The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 71: The freeloader queen, embarrassing herself online (1/2)

On this day, the Queen of Eternal Night made another move in the Kanbusak Desert after three years, and defeated 100,000 elites of the Wolf Tribe of the Orc Wolf Clan.

On this day, Princess Tashika personally went to the front line to lead the multi-tribe coalition forces, declaring that she would resist the Qingteng Empire's front.

On this day, Shadi Veronica returned to the city where she was born two years ahead of schedule, found the old ministers of the previous dynasty, and established the Tianming Army.

On this day, the discussion of the "New Arcane" by the imperial magicians reached its peak again, and many people took action to verify the above article or find examples to refute it.

On this day, a young man kept his lying down mentality again through self-hypnosis and got his favorite treasure chest...

A small butterfly flapping its wings can create a storm. Any change made by the behemoth Qingteng Empire will radiate its influence to the entire continent.

The changing trend of the situation is completely different from the original timeline of this world.

The seven gods watched all this, but they did not think that such a change would be a real threat, and they were temporarily unwilling to invest more chips to interfere with this world.

There are more battles in the entire multiverse that deserve their attention.

In the evening, in the mysterious city, Yinbingzhuang.

Roger cooked for himself, and then prepared to enjoy a dinner for two in Xiao Qiao's room.

Xiao Qiao's heart was about to melt.

In this era, the nobles had countless maids and servants to serve them in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Which noble lord would cook for himself?

Even that luxury, he had to be served when eating, and he was almost too lazy to eat by himself.

So in the eyes of Xiao Qiao, Roger was simply full of romance, even more intoxicating than the prince described by the bard, which seemed common in later generations.

No, he was more handsome than the prince!

His status was no worse than that of an ordinary prince, and he was so gentle and considerate, and he also attracted his goddess to come to me...

This is a perfect male god, and it's a win to grab him!

Xiao Qiao felt that her life had reached an unprecedented peak of happiness at this moment.

Except for the fact that she couldn't show such a boyfriend to her bestie because of the identity confidentiality regulations, everything else was perfect.

Of course, the most important point is that the food on this table is really delicious.

There is absolutely no forced romance by some young couples, and they have created a tragic scene of "I personally poisoned you to eat".

Even in the modern Earth with developed productivity, Chinese food is extremely competitive all over the world and has conquered the stomachs of countless people.

In the Middle Ages, when the nobles were considered to have a roast lamb during the Chinese New Year, even if Roger did not make any big dishes, the home-cooked dishes were already at the level of slaughter.

To be honest, because of the existence of magic in this world, the development of animals and plants is better than that on Earth, and there are actually innate advantages in raw materials.

For example, the descendants of the Super God Pig, with the help of magic, the first generation has been slaughtered, and the nobles have priority to enjoy.

Roger has a lot of stock here. After all, Dio is still the nominal director of the Saint Tabella Pig Farm, and the factory and pig pens are designed by him personally.

Is it considered a backdoor to buy some limited pork without limit?

Roger brought the last pot of mutton meatball soup to the table, sat down to appreciate the fruits of his labor, and couldn't help showing satisfaction.

[I also miss the taste of Earth! Isn't my cooking better than the imperial chef's? ]

"It seems I've come at the right time."

Just at this moment, a slightly cold voice came from outside the door.

Without asking for permission from the owner of the room, the Queen of Eternal Night smelled the fragrance and pushed the door open.

This bastard has disliked the imperial chef in the palace more than once or twice. Today, I really want to taste his cooking skills!

"Your Majesty!"

Roger and Little Joey got up quickly, secretly guessing that His Majesty had come back directly from the front line?

Little Joey's expression was even more excited than when he first met the Queen of Eternal Night that night.

It's the military uniform, Your Majesty, I'm ready!

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night was wearing an imperial military uniform, a majestic blood-red cloak, and embellished with gorgeous commander medals and ribbons.

There was a long phoenix tail feather on the military cap, a ceremonial sword hanging from her waist, and a pair of translucent gloves woven from blood-hell spider silk.

There still seemed to be a smell of gunpowder and blood on her body, and you could vaguely see her heroic figure showing her might on the front line and killing countless enemies.

Although the Queen of Eternal Night is a magician, she has always been a "follow me" commander, not a "come on" commander.

Because of this, her status in the hearts of the imperial soldiers is so high, and she has countless fanatical fans.

It was also the first time that Roger saw the Queen of Eternal Night dressed like this, and his eyes were amazed.

There are also cutscenes in the game where the Queen of Eternal Night attacks the Tianming Army, but at that time the Queen of Eternal Night was seriously injured, the enemy was also strong, and the magic equipment on her body was far more than the current dress.

There is more murderous aura, but not enough gorgeousness.

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night defeated the Wolf tribe and returned triumphantly, proud, sharp, and a little reserved.

This is the proudest posture of an invincible king, and there is nothing in the world that can stop her.

This kind of courageous and conquering spirit is also the unique charm of Ms. Octavia Shelley.

She is much more beautiful and intoxicating than when she is trapped in domestic affairs.

Roger and Little Joey's reactions made the Queen of Eternal Night look proud for a moment.

The little devil who complains about me every day, at least his aesthetic taste is not biased, and he knows what is good-looking!

She waved her hand:

"No need to be polite, sit down and eat together."

There was a chair on each side of the square table, where young couples would sit opposite each other, chatting and eating, enjoying a quiet night.

But at this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night came again. She bent her fingers slightly, and Roger's chair was pulled under her by an instant magician's hand.

She sat directly between the two of them.

At the same time, the set of clean tableware that Roger had not used yet also floated in front of the Queen.

In the worldview of the Queen of Eternal Night, the ministers' belongings belong to her. I eat your food because I give you face.

If it were an ordinary minister, such as Xiao Qiao and Angelina, they would definitely feel extremely honored.

Even if there was only half a piece of bread left, they would be willing to give it to the Queen to eat first...

Of course, whether the Queen would be willing to eat it or not is still a question.

But Roger is not a normal minister.

He wanted to spend time alone tonight, and it would be best to find an opportunity to continue the physiological hygiene class that was delayed by the Queen of Eternal Night.

As a result, there was romance, atmosphere, and Xiao Qiao was moved by the cooking and food.

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night descended from the sky and became the absolute protagonist of this room.

[Is this woman a light bulb? How come she always comes so punctually? ]

[Your Majesty, no one invited you to dinner, why are you acting like you are back in your own palace? ]

[Hey, that's my chair, that's my tableware, if I can't beat you, I will make you bleed seven steps! ]

Roger's heart seemed to be running wildly with more than 10,000 grass mud horses.

On the surface, he had to show a gesture of no complaints, joy and gratitude, and welcome the Queen of Eternal Night to inspect the work...

He was not happy, but Xiao Qiaoyi was very excited.

She had been completely conquered by the Queen of Military Uniforms and unlocked the fangirl ex mode.

Roger stared at Xiao Qiaoyi for a long time with a wronged look, trying to make her realize how outrageous it was for the Queen of Eternal Night to come uninvited.

Unfortunately, Xiao Qiaoyi did not understand the hint of his eyes at all.

Instead, he was more interested in the battle of the Queen of Eternal Night on the front line.

She regretted that she didn't have the chance to see the Queen's heroic figure in person, nor did she participate in the spectacular battle of more than 100,000 troops.

Compared with the orc tribe, the bandits and the rebel army faced by the "Restoration Army" were nothing but rotten fish and shrimps?

Roger: Baby is wronged, and baby is bitter.

He sighed secretly, thinking that if he and the Queen fell into the river at the same time, Little Joey would definitely save the Queen of Eternal Night first, right...

Forget it, let's go learn to swim by ourselves┗(T﹏T)┛

He could only summon the servants of Yinbingzhuang, add a chair and a set of tableware for himself, and then sit down to eat.

[On this bleak night when no one pays attention, only food can warm my stomach. ]

He didn't know that the Queen of Eternal Night heard all his inner voices, and listened very seriously.

Hum, it's finally your turn to be uncomfortable!

You deserve it!

You were the first to commit the sin of laziness, which made me so uncomfortable that night, and now it's your turn!

The Queen of Eternal Night didn't realize that she seemed to be chatting with Little Joey, but her main attention was actually on Roger.

On the surface, she was very happy because of his low mood, but she didn't think deeply about what kind of meaning was hidden behind her excessive attention.

She had won a big victory on the front line and wanted to share the joy of victory with others, so she found Roger along the right character on her leg.

As a result, when she came back, she saw two people eating dinner happily, while she could only blow the cold wind outside the house, and was disliked for her poor cooking?

So, she made a decisive decision to go and eat for free to see how good you are!

I killed the enemy for the country, can't I eat your meal?

As for destroying the atmosphere? Oh, I was careless, I really don't understand those.

As a result, when they started eating...

"Well, this is delicious, this is delicious too! This is especially delicious!"

The speed at which the Queen of Eternal Night waved the spoon fully demonstrated her recognition of Roger's cooking skills.

Is this the food on Earth? Is this the taste that Roger, my beloved, misses?

Magic is above, the people on Earth are too good at eating, right?

My dear Roger, tell me where the Earth is. I want to establish trade with it and attract chefs to improve the dark cuisine of the empire!

The wonderful experience on the taste buds made the Queen of Eternal Night feel that the door to a whole new world was opening to her!

She saw, I tasted, and I ate it all!

She ate like a whirlwind and swallowed the mountains and rivers!

A hair stood up on the head of the Queen of Eternal Night. Although she was a magician, she had the physique of a top magician.

It's just that magic power would maintain the consumption of the body's operation on weekdays, and food supply was not necessary.

But if she really let go of eating, she didn't need to worry about getting fat at all, and she had the hope of eating as much as King Arthur of Great Britain.

In other words, the basic metabolism of the strong is terribly high, and the calories from overeating are consumed casually.

The Queen of Eternal Night ate so crazily, and Xiao Qiao naturally saw that her idol liked to eat the dishes cooked by Roger.

After tasting every dish, even if she thought it was delicious, she took the initiative to put down her knife and fork.

Your Majesty, please eat first.

Roger smiled, but he was thinking strangely:

[Your Majesty, you look so handsome while eating, I guess you are as good at killing people, right? ]

[However, how can you eat for free? The host didn't eat much, but you, the guest, just took it all? ]

[Please, you are the queen, don't act so ignorant. Do you have to eat a few home-cooked dishes like this? ]

[Blubbery blood mother, shame on you online! You said that if you saw a full banquet of Manchu and Han Dynasty, as well as Northern and Southern delicacies, wouldn’t you immediately become a glutton? 】

These thoughts of his reminded Queen Yongye.

Yes, I am the queen!

The majestic Queen feels that she is not satisfied with the food, does she need to restrain herself? Then we have to let the cook continue cooking!

She asked with a smile: "Roger, my dear, these dishes are very much to my liking. I'll make three more dishes of each dish and make a dozen new variations. Is that okay?"

Roger declined: "Your Majesty, it's getting late. Eating too much will hurt your stomach..."

Without saying a word, little Joey pulled Roger towards the kitchen: "Your Majesty, I will supervise the president to complete the order."

Your Majesty ate so happily, and so did I!

As for your Majesty being able to eat more than pigs...

It's definitely not that His Majesty eats too much, but that we are not well prepared.

You have to wait for His Majesty to tell you before adding food. This is a lack of service awareness. Mr. Luo must reflect on it!

She almost half dragged, half dragged Roger to the kitchen.

Roger couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. Where is the male god at this moment?

The only one who can make the queen full is Luo Toolman Jie, right?

The Queen of Evernight feels more and more that little Joey is a cute fan.

She thought that Roger's unhappiness at this moment was finally taking revenge on her for the discomfort she felt that night...

One percent.

Humph, I’ll deal with this kid slowly in the future.

"This is the charm of the immortal king. Every one of my men is dead. Why can't that bastard feel it... Hiccup~~~~"

The Queen of Evernight fell into narcissism.

With the bonus of divine Chinese cooking, and little Joey using magic to assist in processing the raw materials, Roger can cook at a very fast speed.

There are only two people, but they are no less efficient than the hotel's master chef. Of course, this was also due to the fact that little Joey felt that Roger had been wronged by the Queen and was trying to please and cooperate with him.

On the surface, Roger was angry, but on the inside, he was happy that he had found a strategy technique that no other players had discovered.

The quick option to increase the favorability of the Queen of Evernight is food?

Originally, players thought that Blood Mother's character was too strong, thinking that she only liked fighting, fighting, and fighting, and had no desire for personal enjoyment at all.

In the end...

Hehe, he’s just a snack.

Now that he knew the enemy's weakness, Roger also intended to let the Queen experience the food art of our country. It took more than two hours to eat and cook the last meal. He just ate the Queen of Yongye until she was sweating. So addicted.

Empress Yongye patted her still flat belly and said jokingly: "Roger, my dear, I found that asking you to be the minister of history before was indeed a waste of time. It is better to enter the palace..."

[Should I say that the charm of Chinese cuisine is too strong, or that the Ivy cuisine is too dark, so the Queen is so greedy that she even ignores "New Arcane"? 】

Roger quickly declined and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. When I have time, I will prepare a recipe and send it to the palace."

Queen Yongye thought the same thing. Roger is now the president of "New Arcana". He can't cook for himself every day, so he can only ask: "How are you preparing for "Arcane Miscellaneous"?"

"This structure is not complicated, it just requires more submissions, real reader feedback, and preparation time..."

"Readers have reported that I have a good place to go."

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers, making Roger feel like his world was spinning.

In an instant, he found himself in a rather noisy castle.

The Queen of Evernight used the group invisibility technique, made a shushing gesture, and took him and little Joey to the Royal Academy of Magic.

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