercely and spat out a mouthful of blood:

"My foster father is right, you judges are all brainwashed lunatics! How could they, ordinary people, know my identity?"

"That is the glory of our Lord that you have never seen." The judge said calmly, "In addition, you personally killed your foster father, the villain who killed more than a hundred devout believers. Of course, at that time you were his assistant."

Ciri laughed to herself, laughing so hard that she coughed out a lot of blood.

Yes, he killed his adoptive father.

Because he was tired of killing, and looking at the eyes of those believers eager to live, he felt that his adopted father was the devil.

The man with demonic blood implanted in his body was a thug who brought nightmares and ominousness to people, as the church advertised.

Tired of the endless killing, he killed his adoptive father, and also easily solved a nobleman who had done many evil things, and then lived in seclusion in this small town and lived an ordinary life for a while.

But he was born with sin and was a blasphemous heretic. He was not worthy of an ordinary life. Death was his only ending. This ordinary life was only a short-term happiness...

Shirley spat at these people: "But you are just thugs who do all kinds of evil just to please God. Why do you act openly and openly?"

【Ding! Sensing that the host recognizes the reality of the world, my destiny is determined by me and not by God. The system is unlocked! 】

[Task: Kill the Inquisitor. Reward: Demon's Souls Legacy. 】

Suddenly, a ray of light bathed his body, and the scars on his body strangely disappeared.

Those shackles also melted into molten iron, and the divine power contained in them was contaminated and corrupted, turning into two strange crescent-shaped scimitars.

"I like this task... You who are called to judge sins, now count your own sins in detail!"

Ciri held the scimitar and ducked behind the judge in his panicked eyes.

A dead-eyed head rolled to the ground. Even until his death, he did not understand what the sudden power was and where it came from...

ps. Thank you everyone for your blades and tips, and I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~

Posted in the third update, please vote!

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