The City of Mysteries, the Star Palace.

It is also the headquarters of the Night Guard.

The part above the volcano of this wonder-level building is the Altar of the Oath of Glory. The new nobles of the Empire must swear an oath here and leave a soul mark.

Today, the nobles of the Empire only have honorary titles, and the difficulty of obtaining them is actually much lower than in the past.

At present, it seems that developing more new nobles can effectively increase the cohesion of the Empire and win over a progressive and loyal elite class.

Regardless of their origins, administrative officials, researchers, and corporate managers who have made enough contributions to the SLR may obtain noble titles.

Of course, there are also 3% of qualified people who are unwilling to accept this soul-level contract and give up voluntarily.

In more than a year, after the first thousand nobles who swore the Oath of Glory, more and more new nobles have been canonized in the Star Palace, and the total number has exceeded 30,000.

Among them, the largest proportion is the R\u0026D personnel who provide key technologies for the Empire's Industrial Revolution, followed by the administrative officials of the Imperial Government, and then the military generals.

The Oath of Glory is of the greatest help to the Imperial Government. Whether they are civilians or former aristocrats, they have gradually become the backbone of planning the future of this empire.

The self-moral constraints created based on Angelina do not impose any constraints on private life during rest time.

But all decisions at work are based on the priority of the interests of the empire.

Such subtle influences are deepening day by day, bringing the overall historical clarity of the imperial government to the highest level in history, fewer and fewer illegal behaviors of officials under the supervision of the Dark Night Guard, and the overall administrative execution efficiency is also increasing day by day.

In any era, the management of a huge empire is extremely complicated. The lives and work of hundreds of millions of people, birth, aging, illness and death, and building a better life have unbalanced distribution of interests.

As the territory and population increase, the cost of management will also rise sharply.

The joys and sorrows between people are not the same, and there are more and more things to encounter. It is impossible to achieve complete fairness every time. Over time, groups, factions, mountains, and various doctrines will be formed.

The combat effectiveness of one hundred people added together is usually far less than the sum of their combat effectiveness. This is internal consumption and wrangling.

This disagreement will become more serious because of the involvement of one hundred officials in their own interests.

However, under the influence of the Oath of Glory, everyone still has differences on specific issues, but the fundamental purpose is to build a stronger, better country that benefits the vast majority of the people in the empire.

So these differences have a limit, and the starting point is not for personal gain, and it does not rise to the level of life and death. In the end, they can always collide to a balanced result for all parties.

With the help of magic, most officials in the empire have reached a subconscious unity. The staff in this system will feel happy because the country has become better.

Ordinary people are also re-recognizing the current officials of the empire. With the improvement of living standards, the reputation of the new nobles is constantly rising.

The people and the nobles are no longer two classes that are incompatible.

The obedience that these people in the empire have developed over the past ten thousand years actually only requires a slightly better life than in the past. When there is light shining into their lives and they can see a glimmer of hope, they will be grateful.

Today's nobles, businessmen, magicians, and the emerging bourgeoisie will still have a living environment far superior to that of ordinary people.

But their demands on the bottom are ultimately locked in a cage, and the social operation of the entire empire is covered with the cloak of civilization and rule of law.

Or it can be said that because the empire is developing too fast, there are countless areas that can be developed, and the gross industrial and agricultural output value is growing wildly. It is easier to build a new industry than to steal food from the people.

Under the management of the Queen, the people can also enjoy this welfare and feel the improvement of their quality of life.

Her Majesty did not shout slogans randomly, but really practiced the policy she originally advocated.

In this environment, some people contribute more and enjoy better, and ordinary people can accept it.

Because bloodline is no longer a restriction, ordinary people also have the opportunity to become new nobles through their own efforts, and education is spreading to every corner of the empire.

Compared with the traditional land nobles who once rode on the faces of the people, the current imperial nobles and officials are as kind as the heroes who once only appeared in the mouths of the bards.

The people gave way, the nobles gave way, and after the empire abolished the feudal system, there was no chaos that the powers expected.

The new nobles and officials also gradually felt the convenience brought to them by the Oath of Glory.

This oath is a constraint, and it also makes the queen believe in their loyalty.

The imperial government can rest assured that the new nobles can let the administrative officials and generals hold a key position for a long time, which is conducive to the continuity of policies and the long-term planning of new provinces and new cities.

In this way, it can avoid the criterion of political performance and the construction of the cities of the empire in a stereotyped manner according to the "most utilitarian plan".

Instead, officials really understand the situation of a certain place in depth, tap the local potential, and make a development strategy for ten or a hundred years to avoid short-sightedness.

Ordinary regimes usually avoid such a situation where administrative officials govern a place for a long time, because it will lead to the entrenched relationship between the upper and lower levels, and the results will be terrible.

At the least, it is serious corruption, and at the worst, it is warlord separatism, the decline of centralization, the crisis of some dynasties, or the centralization that has been achieved with great difficulty gradually degenerates back to the era of feudal states within states...

But now the Glory Oath has reduced this possibility to the lowest. Aodu still has a strategic weapon like the Queen of Eternal Night. Anyone who dares to have a different mind in the current empire must be very careless.

The underground part under the volcano of the Star Palace is the base of the Dark Night Guard. The lower you go, the more core and important the department is.

On the 49th underground floor, opposite the commander's office, is the office of the deputy commander, Joey Barton. Every day, the gold sleeves and silver sleeves are busy running around, asking for instructions on the specific operation of the Dark Night Guard.

As Joey gave up his work at the Ice Drinking Manor and devoted himself to the management of the Dark Night Guard, he became more and more familiar with the overall business line here and was able to handle all daily business independently.

Roger has not been to the Dark Night Guard's base for three months. He now only controls the overall policy of the Dark Night Guard. Joey is capable of handling the specific operation, training, and development without leaks.

As the largest intelligence agency in the empire, the Dark Night Guard guards against spies from the great powers infiltrating the empire, and also assesses administrative officials and manages the enthronement of new and old nobles.

Although the business is numerous and fragmented, the responsibilities have been basically fixed, and the gold sleeves of each business line have grown up, so Xiao Qiaoyi has less and less work.

The internal situation of the empire is good, and it is still in the stage of recuperation. The Dark Night Guard is a spy agency that is only responsible for supervision and does not bear specific development responsibilities, so their current main work is to improve business capabilities, train and select new members.

In other words, there is really nothing else to do, and the funds are too much to spend, so they can only spend it in every possible way.

Improve the combat effectiveness, expand the team, and raise some idle people, so that there will be no rush when the war starts again...


Sometimes Xiao Qiaoyi also feels that her deputy commander is too easy.

But when she sees a more relaxed commander, she will immediately forgive herself.

Fishing can only show that the empire is thriving, right?

The only drawback is that there is more boring time, and the days are very difficult. The thoughts and attachment to the lover always emerge quietly.

However, Roger obviously has much more work to do than her, and what he has to think and plan for is beyond her understanding.

At this time, Xiao Qiaoyi's only choice is to improve herself and train her combat ability.

If there is any trouble that cannot be solved by a stimulating game of "Dimension Survival", then play another game!

Of course, Xiao Qiaoyi is not playing the civilian version in Dreadnought. The Dark Night Guard, like the military, is an internal version logged in.

The engine is basically the same as the Endless Tower designed by the Queen of Eternal Night, with characters modeled with personal real data, equipment and combat experience as realistic as possible, and 100% pain.

The battle mode is not only a classic battle royale, but also allows you to customize the battlefield and restore many classic battles of the empire.

You can be a commander who thinks "How can we win without the queen?", or you can think about "How can we turn the tables with the queen on the other side?"

Well, after playing the classic battle series of Empire, I habitually regard the presence or absence of the Queen of Eternal Night as two game difficulties...

There is also a battle mode, where the Night Guards and the City Defense Army often fight here, or play cat and mouse games with Sparrow.

In general, this is a combat exercise space that is the same as the real world except that you can be resurrected after death.

The time ratio is still 10:1, and the training time is even longer than the real world.

After the growth of physical attributes slowed down, many soldiers have moved their training and combat online to exercise their combat skills and consciousness here.

In addition to the name, it is still called "Dimension Survival". The internal version is not the same game as ordinary people. It is more appropriate to call it a war simulator.

In one exciting and real battle after another, Xiao Qiaoyi grew rapidly.

She was originally a level 16 orthodox academic magician who had just touched the edge of the fourth level.

But after using the follower necklace, her talents and physical attributes changed, and she had many specialties of orc shamans.

And as the level increases, she has mastered the skills of war songs and war dances, and has a good close combat ability.

So, now she is level 20, very much like a bard close to legend, who knows a little bit of everything...

And she is quite powerful in everything.

In the past, the more single attributes a professional had, the stronger they were, such as the pure output-oriented magician like the Queen of Eternal Night.

A profession like a bard that can fight in close combat, has the ability to cast spells, and has some skills such as performance and singing will appear to be a jack of all trades on the surface, but in fact, it is not proficient in anything.

In short, it is a stunner.

Of course, legendary bards often have unique skills, which are very scary.

But now there is "Dimension Survival", even in the normal version, the continuous fighting in it will be truly reflected in your memory and soul, bringing about the improvement of skills and expertise.

Not to mention the internal version that completely simulates the real combat environment, and there is ten times more time, the rich skills of the bard can be completely polished with time.

In addition, Xiao Qiaoyi's own talent is not bad. The empire can now mass-produce auxiliary potions such as meditation enhancement plug-ins, attribute affinity potions, inspiration potions, etc. to increase the growth rate. The level of the entire empire's professionals has reached a high level.

Although the original intention of the empire to promote industrialization was to arm the whole people and let ordinary people participate in the battle against the gods.

But in the end, professionals became the first beneficiaries.

These auxiliary potions that improve the efficiency and effect of cultivation have little effect on ordinary people, but because professionals have money, those entrepreneurial wizards like to produce these products the most.

And the competition is very fierce.

Because the level of professionals is improved, their equipment is improved, and their combat effectiveness is improved, their ability to make money will naturally improve.

Whether it is exploring ruins, hunting large monsters, completing the employment of wizards, or participating in cross-dimensional wars, it used to be a game that only belonged to the strong. Now ordinary professionals can also participate, so naturally the income has skyrocketed.

After these wealthy professionals understand the benefits of arming themselves, they are naturally more willing to spend money on such equipment and props.

So an unprecedentedly prosperous industry was formed.

"Auxiliary potions" are the first manufacturing industry in the empire to form involution.

Because in the past, such potions and magic rituals were numerous and countless, but the collection and manufacture of materials were troublesome.

But now "New Arcane" has announced more and more profound magic principles, and improvement and material substitution have become simple. The improvement of manufacturing precision has enabled materials to be processed in batches and produced on assembly lines, so mass manufacturing has become possible.

In this field now, life rituals are the biggest winners, relying on the best effects and rich varieties, occupying more than 70% of the market.

After professionals are not short of money, effects become their pursuit, and prices are becoming less and less sensitive.

Life rituals that master the most cutting-edge theories naturally stand out, and a large number of people can accept the high price.

The remaining 30% of the market is a high-end service provider that can customize auxiliary medicines according to the physique of professionals.

This is because the life rituals are too lazy to make money due to insufficient personnel, which has given a few master-level entrepreneurial brands a way to survive.

Those magicians eliminated by the empire have no choice but to go to Terra to open up foreign markets, and in the name of knockoffs, they set off the high-end of life rituals...

Think about it, it's a pity!

In the fearless space.

"I have to go to work, and I will come to beat you another day."

"...Shameless woman, go."

Roger is in the Sea Kingdom Palace at this moment, bored because he is waiting for the victory celebration to end.

He and Little Joey had just spent ten hours in the game, each leading 5,000 cavalrymen, and had a chase-and-escape battle on an extremely vast grassland.

In the cavalry battle, the two were now equally skilled, and they thought they would continue to compete in patience, but Little Joey used his personal strength to assassinate Roger, forcing him to use the Dream Shield on the spot, and then took the opportunity to charge at his cavalry who had lost their command, thus securing the victory.

Little Joey's avatar turned gray, and Roger was about to harass Rommel to see if he had time to fight, when he suddenly found that Little Joey's avatar was lit up again.

"Lord Roger, I need to go over there to find you immediately, there is a very urgent intelligence." Her expression was very serious.

Her restless and shaking fox ears showed that someone's modification of the equipment list was actually just an excuse for her to have a tryst.

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