In order to avoid being captured, or because he could not accept the failure of this huge gamble, Cromwell chose to commit suicide by taking poison.

"Ah this..."

Prince Shak looked at this scene in shock, his face full of disbelief, and subconsciously took a step back, trying to stay as far away from the head that was still holding its head high until death.

I clearly wanted to give him the courtesy of a noble, so why was he in a hurry to commit suicide?

"Your Highness, in the eyes of some people, failure is more difficult to accept than death."

Roger appeared next to Shak and answered his doubts.

Shak turned his head to look at him, and the joy and excitement on his face had not subsided, but had turned into shock, as if he wanted to ask how there could be something more important than being alive in the world?

But looking at Roger's serious expression and Cromwell's body not far away, he just opened his mouth and didn't make any sound.

The scene in front of him was the answer, but he was still stubborn and unwilling to believe it.

Prince Shak's mood has been ups and downs these days. When he was about to celebrate the victory, he saw such a result. It seemed that something was touched, and he couldn't be happy at all.

Margaret also got off the whale car, but she didn't feel anything about the dead.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit~

In the eyes of the little devil, this is just a defeated general with a little integrity, but unfortunately he is not strong enough after all.

She just heard Roger's last words, and she couldn't help thinking, and her tail waved restlessly.

She thought of something that was irrelevant at the moment.

This useless brother, who has been ridiculed for so many years and looks extremely lazy, must not be someone who cares so much about victory, defeat, and reputation.

Margaret would not believe that such a person would commit suicide because of failure.

But Roger was very sure when he said this conclusion, there must be someone with such a personality around him.

Angelina? No, Dio should not be either.

Then this "some people" should include...

His Majesty?

Margaret suddenly trembled and realized that this was the direction she had been ignoring.

Indeed, Her Majesty is a person who regards victory as more important than life.

Combined with the difficult rise of the Qingteng Kingdom, the Queen of Eternal Night is undoubtedly the kind of person who doesn't care about her body for victory...

Margaret is willing to dedicate everything to His Majesty, as long as His Majesty is happy.

But her definition of "happy" is different from that of the Queen of Eternal Night.

She naturally dedicates those things she thinks are good to His Majesty, including sacrificing the world to let the Queen of Eternal Night survive.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that her previous thinking was very problematic.

If it's just to stay alive, why does His Majesty need her help?

What His Majesty wants is obviously those great undertakings that cannot be accomplished by one person even if he is invincible in the world.

For example, victory, such as the powerful Qingteng Empire, such as a free and unfettered Eternal Night world that can look down on the gods in the sky...

It turns out that she has not been able to get the favor of the Queen of Eternal Night because she took a detour!

Margaret suddenly realized it at a moment and understood it all at once.

Compared to directly pleasing the Queen of Eternal Night, building this empire well is the most effective way to gain His Majesty's favor!

[So, my sister-in-law has already understood it, and now she deliberately revealed such important information to remind me. ]

[Because of Dio, he also regards me as a friend, so he told me so selflessly? Thinking about it this way, he is not bad...]

Margaret looked at Roger's back, and a complicated expression appeared on her beautiful face.

I received a huge favor inexplicably.

The philosophy implemented by Dio and Roger is to make this empire strong even if it goes against His Majesty's will.

So even if they offend, they will still get His Majesty's trust.

Angelina is actually the same.

Although the Blue-haired Virgin is kind, she is also very courageous in many cases.

In this comparison, I am the only jester in the whole court who relies on His Majesty's thigh to get by...

You are too narrow-minded, Mary!

The clown is actually me.jpg

Margaret bit her lip and found out that she was wrong, really wrong, and outrageously wrong...

At this moment, the heartbreaking plot in the game, where Margaret surrendered to the Seven Gods to fight for a glimmer of life for the Queen, finally had no chance of being staged.

Roger and Shaq had a brief discussion, ordered people to drag Cromwell's body, turned around and walked back to the Prince's Whale Cart, and prepared to retreat.

The enemy's main force immediately returned from the front battlefield, and the scattered camps were also rushing to help.

The ice and snow maze can block the speed of enemy support, but the difference between the sea and the ground is that if the seabed is regarded as the ground, all arms can be regarded as air force, so the detour options are more diverse than the troops on the ground.

In this way, the time for delay in the ice and snow maze is limited. After seizing the gap to disintegrate the enemy's central army camp, they forced Cromwell to commit suicide, and they must escape immediately.

There were still more than 30,000 exhausted troops, and 80% of the biochemical fish swarm had been consumed. If they were surrounded by the enemy at this time, they would surely die.

But when Roger turned his head, he saw Margaret looking at him with a complicated expression, her eyes were full of water. When she saw him looking at her, she immediately blushed and subconsciously turned around and walked back to the whale car.

"Thank you this time..."

A faint voice came from the little devil, which made Roger stunned.

Thank you...thank you for what?

This little devil suddenly looked at him with an expression as if he was in heat, and he really couldn't stop him.

He was paving the way for the transformation of His Highness Shaq, and doing the necessary psychological construction for him to take charge of the Sea Kingdom, but why did Margaret suddenly look like "I've realized it"...

It’s baffling! Hey!

But at this moment, there was no time to ask questions, so it was better to run away.

After a slight hesitation, Roger and Shaq boarded the whale car together.

The whales dragged the prisoners and the equipment and baggage they could take away, and retreated to the second line of defense as quickly as possible.


A series of explosions came from behind, and the Naga Central Army camp that had been ravaged was blown into pieces. Things that could not be moved away could not be left to the enemy.

In the whale car, Margaret had returned to normal. She was still talking and laughing with Roger and looking down on Shaq, as if nothing had changed.

Only from an angle that Roger couldn't see, Margaret showed a bit of regret...

They are both good men, why should they like each other?

It's so difficult for girls in the empire. Not only do they have to guard against little bitches snatching their husbands, but they also have to let their husbands snatch their husbands away...

Hey, where is the logic?

As Roger expected, they were gone less than ten minutes.

Saint Nicole, who broke away from the troops and rushed to the rescue, led a group of powerful Nagas and directly blasted a path through the ice and snow maze, and saw the camp that was bombed into ruins.

" could he be defeated? Where is he now?"

A Naga general who was personally promoted by Cromwell showed an expression of shock and disbelief.

Nicole silently cast her magical spell, and soon an effect appeared in front of everyone.

The Chinese army camp was breached by the cheering Haiguo, and the scene of Cromwell committing suicide by taking poison appeared in front of everyone.

"That Prince Shaq, has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

"What's going on with those strange schools of fish in Sea Country?"

"Marshal, my marshal, why can't you hold on a little longer? I'm already here..."

The Nagas had various expressions of shock, surprise, and grief.

There is also a fear that I don’t understand.

Compared with their previous success, today's battle situation is too difficult to accept. It is an unprecedented loss since the start of this war.

The battle plan completely failed, the supreme commander fell directly on the battlefield, the Thunder Punishment Legion was completely wiped out, and the large army continued to be pursued by Doyle...

There were many old subordinates trained by Cromwell present. When they saw the Marshal being forced to commit suicide by Prince Shaq, they all remembered that bastard's "crazy smile" in their hearts.

"The person leading this battle is not the Prince of Haiguo. The two young men following him are the left prime minister and military minister of the Ivy Empire, and the other is the commander of the intelligence agency. Those fish schools with different functions are bound to It is also inseparable from the Ivy Empire."

Without much ups and downs in her voice, Nicole calmed everyone down and lowered their heads in shame.

She has always been kind and kind, and very friendly to everyone. Now her face is expressionless and her voice is cold, which shows that she is really angry and suppressing her anger.

It was anger towards the Sea Kingdom and the Ivy Empire, and also towards...the colleagues around her.

This battle to seize the landing point is a task that Nicole must complete according to the oracle of Poseidon.

Seeing that they were on the verge of final victory, Haiguo suddenly came and took away the Chinese army's camp headquarters.

This is the reason why Haiguo received support and suddenly increased its strength.

However, the Naga side was too confident and arrogant, and did not pay attention to Prince Shaq. There was no investigation or vigilance in that direction, which is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

Nicole had never been involved in military command before and knew that there were specialties in the art industry. It was best to trust the professional abilities of Cromwell and his staff.

In the end, her trust only got this result, and she had every reason to be angry.

This expedition was not to say a complete failure, but it definitely gave Haiguo a chance to breathe and created variables out of thin air. This was definitely not what Poseidon wanted to see.

Everyone present was a veteran of the battlefield. Nicole didn’t accuse anyone directly, but she could understand that she hit the key point.

"Your Majesty Nicole, this is indeed a mistake by the military, but now is not the time to pursue the matter. Please order the next arrangements."

Cammy Blue Coral, the deputy marshal of this battle, gritted his teeth and responded, directly handing over the command.

Nicole glanced at him and immediately replied: "The landing point must be captured, it is God's will. I order you to take temporary command, gather as much strength as possible, and immediately withdraw to the second fortress to prepare for the next round of attack. "

She is not good at specific battle command and needs to rely on these generals.

But from now on, she wants to hold the highest strategic command power in her hands.

It is impossible to retreat. Believers must accomplish God's will at all costs. A small failure will not change Nicole's determination.

"What about the marshal's revenge? The most important thing to do now is to pursue that Shaq!"

A general immediately roared excitedly, with red eyes. If the people around him hadn't caught him, he might have fought Nicole immediately.

"Shut up!" Cammy gave the general a heavy slap in the face without waiting for Nicole to speak.

"Deputy Marshal, the Marshal personally promoted you from the cannon fodder camp, and now you have to work with this cold-blooded saint to let the murderer who forced the Marshal to death walk away like this..."

Another loud slap in the face knocked the general to the ground.

"I told you to shut up, idiot!" Cammy said fiercely, "I am more sad than any of you about Keshuai's death, but if the enemy can make partial troops to attack the camp, they are well prepared. What do you think of that ice and snow maze? Is there only one place? Do you think our main force can really catch up with them? You are just wasting time by pursuing them now, and even giving the sea country a loophole to encircle us... What we need to do now is to regroup and not let the enemy defeat them. Shuai’s previous achievements were in vain!”

His words were loud and clear, and he silenced a group of generals who were dissatisfied and ready to take action.

Seeing that the military had reached a consensus, Nicole bowed slightly and said, "Since Master Kami doesn't need my help, then I will go and plead guilty to our Lord for you!"

She walked towards the coral temple, which was carried by a giant turtle. In the curtain made of pearls, you could see that graceful figure kneeling in a pious posture and praying.

Kami let out a deep breath, lifted up the general who had been slapped into a pig's head, took off his helmet and applied the medicine with his own hands.

"Father, why..." Under the helmet, there was a face that still looked childish.

"I saved your life, you know that?" Cammy said without controlling the volume, that is to say to every military general present, "The saint is indeed kind, but she doesn't rub sand in her eyes. At this moment, the military has let her Dissatisfied, she will not allow any uncontrollable factors to occur, do you understand? "

"It's just a magic stick!" a general said angrily.

"Although the magic stick is hateful, God does exist..."

Kami sighed softly, glanced at everyone present, and began to retreat according to Nicole's instructions, in anticipation of the next battle.

Black Shark Fortress.

After Doyle's troops ate up Naga's troops, they did not continue the pursuit, but returned to the fortress.

There was no chaos in the enemy's formation, and they always retreated in an orderly manner.

With the long-range attack cover of those Swordfish submarines swimming at the edge of the array, the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

Shaq also sent a signal to retreat, and there was no need to continue the pursuit.

Even if he and Shaq formed an encirclement, there was no possibility of completely consuming the main force of Naga. If Naga were to break through the encirclement forcefully, his own side would suffer heavy losses.

But Doyle looked at the battle report sent by Shaq and was speechless for a long time.

After breaking through the Chinese army camp, Cromwell failed to escape and committed suicide by taking poison. This led to the main Naga force on the frontal battlefield urgently returning to defense?

So the key to victory in this war is really the prince brother whom I always thought was a waste?

"This is definitely not Shaq's strength. How could the Ivy Empire help him so much?"

Doyle showed a pensive expression, obviously victorious, but suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis.

There is also a strong sense of unwillingness.

He also knew that the Ivy Empire was the most powerful country on land now, and that Shaq was just a hostage captured there. He didn't know if any agreement could be reached and he could win in one battle.

If the Ivy Empire supports me, wouldn't it be...

Wuhu takes off?

Just when he was frowning and thinking, a close friend came in with a strange look, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"Say something quickly." Doyle asked angrily.

"Your Highness, we have a traitor among us who is working for the empire."

"Executed immediately."

"But he exposed it on his own initiative, saying that the Night Guard Commander wanted to talk to you."

"Then... how about we talk?"

Doyle, who was always decisive, had a rare hesitation.

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