Although Tabela claims to be serious, in fact, she has never regarded mortals as enemies on the same level as herself.

Her seriousness is just that she is willing to spend some price, such as some attention, such as more power of faith, to deal with the empire, an enemy that has been harassing her and causing her considerable trouble.

So she said she was serious, but in fact she was not looking at the Ivy Empire with the attitude of preparing for a war.

I'm so scared that I find that the mosquitoes in my house are resistant to this brand of insecticide, so I can just buy a more expensive bottle, right?

So Tabela thought she had plotted against the Ivy Empire, but her plot was also very simple:

I came, I fired, I won.

This is the script she prepared. The so-called targeted weapons are not really prepared for the empire. They are just some suitable gadgets picked out from the past accumulation.

Looking at the empire, it has been since the first five-year plan that Tabela has been designated as the first god to be solved. From the beginning of the layout of the Elf Empire, Tabela has been luring Tabela into the game.

She thought she had carried out a surprise attack to change her family directly, but she didn't know that this step was completely guided by the Ivy Empire. I hope she would do this!

The only surprise was that the timing of the action provided by Yavin Sally was quite clever, allowing the dark elves to really break through the Elf Empire's defense line, causing the Ivy Empire's reaction to fail.

But after blocking the pursuit of the dark elves, Tabela stayed in the world of eternal night without leaving, and wanted to gain more results. From that moment on, everything returned to the control of the empire.

At this moment, Tabela personally rushed into the second fleet group and killed them randomly. The dark elves also used new equipment to resist the concentrated fire of the fleet. It seemed that the two sides had entered a state of mutual checks and balances.

But all this is just a trap prepared by Roger for Tabela.

Don't let her get carried away when she gets high, how could such an ancient god with rich combat experience ignore the activation of the trap around him?

Therefore, the results achieved by Tabela were just the bait thrown out by Roger.

Only fish that sincerely bite the bait will ignore the iron hook hidden inside and become tonight's harvest.

"Plane upgrade starts!"

As Roger's order was issued, not only the twelve Abominations of the Empire's Second Fleet generated a huge magical response, but the order was also synchronized through the Dauntless Space to the control centers built by the Empire in many places in the Evernight World.

What they are doing here is isolating the connection between Tebela's incarnation and her body and the Kingdom of God, and activating the enhanced version of the divine isolation stance that was used to plot Nalinele.

The real big move is that the Ivy Empire has laid out its plans throughout the world and prepared an ambush for many years.

Plane upgrading refers to a large-scale project that increases the upper limit of power that the Evernight World can carry to accommodate higher-level experts.

The core technology is to strengthen the plane barrier and provide its support so that it will not collapse when powerful beings enter.

At the same time, this is also part of the wandering plane plan. After all, in order to complete the entire movement outside, its body strength must be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Otherwise, navigation and direction changes may cause the entire plane to be shattered and all life to be devastated. You may collapse without the enemy finding the result...

The Ivy Empire will not let such a careless tragedy happen.

Of course, they also prepared a plan to take the initiative to disintegrate the plane and disperse and escape if they encountered an absolutely uncontrollable situation.

But that's all for later. If you really want to wander in the world of eternal night, you must first complete the plane upgrade.

The core principle is very simple and can be implemented in detail. It requires complete mapping of the entire plane, absolute control, understanding of the details in all aspects, and then investing massive resources.

This not only requires technology, but also requires becoming a true hegemon of the world.

In this universe dominated by gods, they do not want mortals to have too much power. They will naturally create eternal disputes and prevent such a scene from happening.

Therefore, in the entire multiverse, throughout the distant history, there are very few worlds that can successfully complete this operation.

The goddess of war is indeed experienced in fighting in different planes, but as proud as a god, she will not calculate too many things before a mortal fight, and consider the occurrence of such a small probability event.

But the empire had completed the preparations for the plane upgrade early, and was only waiting for Tabela to arrive, and then give her a surprise.

From the mysterious city, to the Naga city in the deep sea, to the underdark area, and the more distant extreme northern wasteland.

Secret scientific research centers quietly established by countless empires, coupled with huge magic arrays and majestic man-made objects fused with new arcane magic crystal machinery, are connected and resonant with each other, changing the micro-environment of the entire Eternal Night World.

The empire has invested resources in these scientific research centers, but the local rulers are also willing to participate. Everyone is still happy to see good things like plane advancement.

Individual strong men with higher combat effectiveness may no longer be suitable for the war methods of this era. They can no longer become the dominant force and show the gorgeous scene of one person defeating thousands of armies.

But if the strength is strong to a certain extent, it can be advantageous to be invincible first, and the mobility and resistance to beating will be greatly improved.

If one day my country is really wiped out by the Ivy Empire, as its strength increases, at least the chance of escaping will increase, right?

Therefore, the Ivy Empire proposed a course of action, and no force disagreed.

On the contrary, there are still many races who feel that the Ivy Empire is in trouble. Although it has not truly unified the world, it has begun to provide benefits to others.

Do you really think that if they can’t beat you now, they will never be able to beat you?

In this way, the construction of the plane upgrade is going very smoothly. It is not the empire alone that bears all the pressure, but the entire Eternal Night World is contributing.

Of course, to achieve this step, the empire's military and economic strength must also reach a dominant position.

Otherwise, it will really be giving benefits to others and increasing the risk of being overthrown.

As the plane advances, the first thing that is sensed is those magical creatures. They find that their strength becomes stronger, their speed becomes faster, and they seem to have inexhaustible power in their bodies.

Although it is inexplicable, this comfortable feeling makes them expand inexplicably, allowing them to challenge powerful enemies in the surrounding territories...

As a result, agitation and riots continued, but few results were achieved.

Those lucky ones, those magical creatures who were unexpectedly strengthened by God's luck, found that their mortal enemies had also changed, and everyone still stayed on the same level...

Then came the strong men of the major races. They could clearly sense that the power they could mobilize became stronger, and the operation of all spells became easier.

That is to say, I have not become bald, but I have become stronger!

The reason why civilized society is stronger than animals is that it is more convenient to exchange information. They did not go crazy because of their sudden strength. They communicated calmly and found that this was a common phenomenon.

Those powerful magicians observed that many parameters of the Evernight World, such as gravitational acceleration and so on, were quietly changing.

"Now Ivy League, moving mountains and reclaiming seas is just a routine operation. Our actions can change the entire world forever."

In the Chapter of Imbalance, the Queen of Evernight is waiting for information from the front before she can attack, so she has free time at the moment to observe the changes in the world of Evernight.

From the outside world, we can see more clearly how the magnificent world, the looming plane barriers, have quietly changed, and the energy contained in the entire world has climbed to a higher level.

This is the technical research completed by the Ivy Empire, and it is also the resources they have looted from their constant battles abroad, which have filled the grassroots of the entire world and turned into a qualitative change.

Achieving this step is definitely an achievement worth being proud of for a queen.

Even if the Ivy Empire no longer exists one day, the traces we have left in this world will never be erased. Future generations can glimpse the power of the former dynasty from the world-class changes...

The process of plane upgrading is very fast. It only takes about two minutes for the entire world to change. Those people who cannot understand these changes have a line of ivy text flashing gently in front of their eyes:

【Long live the Queen】

The Ivy Empire definitely doesn't do good deeds without leaving a name, and when it does something proud, it definitely wants to tell the world what happened.

I kept this project a secret before because I was afraid that if the secret was revealed, it would cause obstruction from the gods and prying eyes from powerful beings.

But now that the upgrade has been completed, you can use the power to influence the world and the aftermath of the change in the plane barrier to do some dexterous operations to reveal your presence.

That line of text did not appear in the sky, nor was it reflected on the earth, but appeared in front of all intelligent creatures in this world through clever magic control.

This is a little trick done on the underlying rules through their vague connection with the world.

It has no practical value, but the intention of showing off muscles is very obvious.

In the Three-Body Problem, Sophon deceived mankind, but now the Ivy Empire has really made the whole world shine, carving traces similar to this at the very core.

"Damn it, is this a change made by the Ivy Empire?"

"They have mastered this method...I am far behind!"

"This world has been played by them..."

The more powerful you are, you will feel the technical threshold of showing off your muscles. You can't help but sigh at the power of the Ivy Empire and be shocked.

The world will shine because of the empire, so if they violate the will of that country and that queen, it should be impossible to fight against it, right?

Unknowingly, the entire world has been left behind by that country and is in its hands.

Although ordinary people have this principle and connection, they are also frightened by the flashing "Long Live the Queen". They rush to ask the people around them if they saw it, what happened, has our world been ruined?

The empire began to publicize matters related to plane advancement with great fanfare.

On this New Year's Eve, as the biggest surprise, it is presented to everyone in the empire, and they understand more and more how great their Majesty is.

"Long live the Queen!"

Everyone cheered, the words that could not be ignored represented the power of the empire.

This is the best advertisement for the imperial power.

Whether at home or abroad, everyone feels the power of Qingteng.

"Hey, that's interesting!"

The Queen of Evernight also felt that line of text, and instantly understood its principle, as well as the butterfly effect that this little trick can bring.

This was a small detail that she didn't know in advance. It looked like it was Roger's work, but the effect was excellent and it put the Queen in front of the empire, which surprised her very much.

That guy is really interested...

Thinking like this, Queen Yongye suddenly discovered something and her expression became complicated:

In front of her, she found that the flashing words "Long live the Queen" broke and decomposed as they faded, and really turned into a series of small hearts, disappearing into the void.

To outsiders, this was the love of the people of the Qingteng Empire for the Queen, but knowing that all this was done by Roger, the Queen of Eternal Night, she knew very well that the guy was clearly carrying out private goods and harassing her with public behavior...


You obviously have other women, and more than one, why do you still want to tease me?

She was a little flustered, not knowing whether this last love effect could only be seen by herself or by everyone...

When she turned her head, she saw the inexplicable smiles on the corners of Frankenstein and several researchers' mouths, and she suddenly realized!

That guy really added hearts to the flashes all over the world!



Waste of imperial resources!


This happened to be in line with the kind of romance she expected.

In other words, the deep-hidden girlish heart of the Queen of Eternal Night was most susceptible to this.

A knight abandoned shame and gave her a unique confession regardless of everything. Isn't this the scene she wanted to see the most before?

But the relationship between the two is so complicated...

She closed her eyes gently, and the gradually fading love kept flashing in front of her.

Although she had been hiding from Roger in the past three years, relying on power and means, Roger always found a way to express his feelings to the Queen of Eternal Night.

In the past, the two of them were close and distant, teasing each other, and there was an ambiguity with a faint fragrance, but no one broke the window paper, and the public relationship was friends.

But since Roger took the initiative to initiate the kiss and the Queen of Eternal Night saw the little secret, he changed, often using various ways to express his love to the Queen of Eternal Night actively and openly, but not completely openly.

Even those who are familiar with them can see it, but ordinary people know nothing.

Although they have not met, the relationship between the monarch and the minister is still "harmonious" and has not affected the stability of the empire.

But the real relationship between the two has quietly become that the Queen of Eternal Night doesn't want to see that guy, and she gets annoyed when she thinks of him, but Roger tirelessly expresses his love and always gives her some surprises.

He is indeed a very good guy, but he is super excessive, okay?

At the beginning, the Queen of Eternal Night made up her mind that I would not forgive him, and I don't want to know anything about him.

No matter how outrageous the matter is, I am not curious at all!

But slowly, I can't get around Roger's expression and obsession, and she can feel the unyielding love again.

I got used to it after being annoyed, and I didn't hate it so much when I saw Roger-related things again...

Of course, I won't forgive him, but being loved so hard by someone, I am actually a little happy and secretly happy...

"Hey, Fran, how is Taibella?"

The Queen of Eternal Night didn't dare to let herself think more, and forced herself to divert her thoughts.

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