The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 263 Mortal, you are qualified to look me in the face (1/2)

Taibela was completely stunned by the changes at this moment.

Her believers, her petitioners, her holy spirits, her kingdom of God, were now fluctuating with a completely unfamiliar aura to her, and then attacked her?

Of course, with the selfishness and power of the gods, this is where her body is, even if all the petitioners are sentenced, they still cannot hurt her in the slightest.

But the empire specially prepared a gift for Taibella, the venom that was delivered after countless arrangements, even the queen with a history of Yimang was waiting patiently, you can imagine how terrible the effect of this faith virus specially formulated for Taibella would be.

After affecting the petitioners and the holy spirits, because they were the ones who maintained the operation of the entire kingdom of God day and night, it was equivalent to the entire kingdom of God being infected with the virus, and began to reject and disagree with Taibella's existence.

And then because of the influence of the environment, Taibella's solidified storage and the faith power that constituted her body began to be less flexible, and there was a tendency to slowly melt away.

This was what Taibella was really terrified of.

Any god would feel panic when his body is in an uncontrollable state.

Because they are the strongest in the world, whether they are professionals or gods, they must study thoroughly, master all information, and accumulate tens of thousands of years of experience to stand at the current height.

It's like a calligrapher who suddenly finds that he can't hold a pen. He has problems writing the most basic strokes. How can he continue to be shocked?

He should be able to control every muscle of his fingers and arms, but now those limbs seem to no longer belong to him. Both himself and the world are showing a strange breath.

"Ah...ah, what have you traitors done!"

Taibella's panic turned into anger, and the divine power summoned a terrifying flame that rose from the kingdom of God. In an instant, countless petitioners were evaporated, and even the Holy Spirit did not send his attack to Taibella, and hurriedly defended.

"Defense form!" The Queen of Eternal Night also immediately adjusted the subsystem of the Magic Pill, changed her clothes with one click, switched to a full defense form, and dodged to the periphery of the kingdom of God.

Although she came to challenge the Goddess of War, it was not time for her to make a move yet. She would first let the Goddess of War and her followers have a civil war to consume her strength.

At the same time, she was waiting for the further infection of the Kingdom of God, and then she began to strengthen the Kingdom of God to prevent Taibella from teleporting.

Originally, the Kingdom of God should be an exclusive domain that strengthens the combat effectiveness of gods to the limit. Even in the battle between gods, they would not easily cross into the Kingdom of God of other gods to fight.

Often, only when they have an absolute advantage and fight the final decisive battle will they make such a move.

However, the existence of the faith virus affects the Kingdom of God layer by layer, and now the Conqueror Canyon’s bonus to Taibella is very limited.

Because the Kingdom of God is also composed of the power of faith, these powers of faith are all disgusted with Taibella and no longer recognize her. How can they support her and strengthen her?

The infection of the Kingdom of God continues to deepen, and then it will become neutral, and then it will become a variety of rejections of Taibella, making her combat effectiveness in the Conqueror Canyon worse than that of ordinary planes.

With the sensitivity of the gods, they will definitely avoid such a situation, so the Queen of Eternal Night is making arrangements in advance to prevent Tai Bella from escaping.

Turn your home court into my home court, and then have a fair and just battle!

At this moment, Tai Bella was blocked by the angels she created and cultivated.

Only those angels, because they are strong enough and closer to God, can really fly to Tai Bella's side.

Break Tai Bella's defense with the spear of destruction, and then burn the alienated divine power, turning it into a wonderful attack that will evaporate and resonate more divine power, and explode in Tai Bella's body.

This result is like a gas leak, choose to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

Tai Bella's body looks like an extremely beautiful, charming and graceful blonde beauty, but in the eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night and the angels, it is actually a ball of light composed of terrifying energy.

From the perspective of material accumulation alone, the body of the goddess of war is even comparable to a super-giant star, containing terrible light and heat. Once it explodes, it may even directly destroy many planes.

Now the Empire has found a way to burn divine power. At the only moment of their long lives when they can make their own decisions, the angels chose to charge at Taibella, choosing this suicidal method:

Burn my own divine power to create even more terrible flames and explosions in Taibella's body!

Even if it can only cause one ten-thousandth or one hundred-thousandth of a loss to Taibella, this is also the last highlight of our lives dominated by the gods!

Angels exploded in Taibella's body one after another, and her body became almost translucent, with more dense light spots than stars in her body.

The divine power released terrifying energy and tore her body apart. This damage effect was almost double the real damage-

Detonated in Taibella's body, and used her own divine power as energy, a little damage was magnified into more than a hundred points, and the impact was chained and amplified layer by layer.

It was like the butterfly effect, the little angel flapped its wings, but left a storm in Taibella's body.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole... Who is plotting against me? It's not over yet, is it?"

The pain spread throughout Taibella's body, and more importantly, the loss of her faith power was an astronomical figure, and she was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe!

The battles in the past three hundred years, which killed hundreds of millions of lives, did not cause her so much consumption of faith power.

Ironically, because this round of operations made her feel a fatal crisis, Tai Bella did not think that it was the Qingteng Empire that attacked her.

How could those mortals do this?

It should be a god from the ancient times, or a demon that cannot be killed has revived and is taking revenge on her.

So the direction she was looking for was such an ancient existence, ignoring the Queen of Eternal Night hiding on the side.

And Tai Bella did not have much time to entangle this arrogance caused by the misunderstanding, because the angel's suicide attack was not the end, but just the beginning.

The flame that used the divine power in her body as fuel did not stop but burned more and more vigorously.

Tai Bella's expression changed several times, and she found that the divine means based on divine power would only add fuel to the fire, and there was no possible operation to extinguish the flame in her body.

The operation she wanted to complete was like hoping that the immune system would defeat the virus that specifically attacked the immune system.

At least in the short term, she couldn't think of a suitable way to directly extinguish the flames burning in her body.

She couldn't just lie down and wait for a miracle of self-healing, right?

After all the ups and downs she had experienced and rich combat experience, Tai Bella knew that it was time to make a decision.

She was also ruthless enough, and finally chose to cut off the flames, and then limitedly move and concentrate them, and then cut off the part of the body that could not be saved.

The scene outside the divine body was that Tai Bella cut off her legs, and the golden power of faith flowed out like a wave of blood, burning into black flames.

Although her body was repaired instantly, she lost at least one-third of the power of faith she had accumulated over the years, but it was a loss that could never be recovered.

"Damn it!"

Tai Bella was like a bereaved mother, and this time she was completely enraged, and the rationality in her mind was fading.

This series of means, and not knowing where the enemy was, had caused her such a loss, the pressure was too strong.

At this moment, her kingdom of God, Conqueror Canyon, has gone from being lively to being deserted. The magma has begun to lose temperature, turning gray and black, and has a tendency to solidify.

And the rules running in it are changing in a direction that is unfavorable to Taibella.

The kingdom of God that she worked hard to build is destroyed.

The petitioners and holy spirits who dared to attack Taibella after being infected by the faith virus were all killed by her subconscious counterattack. The angels exploded again. In her perception, Taibella found that she was the only one left in the huge kingdom of God.

The remaining fire was not extinguished, and everything related to the power of faith and divine power was still burning. The smoke that rose again, with resentment towards the gods, forced Taibella to expend more energy to expel it.

Such a series of means completely exceeded her past combat experience, and she finally noticed a little strangeness.

It tasted wrong.

The means between gods were not like this. They would use the divine power to the extreme, but they could not create a power that would pose a huge threat to themselves if it existed.

If their opponents were gods, how would they control such power and make such a covert arrangement?

"Mortals? Qingteng Empire?"

She finally realized that the real enemy threatening her kingdom of God at this moment was not the resurrection of some terrifying existence, but the mortals she had always regarded as a small problem.

When did those mortals, who were as weak as ants and whose lives were as short as the pop, have the power to harm gods?

The phantom pill, which was mainly red, covered with black and dark gold patterns, and composed of countless green vine branches, appeared in Tai Bella's vision, and the flickering light echoed faintly in the Conqueror Canyon.

"Honorable Goddess of War, you finally got it right."

The voice of the Queen of Eternal Night sounded. After years of waiting, she finally created the unprecedented weak moment of the Goddess of War and came to her.

"You... you go to hell!"

The Goddess of War felt that the Kingdom of God, which should be her home, had become a means for the Empire to suppress her. In addition to anger and fear, she made a full-scale attack.

Her ruthlessness and decisiveness were actually a cover for her fear. She was afraid that the mortal queen who had been injured by just beheading one of her projections had even more terrifying means, and she really couldn't bear it if she used them.

The Queen of Eternal Night communicated with the Magic Pill in her consciousness and adjusted the parameters of the subsystem on the spot to adapt to the current environment of the Conqueror Canyon.

At the same time, space fragments bound by pure magic emerged from the mechanical palm, forming a spear with countless stars flowing inside.

This was the strongest attack weapon that the Magic Pill could control. The eighteen-meter-tall body was not that huge in this world, so the matching spear would not be terrifyingly long.

But the energy contained in it was like condensing countless worlds, which made Tai Bella feel a sense of oppression.

Those fragmented pieces of space originally had the property of cutting any known substance. Now they were oscillating and rotating under the constraints of the standpoint, achieving a sharp whistle that kept lingering in the ears, and the destructive power was even higher.

"The Spear of All Wishes, cut!"

The spear came out like a dragon, and the Queen of Eternal Night drove the Magic Pill into a stream of light and phantom, rushing towards Tai Bella.

Taibella's body is covered with golden armor. This is her true body, which has been cultivated and perfected for tens of thousands of years. So what if it is the most powerful weapon in the world, an indestructible spear?

The accumulation behind her body is still hidden in her body, which brings terrifying resilience, which is her trump card.

She would not believe that a mortal who was not even a hundred years old could really pose a fatal threat to her.

Those troubles before should be the limit, right?

"Mortal, you have the qualification to look directly at me."

She did not summon any weapons, but faced the Queen of Evernight with her fists, which were shining with dark light.

Everyone believes that the Dark Goddess is the vest of the War Goddess.

But in fact, everyone was deceived by her. The goddess of darkness is her true identity, and the image of the God of War that always appears in front of everyone is just a disguise.

So after Tybela became serious, what was released in his body was endless anger, the urge to destroy the world, and the indescribable desire to kill!


The Spear of All Wishes and the fist collided together, and the aftermath of the burst tore apart the Conqueror Canyon, revealing the extremely deep astral realm.

But in the collision, the one who flew backwards was the goddess of war who had accumulated deeper knowledge.

She looked at her melted and mutilated fist in disbelief, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Yuanhai?"

"Yes, Yuan Hai."

The spear as dark as night in Queen Yongye's hand suddenly turned colorless and transparent.

This is not magic, but what is bound inside is not only the space fragments, but also the sea water of the Origin Sea, the sea water that can assimilate everything and return it to calmness.

The sea water was originally colorless and transparent, and you could see the clarity of the abyss. Now that the Spear of All Wishes was poured into it, its original color was erased.

The Queen of Evernight has been hiding this move until the last moment, revealing the true form of the Spear of All Wishes:

All wishes and the spear of the sea!

Even the body of the gods cannot stop the source sea, and the power of faith can only resist and disperse its consumption.

"It's really interesting that a mortal can come this far. Come again!"

However, Tabela changed his previous plan and bitch, repaired his body with the power of faith, and took the initiative to attack Phantom Pill again.

She knew that the collision just now would not be uncomfortable for the Queen of Evernight. Even if she could bear it, the golem she was driving was also reaching its limit.

Today is the day she spends all her accumulation over the years, and makes this arrogant mortal pay the price he deserves!

Gods must not be insulted!

Outside the Conqueror's Canyon, the light of teleportation lit up, and the empire's fleets arrived one after another.

They have discovered the quiet changes in the entire world, and the technical advisor showed excitement: "Your Majesty has successfully spread the faith virus, and the battlefield is beginning to favor our side!"

Roger nodded calmly: "Break through the Kingdom of God's defense and provide energy support to His Majesty!"

That woman once allowed herself to have unparalleled magic.

Now, if she wants to be beaten, then let her beat her happily!

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