In fact, Roger's situation was not as dangerous as he thought.

With the Heart of the Deep Sea Amulet to save his life, as long as the AOE type of divine power explosion could not kill him in one second, he would be immortal.

Of course, there is a difference between immortality and invincibility.

What if the Seven Gods Church has a backup plan to continue to target the North City Camp?

What if he is too weak and can't withstand the first wave of divine power explosion?

After all, the player used to be a thug of the Seven Gods camp, and he knew very well that those fanatics would not treat you as a human being when they were ruthless.

Roger thought that it was always right to be steady. Now was not the time for him to come out, and there was no SL method in the real world.

It was so unfair that he finally got back on track, but was destroyed by the Seven Gods Church and became a description on Angelina's belongings.

He couldn't run away, so he immediately called his two big backers.

Blood Mom didn't respond to him.

The system responded immediately as always.

And it also intelligently cast a small time-pause barrier on Roger.

This fully shows that women are unreliable, only the system is YYD, who should I hold tightly to? !

Roger looked at the divine power storm in front of him, which was frozen into bloody ripples, and his face was ugly.

He smelled the smell of death, saw the human body that was blown to pieces, and his stomach was cramping.

The system opened the seven treasure chests he had worked so hard to accumulate:

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Okagi 001 set (unlimited number)."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Phoenix Blood Marrow Potion."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Long-distance Boots."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the God-level Tea Ceremony."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Multivitamin Tablets."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Four-ring Spells Ten-choice Three Gift Pack."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Master-level Veronica Royal Swordsmanship."

The random treasure chest lived up to its name of randomness. Roger had new skills and some extra items...

Others had the Desert Eagle with unlimited bullets, and he had an endless umbrella...

The combat power was so different, wasn't it?

"It's a pity that there is still no reward that directly increases magic power..."

Roger was helpless.

In fact, the Royal Swordsmanship of Veronica from the previous dynasty was also a very powerful skill in the game.

But these skills were not compatible with his super mental power and could not immediately form combat power.

Without magic power, let alone the four-ring spells, he couldn't even cast the first-ring spells.

However, there was still a surprise in this unboxing. There was a powerful item that made Roger feel that he had a promising future:

[Phoenix Blood Marrow Potion: A special potion made from the blood of seven phoenixes. After taking it, you will receive the blessing of Nirvana. After your lifespan is naturally exhausted or you die unexpectedly, you will receive the Phoenix blood talent that can grow, and advanced fire affinity/advanced fire immunity. 】

In the Eternal Night World, the phoenix is ​​considered a powerful monster at the same level as the dragon.

It takes seven to refine this small tube of phoenix blood marrow, which shows how precious it is.

Its Nirvana blessing special effect is also quite powerful.

It's spring brother in the original place, and killing me will make me stronger.

With advanced fire affinity, Roger is not a useless brother. He can accumulate fire magic power even when he sleeps.

This is the way that monsters and warlocks become stronger from the power of blood.

Just like a storm gathering, it must be as early as possible.

So without hesitation, Roger drank the Phoenix Blood Marrow Potion.

A hot stream like a flame slid through his esophagus, and he felt himself burning.

Then it turned into energy in his limbs and bones and hid in his body.

This should be the blessing of nirvana provided by the potion.

After confirming that the potion was effective, Roger took off the Heart of the Deep Sea Amulet and put it into the space ring.

For a young man who longs for power, knowing that he can become stronger after resurrection, why should he fear death?

As he finished this action, the time pause ended.

Looking at the storm of divine power coming, Roger was not afraid or panicked, but straightened his chest.

Come, face me head-on! Tear me apart!

I, Lord Dio, will be reborn in nirvana and then directly become a god!


Suddenly heard a loud shout, Roger's eyes blurred.

Little Joey Barton flashed to his side through short-distance teleportation.

In addition to her excellent command ability, she can suppress many men as a woman. Little Joey is also a powerful magician.

She already has the strength of a magician.

When the explosion occurred, she subconsciously looked for Lord Dio.

Then she saw him in danger, still fearless.

Although little Joey was still angry, her heart was still trembling.

Such a hero, even if I can't get it, I must never let the Seven Gods Church hurt me!

Aren't the imperial soldiers there to protect such people?

So she completely ignored her personal safety, risked teleporting, and then opened the magic shield to protect the two.

Then a series of protective magic fell on Roger.

She didn't care about herself, thinking that with her equipment and magic power, she could withstand this wave of explosions.

But she misjudged the damage of the fanatics summoning the power of God.

When the storm of divine power came, her magic shield was no different from paper, and it was torn apart in an instant.

Her equipment and magic shield were even weaker.

The power of the God of Nature is not the strongest in terms of frontal destructive ability, but it has terrible adhesion.

It's like having onychomycosis, one will infect two...

Anyway, it's not difficult to deal with it if it gets on you.

Roger had protective magic and buffs that Joey had stacked up for him, so he withstood the damage without breaking his shield.

But Joey was eroded by divine power. Although he tried to suppress it with magic, it was obvious that the divine power was of a higher rank, and in turn devoured her magic as nutrients, destroying her body crazily!

In just a moment, Joey's body exploded countless times, and countless bones broke. She vomited blood and fell into Roger's arms.

Roger hugged her subconsciously, and was still a little slow to react.

Alas, I'm not dead?

Girl, are you an undercover agent of the Church of the Seven Gods? Why did you interrupt my nirvana?

Do you know that if I die accidentally, I can get rid of the name of waste, and then get rid of the job of Minister of History, and don't have to compete with Blood Mom?

Don't tell me that such an outrageous thing as love at first sight will also happen to me?

But the next second, the raging divine power storm stopped, and seeing the scene in front of him, he no longer had time to think about these things.

The detached state of mind lying flat was shattered into glass shards because of the sudden attack of the fanatics.

The self-explosion of these fanatics is not comparable to a small nuclear bomb, but at least a large-yield fuel-air bomb.

The camp in the north of the city has become a deep pit after the storm of divine power swept through.

There is not a single complete building, and incomplete corpses are everywhere.

There are also strong people in the military, but they are often in the center of the explosion, severely eroded by divine power, constantly devouring their magic power, and falling to the ground wailing in pain...

The holy divine power still flashes with residual light, illuminating the most dazzling river of blood.

Purgatory on earth is nothing more than this.

No matter how real the games and movies are, they are still fake, and they can't present even a fraction of the hell scene Roger saw with his own eyes at this moment.

Not long ago, he saw the Queen of Eternal Night first grasp the divine power and draw a positive word on her leg, showing the creativity of this power.

Now, he has seen the most violent and cruel destructive power of divine power. No one below the level of magician can survive such an explosion.

Those who survived were also eroded by the power of God and were in critical condition.

Fear, anger, powerlessness, nausea...

The food he had eaten before came gushing out, and he knelt on the ground and vomited...

The historian talked big about unlimited warfare, but in fact he was just an ordinary person born in peacetime, and this was the first time he faced a real battlefield.

Humans are too weak in the face of gods, even if they are just lambs of gods.

Suddenly a small hand touched his face, stopping Roger from falling into the abyss of fear and blood.

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