Yas Leaf, this is one of the most beautiful and elegant cities in the world of Eternal Night, and it is also presented in the game like a fleeting moment.

Elf beauties, a subject that must not be missed by LSP, game companies have always understood people's hearts.

No consideration of practicality, only beautiful architectural style, thousands of years of artistic accumulation and cultural sedimentation, this is the paradise of old nobles, and the favorite destination for rich people to show off their wealth during the rise of Free City.

Even after the rise of Free City, there are still countless old nobles who prefer Yas Leaf, thinking that the cultural atmosphere here is worthy of the old fox's mansion.

The Elf King's Capital seen by players in the game is actually just the outer civilian area and commercial area.

As a race with a long history and extremely arrogant, the elves are no longer at the peak, but their temper has not changed at all.

At that time, the player's character was a human, and the elves he knew were not great nobles. I didn't see any eye rolls in Yas Leaf.

But now Roger came as an imperial envoy, carrying a contract worth hundreds of billions of Qingteng coins, and he might represent the official investment and construction of the empire. He was directly welcomed by the Elf Queen.

He was accompanied by the Elf nobles on weekdays. Except for the queen and princesses' palaces, and the church temples that always maintained an extremely hostile attitude towards the Qingteng Empire, he was free to enter and leave the Yas Leaf and visit at will.

On the surface, Roger was here for a new round of trade negotiations. The construction of power and railway transportation lines in the Elf Empire was jointly invested by the Qingteng Empire and the Elf Empire, and a large number of joint ventures would be established to build them.

The development of the Qingteng Empire has already demonstrated the importance of infrastructure projects.

The Elf Empire understands that this is a national project and it must be in its own hands, but in recent years, the Terra Kingdom has been madly exploiting its wealth, and they can't afford to repair it even if they want to.

Roger brought the Empire's investment intention, which can enable the Elf Empire's infrastructure to get started and keep up with the pace of progress of the whole world, at least not to fall behind.

There is a hidden danger that the lifeline is held in the hands of other countries, but they can only grit their teeth and swallow it.

Because once the surrounding countries have completed the upgrade of relevant infrastructure, the Elf Empire will lag behind in transportation and basic living security, and the loss will be greater.

Of course, the Qingteng Empire is for the Elf Empire to improve its productivity, so that the goods produced can be shipped out, and the cost is controlled within a certain range, and there is no actual intention to rule the Elf Empire.

So it only participates in investment to ensure its own profits, and has little interest in controlling the controlling rights.

However, because of participating in the construction, it is inevitable to master many arrangements and secrets of the Elf Empire. This will cause the Elf Empire to turn against the Empire one day, and the interior may suffer very precise "destruction".

And secretly, Roger took advantage of this round of negotiations and quietly reached an agreement with some authoritative figures in the Elf Empire. The Empire will assist them in expelling the influence of theocracy.

People are extremely greedy. The pace of external wars has been suppressed. If you want to expand your power internally, you can only try to get your peers out.

In the past, theocracy was a supplement to the kingship. It can help educate the people and reduce the cost of ruling.

But now, the function of theocracy has been infinitely weakened by the Paradise Illusion, and it has become a constraint that must be maintained by the power of faith and consumes the country's vitality. Many people have begun to dislike theocracy and the churches of the gods.

The gods regard the nobles and officials among mortals as sheepdogs, but in the eyes of the less pious nobles, the church and the priests are just whips that help them make the horses run faster.

Now the Paradise Illusion is obviously the more useful whip. Not only can the church not help, but it will also suck their blood and consume population to fight useless battles, causing them to be unable to face Tashka. Many nobles are already trying to deal with theocracy in their own territories.

The only reason that they have no immediate opponents is that they are not strong enough.

Especially in the Elf Empire, there are quite a lot of devout believers, the first of which is the current Elf Queen Gladys Moonwalker. She is an absolutely devout believer of the God of Nature, and she is absolutely impossible to convert.

According to legend, the Moonwalker family can become the royal family of the Elf Empire because they have the blood of the God of Nature. They also rely on the power of the church and have never shaken their rule for thousands of years. They are one of the oldest families in the world.

There are many people who have opinions about the Church of Nature, but no one has taken action until Roger, on behalf of the Qingteng Empire, quietly expressed that he could "help" them solve the troubles of the gods, and then there was finally hope of action.

The highest decision of the Elf Empire is made and implemented by the ruling meeting jointly negotiated by 19 archons.

The Queen and the Cabinet are responsible for daily rule, but the archons who are close to the Moonwalker family occupy the vast majority of seats in the entire parliament, so the Elf Empire rarely has national policies that can go against the Queen's orders.

The Elf Queen disagrees with suppressing theocracy, and several archons unite, but there is no way.

"Lord Luo, do you have any way to convince our Majesty?"

At this moment, Roger is talking about these archons who are already dissatisfied with the God of Nature.

"There must be a way. You just need to support Princess Windsor's proposal at the next executive meeting."

Roger smiled as if he had the situation under control.

"Ah, the perfect princess? She is the most devout believer, just like her mother!"

"I can't say more about the specific situation. Just remember to cooperate with what I say. The empire must be the empire of the elves and does not belong to any god."

Roger showed a playful smile and glanced at the six consuls present.

Although it is still less than half of the nineteen consuls, as long as the arrangements are properly made, the Elf Empire will definitely change.

Windsor Moonwalker, the eldest daughter of the contemporary elf queen, the crown prince, is also known as the perfect princess.

Regardless of her magical talent, appearance, personal charm, or even her words and deeds, she is a perfect example of the elves, a perfect heir with no faults at all.

Until now, everyone from the Queen to the Elf Empire, including the Natural Church, had high hopes for the Princess of Windsor, believing that she would lead the Elf Empire to continue its glory after the life of the contemporary Queen came to an end.

But in a branch of the game, Roger learned that the Princess of Windsor was not as well-behaved as she appeared, and Ben was also tired of the image he displayed in front of the public.

Ever since she was a child, she has been extremely good at everything she does, showing no flaws, and meeting all the needs of her elders for an heir, but this is actually also the request of her mother, the current Elf Queen.

Regarding Windsor's growth route, Gladys has made detailed and hour-by-hour plans since she was born. Fortunately, Windsor is an extremely talented and smart child who can always fulfill her mother's requirements very well.

This excellent display, combined with the royal family's publicity, made the perfect princess well known and loved by everyone.

The estimated lifespan of elves in this world is about four hundred years. As a legendary powerhouse, it is not a problem for the Elf Queen to live for more than a thousand years.

She gave birth to Windsor when she was eight hundred years old. Now Princess Windsor is one hundred years old. In another hundred years or so, no one doubts that Princess Windsor will be the next queen.

To a human, this might be like the fact that there is no such thing as a two-hundred-year-old prince in the world, but to an elf princess, it is actually quite normal.

And from now on, Princess Windsor is already the governor of the Elf Empire and serves as the Minister of Culture of the Empire.

In the elven empire that respects art and loves pleasure, this is not a idle job, but a very important position.

Princess Windsor naturally performed perfectly. During her tenure, she implemented many excellent policies and liberalized management, making the elf empire's cultural industry unprecedentedly active and giving birth to many outstanding artists.

In this way, her voice and popularity were higher, and Gladys's reputation as a good goddaughter also fell on the Princess of Windsor.

After secretly meeting with the six consuls, Roger stayed in Yath Leaf in the name of vacation, doing what an elegant noble should do:

Hearing concerts, enjoying elven delicacies, reading collections of poems here, and admiring museums, he did not make any excessive demands to the accompanying elven palace steward.

Such a young duke is still unmarried. In fact, the old elf is respectful on the surface but quite arrogant on the inside and looks down on the human race. He is quite worried that Roger will make some rude request.

Until the third day, Roger came to the Elf Kendo Club to participate in their anonymous challenge.

As immortals, elves study various skills to an extremely high level, including swordsmanship.

The Kendo Club is a venue where sword skills are purely competed without the use of any magic or auxiliary means. The pure and sharp sword skills of the Elf Sword Masters are also quite famous in the Evernight World.

The anonymous challenge is a battle that everyone can participate in. A total of 1,000 people have signed up. The winner will be decided in one night through elimination system. The winner in the end will receive a generous reward.

The game lasts for three minutes, and there is no winner or loser, both are eliminated. It is a very cruel rule, and it also tests luck. Countless swordsman masters come to experience it and test their mettle.

The registration was already full when Roger came, but he was a distinguished guest. After a little arrangement by the palace steward, one contestant withdrew from the competition due to personal reasons, and Roger was counted among the thousand people.

As to whether it was the light of gold coins or the smell of power, Roger didn't care. Anyway, it was a privilege given to him by the elf resources, and he didn't ask for anything.

The palace steward obviously wanted to see Roger make a fool of himself, because in the public information, there were very few records of Duke Roger's actions, and the limited combat records also showed his magic output ability.

Although nobles are often good at swordsmanship, there is a huge difference between practicing casually as a ritual and being a real swordsman.

Moreover, in anonymous challenges, from time to time there will be practicing sword masters who are training themselves and choosing to compete.

Roger gave a faint smile.

Although he has not practiced sword skills specifically, and magic methods are prohibited here, he can't stop him from being systematic.

Although the lying system has not done anything extraordinary in the past few years, and has not made any outstanding contributions after the Yuanhai series, it has really pushed Roger's personal strength to a very high level.

It is mainly reflected by its frankness.

Regardless of the thickness of the shield or various resistance skills, coupled with the blood recovery method, and the shameless rebound real damage attribute, Roger is now so meaty that output monsters like the Queen of Evernight want to vomit.

This is pretty much what Xiao Qiang, who cannot be beaten to death, looks like.

If the Queen of Evernight is the strongest spear in the empire, then Roger is now basically the man on the ceiling of the empire's defense power.

Stack up your thickest armor and prepare for the hardest beating.

However, the system still strangely did not reward Roger with the magic output method he had been looking forward to.

After the initial spiritual power, Roger was not rewarded with magic attacks related to him, but a lot of melee skills were given.

But relying on this tankiness and anti-injury, and the combination of those skills, Roger can be invincible first, and then piss off his opponent to death.

If it is a normal battlefield, the weapons produced by the secret law can be etched with bullets, and Roger can slowly aim and play fancy output.

However, today's sword challenge restricts Roger from using equipment, so he can only rely on swordsmanship to fight the opponent?

God-level Veronica Royal Swordsmanship, even if Roger himself has not studied it, but when used alone, he can fight back and forth with swordsmanship skills below the legendary level.

What's more shameless is that he is playing a life-and-death tactic throughout the whole process.

Anyway, my blood is thicker than yours, and you will definitely be the one who gets hurt in the end!

In a normal round-robin battle, the opponent must cherish his physical strength and blood volume, and still rely on skills to win, because the repair time is very short.

But the Imperial Meat Mountain has a strong recovery ability, and it has its own excitement. It starts to recover blood after eight seconds of leaving the battle, and it will be fully revived in half a minute. It is easy to advance round after round, and there is no sense of tension in the game at all.

The elves waiting outside to see Roger's joke were all surprised and helpless. Those traditional elves were so angry when they saw a human being showing off his power in the arena with such a combat method.

Although his name and appearance were hidden, the racial characteristics were too obvious, so Roger still showed them.

Is this a sword fight or a physique competition?

But Roger didn't cheat. He didn't use magic, but he had a little more passive skills, which was within the scope allowed by the rules!

Anyone who is not blind can see that Roger won all the way, not by swordsmanship, but by shameless blood.

In the three-minute battle, he didn't have to think about defense at all, just attack.

If others cut him, he would be hurt back, and he had to calculate who lost more blood. If he didn't cut him, he would be cut first.

There were elves behind who wanted to use the time-delaying tactic to drag out the human race that came to make trouble, but Roger's attack power in such a small-scale ring battle was not bad.

His attack power was insufficient, compared with the Queen of Eternal Night, and it was useless in large-scale combat.

Soon, there were only Roger and another opponent left in the challenge of a thousand people, and the battle started in five minutes.

In the preparation room, several sword masters were helping their princess to analyze Roger's attack records and then instruct her on the combat skills she had written down.

"Although the opponent's recovery ability is very strong, he is not really good at swordsmanship after all. Princess, you only need to delay time to be invincible, and then use the moon shadow to avoid counter-injury and look for a chance to win."

The beautiful Princess Windsor nodded, and she looked obedient on the surface, but she actually didn't like the tactics arranged by the sword masters, but she was helpless.

Originally, they were playing for fun and relaxing.

But in the end, she was left with only her and an imperial man. For the sake of the national system, she had to use all means to win.

What a boring imperial pride!

After the five-minute break, Princess Windsor stood on the ring and saluted Roger meticulously.

Roger moved casually, touched the bracelet, and quietly ordered: "Deep Blue, turn on smart assistance."

The next second, Windsor rushed towards Roger, and found that the opponent's swordsmanship was more than ten times more powerful!

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