Nicole is not stupid. She is naturally gifted to be chosen as a saint.

That’s why she stood out at such a young age and let Collins let her manage the Sea God Church without any worries.

When Roger admitted that he could be called "Jostar", the first thing Nicole thought of was Joestar in the Anti-Ivy League group, the spy stationed in the Empire by the Kingdom of Terra...

She understood a lot of things in an instant.

During this period of time, the situation on land has changed, and the situation under the sea has quietly changed, as if an invisible hand was messing up the entire chessboard, making her unable to see clearly and only feel that the world is crazy.

But when Nicole connected such an important official as the commander of the Empire's Dark Night Guard with the "spy" of the Kingdom of Terra and the Dragon King in the Anti-Ivy League group, the vague scene in front of her eyes suddenly became clear.

No wonder Terra can continue to obtain the advanced technology of the Qingteng Empire, no wonder the orcs who have just established their country have such a strong productivity, no wonder Prince Shak can capture Cromwell's central army with one move, no wonder the Tyrant Fungus blew up the Naga camp at a critical moment...

If Roger is Joestar and the Qingteng Empire is the arms supplier of the Naga, combined with his own speech in the chat group, then Roger wants to do the above things and dominate the final direction of the battle between the Naga and the mermaid. It is easy.

When Nicole accepted Tashka's assistance for the first time, she had already stepped into a trap from which there was no return.

It turns out that everything that has happened in this world recently is the layout and planning of the Qingteng Empire.

It turns out that the victory that the powers are grateful for is just the victory that the Qingteng Empire wants them to see.

That Queen of Eternal Night... is really a cruel and vicious person!

A certain queen who just saved a son of the system from danger sneezed wildly: Who is blaming me again?

Nicole looked at Roger, her eyes flashing with shock, anger, fear, despair, hatred, and finally self-deprecating calmness:

"So Tashika is the spy of the Empire?"

She asked a question that she thought was quite crazy.

She actually suspected that the queen of a country, the leader loved by the orcs, and her "best friend" who had countless topics to communicate with her was a spy of Terra's enemy country?

But this is the only speculation that can reasonably explain the current situation.

Roger smiled and replied:

"The word spy is not appropriate. We are comrades with a common goal."

"The ultimate purpose of your interference in the ocean is to want the Mermaid Sea Kingdom to become another Terra and cooperate with your performance?"

"The Naga Empire will also be another Terra."

"It's so sad that Tashika actually betrayed her faith and cooperated with you devils."

"No, it should be said that faith betrayed her first, and the gods are the devils who can use holy light."

Roger briefly told the story of the Qingteng Empire's conquest of the orc tribe in the past.

The goddess of war watched old Joestar use the lives of the orcs to make a plan, just to kill more imperials to vent his anger, but in the end he failed and hid himself and watched the orcs lose.

Nicole was silent and speechless.

A similar scene just happened on the seabed.

Her god only used the lives of the Naga Expeditionary Force to make a plan and complete the oracle.

The oracle came down, and the support given was very little, but the Nagas had to bet everything to seize the landing point...

Originally Nicole was fanatical and did not measure the cost and benefits. Dedicating to God was the meaning of her life.

However, the great defeat of the war, Shaq's words, and Roger's self-exposure, fatal blows came one after another within a day.

The faith that she once thought was natural and right had a crack.

The omnipotent, loving and tolerant sea god did not send down a miracle to turn the tide when the Naga Expeditionary Force was completely defeated, which made Nicole quite unacceptable.

We launched a holy war for God, but for God, this is just an unnecessary chess move.

After hearing about Tashika's similar experience and remembering the history of this world for countless years, she suddenly realized that the gods in heaven have always had this attitude.

It's just that as a saint in the past, she was selectively blind and didn't think about what role the gods played in it.

She believed that those believers didn't do well enough and their faith was not pure enough. If it were her, she wouldn't have ended up like that...

But reality gave her a heavy slap in the face.

It's really ironic.

The expedition she launched with great effort ended up with nothing, only countless killings and destruction of countless beautiful things.

This room was arranged in advance by the secret law, with auxiliary magic circles to detect fluctuations in thoughts and changes in emotions, and at the same time it would enhance the persuasiveness of Roger's every word.

Originally, with the strength of Nicole's legendary priest, these magic circles and interference should not have any effect.

But now she is in a state of violent emotional fluctuations, her insight and judgment have dropped significantly, and she can't control her own thinking at all.

So unknowingly, Roger grasped her emotional changes, spoke targeted content, and frantically messed with Nicole's mentality.

Faith has shaped Nicole's piety, enthusiasm, and madness, but she still has a kind and soft side in her heart.

Roger madly touched her soft side, shook her with words, presented the impact of this war to her, and told her about the consequences of the Naga.

Nicole was about to collapse. Everything Roger said was like the whisper of the ancient gods, which made her unbearable.

If the Naga wins, seizes the landing point, and completes the Naga's dream of ten thousand years, she will become a hero.

A general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people. Since ancient times, those who have accomplished things have not been particular about trivial matters. As long as she can bring victory to Naga, there will be no consequences for doing something out of the ordinary.

But she failed, completely, lost Naga's last bargaining chip, and introduced the evil wolf Tashika into Naga.

She remembered that Roger said that the Qingteng Empire wanted to turn the Mermaid Sea Kingdom and the Naga Empire into the new Terra Kingdom.

The wolf's ambition is obvious.

Naga has already owed an astronomical debt, and after this failure, it will face a counterattack from the Mermaid Sea Kingdom.

The growth and transformation of Prince Shak, and his attitude towards Naga, will become Naga's lingering nightmare.

In order to survive, Naga will only rely more and more on Terra's support, and then fall into Tashika's clutches...

The best friend is very kind, but she is only kind to orcs, and will not care how much blood and tears Naga shed.

Countless thoughts are in Nicole's heart, and she looks at Roger with fear.

This Joestar who deceived me and talked to me happily in the group was actually the head of the Qingteng Empire's intelligence department.

How terrible.

How insidious.

How vicious.

But how powerful!

He intended to divert the world's attention to other directions. The Qingteng Empire hid behind the scenes, secretly accumulated strength, and pulled more development space.

So, Nicole finally found that she couldn't hate him.

This is a person who would do anything to protect his country. If he were in his place, he would do the same thing as him.

The only difference is that I don't have his brain, and it's impossible to do better than him. It will only lead to a failed war...

Roger didn't need much to seduce people. He just needed to reveal the truth and facts to Nicole, and her faith collapsed.

At this time, Nicole began to regret what she had done in the past. Although her expression was calm, her eyes were empty and she was extremely confused about the future.

In the end, she looked at Roger with only envy.

Envy him for protecting his country, envy him and his queen for making the lives of the people in the empire better and better.

Roger looked at Nicole with sympathy. This girl was not bad at heart, but the education she received since childhood was to make her a perfect believer, a religious leader who gave everything for God.

In that position, if she was not ruthless and decisive enough, she could not do anything.

Nicole was wrong, but the bigger mistake was the gods who caused constant conflicts in the world of Eternal Night.

Growing up in the religious world, Nicole was destined to think differently from normal people.

Until she encountered the most tragic failure in her life, she tore off the coat of the sea god who was omnipotent, tolerant and doting on Naga.

With her sensitivity and thoughtfulness, she instantly saw the reality presented by the empire, and her thoughts underwent a drastic change.

"Nicole, if you really feel guilty about what you have done, you can use your status, strength and reputation to do something for Naga."

"You want me to be a lackey of the Empire?"

"Don't worry, the Empire doesn't want lackeys, but comrades. If you are interested, I will tell you all the information about the Empire's goals and ideas, the enemies it faces and the end of this world, and then you can make your own judgment."

"Is this the reason why Tashka chose you?"

Nicole was surprised, but she was not surprised after thinking about it carefully, and looked at Roger with complicated eyes.

A trace of unnatural embarrassment flashed across Roger's face. Tashka's original choice was not the Empire, but him...

It's just that there is no need to tell Nicole about such insignificant details.

He quickly said with firm, enthusiastic and shameless determination: "Yes, you also understand that I believe in Tashka's wisdom. Only with common ideals can she willingly cooperate with us."

Nicole held her left hand with her right hand, and her nails pierced into the flesh and blood oozed out, but she didn't realize how hard she was.

She wanted to find hypocrisy and deception on Roger's face, to prove that his blasphemy and slander against the gods were all fabricated...

But she failed.

The things she had believed in since she was a child were a real scam!

Nicole sat cross-legged on the ground with some weakness, and pleaded in a low voice: "Please give me a chance, Lord Roger, and give Naga a chance."

Roger snapped his fingers.

Little Joey held a large box of top-secret information in front of Nicole.

Then she and Roger left the room together.

"Did the saint really agree?" Margaret was also waiting at the door, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, a little bit unbelieving Roger's record.

Such a devout believer, can he be fooled?

Roger shook his finger, indicating that he was super relaxed and had no pressure!

Margaret couldn't help but want to mock him when she saw his arrogant look.

Little Joey pulled her and said first: "Lord Zuo Xiang, don't doubt it. Lord Commander has always been good at fooling girls who are in high positions and have ideals."

"It seems to be true..." Margaret suddenly remembered that she tried her best to curry favor with Princess Tashka, who finally had to go on a night tour of Odu with Roger, and her eyes became playful.

Of course, now she is the Queen of Tashka, but she still hasn't changed her attitude towards Roger.

So the mere saint is also doomed!

If they couldn't see everything in that room, they would have suspected that he used some illegal means.

Roger turned his head to look at Little Joey who suddenly stabbed him in the back. Little Joey looked innocent, blinked his eyes and nodded at Margaret...

It seems to be saying that this little devil has also been fooled by you, right?

Roger suddenly shuddered and finally reacted to the dangerous smell and strong sour smell in the air.

He whispered: "Dear, have you seen any legendary weapons recently? How about we go back to Aodu and visit the auction house?"

This is probably the other world version of "cure all diseases", right?

The temporary camp of Shak's troops in the Sea Country.

After days of hard fighting, the Naga expeditionary force was finally defeated, although there was still a lot of finishing work to be done.

But the soldiers still need to rest to recover their strength.

In the Prince Whale Car, Roger and Shak were talking in secret.

"Nicole is in a penitent attitude, so I certainly don't mind her returning to the Naga Empire." Shak's tone was relaxed and his smile was indifferent, as if he was talking about something as trivial as what to eat to stimulate the taste buds.

But what he was talking about was the first war criminal who caused huge losses to the Sea Country.

However, no one can judge from his expression and tone now. He clearly captured Nicole but wanted to release her. Is the prince of the Sea Kingdom resentful?

After all, is the attitude of the mermaid important to the empire?

And the Qingteng Empire is not a good person. It will not deliberately let the enemy go back and make trouble for itself.

Then there is only one possibility. Nicole, like himself, chose to serve the empire, which resulted in the scene Roger just described.

So the pot calling the kettle black, everyone is a vassal. What does his personal hatred and hatred for Naga have to do with the Qingteng Empire?

Questioning Roger as a human being?

It is very likely that he will just humiliate himself and destroy the relationship between the two.

So the most rational approach is to acquiesce to the occurrence of this incident and use this concession to exchange for the support of the empire in terms of strength.

It is true that Shak was able to grow into the true heir to the Sea King because of Roger's stimulation.

But after the transformation, he began to think about problems in the interests of the Sea Kingdom, and his relationship with Roger gradually became alienated.

This may be the little trick that fate likes to play on mortals.

Roger could certainly feel that the future Sea King was sufficiently wary of him and the Empire.

This was a kind of maturity, and also a helpless growth.

When the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people were on his shoulders, no one could do whatever he wanted.

Roger was also speaking in the tone of a spokesperson for the Empire, very diplomatic:

"Your Highness, rest assured, the Empire will not interfere in the internal affairs of the mermaids' revenge on the Naga."

"Thank you for your understanding. There is one more thing, my father's character is somewhat unsuitable for the current ocean situation."

"Whether the fourth prince wakes up or not, the Empire will support His Highness to ascend the throne."

"The mermaid royal family will be the Empire's eternal ally and the Charles family's eternal friend."

Shaq solemnly agreed, and then quickly smiled and talked to Roger about other topics.

The two young people who talked happily, although of different races, had similar expressions, demeanor and tone of voice.

For controversial issues with a huge amount of information, the exchange of interests was completed in a few words.

The details discussed later were irrelevant.

ps. Hiss, I updated one chapter and I owe five chapters... Let’s see if there are too many typos today.

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