In addition to the Divine Power Station, there are two other inventions and discoveries that are worthy of the Queen of Eternal Night's personal introduction at the Queen's Awards Ceremony, namely this year's Theoretical Star and Military Star.

The winners of the Theoretical Star are Sir Aissari Newton, who already has a Theoretical Star Medal, and Mr. Galilee, the chief consultant of the Secret Society.

This time, she and Galilee successfully predicted and calculated the existence of "Negative Magic Element". Theory guided practice, and finally successfully extracted Negative Magic Element from the annihilated void plane.

Although that strange, more basic unit of magic between particles and waves only exists for a few microseconds, the Empire currently has no way to preserve Negative Magic Element, let alone use it.

But this is an absolutely heavyweight breakthrough in the magic theory world.

The confirmation of Negative Magic Element makes the Empire's magic theory puzzle more complete.

Many previous hypotheses are no longer hypotheses, but a solid foundation on which more new research directions can be developed.

The Queen of Eternal Night was clearly well prepared. She used a simple description that even monkeys could understand to teach the audience of the Empire about the knowledge of positive and negative magic elements:

There is magic in this world, but what exactly is magic? Magicians have been exploring.

At first, magicians divided magic according to earth, water, fire and wind.

But as they studied magic and explored more planes, they found that magic also had more attributes such as shadow, smoke, and dust.

And magic can be further divided. This most basic unit that magicians once thought of is composed of "magic elements".

Although in normal environments, even the magic consumed after releasing magic cannot be decomposed into magic elements.

But the creativity of magicians is endless. They built very extreme environments and destroyed them through various violent means.

Finally, under the impact of a high enough energy level, magic elements that are more fundamental than magic were observed, and their mysterious veil was removed.

Through a series of studies, magicians have confirmed that the different attributes of magic are the different quantities and combinations of magic elements when they collide and combine.

Finally, these magic powers have different resonance frequencies for energy, which derives the rich and diverse properties of magic power, resulting in different participation rates of different magic reactions.

With the in-depth study of magic elements, some theoretical experts have found through calculations that this universe should not only have active magic elements that release energy outward.

At the same time, there should be another kind of magic element that absorbs energy to maintain the balance of the entire universe.

This is the hypothesis of positive and negative magic elements.

Since its emergence, this hypothesis has gained widespread support, of course, some people sneer at it.

Tens of thousands of years of magic civilization, no negative magic element has been discovered, and a new type has suddenly emerged in recent years. It's unreliable to think about it, right?

But anyway, positive and negative magic elements are the forefront of magic theory research, at the new peak of the new arcane theory, and there is no doubt that there is a field that needs to be explored.

Four years after the Eternal Night Calendar, the upper limit and precision of magicians' control over power have been continuously improved, and more and more resources can be mobilized, and more extensive research has begun.

Tianhai Tower has devoted its main energy to exploring negative magic elements because of Galilee's arbitrary behavior.

After nearly five years, thanks to the Empire's numerous entries into the Source Sea to retrieve a lot of knowledge that this world cannot understand, the Empire finally succeeded in finding the negative magic element.

Although there is no application yet, it is only a theoretical advancement that can promote the construction of many top magics and further analyze its internal principles.

"This year's Theory Star is well deserved."

The Queen of Eternal Night gave the Queen's Award medal to Galilei and other project participants with admiring eyes.

Then came the moment tonight that really ignited the Empire's people, the awarding of the Military Star.

In the past five years, the Empire's militarism has been caged, but it does not mean that they will change their nature. The dream of unifying the world has always existed in the hearts of every Imperial.

It's just that they have become more rational and know the truth of accumulating food and slowly claiming the throne.

While the powers were in a crazy civil war, the Empire began to accumulate strength and improve its national strength.

There is no real bloody battle. Everyone can only look at the new equipment and new tactics brought by the Military Star every year, and then look forward to it.

Anyway, everyone knows that Her Majesty the Queen is also waiting for a big one.

Although there is no war, the actual military expenditure is rising sharply every year with the growth of tax revenue. It is just hidden in the accounts of other departments, and a cover-up is made to prevent other countries from being vigilant to the empire.

This year's Military Star was awarded to a team in the Chapter of Imbalance. The project they completed is:

Strategic-level floating fortress!

Many wizard towers are actually battle fortresses floating in the void, which belongs to the technology that has long existed in the world of Eternal Night.

It's just that the energy consumption is huge and the environment for its use is limited.

Especially in the material plane, the intensity of the battlefield often does not meet the conditions for the deployment of battle fortresses, so the research and development of such battle fortresses in the atmosphere has always been blank.

And the wizard tower is a personal item of the magician after all, and at most it only considers small-scale conflicts, and its value for large-scale combat is not high.

The plan to manufacture larger, stronger, and more stable floating fortresses has been put on the agenda since then.

In fact, the empire once hesitated whether to build a strategic-level floating fortress. The opposition believed that this technology was very expensive, and the surrounding hostile forces were not strong enough, and the empire might not need this strategic weapon at all.

It is enough to use economic means to cause internal strife and then send troops to occupy it. Building such a super fortress is obviously like using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes.

Unfortunately, the number of opponents is limited after all, and the strategic floating fortress project was successfully launched.

The supporters have only one reason:

But it is big enough!

The imperialists hide their superficial militarism, but their bellicosity will never disappear.

In the eyes of the war maniacs headed by the Queen of Eternal Night, big is beautiful and firepower is truth.

If the surrounding enemies are not strong enough, don’t we have the Seven Gods to test our firepower?

Maybe one day, I will really break into the kingdom of God and become unparalleled?

Sufficient cannons are necessary, and sufficient troop transportation capacity is also necessary. We just want to stand above the sky!

The Chapter of Imbalance and the Life Ritual launched a bidding for the design and construction of the strategic floating fortress. In the end, the empire chose the relatively safe magic crystal machinery as the first batch of directions.

The biochemical warship proposed by Lydia was downgraded to an experimental ocean combat platform, and then developed into the sky after maturity.

The answer sheet handed in by the final imbalance chapter is the "throne-class" Titan battleship, the Eternal Night.

It is called a floating fortress. After the volume is increased to a certain extent and the anti-gravity technology is mastered, the fighter shape with huge wings that needs to glide with the help of aerodynamics is first ruled out.

The magic crystal machinery has no lack of output, which is enough to make bricks fly. Aerodynamics saves that little energy, but brings weak defense, which is not worth the loss.

Considering the complexity of the real battlefield in the future, it is not just used in the Eternal Night World. The Empire's strategic-level floating fortress considers the needs of stacking armor and shields, as well as complex requirements such as operation and steering, and the final appearance refers to the sea battleship.

The throne class is ten kilometers long and five kilometers wide at its widest point. The front part is bulging and the back gradually becomes thinner...

It's like a mushroom flying into the sky!

The front of it is piled with the most advanced composite armor, and it has the largest fortress-level magic shield generator in the empire. There are countless magic turrets and missile launchers on the side, which have the function of guiding transmission.

Of course, it has not forgotten the word "strategy". The most important function is actually to carry combatants and vehicles.

The internal space magic is used to build a super-large cabin that is five times the actual volume, which can complete the deployment of 100,000 troops and corresponding equipment supplies at one time.

It is precisely because of its outstanding performance that the Queen of Eternal Night will give the first Throne-class ship the name of Eternal Night to express her satisfaction with the new height of the development of the empire's military industry.

Finally, I can't fool myself with tractors and mining tools! Huh!

As the live broadcast camera zoomed out, the users watching the projection realized that the award ceremony they were watching was held inside the Eternal Night!

At the same time, the Eternal Night was hovering over the Mystery City, carrying the empire's important officials and outstanding talents, overlooking the Qingteng Empire!

At the moment of discovering this news, users in Aodu and surrounding areas directly launched the Fearless Space, walked out of the room, and looked up to see the Eternal Night gradually ending its invisibility and showing its figure in the night sky.

Its smooth silver-white outer armor reflected the starlight in the sky, and many portholes also lit up. Through the gradient of the central control, the text on both sides was formed:

Long live the Empire!

Countless imperial people on the ground cheered.

Flying in this world is not difficult. Whether it is a dragon or a magician, it will not be surprising if something strange glides through the sky.

But a ten-kilometer-long city appeared in the sky, with an appearance full of fantasy and countless hideous gun muzzles, which made the imperial people look forward to its glory on the battlefield.

Since we have seen the future, why not worship?

The silent five years of preparation for war have ended. At the award ceremony that can be seen by spies from all powers, one of the super weapons in the hands of the empire was announced. Even a fool can guess the hidden meaning of the Queen of Eternal Night:

I and Qingteng are ready. Next, we will show our swords to the world!

Are you ready?

Khanbusak Desert, Srena City.

Outside the Great Temple of War, Queen Tashika, who is much respected by the orcs of the Kingdom of Terra, summoned her people to announce an important decision.

In the five years when the Empire was keeping a low profile, the orcs who started out as the king of the copycats have achieved unprecedented development. The output in all aspects, the excess profits earned, and the construction of their own country have earned them the nickname of Little Green Ivy.

The name of the Kanbusak Desert is no longer accurate. After investment and transformation at all costs, it has become the Kanbusak Plain, with lush vegetation and complex water networks.

Cities have been built in Terra, planning the traditional life of the orcs in tribes, and also attracting immigrants from all over the world and different races.

The source of the Terra real estate bubble, the Free City, has now become the most famous tourist city, economic free port, the most developed tertiary industry city, and a paradise for the rich in the world of Eternal Night.

Here, people indulge in decadence and revelry every night. I don't know how many poor boys became rich overnight, and then lost everything in the expansion, and became poor and destitute in the slums outside the city.

After waking up from the most gorgeous dream, we still have nothing.

This is the impression of many people on the Free City.

However, the native people of the Kingdom of Terra, because of the call of Queen Tasika, are not intoxicated by the enjoyment of the Free City, but only regard it as a tool to make money, rather than something proud.

In the past five years, in addition to the rapid changes in living standards and the basic elimination of famine, drought, and invasion of monsters, the orcs have also had one of the biggest changes:

Instead of calling themselves Orcs, they began referring to themselves as Terrans.

This is an increase in the sense of belonging and identity to the new country. This is the beginning of letting go of the barriers between tribes in the past. It is also the achievement of Tasika's hard work in publicity, brainwashing, and tangible political achievements in the past five years.

Because they like their current life from the bottom of their hearts and agree with the current rulers, the orcs who were separated for various reasons can now accept that they are all people of the same country and accept the new title of Terrans.

Unity is strength. Past practice has taught them this truth, and it has also pushed Tasika's reputation to an unprecedented peak.

The Terrans all loved drinking, and as new spirits became popular, they enthusiastically called Tasika the Queen of the Smothered Donkeys.

Tasika instructed the Propaganda Department, no matter how much the people like it, stop the spread of this outrageous title!

Today's Queen Tasika does not wear a gorgeous royal robe, but wears a suit of armor and holds a golden spear in her hand, which represents the status of a religious leader who is also the goddess of war.

As night fell, magic lights were lit in the square, and at least thousands of people gathered here.

Everyone looked at Tasika expectantly. Such solemn moments for the Queen have become increasingly rare.

The assistant walked up to Tasika and informed her that the Ivy Empire had made the Evernight publicly available.

Tasika excitedly raised her spear and looked at all the Terran citizens.

"Everyone, I want to reveal a secret to you today, a secret that has been buried in my heart for five years, about the real reason for the death of my father and the former chiefs of various tribes..."

Tasika told the story of that day when the Ivy Empire invaded, and Old Joestar used Srena City as bait and killed the top leaders of various tribes in the city.

"The Ivy Empire fights openly and honestly. We can't defeat it. Accept it and fight again next time! But the gods we believe in use us as pawns and bait. Isn't the life of the Terran people life?"

"Your Majesty, stop talking. You are blaspheming!"

The new war priest stood up and stopped Tasika from continuing, but was immediately pushed to the ground by the palace guards.

Even the Church Knights did not stand up to help him, but supported Tasika, the saint.

What Tasika told was too true. There was something fishy about the battle back then, and everyone had speculations about it.

It turns out that it’s not that Qingteng is too insidious, but that we have a spy here!

Everyone was excited.

"It's just a goddess of war, don't believe it!"

Tasika pulled off the badge representing the saint's status on her armor and stepped on it hard.

She took the torch from the guard and lit the Great Temple of War:

"Our development in Terra has never relied on the blessings of the gods, but our own hands!"

In the raging fire, she finally showed her cards.

I am no longer a believer!

At the same time, Terra sealed its borders and prohibited all foreigners from entering or exiting.

The world of eternal night begins to accelerate!

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