Year three of the Eternal Night Calendar, Qingteng Empire, the City of Mysteries.

On an ordinary morning, in a luxurious manor in the upper city, maids were busy coming in and out.

In only one luxurious bedroom, Roger, with black hair and black eyes, slept in the shape of a "too" character, with a satisfied smile on his handsome face.

It must have been a beautiful dream.

After a long time, when the sun was high, he finally woke up after a good sleep.

"Ding, lie down. The system detected that the host was emotionally stable yesterday and got a random treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"


"Open successfully, the host gets 100 units of original mental power!"

Roger only felt a stream of heat pouring into his head from the void, and the world became much clearer.

"Can this also be strengthened? You are worthy of it, system!"

Roger was overjoyed.

Mental power and magic power are the two major indicators for judging the strength of a magician.

Magic power determines the upper limit of mana and magic power, and mental power determines spell penetration and spell recovery speed.

Both can be cultivated through meditation, but it is difficult to improve mental power, and I have never heard of any means of strengthening with medicine or rituals.

So mental power often becomes the bottleneck for magicians to upgrade.

But now, the system can actually increase mental power directly?

It is really omnipotent.

"It is so good to lie down all the time..."

Roger Charles, 18 years old this year, is a famous useless young master in the empire.

But since yesterday, he has another identity, a game video up master from Earth!

The soul masterpiece "Eternal Night" that has been waiting for five years has finally been released. Roger has been working hard for a month and cleared all the side quests and hidden plots.

While ordinary players are still trying to use the game's ultra-high degree of freedom, trying to conquer popular characters such as Blood Mom, Saint An, and Destiny Mentor, and forcibly building cars in serious games...

As a "Eternalist", Roger has analyzed the world view and experienced the horror of the gods in this world, those desperate malice...

And the truth that is completely opposite to the main line!

Roger is going to take a break, so he will make a few in-depth analysis videos to cheat coins and shock the stupid netizens.

As a result, when he woke up, Roger was shocked!

He actually traveled to the game world of "Eternal Night", which was ten years before the main plot began!

He is not the protagonist.

He is not the final villain that is popular in recent novels and comics.

He is just one of the subordinates of the final villain of the game, the Queen of Eternal Night, and the younger brother of the right prime minister of the Qingteng Empire and the Duchess Angelina.

A person who did not even live to the beginning of the game and only existed in the background of Angelina's personal belongings.

Cannon fodder that could not be more marginal.

Fortunately, there is a [Lie Flat System] when Roger traveled with him.

As long as he eats and waits for death, maintains his current life of a playboy, and always acts as a useless brother, the system will send him a random treasure chest every day.

He opened the mental power enhancement on the first day. I guess if he continues to lie flat to open the box, he will soon be able to stack up legendary combat power and be full of artifacts, right?

But even with the system, Roger is very stable and is not ready to go out.

He planned to lie down in the Duke's Mansion for ten years, and then come out depending on the situation...

First of all, the empire he was in was a villain camp, and he would definitely lose once the plot started!

Secondly, Roger didn't survive until the beginning of the game, which means that he had a fatal crisis in these ten years and must be treated with caution.

The main task of "Eternal Night" is to kill the Queen of Eternal Night and overthrow the tyranny of the empire.

Roger is familiar with the big and small plots, and it is easy for him to mix into the protagonist group.

With the protagonist's halo and the help of the gods, he can open a prophet cheat, and get a perfect ending. Isn't it enough to have a hand?

But after a deep understanding of the world of Eternal Night, Roger admired the Queen of Eternal Night who had just drawn her sword to the gods, and was more inclined to the heroic empire that died standing up.

Because the gods are bastards, and the protagonists are brainless guns...

But Roger didn't want to die!

Appreciation is appreciation, and it's hard to live again. The fate of the empire is difficult to change. He doesn't want to give his life to the gods for nothing.

So first, just lie down here in the Duke's Mansion, reduce your presence, and don't let the protagonists and the gods think about it...

After the plot begins, help the empire if you have the chance.

If you don't have the chance, he will rely on the strength of the lying system reward, pull his sister to another place, and continue to lie down shamelessly!

With a squeak.

The door of Roger's bedroom was pushed open.

A beautiful girl with blue hair walked in.

She is about 1.65 meters tall, with clear blue eyes.

This is a bright face that can make the North Pole blow spring breeze.

Angelina Charles, Roger's sister, the right prime minister of the empire!

Beside the Queen of Eternal Night, the only imperial steward who can suppress her murderous aura.

She has saved countless people, including letting the protagonists go several times.

So players call her "Saint Ann", and the image of a blue-haired maid is also very touching.

At this moment, Angelina walked to the bed with a stern face and scolded:

"Roger, why are you still sleeping in?"

"Sister, why did you come in suddenly?"

Roger quickly pulled the quilt over his body in underwear.

"Her Majesty is coming to the mansion, you should get up and dress!"

"She can come if she wants, I just need to stay at home."

"Her Majesty specifically asked to see the young master of Charles's family and confer a title on you, do you dare not go?"

"Of course I... dare not."

Roger could only get up and dress.

The Queen of Eternal Night is cruel to her enemies and her subordinates.

The best outcome of disobeying her orders is death.

Angelina stepped forward to help him.

Roger is a nerd, how could he be so close to such a beautiful girl in reality?

And Angelina, the Right Chancellor of the Empire, obviously rarely does this kind of job of serving people.

One is evasive and the other is not good at business.

Not only were their clothes in a mess, the two of them lost their balance and fell into the soft bed together.

In my arms is the saint's soft body, and my nose is filled with the faint fragrance of orchids...

Roger's mind went blank for a few seconds before he pushed her away in shame:

"Sister, I can dress myself, don't make trouble!"

Angelina was stunned for a moment. Shouldn't she be the one who is embarrassed at this moment?

How dare this little bastard attack first!

She struggled to prop herself up on his chest, her face flushed, and she pretended to be disgusted and said:

"My little brother, you are still as stupid as you were when you were a kid... Be good, don't move around, let me help you."

She laughed.

The gentle face exudes the light of holiness.

That almost saintly light made it impossible to refuse any of her requests.

Roger also fell into the trap.

This is much better than CG!

He was like a wooden puppet, raising his legs and arms under Angelina's instructions, letting her work on him.

Get dressed and do your hair.

Angelina nodded with satisfaction, feeling a great sense of accomplishment in dressing up the doll.

Although my younger brother is useless, he is so handsome!

Alas, Zaizai, who I worked so hard to raise, will get a little advantage from me in the future...

"Sister, why are you pinching me suddenly?"

"I'm your sister. I can pinch you if you want. I'm the biggest in this house!"

She hummed unreasonably, a little unhappy.

Roger was puzzled.

From the second dimension to the third dimension, the goddess also became crazy!

But my sister is a duchess, so she is really big.

I just did a crash test, is there D?

After all, only I can see that the Right Chancellor of the Empire, who is always convincing with reason and eloquent, has a willful and domineering little woman side...

It seems pretty fragrant?

In front of Charles House.

Angelina and Roger were the leaders, followed by hundreds of family servants, waiting for the arrival of the Queen of Evernight.

The light shimmered slightly, and a 1.75-meter-tall woman wearing a gorgeous gold and red robe teleported directly to her!

Because she is so strong, she doesn't need any guards when traveling, and she doesn't care about the pomp and circumstance.

The woman has blond hair as bright as the sun, a peerless face, a naturally charming figure, and a skin more delicate than that of a girl.

It's a pity that the aura is strong and sharp as a knife, which can suppress any blasphemy.

With just pure magic power, she can offset gravity and look down at everyone in mid-air.

At this moment, Roger realized what the majesty of an emperor is.

In the game, you can also have a daydream about the standing paintings.

Facing myself at this moment, surpassing the momentum of the legendary strong man, I feel so terrifying!

Although she was only one person, she made everyone present kneel down involuntarily:

"See Her Majesty the Queen!"

This is the Lord of the Ivy Empire, the most powerful person in the world, the Queen of Evernight!

"Flat body."

Queen Yongye waved her hand gently.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in her mind without warning:

[Oh my god, Bloody Mom is so horny and strong, I’m going to blow it! 】

[But how can she wear leggings? The most basic trust between people is gone! 】

[What a pity that such a woman is not tolerated by the gods...]

"Who knows the secret between me and the gods?"

Queen Yongye felt a turmoil in her heart and stood frozen in mid-air.

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