The fourth prince Doyle was very lucky. Shak broke through the Black Shark Fortress in time and came directly with a large army to support him. He also brought the base coral sub-bodies necessary for the layout of the forward base.

These special sub-bodies only need one or two minutes to grow large enough, and cooperate with mature planktonic predators to form an autonomously expanding production base.

As for whether to risk saving Doyle's life, Shak, the direct relative present, made the decision.

"With the character of the fourth brother, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not sit and wait for death, so if he is conscious, he will definitely choose to try. I respect his choice."

This is the royal family background, and it is difficult for others present to refute it. They watched Shak personally plant a juvenile of the base coral directly on the life vine that supported Doyle's last breath of life.

Then this base coral did not need planktonic predators, and directly absorbed the abundant life breath and nuclear waste from the vines, and began to grow rapidly.

Roger couldn't help but frown and asked Lydia who was floating beside him: "Madam, if you absorb it so indiscriminately, it won't grow crooked, right?"

That's nuclear waste! Look at how deformed Doyle is!

"Don't worry, my little baby is not that fragile. Frankenstein's weapons are just a kind of energy damage. He has proteins in his body that absorb this energy."

Lydia answered confidently.

Just like chloroplasts absorb sunlight to synthesize organic matter, base corals can also produce proteins that can absorb nuclear radiation based on corals, and use their energy to help themselves grow.

Because the radiation energy is absorbed cleanly, there is naturally no need for excessive radiation, which will damage the core part.

This is why I can digest and decompose everything, so don't be afraid of accidentally ingesting toxic substances!

The base coral was originally an artificial creature that Lydia had modified countless times and integrated countless powerful biological genes. It seemed nothing surprising that it used nuclear energy...

The magicians of the secret society set up a series of equipment, and Lydia began to remotely modulate the base coral that had grown to the height of a hill.

Then it continued to expand and swallowed up Doyle's mutated body. His body tissues, bones and flesh melted into the tissues of the base coral.

Many people subconsciously looked away when they saw this scene. Little Joey lay in Roger's arms and sighed softly.

Resting in peace was originally the best ending, but because of Doyle's choice, if Lydia's idea failed, Doyle would be dead.

As a commander who defended the frontline fortress until the moment, such an ending was really a bit unfair to him.

Shaq kept watching the base coral completely closed and growing rapidly under the support of planktonic predators.

But it did not produce a hatching capsule. Lydia secretly said that she controlled this base coral to eliminate the fused deformed genes and cells with all her strength, and it would take about a day to get results.

"During this day, this base coral cannot be moved, otherwise it will wither directly due to divine poisoning, and Doyle will have no hope. So you are all right?"

Lydia knew that the Sea Kingdom had suffered a great defeat, so she was very worried that if the Naga came back, they would not be able to withstand this ruin.

Roger said confidently: "Don't worry, we are going to set up a blockade here to prevent the Naga who broke into the Sea Kingdom from returning!"

Shak nodded vigorously, expressing his support for Roger's statement.

Doyle's matter came to an end for the time being, and Prince Shak, who was full of vigor and heroic spirit, secretly proposed a treaty request to Roger.

Whether he is the future Sea King or Doyle who wakes up after recovery, the Sea Kingdom will be an ally of the Qingteng Empire.

On the premise of not harming the basic lives of the people of the Sea Kingdom, the Sea Kingdom and the Qingteng Empire will attack and defend synchronously, open the market, and shall not actively collect tariffs on goods.

That is to say, it is a vassal to a certain extent, and a more modern term can be called a semi-colony.

This was the ideal blueprint that the empire had originally wanted to plan, but Shak took the initiative to speak it out. He had only one request:

He hoped that none of the expeditionary forces that passed through the Black Shark Fortress would return to the Naga territory alive.

They had received news that the cruel and indiscriminate massacre had begun. How could ordinary people in the Sea Kingdom escape from the regular army with various mounts and magical means? No one could protect them, and they all became toys under the enemy's iron hoof.

Roger hesitated for a moment and agreed to Shak's request.

Although he was not originally going to execute Nicole in this battle, what she did was indeed beyond Roger's estimation, so that she could not return to the Naga territory-there is another way to deal with it, is to take her to the Qingteng Empire?

After the two parties signed a magic contract witnessed by the source sea, Roger also began to be frank with Shak, disclose more information, and discuss the next battle.

First of all, Roger clearly told Shak that Nicole still had two Tyrant Mushrooms that were more terrible than Hydrangea Mushrooms, which were strategic-level weapons with ten times greater destructive power.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. Although this world also needs magic of that level, the preparation is troublesome and costly - the difficulty of defense is also extremely terrible.

So the result is that the Sea Nation collectively resists the means of accidentally attacking and defending against the 5 million-level Overlord Bacteria, especially in the field.

So Naga was going to use the two Tyrant Bacteria as a deterrent. After building fortifications at the landing point, they would blow up the blockade that the Sea Country would inevitably build, and achieve substantial occupation of the landing point.

Otherwise, occupying an enclave and trapping the Saint there would be an outcome that Naga could not accept, and she would not be able to bear it sooner or later.

But if such a corridor was opened up, it would divide the territory of the Sea Country into two parts that could not be connected to the north and the south. The control of the Sea Country's imperial power, which was already declining, over the ocean would inevitably decline sharply.

At that time, Naga would adopt the means of winning over in batches, and eat up the nobles and vassals here in batches, and the complete fall of the Sea Country would be just around the corner.

After conquering the Black Shark Fortress, the coordinate movement of the two Tyrant Bacteria also showed Nicole's intention, which was exactly as Roger expected.

After the unpredictable killer secreter Collins, Nicole had no more tricks beyond Roger's calculations.

Therefore, the battle layout at this time, after the Empire got the support of the Sea Country, it could let go of its hands and feet, so Roger's battle layout was better arranged than before.



The Naga Expeditionary Force is in a state of carnival at this moment.

The desire for land, the hatred for the elves who drove them into the sea, and the awe and love for the sea god all make this victory particularly meaningful.

Saint Nicole issued an order to massacre the city, and her men dispersed, but she and the military generals rushed to the coastline at the fastest speed.

They need to find a suitable place to quickly build a semi-permanent fortress, defend and repair it, and then open the way back to the Naga.

At this time, the battle to open up the landing point is finally completed.

Although the Nagas do not have base corals that can quickly produce a jungle and produce biochemical fish schools, they have survived on the seabed for tens of thousands of years and inherited the magical civilization of the elves that produced druids, so they also have the means to quickly build temporary fortresses.

That was the seed from the World Tree of the Elf Tribe preserved in the ancient warehouse of the Naga Queen. It was the seed of the Dark Tree obtained after being polluted by the magic of the other world studied by the Naga ancestors.

The large army behind him had been scattered on the plain, frantically attacking the surrounding villages and towns, plundering the wealth of the Sea Country, wantonly releasing the dark side of human nature, wielding the butcher knife against those ordinary civilians, and any women with a little beauty would be violated.

Is the face more important or the legs more important? Facing the mermaids and mermaid captives, the Nagas also fell into aesthetic confusion.

For such a force that has completely lost its humanity, even Nicole can't restrain them for the time being. She can only abandon the large army and find a place with a close enough distance and advantageous terrain for defense with the military generals, and plant the Dark Tree in advance.

Of course, it is called a tree, but in fact it has adapted to the environment of the seabed. When it looks alone, it looks like a giant anemone, waving colorful tentacles.

In just over two hours, the Dark Tree grew hundreds of meters tall, and fruits were produced under the tree.

These fruits matured quickly, and after falling to the ground, they gave birth to new tree species that were the same as the Dark Book, but with thorns on their heads.

They are called Dark Guardians, and are also a typical alien version of the elf tree species. When they encounter an enemy, they can shoot out the tree species on their bodies. When they are fully mature, their power is equivalent to that of a heavy crossbow.

These are the subjects who guard the Dark Tree.

The price of the rapid development of these tree species of the elves is that this land quickly becomes barren, and other plants and animals are robbed of their vitality.

At the same time, there are a large number of druids and other spellcasters who continuously supply magic power and even vitality to the Dark Tree.

Not only the Dark Tree, but also the genuine Tree of Life, its growth process is also such a somewhat evil picture, but the light effect may be a little better.

Although the elves in this world have slender and soft bodies, they are not the beautiful and conservative race in the story.

On the contrary, the elves are arrogant, arrogant, cruel, and cold. They usually have extremely outstanding talents and are ruthless to foreigners.

The elves generally have the most paranoid beliefs, but because of this paranoia, their beliefs are easily corrupted and they turn to other gods. Later, they will think that paranoia affects their appearance and directly change their racial characteristics.

To a certain extent, the elves are excellent providers of faith power. The lamb herds in many worlds of the Seven Gods are elves. If they want to reproduce faster, they will mix with humans to become half-elves.

Even the twisted elves such as Naga and Dark Elves are still extremely pious to the gods they believe in.

After planting the Dark Tree, the generals of the expeditionary army breathed a sigh of relief, and Nicole walked into the ocean temple carried by the giant turtle to pray.

Other generals opened magic communications to broadcast the scenes of their landing on land to their families and relatives in the rear, and even the Queen of Naga.

This is a scene of great historical value. It should be completed by the current coach Nicole, and then the Queen of Naga will ask for credit.

As a devout believer, she is more anxious to report the good news to her own gods, and the flattery of the Queen will be left to those men to ask for it.

At this time, the overall mood of the Naga Expeditionary Force was quite high.

The Black Shark Fortress had been taken, what means did the Sea Nation have to turn the tables?

Even if the Sea Nation could gather a large army to attack them, they also had strategic weapons. As long as they could hold on, time was on their side!

Although the Naga generals did not join the massacre at this moment, their minds were also fanatical.

They knew very well how terrible the sudden fall of a fortress would be for the morale of the Sea Kingdom.

It would be easy to say if it was captured, but it was wiped off the map for no reason. Maybe the Sea Kingdom could not find the next general who dared to fight against them!

The time for rushing and planting trees, each step took a lot of time, and the night slowly fell on the seabed.

Although it was quite dim here most of the time, the deep-sea special creatures that provided lighting seemed to be able to sense the changes in the sun, indicating the day and night on the seabed.

Some soldiers who had massacred the city had returned to the camp of the Dark Tree, but there were more who were indulging in the indulgence after the victory.

Nicole's order to massacre the city was before dawn tomorrow, so there would definitely be people who stuck to the time and enjoyed the last second.

The excited Naga did not notice that while they were enjoying the fruits of victory, an army had already broken up into small pieces, and with the determination to kill them all, they scattered into the vast territory between the Black Shark Fortress and the Dark Tree.

The Naga army came to massacre the city, while the Sea Country army came to save the people and fought in their own territory. The intelligence of the two sides was not at the same level at all.

When the people of the Sea Country saw the mermaid's royal flag fluttering, they would take the initiative to approach and ask for help, and then provide intelligence and lead the Sea Country troops to encircle and annihilate the vicious Naga.

This time, Shak's troops carried with them the latest improved fruit of the base coral: bone weapons.

Weapons have always been a great weakness of the underwater race. The Naga clan received support from the Terra Kingdom and traded many times, but they could only arm elite troops. There are still a large number of second-line troops who still use traditional bone weapons and coral weapons.

These weapons are not necessarily inferior to metals. If they are the bones of some large sea beasts, the hardness and usability of specific parts are still better than metals.

However, this special bone is also a rare item, so most bone weapons are not durable enough and not sharp enough.

The Empire did not provide metal weapons to the Sea Country, but after Lydia regained her enthusiasm for work, she improved the base coral based on the excellent bone weapon samples provided by the Sea Country.

So in addition to the self-destructing fish, there will be different types of bone weapons in those hatching capsules.

They cannot be said to be top-quality, or even those with magical properties, but at least they are equivalent to the elite military weapons on the ground.

So the weapons and equipment of the ordinary soldiers of the Sea Country and the front-line troops of the Naga finally reached the same level.

The soldiers of the Sea Country with new equipment, with intelligence advantages, and with hatred for their homes being invaded, searched the world for those Nagas who were so happy that they forgot themselves...

This was a one-sided massacre.

It was just a just massacre, killing the Naga soldiers who attacked civilians!

The Naga soon discovered this army hunting them, so they began to gather and assemble to fight against the scattered pursuit of the Sea Country.

Naturally, the troops of the Sea Country were also gathering.

After Nicole learned the news, she realized that it was Shak's troops that were lingering behind them, and showed an impatient look: "Is this the last mobile force of the Sea Country?"

A Tyrant Fungus was released and moved to the gathering and sent to the Naga troops approaching the Dark Tree...

Then, boom!

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