(According to Jian Tie’s suggestion, the magic fertilizer was changed to magic fertilizer)

Outside the political hall.

As time passed, Angelina became more and more anxious.

In her opinion, this hall is like a monster that chooses and devours people. After her brother entered, he lost sight of her.

Except for the sound of Queen Yongye slamming the table at the beginning, she couldn't hear anything else that happened next.

Especially what happened last night, facing the unknown and scaring yourself is sometimes the scariest thing.

Angelina already had a vision in her mind of her best friend splitting her brother into pieces, and then trying to put it back together again, with her arms and legs misplaced...

Angelina saw the door of the political hall open and the handsome and extraordinary young man came out.

Hey, Your Majesty's effort is quite complete.

Roger has black hair and black eyes. He is wearing a straight dark blue dress and his hair is meticulously taken care of. He looks like he has been smart since he was a child.

There was a lazy smile on his face, and his walking posture was quite arrogant, without any respect or low-keyness for the palace.

Forget it, this stinky brother will be like this for the rest of his life, as long as he can still breathe.

Seeing him come out with all his beard and tail, Angelina let out a sigh of relief and no longer bothered to pick on his lack of aristocratic etiquette.

And from the looks of it, he must have successfully obtained the official position he wanted from the Queen...

I finally raised my brother, so I don’t have to worry about him starving to death without me!

Roger was slightly surprised to see Angelina waiting outside the palace.

Then my heart felt warm.

It feels good to be cared about and cared about.

At least he wasn't alone in this other world.

However, knowing Saint Ann's mother-in-law, Roger didn't want her to create a "reunion after death" atmosphere here.

Too sticky and awkward.

This woman is saddened by spring and autumn. Even trivial things can affect you when you were three years old and wore open crotch pants.

Therefore, Roger strode up to Angelina and spoke proactively:

"Sister, oh, I won, and our family will not be short of money from now on!"

In one sentence, Angelina's sentiments flew out of the sky.

Her beautiful eyes widened, and she raised her leg and kicked him gently on the calf: "Why didn't our family lack money before? Besides, have I ever wronged you?"

He didn't want to use too much force, but Roger still cooperated and made a grinning expression.

Angelina was helpless.

Girls always want to vent their emotional needs, but this heartless brat didn't give him a chance.

Hey, it would be nice to have a younger sister!

She could only ask: "Lord Roger, can you tell me what official you are now?"

Roger's expression calmed, he put one hand on his hip and raised a metal token that was dark black and seemed to hide the light of thousands of stars.

I just heard him say proudly with his head held high:

"We, the patrol guards of the eight prefectures, hold the eternal night order, monitor the whole country, kill the wise kings at the top, and kill the virtuous ministers at the bottom!"


Angelina's eyelids twitched.

Good guy, all the wise kings and wise ministers have been killed. Are you afraid that the Ivy Empire is not in chaos?

There is a great eunuch in Veronica's dynasty, who claims to be 90,000 years old. None of them can cause trouble like you!

However, what Roger said was unreliable, but the Eternal Night Order in his hand was definitely genuine.

This made Angelina confused:

Did His Majesty really give this bastard a great position? He even gave him the Yong Ye Order and wasted it?

The Yongye Order is a special order issued by Queen Yongye after she ascended the throne to ensure that the governors and generals outside can successfully command those proud soldiers and local nobles.

It is known as "Seeing orders is like seeing me", which is similar to the ancient Shangfang sword in the East.

In principle, the holder has the right to kill first and report later, relying on the supreme authority of the Queen of Evernight to achieve cross-level jurisdiction and facilitate wartime deployment.

The Eternal Night Orders are accompanied by missions. As the number of powerful enemies around them gradually decreases, these are the Eternal Night Orders that are still out there, no more than one hand.

The stinky brother can actually have a permanent night order in his hands?

What, sister, I haven’t even gotten it!

"How can the empire have any inspectors of the Eight Prefectures? Tell me honestly, how on earth did you deceive His Majesty?"

But the elder sister is still an elder sister. When she saw her younger brother talking nonsense, she directly held up his ears and "tortured him".

Roger had no intention of hiding it from her. "New Arcane" was going to be distributed throughout the empire, so he couldn't hide it at all.

He told Angelina everything about his intention to serve as the president of the magazine.

Of course, I omitted the provocative tactics and character building that I used to deceive the Queen of Yongye.

If you are disrespectful to Queen Yong Ye, you will definitely be taught a lesson by Yu Zhong's sister.

"Magic? This is a good idea. If it can really feed the people of the empire, it will be a great thing. But if you try to transform magic like this, you will be scolded by the magicians..."

After listening to Roger's thoughts, Angelina fell into thinking and her beautiful brows furrowed.

She doesn't know magic, but she knows magicians.

The Queen of Evernight is full of martial virtue, and the imperial magicians who follow her example naturally pursue the ultimate in combat effectiveness.

Faster, higher, stronger.

This is the motto proposed by the legendary mage, the Light of the Olympics, Henri Martin Didon thousands of years ago.

It is still regarded as a motto by countless magicians.

We meditate and practice in order to become a strong person, not to strive to be a "weak person".

Therefore, if a magic is weakened, it is simply a heresy and an evil way!

If Roger becomes the originator of such heretical ideas, he will inevitably be boycotted by the magicians.

Especially since the empire ended its state of total war not long ago, local wars have never stopped. Promotion based on military merit is the mainstream thinking of magicians.

The core idea of ​​"New Arcana" is to hope that magicians will shift from combat positions to production and research and development positions...

This is certainly beneficial to the country and the people, but I'm afraid the magician will curse Roger to death, right?

It would be difficult to handle this matter even with Queen Yongye.

At that time, Roger will only be regarded as a sycophant who brought disaster to the country and the people, and crooked the Queen, and he will be scolded even worse...

Roger looked at the change in Angelina's expression and knew that she had foreseen the wave of opposition that would arise after the release of "New Arcana" and began to worry about him.

He was going to say something to comfort his sister.

But he saw her little hand pressing hard on his shoulder.

"Brother, be brave and do it. I am proud of you!"

Angelina stared at Roger affectionately, her voice filled with emotion as if she had a brother like this, what could a sister ask for?

Roger forced an extremely ugly smile: "Sister, have you even thought of a eulogy for me?"

"Your Majesty is so kind to you. Our Charles family must be loyal to your Majesty. When the time comes, I will definitely help you make it a success!"

"Sister, thank you!"

Roger couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought my sister would dissuade me, but she actually asked me to work harder.

My brother was killed by a heretic, no!

My brother is loyal to the country, okay!

Is this the loyalty of the ancients?

Can't afford to love, can't afford to love!

But thinking on the bright side, at least Angelina did not object to him doing something that transcended the times and challenged traditional authority, but gave him her full support.

This is already considered a good sister.

Although her starting point is a bit strange, the result is good...

Of course, Angelina's mother-in-law and advice are also important.

"Although there is an eternal night order, it cannot be used indiscriminately. Our Charles family is all about convincing people with reason."

"I know, I know."

"Don't take bribes, bend the law, or abuse power for personal gain, otherwise I will be the first to report you!"

"I know, I know."

"Don't be afraid when things happen, but you can't offend all the courtiers, and you have to be tactful occasionally."

"I know, I know."

"Would you like me to help you arrange a younger sibling? From now on, I will love my little nephew..."

Roger really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Are you too pessimistic?

Behind me is the Queen of Evernight, does anyone dare to assassinate me?

Oh, it should really happen.

Without the blessing of Nirvana, I have to build a private guard to protect my life...

Little Joey, come and report, I really need your protection this time!

However, Roger still respected his sister and asked:

"Sister, the sister-in-law you are talking about, is she beautiful?"



Angelina gave her a hard slap on the forehead.

It happened to be where Queen Yong Ye hit her, it was so painful!

"Work hard for Your Majesty and don't think about those messy and dirty things. The magazine hasn't even published one issue yet. How dare you start a family?"

Angelina felt that he was almost drooling over the word "brother and sister", and suddenly she was in a bad mood.

After beating someone, he ran away, not wanting to see this stinky brother at all!

Roger looked at her back, aggrieved.

Very aggrieved.

It was obviously you who brought up the matter of my siblings first, why did you hit me?

Smelly women, all of them are uncertain, do you really think I won’t fight back?

If you beat someone randomly again, I will still protest, meowo(一︿一+)o!

[Traveling insoles: light, breathable, extremely comfortable, guided to the marked home plane coordinates in five seconds (CD: 40 minutes, left and right insoles are calculated independently)]

This is a pair of magic items that Roger got from opening the Ten Treasure Box early this morning.

With its red shape and familiar functions, Roger felt that these were just like the flying shoes in a certain MOBA game...

However, is the insole the main body?

Although it is full of flaws, it cannot be denied that this is a very powerful alchemy item, which is equivalent to the two teleportation arrays that Roger carries with him now.

Rounding off, this is ten thousand gold coins!

Moreover, it is produced by the system, there is no false advertising, and these insoles are super comfortable.

It automatically adapts to all types and shapes of shoes, provides a familiar feeling of stepping on shit, and also comes with an anti-gravity function.

Even heavy leather boots with hard soles are comparable to top-notch jogging shoes. From then on, I walked like the wind!

This simply makes people suspect that these insoles are equipped with black technology...

Oh no, it's black magic!

Roger used his travel insole to return directly from Xinghan Palace to Charles Mansion.

Then he didn't go far when he came to a manor in the noble district, which was one-third the size of their Duke's Palace.

This is an estate belonging to the Shelley family.

The main body is a four-story building, and there are several gorgeous single-family buildings in the Shelley I period style, which are well maintained.

In the delicate little box that Queen Yongye smashed over, in addition to the Yongye Order, there was also the title deed of this manor.

Roger naturally understood that this was the office location given to "New Arcana" magazine by the Queen.

As expected of His Majesty, who is "not generous with rewards" as my sister said, he will give away a manor worth more than one million gold coins as soon as he says...

Alas, what’s with this urge to not work hard and beg His Majesty to adopt me?

Roger, accompanied by his butler, toured the estate.

He feels that the layout does not need to be significantly changed, and the magazine can start work directly after adding household and office supplies.

The butler wrote down Roger's requests one by one, and then asked for instructions: "Sir, please give the manor a name."

Roger understood that this should be the Queen's order.

Naturally, the Shelley family was too lazy to name this small garden, but the birthplace of a magazine that changed the times must be recorded in history.

Roger was also a bad namer, and finally decided to plagiarize the wisdom of his predecessors. He hesitated and said: "How about Yinbingzhuang?"

"I don't understand. Your Majesty just wants you to be happy."

"Then let's drink at Bingzhuang!"

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements."

The name of the study room of a great reform sage was Yin Bingshi. He wrote many famous articles, some of which were selected into Chinese textbooks and inspired many people.

Now Roger is publishing "New Arcana" in the Ivy Empire, and what he is doing is using this name, asking himself whether he has disgraced the name of his ancestors.

The earliest word for "drinking ice" comes from "Zhuangzi: Human World", "Now I am ordered to drink ice at night, how can I feel the heat in my body?".

The general idea is that the responsibility on my body is too heavy, my heart is anxious and uncomfortable, and I need to eat ice to cool down.

When explaining to the outside world, it can also be said that he is serious about promoting "New Arcana" and is not just looking for an easy job to lie down...

Although this kind of innovative thinking is really effortless for a traveler who is very different from the world of eternal night.

Just casually releasing some advanced theories, progressive ideas, and opposing viewpoints can make the magicians of this era noisy to the sky.

From political affairs to academic discussions, to the decisive battle at the top of arcana, he believed that the magicians of the Ivy Empire would definitely fall in love with his magazine, which gave them a platform to discuss national affairs...

This kind of persecution is not empty talk that harms the country.

It's that the theory that Roger couldn't grasp, combined with the reality of the Ivy Empire, has the possibility of being implemented.

Roger also wants to fly red flags all over the world, fast forward to a time when there are no immortal emperors.

But that is unrealistic. As long as those thoughts dare to appear, the emperor will not let him go without the gods coming to him.

I trust you so much, and you actually want to kill me?


Moreover, the education level and ideological consciousness of the people in this world are not enough to support a more advanced social form.

Just like giving Uncle Black unlimited supplies, they will not create rich and splendid fruits of civilization, they will only use bullets as firecrackers and kill each other.

You can imagine what those black-skinned basketball stars usually do when they get rich.

The magical civilization in this world is very splendid, and the nobles are elegant and intelligent, but the education level of the people at the bottom is not as good as Uncle Black.

As we all know, productivity determines production relations.

The Iron-Blooded Queen coupled with centralized power is the most suitable administrative system for the Ivy Empire at present.

However, Queen Yongye relied on force and commanding ability, and took the route of military conquest to create an unprecedented vast land in the Ivy Empire.

At best, she is the female version of Genghis Khan, but she really does not have the BT template of Zulong.

Even with the help of Angelina, the internal affairs ability is not satisfactory in the eyes of the Chinese people. It can only create external pressure to divert domestic conflicts, and the method is very crude.

The Queen's economic policy is more simple and crude:

Has the domestic construction of wonders led to financial constraints?

Hit another big dog and move the national treasury to fill the deficit!

The foundation of "New Arcane" was successful, gaining the support of the Queen of Evernight, and temporarily restraining her violent tendencies.

After the battle with the Orc King is over, there should be a period of recuperation, right?

So, the goal of the first phase of "New Arcane" is that there is no need to discuss production relations, just liberate the productive forces first.

That is how to start the magic industrial revolution through ideological innovation.

If I didn’t arouse the enthusiasm of magicians for debate from the first issue, attract the attention of magicians with headlines, and then directly criticize the ancient and arcane schools, how could I keep the traffic?

A smile appeared on Roger's lips.

The preface of the first issue must be full of fire!

Although the preface must be signed by the Empress of Evernight, with her temper, someone would just have fun writing it for her, right?

Roger wrote the preface title to The New Arcana:

Learning magic cannot save the people of the Empire!

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