The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 186 There is really a Gundam on the other side (1/2)

The size of the plane of this universe is a very vague and unscientific concept.

Some planes have many planets, such as the galaxies and multi-star galaxies in the universe where the earth is located.

But there are also settings like the Eternal Night World, which are similar to the round sky and square earth.

But there is also the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, and there is only one moon, and there is no wonderful night with seven or eight moons.

There is a set of hypotheses and explanations for the formation differences between the planes in the Tianhai Tower.

Aishali has also been involved in research in this area recently. Combined with the findings in the Source Sea, they seem to want to make a big one and come to a conclusion that can be recognized by the magic world.

Unfortunately, Roger couldn't understand or hear those studies. They were all too profound and complicated formulas, using various symbols beyond the four arithmetic operations, and he could only retreat.

Probably he can only wait until the final confirmation is obtained, and then read the popular science version written by the magician for ordinary people.

It is also because the Eternal Night World is such a simple continental plate that he dared to propose the plane wandering plan.

As long as there are enough engines, bricks can also fly into the sky, not to mention that the positioning of the plane is not solid.

If you want to send the Eternal Night World into the astral world, you just need to consume enough energy.

If your own world does not have enough energy, you can also go to other planes to drag fuel over and burn other people's continents to start the "plane engine".

Space technology is a huge advantage of this world compared to Earth's technology. When Earth could only send people to the moon, the magicians of the Eternal Night World could already run around in the multiverse, and cross-plane development is also completely feasible.

Of course, an important prerequisite for the realization of the plane wandering plan is the complete control of the Qingteng Empire over this world.

Both the land and the ocean must be controlled, and then the overall precise mapping must be completed, the plane must be reinforced, and the engine must be set up before their wandering can be officially started.

So while strengthening the national strength, the empire has been preparing to sweep across the world.

To prevent the gods from intervening directly, the empire will not really take action within this five-year plan, but will secretly weaken the strength of neighboring countries and wait for the opportunity to harvest.

The Kingdom of Terra harvests leeks, exports strange technology misleading, proxy wars, provokes conflicts among multiple countries, and takes a multi-pronged approach.

It is expected that the final scene will be that the great powers will find themselves a group of paper tigers in the midst of drunkenness and dream...

Another difference from the earth is that there are civilizations in the oceans of this world. Although there is no sound on weekdays, it is actually stronger than any country on the mainland in terms of territory and "population".

It's just that the power of the sea country has been a matter of ten thousand years ago. It set off a sea and land war and began to have a great advantage. Then the people on the ground directly created a Kanbusak Desert, which made the sea people unable to continue attacking due to lack of water.

Then the ground countries united for a counterattack, relying on the absolute advantage in equipment, and drove the sea country back to the sea.

Then these mermaids stopped making progress and thought that I have a vast sea and don't need a territory on land. After generations of tossing, they waited for the rising new empire of Naga.

In fact, Naga was once a vassal of the mermaid sea country and received a lot of protection in the early days, but now it is one of the overlords in the ocean. The two countries are in constant conflict and no longer have the energy to invade the land.

Therefore, the people on the land often forget about them. The events of the millennium usually don't include the marine races.

But the Qingteng Empire has not forgotten. For the Wandering Plane Plan, the ocean must also be included in the territory under its jurisdiction.

Now that the Mermaids and the Naga countries are at war, the Empire has set a small goal, which is to be an arms dealer responsible for fanning the flames on both sides, so that they can deplete the national strength, and then reap the benefits.

Of course, if Shak is strong enough and willing to cooperate with the Empire, then it is also possible to support him to become the new emperor of the Sea Kingdom and then defeat the Naga.

The general policy remains unchanged, and we will do whatever is labor-saving. At the same time, we hope that the fanatic index of the opponent is not so strong. If it can be solved by non-war means, we are willing to try different victory routes.

This is also the change brought to the Empire after the failure of the desert war. The war barbarians who used to go all the way to the end are willing to use more flexible means to deal with the problems of neighboring countries.

Roger is happy to see such a result. War is indeed simple and crude, but it is not necessarily the most profitable solution.

In the face of the crisis of the destruction of the world, every normal-minded force in this world is an ally that can be won.

Only those fanatics who were deceived, blinded, and brainwashed by the gods, or those with ulterior motives, are the enemies that the empire must eliminate.

Distinguishing who is the enemy, who is the friend, and who is the wavering force that can be won over is a lesson that the imperial people are trying to learn.

Roger and Margaret came to the Sea Country, in fact, they also wanted to investigate the political status quo of the Sea Country.

"Do you think it's okay to live in this palace?"

Prince Shak bowed and led Roger and Margaret to his best manor, which covers an area like a small city. Inside are continuous palaces in the style of underwater crystal palaces, and there are countless treasures such as coral night pearls.

"It's okay to live." Roger pretended a little.

"Me too." Margaret followed.

"Then please rest now, both adults, and wait to see the father before going to the front line." Shak ordered the servants to arrange the residences for the two separately, and he had to be busy with other things.

He has been detained by the Ivy Empire for so long, and Haiguo has been negotiating, but has never made any effort to get him out, which also shows that the position of the prince is actually a bit embarrassing.

In terms of blood, he is a well-deserved orthodox heir, and his mother is the queen of the Sea Kingdom, but his ability has always been criticized.

Although the Mermaid Emperor is older and has a crown prince, he still has at least two hundred years to live. Shaq's fourth brother Doyle has been brave since childhood and is one of the few generals who has defeated the Naga Empire in a frontal battlefield.

Let’s not analyze the moisture in it. Compared with the prince who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, the fourth prince Doyle has the support of the military and young civil servants. His mother’s side is also quite powerful, and his reputation has always surpassed Shaq’s.

Shaq didn't have any enterprising spirit. His strategy was to be stubborn. He knew that his father was also a stability seeker with no ideals, so he didn't form a party for personal gain and allowed Doyle to do whatever he wanted.

This strategy usually works fine, but when it comes to him being detained by Ivy, there are very few ministers in the Hai Kingdom court who are willing to support him, and the tone of the imperial dignitaries is soft, so whether he can return home can only wait for the empire.

Now that he has returned to the country, not many people pay attention to this useless prince. Even though he said that he had brought reinforcements, the old mermaid emperor did not let him go to the front line, but returned to the capital first.

Because the current commander-in-chief of the front line is none other than Fourth Prince Doyle.

Although Doyle was defeated continuously, everyone knew that it was not his problem, but that the enemy really had Gundam.

According to the ministers, at least Doyle can still hold his own on the front line. If he sends the prince to the two of them, he is afraid that he will collapse immediately and be driven in by Naga.

Therefore, Shaq still has to deal with the old emperor before he can truly participate in this war.

The Empire has not contributed. They are only playing the role of arms dealers. They are not trying to grab the dominant position yet. By the way, it also depends on Shaq's ability.

Roger and Margaret were arranged in different palaces, but thinking about the current situation in the sea country, Margaret couldn't sleep at all, so she discussed strategies with Roger, which was actually a chat to relieve her worries.

"Roger, I'm worried about that idiot Shaq messing things up. What should I do then?" Margaret asked worriedly.

On the surface, she drove Shaq around, but after all, she was in a foreign country, and what she could do was limited. This was a form of warfare that she was not used to.

Moreover, the battle in Haiguo has been dragged on for so long. If it still fails, wouldn’t it cause trouble for your dear Majesty again?

The little devil didn't allow that to happen, but seeing Shaq fail to live up to his expectations, she became a little restless and had blisters on her lips.

Roger smiled lightly: "Do you think the ambitious fourth prince wants to get the latest weapons and equipment?"

Margaret was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh: "You are the real devil."

It turns out the answer to this question is so simple.

They used Shaq to get involved in the battle between Haiguo and Naga, but they did not necessarily support the prince.

For the Empire, as long as the battle in the ocean continues, it doesn't matter who they support, as long as they keep buying the Empire's equipment and help with testing.

If Shaq is not capable, then support Doyle or other generals.

Anyway, Haiguo doesn’t want to be beaten by Naga all the time, right?

Margaret solved her big worry, her tone suddenly became relaxed, and she became curious about the equipment Roger purchased from Lydia.

Although the offer given to Shaq was discounted and discounted, and a super-low-interest loan was given, Roger entrusted Lydia to try out a batch of new types of self-exploding fish, and in the end, Shaq almost spent all his savings over the years. Light.

Now Margaret is asking about the special functions of these new equipment, which can actually make Roger give up the increasingly reliable magic crystal machinery.

The two of them were chatting happily, and did not notice that the maid in the study quietly exited the room, and then told the guard a piece of news with a worried look on her face.

Soon, the news that Roger might try to hook up with the Fourth Prince reached Shaq's ears.

Shaq, who had just been rejected by his father, had just walked out of the palace. He originally wanted to relax tonight and discuss it tomorrow, but he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Yes, Imperial people can also find their own brothers.

"Fortunately, I arranged for my men to pay attention to those cunning humans." He showed a happy expression, turned down the drinking party with a group of dandies, and returned to the palace to find his mother and began to complain...

He thought he had done everything possible, but he didn't think about it. Is it possible that Roger heard those words on purpose?

No matter how arrogant the Imperial people are, they will not openly talk about our desire to cultivate another prince in a prince's home.

It's a pity that Shaq, who was already uneasy in his heart, is no longer in the mood to think about this. He is grasping at the last straw and only thinks about his "imperial allies" and never turns to his lovely fourth brother...

Shaq, who was brave and knew how to work hard, was not disappointed by Roger. Through the power of his mother, he successfully got the old emperor of Haiguo to agree to his reinforcements on the front line.

But it was not good for the prince to obey his younger brother, so he ordered him to contain the Naga Empire's advance and open up a second battlefield.

This is a rather dangerous and difficult task. Building a new line of defense from scratch is far beyond the capabilities of Prince Shaq.

This is actually a step forward for the old emperor to retreat under pressure from his wife, hoping that Shaq will retreat in spite of difficulties.

As a result, Shaq directly agreed. With all the soldiers and resources available, he immediately rushed to the front line where the two countries were fighting.

Of course he can't fight, but isn't he surrounded by the empire's military adviser?

And there are also the latest "equipment". After seeing Roger demonstrate its power, Shak is quite confident about his experience in flanking the Naga Empire.

A group of whales covering a large area of ​​the sea like a dark cloud.

This is the transport fleet of the sea clan. These huge marine creatures ranging from 30 to 50 meters have tents, resource boxes, and granaries on their backs. The combined carrying capacity is comparable to that of modern cargo ships.

This is a unique resource of the marine civilization. In the sea water, controlling large schools of fish as livestock and food is an old tradition of mermaids.

Their natural singing has this bonus.

On the back of a nearly 100-meter-long, already quite intelligent golden-horned giant whale, there is the very luxurious palace of Prince Shak.

"My two lords, we will reach the front line the day after tomorrow at the latest. Please help me with all your strength. I will definitely repay the empire when I succeed to the throne." Shak raised his glass to toast Roger and Margaret.

"Okay, okay." Roger drank a cup with him, and Margaret did not express her opinion.

Although there was a suspicion of empty promises, Shak really could not give more benefits now.

Since he knew that the empire intended to cultivate his fourth brother, he did not turn hostile, but became more submissive.

Although he had been in the Secret City before, he could drag it out for a day with a non-violent and non-cooperative attitude.

But now that he has returned to the Sea Country, he knows how critical the situation is now, and he has shown a high degree of subjective initiative.

Although he is not a smart and wise person, he is not stupid, and he has a high emotional intelligence. When he actively wants to curry favor with someone, he can make the atmosphere seem quite warm.

The Sea Country really needs the help of the empire now.

During this period, the Naga Empire bought the latest batch of equipment through the Terra Kingdom, and its combat effectiveness has been improved.

The situation in the Sea Country is getting worse and worse, and the battle line has already tended to be unable to hold on.

In this case, even if Prince Shak lies down again, he will find that his palace is about to catch fire, and he can't lie down and pretend to sleep all the time.

In addition, there is the threat of his fourth brother. He has to show his courage both in public and in private.

Thinking of the money he owes to the empire, if he fails to pay it back, Shak is also quite powerless.

It is like drinking poison to quench thirst. In order to get help, he has no choice but to jump into the fire pit even though he knows that there is a pit of fire ahead.

As long as the Sea Country can stabilize this wave, the reinforcements he brought will turn the tide of the war, his position as heir will be stable, and the title of "God of War" of the fourth brother will not be so unique.

Originally, the so-called God of War in an old empire like the Sea Country is very high in water, just a few victories.

That's not all because of Doyle's mother's family, who assigned a large number of elite troops to Doyle, fought a few favorable battles with more people against fewer people, and then blew it up.

Now facing the main force of the Naga, Doyle was also entangled and suppressed by the Naga, and retreated step by step.

It just barely maintained without collapse, but if there is no follow-up support, collapse is a matter of time.

Front line

The news that surprised the head coach Doyle was that his brother, the prince, had returned and was heading to the front with reinforcements.

"Heh, this idiot, did he think it was so easy to get military merit?" Doyle had a blank expression on his face, and felt that it was time to laugh at his brother, the prince.

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