Qin Yu knew at this time that he must be able to leave.

So he showed a mocking expression.

He won't give up so easily.

"There's an old saying, I don't know if you've heard of it, it's easy to ask God to send God away."

Qin Yu sneered: "You arrested me. This is a framed accusation. My spirit has been seriously affected. If I don't apologize properly, I won't give up."

"What do you want?" The old policeman looked very serious and angry.

But inside it is not so.

But Qin Yu didn't find it at all at this time.

Just seeing the angry look of the old police officer made me feel joy in my heart.

He continued sneering: "It depends on your sincerity, and I don't need you to lose money, but you still need to apologize."

"First of all, get down on your knees and apologize to me, and secondly, I want your Metropolitan Police Department to apologize to me."

This is one of Qin Yu's plans.

He wants to make a name for himself.

The first is that he must be killed, and the Black Dragon Gang's affairs are spread out.

More importantly, Wang Bingbing on the other side should also know how powerful he is.

And, to take revenge, let the policeman kneel down.

Just thinking about it made Qin Yu extremely excited.

"You bastard." The old police officer really couldn't control his anger.

But finally held back.

Gritting his teeth, he asked in a deep voice, "You really don't want to go out?"

"Of course, I won't leave without meeting my demands."

Qin Yu showed a confident smile.

As his master, let these people release him.

The Metropolitan Police Department will never dare to violate it.

And he went out justifiably.

So now it's these cops who are asking him to leave.

Otherwise, the hero is wronged.

He believed that anyone with a brain would know what to do.

Even if the old police officer is unwilling, the police chief may refuse.

"Since you don't want to go out, then stay for now. Just in time, someone from above has come to investigate."

"I still need you to stay and cooperate. I didn't expect your awareness to be so high."

"And you should know this man too."

The old policeman finished this sentence with a look of anger.

Without even looking at Qin Yu, he left immediately.

At the same time, the young police officers were also warned.

"Remember, don't patrol that cell in the future, and don't approach it no matter what happens."

Of course he knew about Qin Yu's injury to the prison guard, so he would say such a thing.

So as not to give Qin Yu another chance to contact the outside world.

And the reason why he said so loudly was to warn Qin Yu at the same time.

Let him panic first.

Sure enough, when the old police officer left.

Qin Yu's face gradually lost control.

Because things didn't go the way he expected.

In his imagination, the other party should be begging him to go out immediately.

But why is it so.

The other party really left.

He even deliberately kept people away from him.

Then there is no chance to **** the phone.

What if there is a situation?

Think of what the old police officer said when he left.

Qin Yu pondered and was terrified.

Did someone really get the news to deal with him.

Qin Yu suddenly regretted it at this time.

Before, he hadn't thought of such a consequence at all, and he focused on pretending to be coercive.

Now think about it, if someone took the opportunity to deal with him, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

This is what Qin Yu is worried about.

But who will it be?

"The people above, who would be very interested in him and want him to die."

Qin Yu thought carefully.

And the identity of that person is also very high.

Otherwise, how dare people from the Metropolitan Police Department treat him like this.

Suddenly, the humiliating person, Su Chen, appeared in Qin Yu's mind.

"No, I have to leave now!"

Thinking of Su Chen, Qin Yu was a little scared.

He wants to get out of here now.

"Hey, someone let me out, I don't need your apology."

"Hey, is there anyone?"

"Come on, I'm going to kill myself."


But no matter how Qin Yu shouted, no one paid him any attention.

No one came over, and now he has no chance to contact the outside world.

"Are you going to jailbreak?"

Qin Yu is unwilling, he has now got the chance to be released on bail, of course he doesn't want to leave.

But thinking of the big loss that Su Chen had suffered before.

He was shaken inside.


the other side.

In Chen Yuxin's bedroom, she was on the phone with a serious face, reporting information to her grandfather, the current head of the Chen family.

"That's right, the person who helped Qin Yu behind is the old man in the military!"

Chen Yuxin frowned slightly when she listened to her grandfather's words.

Thoughtfully, he continued to ask, "Is there really no way to find evidence of his crime?"

"It's very difficult, and his power is also very strong. It can be said that the Qin family can still have the current prestige now, and it is entirely because of this old man!"

"If you want to deal with him, there may be problems in the military."

"Once this happens, it will be very detrimental to people's livelihood."

"Unless there is hard evidence, it's hard."

Chen family, for the country and the people.

It has always been hoped that the harm caused by these big families in Kyoto to the country can be solved.

But it backfired.

The power of the major families is growing, and the strength of the Chen family is gradually declining.

The strength of the second family has long been lost, and only the name is left.

So many things are impossible.

"Although there is no way to deal with that old thing from the Qin family for now, I won't let Qin Yu go so easily now!"

Chen Yuxin said coldly, and her eyes flashed brightly as she spoke.

She just issued an order to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Don't let Qin Yu leave for now.

Instead, he wanted to use Su Chen's name to scare Qin Yu.

She believed that with Qin Yu's arrogant and confident appearance, she would definitely be upset.

No matter how powerful a person is, as long as they are upset, the decisions they make will not be as perfect as before.

"Are you going to deal with Qin Yu?" Old Man Chen asked.

He actually knew that his granddaughter Chen Yuxin seemed to have done something to Qin Yu.

"No." Chen Yuxin smiled and said, "Qin Yu and the Qin family are not as simple as they seem."

"It was Qin Yu's parents who died in the Qin family incident."

Chen boss was shocked: "You mean that Qin Yu's parents' death has something to do with the Qin family?"

He was a little surprised.

Because these years, the Qin family seems to be very kind to Qin Yu.

All kinds of resources are used on Qin Yu.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like there is a blood feud.

"That's right!" Chen Yuxin said: "Since we can't shake the big tree of the Qin family, then let Qin Yu deal with it."

"How did you find out?" Chen Lao also hadn't chatted with his granddaughter for a long time.

In fact, there were still many doubts in his heart.

For example, Qin Yu was a person with unlimited future even in his opinion at that time.

And Su Chen is just a dude.

But Chen Yuxin was able to judge so accurately.

It really surprised him.

"Su Chen told me." Chen Yuxin explained with a smile: "Su Chen is not as simple as it seems on the surface, he is not a dude."

Old Man Chen was stunned.

He thought carefully about what he had discovered these days.

Su Chen did really well.

It even got the support of a lot of forces that are also the top ten families.

After thinking about it, he realized how scheming Su Chen was.

Those who are clumsy are the most terrifying.

And Chen Yuxin's plan is also very simple, she wants to make Qin Yu afraid.

When Qin Yu is frightened, he will do unimaginable things, and then everything will develop in the direction that is beneficial to her plan.


the next day.

Su Family Courtyard.

Su Long paced in the yard with a worried expression on his face.

Next to him is his subordinate, whose appearance is not impressive, but he is full of temperament.

Obviously Su Long's proud subordinate.

But he didn't speak now, he should be waiting for Su Long's instructions.

"What do you think about this?"

Su Long's words made the subordinate a little stunned.

It seems that he did not expect that the other party would ask him.

He hurriedly responded: "This Qin Yu dares to blatantly help Heilong, I am afraid he has some preparations."

Although Qin Yu was repeatedly humiliated by Su Chen.

But his ability is obvious to all, and naturally no one believes that he will do useless work.

After speaking, the subordinate added, "I'm afraid Qin Yu wants to use this method to win over Wang Bingbing."

"It will be troublesome at that time, so what to do next will have to be considered by the owner himself."

Su Long waved his hand, but was not disturbed by Qin Yu's plan.

He just sat down casually and said sternly:

"Don't worry Qin Yu, he's not as smart as he thought. If he could come out, he wouldn't be in the Police Department now."

"I am more worried now that this is a conspiracy against Su Chen."

"Qin Yu hasn't left the Metropolitan Police Department yet, which proves that he was plotted. Then the first object of his suspicion will not be Su Chen."

"Two dogs fight, play off!"

Having said this, Su Long frowned slightly.

Of course, this is just speculation, and the exact situation is still unknown.

The subordinate nodded and said, "What the Patriarch said is very true."


After hesitating for a moment, he continued: "But the young master does have a conflict with Qin Yu. Why don't we take the opportunity to kill Qin Yu in turn, which can be regarded as eradicating a big hatred for the young master."

"No!" Su Long shook his head, and fierce killing intent flashed in his eyes, saying:

"Qin Yu doesn't know what to do, of course he has to deal with it."

"But he also has secrets on him that even I haven't seen."

"So it may be dangerous for Su Chen to deal with it rashly."

"So since those people behind them can think of killing people with a knife, then we can also use their method to kill people with a knife."

"Let the world know that our Su family's first family is not easy to mess with."

Su Long's news is much better than that of Master Chen.

Many years ago, he knew the secret of the Qin family.

He also thought of using the methods of the Qin family to deal with Qin Yu.

So it was explained immediately.

After the subordinates heard about the plan.

Nodding heavily.

But he still hadn't guessed what method Su Long was going to use to face those coveted enemies.

But these days, he at least understands a little.

The Su family is now under attack.

He knew all the people who followed Su Chen.

Chen Yuxin, Yang Yuxin, Yang Danxuan, Zhang Li.

None of them are fuel-efficient lamps, and following Su Chen's side must be a conspiracy.

Originally, Lin Qingyan, who was just a mere mere amount, made the Su family miserable.

Now, the Su family has stepped into a more dangerous situation.

But still when he was cranky.

Meanwhile, on the other side,

Chen Qing looked at the maid next to her in the room and looked up and down.

Then, he opened his mouth and said:

"See what places are suitable for couples to travel, and then quickly book a few tickets."

"Couple, travel?" The maid obviously didn't understand what Chen Qing meant.

"My son and daughter-in-law are going on a trip, and of course we need to find a good place."

The maid's face was full of worry, "But Miss Chen family, it seems that you should go too."

"And let the young master go out alone with these two wicked women, I'm afraid there will be some accidents."

"The marriage contract with the Lin family has not been unsealed yet."

Chen Qing said coldly, "The Lin family disagrees."

"Now that we are in love with each other, Su Chen doesn't necessarily want Lin Qingyan to be his daughter-in-law."

"Still that sentence, Lin Qingyan, I don't like it."

What Chen Qing thought was actually very simple.

After Su Chen and Yang Yuxin came back, the raw rice was cooked, and then it was time to see that Lin Qingyan was still pestering Su Chen.

Su Chen will definitely take care of Yang Yuxin's feelings and give up Lin Qingyan.

But the reason why Chen Qing couldn't wait to let Su Chen go out.

Or because he wanted to tell everyone in a different way, since Su Chen is no longer in the capital, then the things in the capital are not what he did.

If someone wanted to take advantage of the fisherman, of course she would not agree.

"Miss, I understand." The maid responded, and then went to prepare,

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was immediately stopped by Chen Qing.

"Wait, there's one more thing."

"Miss, you say." The maid hurriedly said.

She was raised by Chen Qing, so she was very grateful in her heart, so she would do everything for Chen Qing with all her heart.

This is why Chen Qing trusted her.

I saw Chen Qing nodded and said, "When the time comes, you can go with the stinky boy too."


The maid was a little surprised.

He didn't understand what Chen Qing meant.

"I'm still worried about Su Chen. You go and help him. It's best to let Yang Yuxin have something to do with him."

"Not only that, but also Chen Yuxin, who is with him, let's see if we can find Wang Bingbing too."

Chen Qing said angrily: "since they are all thinking about calculating, my son, then I will not make them feel better."

"It's time to have a relationship. I want to see what the forces behind them think."

"Whether it's the Chen family or the Wang family, either obey my son obediently, or lose face."

The maid was a little worried.

If this offends, the most terrifying thing is that these forces join forces to attack the Su family!

But it was Chen Qing's order, so she could only obey.

And since the lady said so, she must have her plan, of course she can't ask questions.

At the end, Chen Qing left another sentence.

"Remember, don't let Lin Qingyan go, as long as she has such thoughts, tell me immediately."

Chen Qing's resentment towards Lin Qingyan was too deep.

She felt uncomfortable when she thought of Su Chen's blurred eyes when she saw her.


She raised a son for so many years, why should Lin Qingyan abduct her like this?

However, Chen Qing still remembered what Su Long said.

The more disliked the mother is, the more likely she is to become a daughter-in-law.

In the end, it won't really be Lin Qingyan... Chen Qing looked worried.

the other side.

As soon as Su Chen got up, he suddenly received a heavyweight and disappeared.

That is Qin Yu's crime, killing the Black Dragon Gang.

Now wanted by the entire Black Dragon Gang.

Heilong is a very powerful force, of course, it will not be killed by Qin Yu so easily.

But these disappearances are not important to Su Chen.

The important thing is that Qin Yu escaped from prison.

As soon as the news came out, he was instantly stunned.

Not only that, the Metropolitan Police Department is now looking for Qin Yu.

Qin Yu is now 500,000 walking.

Su Chen is funny.

And helpless.

He didn't have to guess to know that it must be Chen Yuxin who did it.

Otherwise, Qin Yu would definitely not embark on the road to escape from prison.

But Su Chen found that Qin Yu's becoming a wanted criminal didn't seem to have much impact.

The system is not responding anyway.

But he still wants revenge.

And the object of revenge... Su Chen glanced at Chen Yuxin's room.

Then he glanced at Su Xian'er's room with a guilty conscience.

"Go out, it's good!"

Su Chen slipped into Chen Yuxin's room with confidence.

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