The Villain Runs Wild

Chapter 56: New Top Stream x Over-the-Air Movie Emperor

It's just that everyone sighed and wondered what Yan Qin had done to make Lin Sui ruin his future.

Under this premise, some people feel that CP fans feel particularly miserable, and more than one person broke the news. , everyone can imagine.

Although there are a lot of fans, there are still some who are stubbornly insisting.

@Yes Suishui: My CPbe is over, but I told myself it doesn’t matter, after all, my wife got into the pit, but why doesn’t my wife have any film and television works after that? This always gives me a strange fantasy, starting from the first movie they collaborated on, and each of them has traces of each other in every movie after that, and now although they have basically be, but my wife has not made any new movies. , which gave me the illusion that he would not make movies with anyone other than him, and stabbed himself again.

@yanguiyulinszd: Even if everyone told me to be a deceased CP, I would still be moved by their past. I don’t think it’s too early to draw conclusions. Maybe one day they get back together again?

@ knock sugar super happy: I really took it, those marketing accounts that make up rumors, what is it that they two may cheat, so it leads to emotional discord, your mother makes up things You can make it a little more reliable, right? Not to mention, since the two of them cooperated, they have never had any scandals with anyone other than each other. Now Lin Sui is also keeping a distance when attending events. If you don't have pictures or evidence, you say cheating. Photos are proof!

@茶茶子: You have to take care of the sky and the sugar, I know be, but it doesn’t prevent me from believing that when someone is looking for a home candy, only Hanpi is breaking the defense.

Yu Linxi was very puzzled about this, but he did not get an explanation. He was a little depressed, and his relationship with his brother gradually faded.

In the circle, everyone who has a good relationship with Yan Qin has a lot of criticism against Lin Sui. After all, they feel that Yan Qin has moved the true feelings, but they have nothing and just disappear.

Lin Sui doesn't care about these voices, he doesn't care what anyone in the world thinks of him except Yan Qin.

The reason why he is still sitting at home safely is because he knows where Yan Qin is.

Maybe sometimes fate and plot are so magical, obviously the current situation and the original book are completely different, Yan Qin still met the work that made him take the Grand Slam - "Knowledge" day".

This is a work based on a real situation, the protagonist Dawa is a blind man.

His parents are both Tibetans working outside, and he has lived in a small city environment since he was born.

He was born blind, but his parents did not abandon him, but loved him doubly.

His grandmother is not in good health, so she can only do some odd jobs at home, and the family's source of income depends on the father who works on the construction site.

But the project he was doing was an unfinished project. The contractor and the person in charge fled with the money. For this money, he participated in the organization again and again to ask for salary.

It took a lot of time and finally got back a meager salary, but I was exhausted from overwork.

He learned to cook by himself at a young age, reducing the burden on the family.

But fate did not favor him, but gave him more cruel twists and turns.

He sat obediently at home towards the gate, looking forward to the grandma who bought him candy. Across the door, the thin grandma fainted and fell to the ground.

He couldn't see, he just looked around innocently, until he couldn't help groping to go out, and tripped over his body.

At the age of eleven, he lost his grandmother, and the funeral was organized by the neighbors.

The city is so poor and shabby that no community street people care about where an orphan goes.

Dawa was sent to learn techniques by kind neighbors with the help of kind-hearted neighbors. The money saved by my grandmother was used to pay tuition fees, and Dawa began to learn massage for the blind.

When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, Dawa began to work as an apprentice in the shop, helping with business and studying at the same time, waiting for one day to open a massage shop of his own.

Dawa is very hardworking, his craftsmanship is very good, and he has accumulated a lot of repeat customers, so his own store is also very smooth.

Some customers want to introduce him to someone, but Dawa knows that he is blind and his financial situation is not good, so he is ready to be single, although he is also eager to start a family.

An old guest introduced him to a girl who had been disfigured in the fire. She was very shy and introverted, very considerate and gentle. I don't mind if she doesn't look good.

Dawa of course didn't mind, he shyly said to get along and have a look.

Dawa is a Kangba man, his appearance and figure are actually very good, and his character is honest. They quickly caught sight of each other.

Dawa married the girl. Although they lived a poor life, the husband and wife supported each other. The wife was pregnant with a baby two years later.

At this time, Dawa was thirty years old, and he was standing in his thirties. He had his own massage shop, wife and children, as if his life had been successful.

But fate is so impermanent, until the step of stepping into the coffin, no one knows what kind of changes will occur at the last moment.

Dawa's girl died of dystocia. Although he knocked and knocked in front of the delivery room, and bowed again and again, the doctor was not a **** and was powerless.

This 30-year-old middle-aged man cried like a child in the hospital. He had aged a lot in an instant, but he couldn't just fall down like this, he still had a baby to be fed.

Because he couldn't see, he took care of the child clumsily and asked people for help everywhere. Fortunately, the child's eyes were normal and he did not inherit his natural disability, which made him feel very fortunate.

Tough times always endure. He lives in a massage parlor, taking care of his young daughter and doing business. Although he can't see it, he is willing to give everything he can to his children.

In a blink of an eye, the child is about to go to elementary school. Dawa gropingly took the child to school with a cane. The child was his eyes, father and daughter, and He Meimei.

But one day, my daughter who was playing outside the house suddenly lost her voice.

Dawa didn't care that he was still in business, shouted his daughter's name loudly, and rushed to the door after no response.

Passers-by said that they saw someone leading the little girl away.

Dawa collapsed instantly, he kept calling his daughter's name everywhere, no one could help him, he was like a poor lunatic.

A healthy person is powerless in the face of a child being abducted, let alone a blind person.

Dawa was in a daze, holding his wife's tablet in tears, blaming himself to the point of scolding and beating himself, but even so, his daughter could not be found.

Dawa did not give up. He closed the massage shop and took all his savings. After calling the police to no avail, he embarked on the road to find his daughter.

Words cannot express how difficult this road is.

The real story is always difficult to complete, in the vast sea of ​​people, Dawa failed to find his daughter.

He died of illness on a sunny day, with the red couplet of "Happiness" under him.

There is such a word in the idiom, called the blind man knows the sun.

People can't imagine what they haven't seen, and you can never let a blind person who has never seen the sun realize what the sun is.

"Happiness" is the sun that Dawa has never seen, and when he always thinks life will get better, life will always shake his head at him.

Dawa means moon in Tibetan. The moon itself does not emit light. The light it has is only reflecting the light of the sun, so its light is so weak.

In the plot of the original book, the director and screenwriter of this film sent it to Yan Qin without hope, because at that time Yan Qin had risen step by step and once again became a shining star in the entertainment circle star.

But Yan Qin is a person who is very picky about scripts. He doesn't mind that the director and screenwriter of this show are unknown people, and he knows that the other party can't pay him, so he is willing to act for free , he didn't expect that his decision would make him and the movie.

At this time, the director and screenwriter of "Knowing the Sun" are still newcomers. They always have suitable candidates for the leading role in their hearts, but they have no strength, so they have been pressing this work until they saw it on the street. Yan Qin lost his soul.

Yan Qin wanted to re-precise himself in another place, and decided to give it a try after seeing this work.

How do I play a blind man?

Training eyes, manners, weak vision?

Yan Qin had no choice. He bound his eyes and lived in a dilapidated and poor alley.

Empathy with the character is more than just talking.

In the urban village, everyone is numbly and hastily living their lives.

A blindfolded man with a bamboo pole as a blind cane walked slowly on the street corner. He was wearing a worn jacket and jeans. Traces of the stature, rickety, is a blind man who no one on the side of the road will take a second glance at.

As he crossed the street, there was a motorcycle, which happened to rush over and narrowly passed.

"The stinky blind man came out and ran around, almost scared me to death, believe it or not!"

The man spat, scolded and walked away.

The blind man was silent, his ears moved after the car left, he turned slowly, and walked along the wall.

After walking for a while, he seemed tired, sat at the stall and asked for a bowl of wontons.

Someone placed a bowl next to him, and a woman's voice sounded not far away: "I'll bring you a bowl of hot soup first."

Yan Qin thanked the person who handed over the bowl, and slowly drank the soup with a spoon.

The curious people next to him all looked at the young man beside the blind man. This man was wearing sunglasses, but he couldn't hide his style, which was out of tune with this urban village.

A gust of cold wind blew, Yan Qin seemed to smell the familiar warm fragrance in a trance, he moved his nose, looked around subconsciously, and hurriedly asked: "Is there someone next to me just now? , a good-looking man."

His voice was hoarse, as if he had not spoken for a long time.

"Old blind man, what are you dreaming about during the day, where is this handsome man?"

The people next to me took money and laughed and laughed, the boss brought wontons over, and everyone stopped laughing.

Yan Qin ate the wontons in silence, took out the crumpled five-yuan notes from his pocket and put them on the table.

Yeah, how could he be here.

But he could clearly smell him.

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