After Xia Di's final action against Luo Jie, the Dark Night Guard closed the net on the entire Tianming Army. His Royal Highness Shak, the prince of the Sea Kingdom, who was unable to leave Aodu due to a bet, unfortunately became a prisoner of the Empire.

The ocean and the land are completely different environments. The God of Knowledge ordered the church to interfere in internal affairs, so the Mermaid Sea Kingdom has always maintained trade relations with the Qingteng Empire and no conflict broke out.

Therefore, except for not being allowed to return to the country, Prince Shak has always received a considerable degree of courtesy.

The Secret Law Society also built a swimming pool simulating seawater in the palace where he was imprisoned. Seeing that the prince was swimming happily, they affirmed their skills.

Prince Shak was tortured by Xia Di and had a deep understanding of the obedience of living under someone else's roof, so he did not cause trouble on the Qingteng Empire side.

He only waited for the Empire to solve the Tianming Army problem and confirm that he had no hostility towards the Empire, and then let himself go.

Then Margaret presented the plan of proxy war to the Queen of Eternal Night, and the strategic value of a certain prince of the Sea Kingdom rose sharply.

Unfortunately, although Shak is greedy for money and lustful, he also has his own bottom line. No matter how Margaret persuades him, he refuses the aid provided by the empire.

This prince is not smart enough, but he has been fooled by Xia Di repeatedly. He has developed a conditioned reflex that is very cunning for humans.

The left prime minister of the empire took the initiative to find him and said that he could provide military assistance and various weapons and equipment. The first batch did not even need to pay cash and could be purchased on credit (loan).

But this good thing that fell from the sky was very suspicious.

He couldn't think of any conspiracy of the empire, but it must be a traitor or a thief to show kindness for no reason. He just didn't agree.

No matter how you, the devil, talk, His Highness Shak will not move, and waste time with you by non-violent non-cooperation.

Even when he delayed, the Mermaid Sea Kingdom was being beaten by the Nagas, but it has been like this for hundreds of years. Shak feels that a mediocre prince like him can't change this situation...

Facing such a useless person lying flat, Xiao Cefan wanted to turn his face and curse.

This prince has lost his previous vigor and now only wants to do less and make fewer mistakes. When the empire loses patience, it will release him back to the sea.

Seeing that the desert battles have been completed and the underwater battles are also very lively, the products sent to the Naga Empire by the Terra Kingdom have been improved and new ones have been sent over. On the contrary, there is no movement in the proxy war that she arranged earlier...

In several meetings, Xiao Ceiling Fan felt that the eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night looked at her with a little dissatisfaction...

The queen seemed to be questioning her, who had vowed to stir up wars all over the world and then make the empire the largest arms dealer?

In fact, she misunderstood, and the eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night looked at her without any abnormality.

With the Son of System plan, the empire has too many opportunities to test new equipment, and has completely forgotten her work.

The queen only thought that Xiao Ceiling Fan proposed this idea and used the Sea Kingdom as an example. Later, using the same idea to complete her own strategic layout, she could count some credit to the little devil...

Instead, Margaret herself got stuck in a dead end.

After she really didn't feel like wasting time with the mermaid prince, Margaret chose to come to Maotai Villa and ask Roger for help.

Who told Dio not to come back yet, she was forced to disturb her "brother-in-law", there was nothing she could do, right?

Roger was quite surprised to see Margaret asking for a private meeting.

Although their relationship had eased and they had a lot of cooperation at work, it was the first time they met in private like this.

"Shaq refused to cooperate? That's easy." Roger couldn't help but laugh, and immediately understood where Margaret was stuck.

He took out a locked box from the space ring, opened it, and searched through a thick stack of printed materials, and finally took out a few pages of paper, copied them with magic, and handed them to Margaret.

"You pretend to be careless and drop these records for Shaq to see, then lower the price of the weapons and pretend to leave in a hurry. I think he will cooperate with you within three times."

"Is this the record of a certain meeting? Tashika is the queen of Terra, Nicole is the saint of the sea tribe, this Joestar... is he not dead? Who are Bronzebeard and Shana?"

Margaret's head was full of question marks.

"This is not a meeting... Forget it, just treat it as a meeting record." Roger braked in time and did not say more about the Anti-Ivy Alliance.

Because the super-dimensional drawing board created by Tai Bella has limited functions and does not have the function of saving chat records, he can only manually save the black history of the stupid netizens every time he chats.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy when fooling Prince Shaq, and became evidence of the collusion between the Naga Empire and the Kingdom of Terra.

Margaret certainly understood the result of these records that Shaq saw, which was enough for him to believe that the Empire supported the Sea Kingdom in order to suppress the Kingdom of Terra in a roundabout way.

In addition, Margaret offered more favorable conditions. As long as Prince Shak was greedy, he would try to lower the price further and finally become Margaret's pawn.

However, Roger's hesitant attitude was really suspicious. Margaret squinted her eyes and looked at him: "Just say it if you want to... Humph, you are so mysterious. I even suspect that this Joestar is you pretending to be him!"

"You have a really strange brain circuit!"

"Of course I know it's impossible. You killed him with your own hands~ Anyway, thank you. If you need help in the future, just tell me!"

The little devil tiptoed and patted Roger's shoulder, and walked with a step that didn't recognize any relatives to prepare to deal with Shak.

She didn't know that her casual joke had hit the truth and shocked Roger.

This woman's intuition is really sharp!

"By the way, let me have a look at the list of weapons you are going to sell to the Sea Country." Roger called her.

Margaret did not question Roger's meddling, but directly took out an equipment catalog from the space ring and handed it to Roger.

Then she sat casually on the chair opposite Roger's desk, staring at him with cute eyes, blinking her red eyes, looking full of expectation.

After all, she is her "brother-in-law", and if you don't like women, it doesn't matter if you act cute, right?

Since she put aside her prejudice against the Charles family and reached a consensus with Roger that day, she quickly relaxed in front of Roger.

Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always do what they want and don't care about details.

Now that Roger is helping her with her work, she will be a cheerleader to encourage him, which is a reward.

Roger felt a little uncomfortable when being looked at by this little devil. It was quite presumptuous and curious. His eyes were burning and there was hidden dissatisfaction, which made him a little confused.

However, women's hearts are like needles in the sea, not to mention that this girl has demon blood. If he can figure out their nerves that short-circuit from time to time, he may not be far from the stable hospital.

He ignored the malicious little devil and focused his attention on the equipment catalog handed over by Margaret.

Margaret was really smart and understood what he was going to do at once.

Roger was in charge of the Terra Kingdom line. Roger must be very clear about what weapons and equipment the Empire sent to Naga. He asked this question because he wanted to classify it to avoid repeated testing.

Well, the purpose of proxy war is to earn arms while using other people's battles to test unstable weapons and equipment. Is there any problem with this?

It's just that on Earth, two superpowers are competing on other people's territory. Now in the Eternal Night World, only the Qingteng Empire is playing the role of the mastermind behind the scenes...

Of course, we have to pay attention to it, so that the mermaid and the Naga will not meet and find that both sides are holding the same standard equipment. Then the cloning mode will be embarrassing for whoever plays it poorly.

Of course, Margaret can arrange her men to communicate between the two sides and complete this screening work.

But now someone is doing it for her, so she is naturally happy to sit back and enjoy the fruits of her labor.

Fans follow their idols, and His Majesty loves to copy homework. As the most loyal fan, she must of course carry forward her fine traditions.

Roger has been in close communication with the Secret Society and knows their projects well. He crossed out most of the equipment provided by the Chapter of Imbalance, and in the end, there was basically only equipment produced by Lydia's magic tower.

Margaret watched him drastically delete page after page of the list. Thinking that she was going to deal with a certain magic consultant, her tail twitched subconsciously, and she was rarely confident: "I can't handle that witch... Roger, do you like her equipment?"

After getting to know each other gradually, the little devil was too lazy to talk about red tape when addressing Roger, and just called him by his name.

"It's very powerful, but it's also uncontrollable, so it needs to be tested intensively." Roger returned the equipment catalog to Margaret, "If you don't want to go, I'll go and negotiate."

"That's really too much trouble for you!" Margaret agreed immediately, without any hesitation.

This guy robbed her only friend, and she didn't need to be polite to him at all.

In the battle in the Kanbusak Desert, Sophie took out the potion made by Lydia and created the "Green Worm Parasitic Night" that shocked both sides of the war. After that, Roger wanted to meet the "biochemical witch" of the secret society.

Now, with the help of the war with the Sea Country, there is indeed a reason to go to the magic tower where the other party is.

But he was unwilling to work for Margaret for nothing and made a loss. He said half seriously and half jokingly: "You have given me the work of the left prime minister. Do you have to transfer your salary to me as well?"

"That won't work. I have to use my salary this month to print a photo album for His Majesty and give it to the Knights!" Margaret immediately stepped back and said carefully, "You can put it on Dio's account. He has always promised to help me, but he has never been seen. Let him pay you when the time comes!"

Roger frowned. Are you threatening me with this again?

He said calmly: "The premise for Dio to help you is that you deliver breakfast every day. How many meals have you owed these days?"

Margaret immediately protested: "Is it because I don't want to deliver it?"

Roger sneered: "Is it because he doesn't want to help?"

"This... Of course I understand that he has his reasons..." Margaret's attitude softened, "How about I deliver breakfast to you every day?"

Then you will have an extra free companion, right?

"Sorry, I refuse." Roger was very decisive. He didn't want to comfort the empty-nest devil. "Remember that you owe me a promise. You must do your best without hurting His Majesty."

"Okay, as long as I don't hurt His Majesty, I will fulfill your promise." Margaret agreed.

Although this deal is a bit of a loss, it is worth it without having to face that terrible witch!

At this moment, the two of them acted separately. Margaret went to fool Shak, and Roger went to a magic tower at the same level as the Secret Society and the Chapter of Imbalance, called "Life Ritual".

The owner of this magic tower is Lydia, the second magic consultant of the Secret Society, and also the personal doctor of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Lydia helped to alleviate the Queen's health problems, which is why the Queen was able to reach the later stage of the game plot.

Although many events that damage the life span of the Queen of Eternal Night have not occurred, the hidden dangers she left behind in order to grow quickly have become irreversible.

The "Life Ritual" wizard tower was designed by Lydia. It is the experimental holy land of the most powerful schools of transformation, magic potions, druids, etc. in the empire, and it is also a super-giant magic ritual.

It binds the body of the Queen of Eternal Night to the national destiny of the empire, ensuring that her body can always maintain its peak activity when her life is exhausted and the empire is not destroyed.

Of course, this is another wonder-level building.

Lydia is an old legend of the empire and has made countless contributions. For example, the Mo Ke La project is actually not only the contribution of the alchemist of the Chapter of Imbalance, but Lydia's technical support in magic potions is also indispensable.

But her reputation has always been not very good, and she is known as the "biochemical witch".

Because she has always been unscrupulous in order to do experiments, many of her actions are considered crazy by magicians, and she is self-willed and unwilling to explain, giving people a very scary image.

Frankenstein mechanized himself, and magicians could accept it normally, but Lydia was carefully kept away from magicians, which shows how terrible this lady is at times.

But she doesn't care, as long as she can explore in the field she likes and the funding is enough every year, she doesn't care about other people's evaluation at all.

After the "New Arcana" was proposed, her mind was also opened, and she had the opportunity to make some very dangerous attempts.

For example, the test tube given to Sophie, the green worm with extremely strong vitality and parasitic properties, is called "Dagon Immune Cell Cancer Type XII".

In other words, it is actually the somatic cell of an ancient demon god, which was stimulated by Lydia to become cancerous, and then a lot of properties were modified, and finally a terrible biochemical weapon was created.

Its targeted offensiveness can indeed show the characteristics of immune cells, but the combat power is definitely not something that a normal system can present, even a god can't.

In the equipment catalog she provided to the military, there are some very brain-opening projects.

Roger is very optimistic about the virtual magic god project, and Lydia also provided considerable help.

However, she herself did not participate. The biochemical witch always had her own subjects to complete. She casually completed the scientific research tasks assigned to her by the empire and flew freely on her curiosity.

For such a talented person with a strong personality, Roger felt that he needed to have a good talk with her, perhaps he could give himself some inspiration.

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