The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 253: Taibella's Warrior, Mage and Priest III Incarnation (1/2)

In the Eternal Night World, the capital of the Elf Empire is the Leaf of Yas.

The flames representing war, killing and destruction burned in this beautiful city, interrupting the celebration on New Year's Eve.

Those truly powerful divine arts were extremely brilliant, but they were not fireworks, but the death knell of harvesting lives.

The Elf Empire was caught off guard. The day was special, and they had been on guard against the dark elves. Even the toughest nerves would inevitably relax.

Although the Eternal Night of the Qingteng Empire had repeatedly visited the sky of the Leaf of Yas in the past few years, many elves felt that the war seemed imminent.

But the artillery fire of the empire did not fall after all, and the elves became allies of the empire and received support from many aspects.

At the same time, after expelling the Church of the God of Nature, the Elf Queen gradually returned to the backstage, and the big and small things of the Elf Empire began to be directly managed by Princess Windsor.

She did not officially succeed to the throne, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that it was a matter of time, and there was no reason not to execute her orders.

Even though the Dark Elves' war against the Elf Empire has not ended, it will inevitably occupy a considerable amount of national strength and manpower. However, the interests of all parties will be rebalanced if the Church, a parasite that harvests the surplus value of people's labor and does not produce anything, is removed from the Elf Empire.

Princess Windsor also imitated the Qingteng Empire and the Terra Kingdom to carry out reforms, absorbing many beneficial policies. The treatment of non-pure-blooded elves has been greatly improved. With the help of the Empire, the Paradise Fantasy has slowly reduced its toxicity and began to transition to the Fearless Space.

So in fact, the overall national strength of the Elf Empire has been continuously improved in the past three years. With the support of the Qingteng Empire, the war with the Dark Elves has always stopped outside the border fortress. Most ordinary elves have forgotten the ongoing war in many cases:

People will always forget the pain that is not cut to the skin quickly. Before the scars are completely healed, they can't help but want to go outside and let themselves go.

The upper class of the Empire is also downplaying the war with the Dark Elves. Anyway, the situation is very stable. They don't want to grab the territory of the Underdark, and those idiots of the Dark Elves can't get in.

Maintaining this situation, the country will develop rapidly. If the quality of life of the lower-class people improves by one point, the big guys can improve by ninety-nine points accordingly. There are dark elves outside to help train soldiers and provide a sense of security. They can also ask for more assistance from the Qingteng Empire in the name of this battle. It seems really good?

The Qingteng Empire is also happy to see such a situation. It only needs to pay a small price, and the elves will obediently help themselves to contain Taibella's attention, which is also in line with the strategic layout of the empire.

In this way, the Elf Empire from top to bottom is a state of tightness outside and looseness inside. When it comes to the New Year, a grand celebration is prepared to encourage people to continue to create more surplus value in the coming year so that they can exploit it.

Although Windsor is very likely to follow the example of the Qingteng Empire and get rid of all these elven nobles, she does not have the military force of the Queen of Eternal Night, and has not yet officially succeeded to the throne. The core power of the Moon Walker family is still in the hands of the current Elf Queen Gladys. Princess Windsor's current accumulation cannot fight against those nobles.

Clearly seeing that this kind of nobles are already backward forces, they put all kinds of obstacles in her implementation of the new policy, and took away most of the dividends brought by the country's development, but she was powerless and could only be secretly anxious. There was no way for a while.

Rapid development can cover up many problems, and the same is true for the Elf Empire. What's the use of Windsor being able to feel that there are many hidden dangers lurking on the sea?

In such a bad state, the dark elves secretly prepared and received direct support from Tai Bella, and sent the Holy Spirit and the Prayer of the Conqueror Canyon. Those brothers who have been fighting for tens of thousands of years rushed out of the Kingdom of God, and the worst combat power in the main plane is legendary level.

Although the influence of personal force below the gods on the battlefield dominated by the Qingteng Empire is getting smaller and smaller, the Elf Empire has not yet developed that strength.

After three years of continuous fighting, although Yawen Sally did not break through the border of the Elf Empire, she also knew the fighting methods of the elves very well, and even the most popular decks of the virtual magic gods were familiar to her.

So she got new military support and knew how to maximize it. She gathered the strong men with absolute advantages as the vanguard, cooperated with the whole army to fight a wave, and successfully took down the fortress that had been defended and maintained for three years.

Then it was a massacre, sacrifice, and gathering the power of faith to invite the incarnation of Taibella to come.

The blood of the elves dyed the ancient war tree red. Of course, the dark elves and the slaves they drove also paid a huge price.

But Yawen Sali was blocked outside the city for three years. Her original ambitions have been worn out. She just wants to please the dark goddess. So no matter how much she paid, as long as she succeeded this time, she felt it was worth it.

In this way, the dark elves achieved the most important victory on New Year's Eve, and the incarnation of the dark goddess successfully descended.

Taibella also hated the Qingteng Empire, but at the same time, she knew that the power of this world was relatively low, and the Queen of Eternal Night had touched the ceiling of combat power a few years ago.

Relying on only one avatar could lead to failure, so she also invested a lot of money and put down three avatars at once. Each of them has a biased skill module, forming a trio of warrior, mage and priest.

Taibella can be an ace combat team just by cooperating with herself. Each avatar has experienced countless battle tests and is an extremely terrifying killing machine.

When combined together, it can achieve the effect of one plus one plus one, which is far greater than three.

After Taibella successfully descended, the three incarnations directly cooperated to cast a large-scale teleportation spell, leading the main force of the dark elves to attack the Leaf of Yas.

A city like this that has been maintained for tens of thousands of years must have means to prevent the enemy from teleporting and stealing the home.

However, this time it was Taibella, a powerful divine power that has accumulated for countless years.

Even if this is just an incarnation with greatly limited abilities, the level of Taibella's spell recognition is sufficient. After all, the strong men in the Conqueror Canyon fought each other, and the accumulated experience would be synchronized to her. The skill levels required for various battles have naturally been brushed to a terrible degree that ordinary people can't imagine.

Therefore, even the Qingteng Empire couldn't stop the very limited teleportation blockade of the war between mortals, let alone the goddess of war?

So a scene that hadn't happened for many years appeared. The beautiful city of Yas Leaf built on the World Tree was directly blasted through the defense by the goddess of war, and then the dark elves launched a crazy attack on the core city of the family.

"Do you idiots on the surface know how painful it is to live in that dark underground?"

Yawen Sali looked at the beautiful and light elven palace, which was as beautiful as recorded in the ancestral books, making her yearn for it.

But this also means that in the long time in the past, the elves have not made much progress in technology and national strength, and even compared with the peak state, there is a considerable degree of decline.

Compared with the dark elves struggling to survive in the underdark, from an alien race to defeating the native race and becoming one of the masters of the underground, and finally unifying the underdark under the instruction of the dark goddess, Yawen Sali believes that her growth is far greater than those stubborn families on the surface.

The revenge priesthood she represents inspires the fighting spirit of the dark elves. Seeing the homeland they were once forced to leave, this kind of motivation is also particularly effective, greatly improving their combat effectiveness and making the attack smoother.

In the past three years, Yawen Sali has actually been absorbing the power of faith and is about to touch the ceiling of weak divine power.

But today's successful revenge, the bloody battlefield, and the high will to fight are all inspiring her long-stagnant divine power to grow again, breaking through the original ceiling and entering the category of medium divine power.

Such a growth rate is rare among the gods in the past. It can be seen why the gods pretended to be hostile to each other and then went to war:

Because they need mortals to contribute more and better faith power, compared to snatching more believers from other gods, they manage the limited believers here to be obedient and castrate the resistance consciousness of mortals as much as possible, so as to maximize the efficiency of exploitation-

Then it has become the norm for the gods to produce and pray to contribute faith power on weekdays, and finally send them to the battlefield, and the consumption points become additional faith power.

Especially, Yawen Sali also has the help of the goddess of war, which allows her to avoid many detours and her strength improvement speed is even more amazing.

Soon the entire Yas Leaf fell into a sea of ​​fire, and countless big men fled urgently or surrendered directly to the dark elves.

Unfortunately, the dark elves did not accept surrender. All elves, whether they were resisting or fleeing, were killed without mercy, releasing the violence that had been suppressed for a long time.

This was not only a way to reward the soldiers, but also a means for the goddess of war to make up for the needs of the advent - the wool comes from the sheep, which is a special operation against the Qingteng Empire. Since she has invested a lot of money, she must strive for the greatest benefit!

The power of faith contributed by a lamb is also closely related to his strength, wisdom, and emotional richness.

Although those fools were pious in the past, the upper limit of faith they could provide was very low because of their brain cells, and they had to win by numbers.

But now these elves in front of them have become half-wasted because of long-term use of the Paradise Illusion, but their active thinking, vision, and knowledge, as netizens in this world, are definitely several orders of magnitude stronger than those farmers who face the loess and back to the sky.

Therefore, the profit of the massacre was +300%. Tai Bella was so happy that she had no intention of stopping this brutal behavior. Instead, she started the competition mode-

From now until tomorrow morning, the soldier who cut off the most heads will be personally rewarded by the Dark Goddess!

The other top ten and top 100 will also be rewarded and promoted.

The faith of the dark elves may not be really pious, but they get what they need from the gods. Especially in recent years, Tai Bella has been generous enough to these guys because of the problems of the Qingteng Empire, and everyone is immediately excited.

What's more, they are originally evil camps, most of them have no moral bottom line, and are used to conspiracy and betrayal, so they have no scruples to attack civilians.

Tai Bella looked at the crazy rise of the power of faith, and after a calculation, she found that she had made a big profit before she really arrived in the Qingteng Empire in this world of eternal night!

"My Lord, should we stay in the Leaf of Yas tonight and continue to march to the border of the Qingteng Empire tomorrow?" Yawen Sally came in to ask.

"Chase overnight and directly break through the Qingteng Empire!" Tai Bella issued her highest instructions.

Since she has already taken action, she should do it in one go and not give the enemy any breathing space. This is the experience she has summed up from countless wars.

Hesitation and talking too much will definitely lead to very bad results.

"Yes, my lord will prosper in military fortune!"

Yawen Sally immediately gave the order to execute.

Although the majority of the power of faith was eaten by Tai Bella, as a subordinate god, she can also get enough benefits and naturally supports the battle.

Next time, there may not be such a good thing as the Goddess of War personally training for you. You must hold on to her thighs and clear as many levels as possible during this invincible time you enjoy!

So a part of the army was divided to continue burning, killing and looting in the Leaf of Yas. The main force of the dark elves, led by Tai Bella and Yawen Sally, continued to pursue in the direction of the Qingteng Empire.

A train was dragging an overloaded carriage at full speed, followed by a large number of spaceships, covering the sky like dark clouds, heading towards the direction of the empire.

The strategic fortresses of the Qingteng Empire have been built, and the anti-gravity technology has been very mature. Integrating the magic skills that the elves are good at, a variety of transportation tools have been developed.

From magic crystal-powered trains to cargo ships flying in the sky, there are everything, and there are also a large number of privately owned small spaceships, all evacuating the Leaf of Yas at the speed of light.

At the same time, the evacuation of more surrounding cities has also been started.

After the fortress was breached, Windsor immediately started the retreat and asked for help from the Empire, but Taibella directly teleported beyond the specification, interrupting the evacuation procedure that had just started.

The other party chose to take action in the New Year, and the Elf Empire's defense was lax, which really achieved the greatest effect.

The Yas Leaf City Defense Team also launched a complete retreat. Although it could not resist the combat power of the Goddess of War, it could still slow down the pace of the dark elves' scattered massacre of civilians.

Thanks to the new arcane movement, the magic civilization of the Eternal Night World has developed, the national strength has been improved, and the mobility of the transportation tools that ordinary people can access has also increased sharply.

Among the high-end transportation tools that the nobles of the Eternal Night World like most, the elf products are the most popular, and the customized performance and style can be guaranteed to be extremely high.

These small spaceships became the main force during the evacuation, retreating towards the direction of the Qingteng Empire.

But Taibella was also very decisive, leading the main force of the dark elves, and once again teleported to the front of the evacuation force and began to intercept.

In a luxurious carriage on the train, the Queen of Elf looked out the window at the light ahead and looked back at her daughter.

She was still immersed in the shock and grief of the sudden defeat and the death and injury of countless elves.

She took off a ring on her little finger that was shining with moonlight, placed it in Windsor's palm, and patted her face:

"Calm down, you are the queen now, you must be strong to support them to go further."

"Mother, you?"

"I want to show you what a queen should do."

The Queen of Elf put on a military uniform and walked to the carriage behind:

"All members of the Royal Guard, follow my instructions and buy time for the civilians to retreat!"

"As ordered!"

The elves in bright armor held their chests and raised their heads to meet the enemy army led by the gods.

Even if the road ahead is death, passing on the hope of life to more people is enough to make them fearless of death.

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