To be honest, as Roger's personal strength improves, and the empire's national power and strength increase, the practical value of the rewards issued by the flat system becomes less and less.

Even the guaranteed rewards are full of randomness, not to mention that there are fewer and fewer occasions when Roger needs to fight in person.

What's more, most of the items released by the system are a bit nonsensical. They are not at all what Roger expected in the best case scenario. The improvement of mental power is the basic reward...

In fact, that is probably the five-star reward of this system, and the practicality and benefits are immeasurable.

But opening the treasure chest every day to cultivate his moral character is now more like a ritual, reminding him not to forget his identity as a time traveler, and not to really lose himself in the identity of the Grand Duke of the Empire.

You still have a lot of work to do, and you can't rest yet!

A good lying-flat system, in Roger's opinion, is a warning that you cannot lie flat.

Of course, this system was still of great help to him in his early stages, and it also provided quite critical props when he was exploring the Origin Sea. However, as he has grown to this point, its value has become less and less...

Just like a billionaire buying lottery tickets, there is no reward at all that can compare with the improvement of one's combat effectiveness by turning on the Demon Emperor's Order.

But in terms of partiality, the flat system still has quite strategic value. For example, it helped Roger put together a list of passive skills that can make opponents vomit...

The effects of various combinations were combined, and he suspected that even if the true god came, he would not be able to kill him so easily...

It is possible that if the active form of the Dream Shield is turned on, it may be treated as a potted plant by some god and placed directly back to the kingdom of God, and then kept in captivity and humiliated without being allowed to leave.

Therefore, he knows very well that he is not invincible, and is still actively looking for ways to make up for his shortcomings on the offensive end.

He is very interested in the virtual magic god and wants to use this project to improve his combat effectiveness.

With his financial resources, he can have a magic repeater all by himself. He can ask Queen Yongye to help him modify it. He can use the keyboard to output without having to borrow magic power from Queen Yongye.

After all, if he really needs to fight, the Queen of Evernight will probably fight. Without extra magic power to lend to herself, it is more reliable to bring her own power bank.

Roger's plan for this combat system is only waiting for Shana to complete the mobile version of the magic repeater. Whether it can be placed in a backpack or installed on a battleship, it can greatly expand Roger's combat space.

Before the technology of the portable version is completed, he can also practice the virtual magic god in advance on the battlefield on the elf side.

Of course, the most important reason was that the system suddenly pulled out an ability card today, and still could not find any exclusive cards for the basic cards, which made him feel quite confused.

Has the Virtual Dharma God project already existed, or will the system also progress and develop new rewards in a timely manner based on the empire's technological progress?

But his family's system was always aloof and didn't even bother to answer his boring inquiries. Roger himself could only continue to be confused and confused.

The point is that this ability card is very effective, but it is not a skill that can be used anytime and anywhere.

[Ability Card - Swallow: Defeat, Assimilate, Absorb]

Roger didn't understand the value of the simple six words at first. After asking the Night Guard to arrange for death row prisoners to conduct the experiment quietly, he realized what a perverted card this was.

After defeating the opponent and assimilating its body, you can absorb it and randomly improve any of your attributes.

In other words, with this card, Roger will have theoretically unlimited upgrade capabilities.

However, this card also has great limitations. It cannot be traded or taken out for research, which means that it can only be exclusive to Roger and cannot be expanded to the imperial army.

At the same time, it cannot be upgraded and must rely on the Virtual God of Law project.

If this project had not been successful and had gone in the direction of playing cards, Roger would have never had the chance to use such an outrageous skill.

The existence of this card suddenly made the lying system that Roger had ignored before become mysterious again, and there were more mysteries surrounding it.

But doubts aside, it coincided with the battle between the Elf Empire and the Dark Elves. Roger took advantage of the chaotic battlefield to verify the effect of devouring cards.

The Elf Queen did not dare to offend Roger now. When she heard that he just wanted to hide his identity and join the battlefield, she quickly made arrangements and asked thoughtfully if she wanted to send someone to protect him.

Obviously, Gladys regards Roger as a young man who wants to experience fighting. She must support him, but she is also afraid that something will happen to him on her side, so she must provide sufficient security forces to avoid offending another Her Majesty the Queen. …

"No need."

Roger still has enough confidence in his ability to survive. As long as he keeps a low profile and doesn't attract Yawen Sally's attention, he won't fall over easily.

And swallowing this kind of ability is always a bit evil. He can't let the elves follow him all the time and discover his little secret.

After experiencing the effect of the virtual Dharma God and testing its outstanding effect on the actual battlefield, the Queen of Eternal Night returned home.

She will participate more deeply in the battle of the Sons of the Frontline System to obtain more fragments of the incarnation of the gods, and even fragments of the gods themselves.

The gods may provide strategic resources for the future development of the empire, whether it is ensuring excess energy supply or increasing the combat power of the virtual magic god, which has an irreplaceable role.

In this universe, mortals have been the lambs of the gods for countless times in the past, allowing them to plunder their faith, giving too much but receiving very little in return.

It is only now that the empire has made a key technological breakthrough, and gods have become a material that can be used by mortals. The monsters supported by faith are finally no longer just parasites, but a useful material.

With this kind of material, mortals can finally make use of their own beliefs. In the future, the spiritual power brought by population and complexity of thinking may become the power of I Xunsi that major forces compete for, and play an increasingly important role.

The consumption of the incarnation of the gods can also be replenished with faith. Although it is also consuming the power of the origin of the plane, only the superficial consumption is calculated, which can also be regarded as some kind of perpetual motion machine...

The good news is that the Seven Gods camp has re-expanded the road to becoming a god. The number of gods that Queen Evernight can hunt has greatly increased, and the strength of those new gods and slave gods has also greatly reduced the difficulty of hunting.

Of course, the bad news is that most of the gods in this world have been consumed by the Seven Gods camp. The real top materials are still the seven gods who are above.

After the virtual magic god further develops and the materials are enriched, this technology will also be open to the children of the system and appear on the frontline battlefield.

The cultivation and growth of cards, the existence of exclusive cards and advanced cards, make this technology a characteristic that the more users it has, the stronger its combat effectiveness will be.

The Queen of Evernight can even see that as the virtual magic gods develop to a higher level and affect more far-reaching battlefields, mortals will change their mentality from being forced to protect themselves to actively hunting gods to obtain sufficient resources...

"It is precisely with such technology that mortals and gods can have a truly balanced relationship. They have also been slightly pulled down from the supreme throne of God to have a little meaning of existence."

This is the Queen's high praise for the series of divine energy transformation technologies.

Shana stayed in the Elf Border Fortress. She would continue to observe the actual combat effects of the virtual magic god and cooperate with continuous fine-tuning to ensure the stability and load of the magic power repeater.

Now a mana repeater can cover a battlefield with a radius of three thousand kilometers, a maximum of 100,000 people, and a total output of cards at the highest legendary level.

If the total points increase, it will lead to insufficient supply of magical energy for users in the distance, or corresponding delays, and there will also be various weird gameplay leading to bugs, etc...

This kind of thing will happen even if the gods give magic. Unexpected situations, even if they have not been practiced in the real world, may cause problems.

While working here, Shana had more contact with Roger. After all, many high-level exchanges required him to act as a relay between the Ivy Empire and the elves.

But Xia Na discovered that Roger's recent whereabouts were mysterious, he didn't know what he was doing, and he was increasingly invisible to people.

However, his virtual magic god's test account consumes a lot of magic energy every day, judging from the fact that it is located on the battlefield of fierce battles.

"This guy secretly went to fight without telling me, but I still have to protect him!"

Xia Na's eyes flickered, a little unhappy.

When Fearless Space first opened, she was also a militant. Later, because she was turned into an undercover agent, she began to indulge in experiments.

But after doing too many experiments and seeing Roger having so much fun, she became unbalanced again.

This is a technique that he has perfected. Why can't he play it while he can't?

I'm not convinced!

It just so happened that there was less work today, so Shana used his permission to locate Roger's location and quietly touched it.

The secret camp of the Elf Empire's special forces.

After several consecutive days of frustrated attacks, the people of the Underdark region are fierce and fierce in combat. The Dark Elf Matron has various means of controlling cannon fodder, and she does not want to lose combat effectiveness in vain.

Yavin Sally also needs some time to investigate exactly what methods the Elf Empire uses. Why are the warriors not like warriors, the mages not like mages, and why are they so shameless in fighting?

So the battle changed from a combat duel to a secret intelligence war, infiltrating each other to spy on the enemy's intelligence.

The dark elves are good at doing such shady things, but the elves are not bad either. After all, they are all members of the same family, and they know each other's methods very well.

So the battle in the past few days has turned into a duel between a small number of elites.

Roger had the help of the Elf Queen to set up his identity, and with the help of disguise, he changed his name to Deep Blue. As a wandering swordsman, he joined the special force and fought in the shadows with the spies of the dark elves.

On the surface, this was a very dangerous job, but because everyone acted independently without interfering with each other, he had ample space to test his ability to devour cards, and gained considerable strength improvement.

The scene of using the Devouring Card to assimilate the enemy is more refreshing than expected. There is no scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere. The enemy in front of you slowly disappears and turns into a ball of pure energy, which is then integrated into the card and then becomes a wave of pure energy. Warmth flowed into Roger's body.

Randomly improved attributes such as strength, intelligence, magic, and spiritual power are possible.

Even the degree of mastery of a certain skill or expertise, or even acquiring a new skill out of thin air.

It is said to be random, but it is also related to the target's strength and specialties. The stronger the enemy, the more magic power will be improved.

This is very similar to the star-absorbing method in the Eternal Night World, but it is far more powerful than the star-absorbing method, because there is an assimilation process here, which can ensure that the absorbed nutrients are extremely pure.

The side effect of purity is, of course, extremely low conversion efficiency, and the enemy's essence is discharged as impurities.

An enemy close to the legendary level may also increase the magic power of a sixth-level magic, and the basic attributes are more likely to change to two decimal places.

But this is the real world, not the game world. There is no setting of upgrading when the experience points are enough. Everyone's strength is the result of their own hard practice.

Devouring, however, can turn the defeated enemy into their own strength in less than a minute. As long as a little accumulates, the strength will gradually improve qualitatively.

After sufficient testing, Roger has liked this feeling of getting something for nothing, and has become a famous master on the hunting list in the special warfare group.

At the same time, because of his hidden identity, he did not use magic bombardment, but really tempered his sword skills bit by bit. At the critical moment, he would cooperate with one or two ability cards to play a role in turning the tables.

This was an experience Roger had never had before. He had done too many behind-the-scenes operations, and at the same time, he relied on the system and the Queen of Eternal Night to help him build up his strength. This kind of battle that really relied on himself to think and find opportunities for victory was a new experience for his nerves.

Of course, the perceived danger was just a feeling. Now the spies sent by the dark elves had a low chance of breaking his real defense...

So they were just walking experience packs.

"Mr. Deep Blue, the activities of the dark elves were discovered in the southwest forest area. They seemed to have replenished a batch of equipment from the Underdark."

In the camp, a logistics officer provided Roger with new information in a very polite tone.

Although the elves had a lot of bad habits, the army was still relatively pure, and the strong would naturally be respected, especially when it was still at the stage of fighting the enemy.

Roger's disguised wandering swordsman looked more mature, with a stubble of vicissitudes, a cross-shaped scar on his cheek, and a fierce look, but he was still relatively gentle to his companions: "I'll go investigate."

"If the enemy is difficult to deal with, please feel free to request support."

The logistics officer gave a friendly reminder.

Even if it was a special operations regiment, they didn't want to lose such a good player, although the opponent had always been a lone ranger.

Roger nodded and set off for the southwest forest area.

With the cover of the dense forest, he looked out and saw a large supply team, which he could not eat alone.

"It seems that the dark elves are about to start the next round of war."

Thinking that the characteristics of the virtual magic god, the opponent was about to figure it out, and he was very curious about what countermeasures the mistress would take.

He was ready to leave quietly. Although he was disguising his identity, he was not disguising himself as a barbarian. Judging the enemy's strength and making selective attacks were essential skills for a master.

"Hey, why don't you fight? I want to pick up some heads!"

A dissatisfied voice sounded beside Roger, pouting at him, "It's rare for me to come out for a holiday!"

Roger's face changed slightly, then he smiled: "With your cooperation, I can take down this team."

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