The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 269: Presenting a time traveler to the beautiful church (1/2)

The plane of song.

This is one of the core planes controlled by the God of Music, Sylvie. It has been completely occupied for more than 30,000 years. It has established a unified religious state, integrating politics and religion, and has explored a perfect believer captive system, which produces the power of faith in an extremely efficient and stable manner.

Among the remaining six gods, Sylvie's strength is second only to the God of Knowledge. Her appearance is elegant and romantic. Her church does not like fighting and killing. The believers also have an impression of their own gods as an extremely kind girl.

In the plane of song, the way to select the strong and the weak, maintain the promotion and demotion of seats within the church, and even the way to decide the winners of nobles and kings are all music.

It's probably all kinds of piano competitions and singing competitions, but the plane of song is full of artists. Any baron can sing high notes to the level of the top artists on Earth, pushing all aspects of music to the extreme level.

However, although there is no direct war, all kinds of competition and involution have reached a certain extreme, which is still an invisible, murderous knife.

Society is covered with the cloak of civilization, but as long as the ideas of the superiors are still to get something for nothing, and those who hold privileges cannot contribute corresponding progress, this world still cannot escape the essence of exploitation.

No matter how elegant and artistic the packaging is, it cannot change the two words of cannibalism inside.

The plane of song is famous for romance in the entire universe. In the eyes of the old nobles in the world of eternal night, it is even more elegant than the former Elf Empire.

But such beauty and romance only belong to the nobles and the top leaders of the church. They do not produce, but study art day and night. Their quality of life depends on ordinary people working hard to maintain it.

There is no direct way of killing such as swords, gunpowder and magic, but the power of summoning the god of music still has countless means to wipe out the weak and punish the losers.

A social structure with rules established and operated for more than ten thousand years, the benefits have long been divided up, and those in power have too many ways to exploit loopholes, and they can squeeze the interests of the bottom people without bloodshed.

In the music kingdom of the plane of song, each city is divided into the upper city and the lower city. The upper city belongs to the church, nobles and artists, and is naturally clean and tidy, relying on divine power to maintain it like the legendary paradise.

However, the lower city built underground is full of toxic fumes. It is firmly regarded as a top race with low artistic cells and no possibility of becoming a priest. It is destined to do the heaviest and hardest work from birth, and then most of the fruits of labor are taken away by the upper city.

In this world of art, violent means are rejected, and various combat means are not even passed down. Only relying on strings and singers can not fight against the violent means of gods.

Therefore, the class solidification in this world is one of the best in the entire universe.

Because the supremacy of music is the only way for the lower class to cross the class, and in order to show the fairness of the god of music, the nobles arranged an education system similar to nine-year compulsory music for the lower city.

Although it was perfunctory, and the educational resources and practice methods were far inferior to the channels that the children of the nobility could enjoy, after all, golden phoenixes had flown out of the slums, and those true geniuses were fresh blood that the big families were willing to absorb.

Human creativity is limited. In order to please the God of Music, even the Pope needs to regularly contribute new music that is beautiful enough. The different lives in the Lower Town may lead to new creations under the collision.

So before the age of eighteen, young people can often be seen singing desperately until they cry blood, playing the violin until their fingerprints are wiped out, just to get a vague possibility and enter the Upper Town.

In order to find inspiration, create peerless music, and amaze those harsh examiners, young people do not hesitate to use various extreme means, including some evil rituals, drugs with serious side effects, etc.

And when you pass the layers of tests and become a genius emerging in the Lower Town, it does not mean that a new generation of stars is about to rise. He still has to pray that the people in the Upper Town are not so greedy and ruthless that they will directly embezzle the fruits of his labor.

"This is the plane of song where we are, a world that claims to be more elegant than the entire universe, but is also bloody and dirty."

In the dirty and messy little bar, Fox, carrying a guitar, was wearing very rebellious clothes and rivets on his tongue, spreading some dangerous ideas that did not meet the expectations of the upper class.

Although the clothes were made of the simplest materials, he was naturally very attractive because of his natural good looks, which naturally attracted everyone in the small group to listen to what he said.

They have carried out similar activities more than a dozen times. Under Fox's guidance, they have deeply analyzed the hypocrisy of the God of Music and the various loopholes in the existing system of the plane of song.

In the end, it was concluded that only the God of Music was still there, the church was still there, and the nobles were still there. Most of them could only spend the rest of their lives in the lower city, doing the heaviest work, and experiencing an average life of 40 years in the toxic smoke.

The average life expectancy in the upper city is 200 years.

Although this plane does not have a professional training system, the God of Music has invented a corresponding ability granting system based on each person's artistic level, and the life of artists will naturally be extended.

"This is unfair, and it must be overturned!"

With Fox's guidance, the group soon realized the various drawbacks of the Song Plane and came to the conclusion of what Fox had always wanted them to do.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen people in this group.

Of course, due to some accidental and inevitable reasons, ten of them were girls, and the limited number of boys also had a feminine temperament, and the way they looked at Fox was a little strange.

Because the pursuit of art is said to be the source of the best inspiration, many people in this world play very liberally, seeking all kinds of stimulation, saying that in this way they can touch a greater artistic realm.

Over time, some behaviors that break gender barriers will not be prohibited, which makes Fox, who is not native to this world, actually very awkward.

But for the sake of the organization's mission, sacrificing color a little is also a necessary means to speed up the progress of the mission.

Now that the first seeds have been cultivated, the thoughts are active and active enough.

When they grow up, they can immediately conduct a second round of dissemination, developing young people with a sense of resistance to the God of Music, and then gradually penetrating into adults who have lost hope for the future...

In this kind of plane that is highly controlled by a god, it is very dangerous to carry out the work of spreading ideas.

Because the proportion of fanatics is extremely high and there is no mutual hostility to exploit, even though the Tianming Army has rich experience, they have to take some special measures.

For example, Fox is starting to assign tasks at this moment.

He is not a native of the plane of song, but from the target plane B. He is a special operator of the secret team of the Tianming Army and one of the executors of the third phase of the Spark Project.

These special operations personnel have a special name within the Tianming Army, called time travelers.

This is a specialized technology that the Tianming Army customized and developed for the Empire in order to spread its ideas across different worlds faster. It has absorbed many of the advantages of the Sons of the System, but it is essentially quite different:

The Sons of the System are trained on a targeted basis, selecting young people with potential and hatred for gods for training.

The Spark Project is for the experienced and determined warriors of the Tianming Army to directly transfer their souls to the bodies of young people who died in accidents in the target plane, or who voluntarily gave up their lives due to special conditions.

In this multiverse, there has long been a similar method called advent.

Many of the current spell foundations of the Empire's Spark Project also refer to the many successful experiences of gods sending angels to infiltrate.

Then, combined with the current situation of the Tianming Army and the situation of the target, the technical basis of the Spark Plan was customized.

Then there is a series of steps such as selecting suitable warriors, conducting specialized training, traveling through the target plane to lurk and develop, and then starting to spread the idea of ​​betraying the faith.

The top leader of the Spark Project is Shana himself, and Roger serves as the chief instructor. He can serve as an unexposed traveler and teach them the experience and insights of quickly integrating into an unfamiliar society.

Of course it doesn’t mean how to lie down and divide the points!

Fox is one of the time-travelers selected by the Spark Project. With his indigenous identity, he has the Tianming Army and the Empire to provide technical support behind him.

Although he was alone, his actions progressed very quickly. It didn't take long for him to start making a living in the lower city.

Build the foundation for your next move now and wait for the opportunity.

After all, their time-traveling was completely different from Roger's lone struggle at that time. They were professional time-travelers who were organized, planned, and had customized technical support.

It's called time travel and time travel. In fact, it can be used as a special special forces infiltration operation. The Night Guard also has many elite operators who secretly joined the Spark Project.

Until the fall of Tabela, some of the lurking time travelers finally waited for action, or instructions to expand the organization.

Fox was very happy to see that the order he received was to lead the Tianming Army to disintegrate the church power in the plane of song.

This means that he has the potential to dismantle the ugly oppression in this world in a short period of time before other colleagues.

The specific task assigned to him was to prevent a series of portable devices that could fit into a backpack from reaching specific locations in Uptown at specific times.

Even though Fox is hanging out in downtown, the true identity of this body is actually the young master of a big family in uptown, the child of a great classical music artist.

So he could easily get back uptown.

But his companions were not that simple.

Therefore, in order to ensure the success rate of the mission, Fox not only placed the mission items, but also caused chaos in the lower city area to ensure that the mission was foolproof.

"We are doing a great cause, but I still remind everyone to pay attention to their own safety. Once discovered by the church, all of us and all our families may fall into the abyss of eternal destruction, and even the lower city may be bloodbathed. Understand ?"

Fox looked deeply at his companions.

They are not warriors of the same world, but through these days of getting along and sharing the same ideal, they have become comrades, and they are fellow travelers who create and ignite the fire of prosperity in this world.

Each one of them was extremely good, and he didn't want to lose any of them at the moment of victory.

"President, don't worry, we all understand."

Everyone responded with a smile. Everyone knew the risks for a long time, but they would appear in the penalty. No one participating in this meeting was afraid of death.

Instead of living a life of being oppressed by the uptown crowd, it is better to fight to the death and bring more possibilities to this world.

"In that case, let's drink this glass of wine and get ready for action."

Fox poured everyone's wine himself, and then everyone clinked their glasses and went their separate ways to complete their part of the task.

"By the way, I made this."

The youngest girl in the club took out a stack of stickers with different patterns, "It's stuck on the body, and it won't be washed off in any way before three days..."

"Hey, although it's a bit pessimistic, I don't refuse."

A cool girl took the sticker and left the bar, and everyone took one.

Her meaning was very clear. Everyone who went to the upper city was at risk of death, and it was even possible that they would die without a complete body under the magic of the gods.

In order to confirm the identity of the corpse or body parts when cleaning the battlefield, some specific markers might come in handy.

This was originally a taboo, something that no one wanted to talk about, but she did it, which meant that she was aware of death.

Finally, everyone left, and Fox also took one from her.

Seeing the girl's face turn pale with nervousness, Fox comforted her: "Dani, don't think too much."

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid of failure..."

"We just need to do our best. No war is sure to win, but at least we've been here."

"I understand. I'll stay here for a while. President, you go and do your work. I'm fine."

The girl smiled at him and then quietly memorized the sun pattern Fox chose.

After he left, the girl took out a blank sticker, recalled the sun Fox chose, and inspiration burst out in her mind. She drew a sunflower and then pasted it on her upper arm, covered by clothes.

Her painting skills are very good. In a few strokes, it comes to life.

If I don't wake up tomorrow, I also hope that everyone knows that I died chasing the sun and died without regrets.

In fact, she would agree with Fox's declared philosophy. It started with appearance, and the reason for the climate is also very simple.

She doesn't like music. She even hates music and hates practicing any instrument.

Correspondingly, she likes painting.

But in this world, painting has no future. No matter how beautiful the painting is... or how good it is, it cannot support the family. Music is the most sinful thing.

This made her unhappy. She always felt that there should be some space for free choice in the world, instead of having to choose between musical genius and blue-collar worker, right?

So, although there were many things she didn't understand, she still joined Fox's secret society, became a backbone, and was about to participate in the light action tomorrow.

"Eliminate the tyranny of the gods, and the world belongs to mankind."

Her little hand rested on her arm, as if she got strength from it, and she drank the wine in the glass and walked out of the bar.

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