The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 251 The Endurance Limit of the Goddess of War (1/2)

The gods are the most powerful beings in this world, but they are not the end of their power.

After becoming gods, they see a wider world and witness the continuous fall of those who claim to be eternal and immortal. Many gods are proud and hardworking before they are completely lost and crazy.

They look down on mortals, who are just lambs who provide faith.

But they cannot do without mortals. They must have endless power of faith to maintain their own existence and demand further possibilities.

Faith is not omnipotent, but it is absolutely impossible without faith!

Every mature god will do whatever it takes to fight for more faith. This is a cause of equal value to his own life.

But the seven gods in the Seven Gods Camp were all created by the God King, and they relied on him to be deified, so the God King has absolute control over the seven gods.

After he hid in the Source Sea, the God of Knowledge took over his position and continued to rule the other six gods.

With their long lives and countless twists and turns, this camp has never fallen apart, which shows that the God King has strong control.

There are many more conspiracies and calculations between gods than among mortals.

After all, the more power of faith, the stronger it is.

For the sake of interests, couples calculate against each other, brothers turn against each other, and fathers and sons fight to the death.

Cooperation among gods is temporary, and conflict is eternal.

Unfortunately, such things only happen between the six gods, including the goddess of war, and they are still in a sneaky state.

None of them dares to disobey the orders of the God King and the God of Knowledge.

So although the backyard is already on fire, Tai Bella can't get away to solve it. Most of her energy at this moment is involved in the attack arranged by the God of Knowledge.

They don't know why the God of Knowledge seems so anxious, but they have been assigned a task. If they don't want to fall directly, they must complete it.

However, because there were too many uprisings and rebellions in those planes before, the advancement of the seven gods is indeed much slower than expected, and the boss's dissatisfaction is also expected.

Moreover, this action can earn the power of faith, which is much higher than before. Other gods are very motivated and will not complain because of the full pressure.

Raising Taibella to coordinate their actions cannot be a drag.

The Goddess of War did not withdraw immediately, which is actually related to the Qingteng Empire's very good grasp of the timing.

Defeating the Church of the Goddess of War without occupying it will free up a large area of ​​believers for other gods to divide.

This resulted in Taibella not being able to find support at all, and everyone was busy dividing the meat that fell from her body.

It's not good to rob directly, but if your own church is not strong, leave that area empty, and we will pick up a bargain, so it doesn't matter, right?

Taibella also responded, letting the Holy Spirits in the Conqueror Canyon reorganize the church and snatch back a lot of territory, which can be regarded as alleviating the troubles brought by the Qingteng Empire.

But the problem is that the strategic fortress of the Qingteng Empire is very flexible, and it still has intelligence in those worlds. It does not target other families, but only focuses on the Church of the Goddess of War.

Sometimes her church had just been reorganized, and the fleet of the empire came back to attack. Isn't that annoying?

However, facing the enemy's mobile forces, without Taibella's personal leadership, the Holy Spirits could not pursue and prevent them.

There are many such dioceses whose ruling power has entered a back-and-forth struggle, and some believers even took the initiative to flee to the territories of other gods.

The territory of the Goddess of War is very unsafe. There are wars every day. Even if the Qingteng Empire will not attack civilians who are not military targets, ordinary people can't stand the aftermath.

But in the eyes of ordinary gods, they don't think this is a big deal.

The territory was overthrown by mortals, and they will find an opportunity to fight back.

In the long time they have experienced, the ones who really brought trouble have never been mortals, but those ancient and powerful gods.

Sometimes it seems that mortals are causing trouble, but behind them is a powerful god's layout, which is the truly terrible thing that can threaten their existence.

But after Tai Bella complained to the God of Knowledge, the little boy only saw the Qingteng Empire and no other gods, so he was relieved and let Tai Bella endure it temporarily.

At the same time, her ability and evaluation were slightly lowered.

Being troubled by mortals, at their level of strength, has not happened for many years?

In fact, even Tai Bella herself saw the trouble caused by the Qingteng Empire as annoying, disgusting, and irritating, and did not think it was a fatal threat.

In fact, it is like a person being bitten by a mosquito, it is itchy, affecting the mood, and wanting to kill all the mosquitoes in the world.

But no one would think that being bitten by a mosquito would be fatally dangerous, and they would put down the ranking in their hands and waste time playing hide-and-seek with mosquitoes that are extremely good at hiding, right?

The lamb has horns on its head and has a certain combat power. Although it brings trouble to management, it will not cause any big chaos. It just requires some faith power to strengthen management.

The gods never looked at mortals squarely, and did not regard them as threats. They still tried to earn more power of faith with as little investment as possible with a proud attitude.

They did not know that the poisonous mosquito of the empire, with deadly infectious diseases in its mouth, was eroding the foundation of their faith with a new social structure and living conditions.

The empire's fleet only pried open the church's defensive power. The method of establishing the Tianming Army discovered by Shana was the real way to leave a lasting influence on the planes ruled by the church.

Especially later, due to repeated pulls, people continued to spread to other dioceses, which accelerated the spread of this idea.

Those ordinary people do not have the power to resist the gods at this stage, but their minds are awakening.

They had never seen what real life was before, and believed that the life arranged by the church and the nobility was something they should bear for granted. Only by being devout and religious could they achieve transcendence after death.

Until the Tianming Army established a base, they either personally experienced it, or saw it or heard about it, and learned that the most ordinary and lowest-level people in the world could live with dignity.

What's more, in many well-developed base areas, because there are less exploiters who are off work, ordinary people only need to complete eight hours of labor and work every day to ensure that they have enough food and clothing, and live a life that was completely unimaginable before. .

It turns out that they are not born sinful and suffer when they come to the world, but because someone takes away the fruits of their labor, they spend their lives like cattle and horses, working hard and enjoying nothing in the end.

It turns out that there is a system in this world that can protect the humblest farmers. If they work hard, they will be rewarded. The rice they plant and harvest can be given priority to prevent them from starving to death.

You can even sell it to make money to buy a new set of clothes for your children during the Chinese New Year!

The Tianming Army did not receive weapons support from the empire, but in terms of basic production, the magic grass and improved seeds needed for agriculture, industrial textiles, smelting equipment, etc., have been exported to these worlds.

This allowed those people who had been wallowing in the mud for countless generations to re-understand the world.

Of course, in Tabela's view, this is an inexplicable move by the empire. It does not occupy those resources and does not quickly provide weapons to make them more effective. Instead, it engages in production and construction...

Isn't this a waste of time?

Not all Tianming Army bases have strong men like Shana and Hader, and there is no Queen of Evernight to help design corresponding tactics based on the terrain. Most of the time, they cannot last long under the guidance of the church.

Those liberated peasants will return to their old lives, and it seems that nothing has changed with the arrival of the empire.

But they have been here, and their thoughts and the fire they ignited have been planted in the hearts of the people.

Whether it is your own life or when educating your children, asking the gods to forgive your sins and praying for the afterlife no longer attracts parents who have good hopes for their children.

They have understood that there is no sin in themselves, but in those gods and nobles, who enjoy a luxurious life without any production.

Carved beams and painted buildings, bells ringing for food, fresh clothes and angry horses, famous wines and beauties... all the things that make the big shots look majestic and grand are all produced by their labor!

Why do they have and enjoy the delicious food that everyone longs for, while our whole family works all year round, but we still have to worry about a heavy snowfall and our wife and children starve to death?

This isn't fair.

Those who ride on top of us are the ones who are guilty!

Such a world is wrong.

Even though the old forces are so powerful, we still should not give up hope and wait for the day of dawn.

A ghost, a ghost that terrifies the church and the nobility, but which the gods are unaware of, has been lurking in the worlds occupied by the gods.

Although on the surface, after the empire's fleet leaves, it won't be long before the order of those worlds returns to its original state.

Therefore, Tabela felt that this matter would be like this.

A mosquito accidentally entered her room and bit her a few times, but she didn't bite others. Maybe this mosquito was special and she tolerated it.

But I don’t know since when, the mosquitoes have become more and more numerous, targeting more and more bags on her body, and they bite her repeatedly.

The big bulging bag is even in pieces!

Even if he no longer felt that this threat was worth taking seriously, Tabela's inner mood was gradually changing.

The bite won't kill you, but the pain will kill you. It's annoying, you know?

Yawen Sally, this loser, always says that she has some back-and-forth with the Ivy Empire, but in fact, the Ivy Empire is wreaking havoc in the outside world, and that guy doesn't even look at the mini map!

You are lining up smoothly, but other lanes are about to collapse!

Although Tabela can't escape, she must invest her energy in gaining the power of her faith.

Discovered that even in a mortal country like the Ivy Empire, the gods she had cultivated and the holy spirits she had accumulated could not be solved and left behind?

"A bunch of rubbish, complete rubbish, wasting so much of my faith, and in the end nothing can be accomplished!"

Tabela's expression was on the verge of rage.

She originally thought there were just a few mosquitoes, but now the Ivy Empire's fleet is getting more and more, frantically harassing her rear, and it feels like she has broken into a mosquito nest.

The gods have accumulated tens of thousands of years and have extremely profound power of faith. They are like real estate companies with a market value of trillions. They are absolutely behemoths and control churches of all sizes, just like real estate.

But market value is one thing, and cash flow on hand is another.

The display of the gods' own abilities, the operation of the church, and the maintenance of the Kingdom of God all require the power of faith.

Although they are wealthy, they are all "fixed assets" that have settled down. In many cases, in order to take action immediately, the gods need to consume a huge amount of faith power.

This is why Nalinel was able to play with the six gods in the form of loans.

The gods themselves will not burn their bodies like the Qingteng Empire to use as energy to fight a war.

If the gods are forced to that point, they are basically on the verge of falling and have to fight with people.

At this moment, the Qingteng Empire is interfering with Tai Bella's cash flow. Although other gods think this is harmless, Tai Bella always has a little uncertainty in her heart.

Although this is only an action at the mortal level, the degree is getting more and more intense, and the frequency is getting higher and higher, attracting the attention she needs. Many times, the front-line operations are stretched.

Fortunately, the current war is supplemented by the God of Knowledge, otherwise the Goddess of War may be out of the battle sequence.

But even so, it is not a long-term solution. Tai Bella's eyes are increasingly focused on the Qingteng Empire and the worlds attacked by the Qingteng Empire.

"If you are allowed to run rampant for a while, you will steal the house, right? Give me some more time, the big one is coming!"

Taibela's patience has reached its limit. There will be a break in the war action ahead, and she is ready to take advantage of it.

Her idea is also very simple. She will not catch those fleets running around the world, but the Qingteng Empire is always there, can it still run away?

Although Yawensali is a waste and stuck at the gate of the Elf Empire for a long time, she also has one advantage, that is, she is obedient enough.

And it is close enough to the Qingteng Empire.

So Taibella sent down the oracle, and the dark elves still prepared for a super battle that mobilized all the resources of the Dark Region.

If that breath is transmitted to the Elf Empire, it will naturally be good news. If the action fails, the casualties in the war will be used as a sacrifice to prepare for her to send down the clone.

If you can use the power of faith in other people's pockets to fight, of course you can't consume your own savings!

Gods usually do this, because mortals have limited abilities, and many things can only be done by praying to gods, and the gods choose lambs because they all look similar.

In other words, the Qingteng Empire has completely angered Tai Bella this time, and has used various means to challenge her limit, and finally reached a critical point where the result will come out...

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