The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 135: Meeting Chen Tong again, the vigilant Su Chen

the other side.

Su Chen brought Qiu Wushui back to the company.

He was still a little guilty.

Until I heard that Yang Yuxin was not in the company.

He calmed down the panic in his heart.

After bringing Qiu Wushui into the company, he asked his subordinates to help Qiu Wushui learn how to be a qualified secretary.

no way.

No matter what career it is, it is best to have training in order to have a better experience.

Qiu Wushui did not resist too much.

Taking her away is an old employee of the company.

Although it seems that the charm is still there, Su Chen has already understood it in depth and is already over fifty years old.

And when Su Chen was bored in the office, he actually received a message from Lin Qingyan.

This surprised him a little.

Originally, it was said that there would be a business exchange today, and Lin Qingyan hoped that Su Chen could talk in person.

In this regard, Su Chen is of course going.

Although he is a member of the company just like Lin Qingyan.

There is also Yang Yuxin, the three are cooperating to open a company.

But Su Chen and Yang Yuxin's purpose is the same, that is, Lin Qingyan can't make money.

So he has to go.

Shouldn't there be any business cooperation?

If you think too much, watch me destroy it all for you.

In the original book, as long as Lin Qingyan encountered any problems in business, Su Chen would eventually come out in person. Completely help Lin Qingyan to solve it.

Su Chen thought to himself, Lin Qingyan must be thinking this way now.

I tried to ask him to negotiate the contract. After all, the face of the Su family's eldest son is still given by many people.

But things are different now.

Of course he will not help Lin Qingyan to complete the business.

But when Su Chen was thinking about how to deal with it, Qiu Wushui suddenly walked in.

At this time, she changed into a dress that a secretary should wear.

Professional suit, the lower body is a short skirt, no stockings, but the feet become a few centimeters of high heels.

The perfect place of the body is completely displayed.

Properly dressed as a big beauty.

But Qiu Wushui lowered his head.

Obviously very uncomfortable.

Across the distance, Su Chen could feel her body filled with two words - embarrassment.

"Hehe, didn't I teach you that when you see the boss, should you ask first?"

Su Chen suddenly had a sense of playfulness in his heart, and couldn't help but joking.

"Young Master Su, hello." Qiu Wushui's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"Why are you lowering your head, I can't see you anymore."

"No, it's okay to just smile!"

Su Chen was very satisfied with his training.

"By the way, you want to go out with me later and talk about business, just to take a good look at your abilities."


Hearing Su Chen's words, Qiu Wushui still trembled nervously.

She really didn't want to face Su Chen.

Especially with this attitude.

It's so embarrassing.

He simply turned around and made tea for Su Chen.

This is what she learned from the old employee just now. If she wants to be a secretary, she must first learn to make tea.

A good secretary is a person who can make good tea.

So Qiu Wushui ran to the coffee table and made tea.

She actually learned to make tea, but she deliberately slowed down.

Just don't want to face it.

In fact, Su Chen didn't drink tea at all.

Young people have never had this habit, but at this time Qiu Wushui had a different attitude in front of Su Chen.

At this moment, she turned her back to Su Chen.

And it is bent over, completely revealing the most beautiful curve.

Still short skirts.

This scene Su Chen suddenly felt, very good!

But I have to say that the position of this coffee table is also very particular!

Su Chen is now sitting in the chair, and he can enjoy the most beautiful picture without even moving.

No wonder, no matter what bosses like secretaries, not female secretaries.

Qiu Wushui brewed tea slowly.

Su Chen is not in a hurry, he just appreciates it.

Originally, Su Chen would not have any idea about this kind of heroine.

But these days of unscrupulousness also made him gradually relax.

For the heroine, it seems that it's okay even if it's an inch.

Then, he wouldn't care about it.

[It is said that Qiu Wushui is Qin Yu's nominal sister, or else he will bully her. 】

[This kind of college girl who has not yet been beaten by society, punched in the past, it is estimated that she will cry until tomorrow, just think about it. 】

Su Chen gave a wicked smile.

At the same time, his eyes were still sweeping back and forth on Qiu Wushui's body.

But Qiu Wushui heard Su Chen's heart.

You bastard, you're crying!

When he got angry, Qiu Wushui shook his hand and almost dropped the teacup in his hand.

But luckily it was picked up quickly.

Although she is not a rich family, she has a wide range of knowledge. Just by touching it, she knows that the tea set in her hand will definitely be expensive to get outside.

Qiu Wushui regained his mood.

It was just Su Chen's words that reminded her of the important task of following Su Chen.

Find out what happened.

Is Qin Yu her enemy?

And what secrets does Su Chen have?

How did he find out.

Qiu Wushui sighed.

Secretary was originally a compliment.

But under the development of various trends, secretaries, especially female secretaries, have obviously changed their taste.

It's even embarrassing at times.

In fact, Qiu Wushui thought so at the beginning.

I used to be ashamed of such people.

This is not to look at it differently, but the fact that most of it is so will make people think.

But I didn't expect that one day, she would become someone's personal secretary instead.

But Qiu Wushui is not stupid.

Especially to be the secretary of a dandy disciple.

She didn't have to say anything.

But in the face of Su Chen's words, she didn't know the reason, but she chose to agree.

Seems to think he's not one of those bad guys.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qiu Wushui can hear Su Chen's heart, as long as the other party has any bad jokes.

She knew immediately and responded.

And she still wants revenge, even though Qin Yu's parents are dead.

But Qin Yu is still there.

Qin Yu even thought about plotting against her in the future.

Qiu Wushui certainly cannot accept it.

Killing father and mother is a **** feud.

And through Su Chen's voice, she seems to know that this world seems to be similar to the world of novels.

And her so-called brother Qin Yu is the protagonist, and Su Chen is the villain.

The two are opposites.

So if she wants to seek revenge on Qin Yu with her ability, it is simply a fantasy.

So she also wanted to wait for a chance.

And this opportunity is Su Chen.

There is a conflict between Su Chen and Qin Yu.

Only with the help of Su Chen can Qin Yu be eliminated.

Qiu Wushui has very complicated emotions towards Su Chen.

Originally, Qiu Wushui was ashamed of Su Chen's playful behavior.

But now she knew that all this was Su Chen's disguise.

Behind the mask, he is not such a person at all.

It's just that Qiu Wushui doesn't understand, why does Su Chen pretend?

What's the story behind it?

Autumn without water is not in a hurry.

Now that she can hear Su Chen's voice, of course, she has to slowly dig out more secrets.

Just a little tangled inside.

Su Chen is obviously a good person, and she is very grateful for today's rescue.

And this is also Qiu Wushui's life in the original darkness. Suddenly a light appeared.

Impressed her.

So she felt that if she used Su Chen to deal with Qin Yu.

Isn't this kind of behavior bad.

Thinking like this in my heart, Qiu Wushui slowly walked towards Su Chen with a teacup.

Do you want to see how to compensate Su Chen?

No, I heard it would hurt a lot.

Qiu Wushui hesitated.

And Su Chen watched Qiu Wushui come over with a cup of water absent-mindedly, not only that, but his hands were shaking all the time.

Su Chen thought to himself.

[What's the situation, this woman doesn't need to be like this! 】

[It makes me seem like some kind of big devil, forcing you to come. 】

[Obviously you came here on your own initiative, you are afraid of me now. 】

[Don't worry, I'm a gentleman, and I won't have such thoughts. 】


If you are a gentleman, you will be a saint in the world.

Qiu Wushui was also complaining in his heart.

At this moment, she really wanted to speak to Su Chen loudly.

Don't think I know what bad idea you're thinking.

Of course this is just a thought.

Qiu Wushui quickly calmed down.

Then put the teacup on the table and whisper, "Drink tea!"

Su Chen smiled.

Suddenly I remembered the new knowledge I learned that day.

The new tea has arrived. I have nothing to do today. Come and enjoy the tea.

Thinking about it this way, drinking tea is not a bad thing.

But Su Chen still didn't do it, just looked at Qiu Wushui and asked, "Go out now and find out what kind of cooperation Lin Qingyan is going to talk about, get ready, and then we can go."


Qiu Wushui responded, then turned around and left, and Su Chen, who was next to him, suddenly saw something plump, with a happy expression on his face.

[This **** is extremely plump, it must be very well-bred! 】

When Qiu Wushui heard this, of course his face turned red.

But more than that, she was angry, she turned her head and glared at Su Chen fiercely before leaving.

And also closed the door, and closed the door heavily.

[No, I didn't do anything to get angry. 】

Su Chen felt a little strange.

[Blushing, it's really hard to deal with, these women like to blush when they don't move, I don't know what to do. 】

Even though Qiu Wushui left the office, Su Chen's voice still came to his ears.

She was confused at first, then at a loss, and finally extremely angry.

How dare you bully me.

It's not okay to bully in your heart.

As for why you blush, do you have no point in your heart?

Qiu Wushui suddenly felt a little wronged, and he had to serve by Su Chen's side in the future, getting more and more angry.

Of course, Su Chen was still very leisurely in the office, and he didn't care what business cooperation Lin Qingyan wanted to talk about.

Anyway, when the time comes, as long as it is destroyed as much as possible.

But time flies by quickly.

Su Chen discovered that Qiu Wushui had not come in yet.

Although I don't care, I can't help but go!

Su Chen called directly to find Qiu Wushui.

after awhile.

Qiu Wushui walked in with an embarrassed look on his face and muttered, "I'm sorry, I fell asleep while reading the materials."

Su Chen? ? ?

good guy.

With a secretary like you, no company can survive for a long time.

"Your ability to do things is too poor. Have you communicated with the other party in advance?"


Qiu Wushui exclaimed innocently.

She really did not expect to communicate in advance.

Thinking it was over, Su Chen would definitely use this as an excuse to kick her out of the company.

But Qiu Wushui quickly calmed down and said, "Su Chen is fine, we still have time in the past."


Su Chen stood up, it's better to be late, first to leave a bad impression on the other party, and success is not far away.


Su Chen glared at Qiu Wushui and said, "In the future, don't shout so loudly, the sound insulation here is not good."

Then Su Chen left immediately.

With many years of experience, leaving at this time is the best way.

If you stay, you don't know what will happen.

Qiu Wushui just wanted to get angry, but found that Su Chen had left.

It was as if a punch had hit the cotton, and it was immediately relieved.

Then she also left.

His eyes were full of shame and anger.

At the same time, following behind Su Chen, he also attracted the attention of everyone around him.

Especially this dress.

Qiu Wushui felt that now she just couldn't stop looking for a place to get in.


This is only the first day of work.

What to do in the future.

But looking at Su Chen's back, Qiu Wushui suddenly felt that Su Chen was a little handsome.

Thinking of this, her face turned red.

Su Chen drove, Qiu Wushui watched the navigation by the side.

"No, to the right."

"This is the right side."

"Oh, that's to the left."

"Eldest sister, can you be more professional and dare to come out as a secretary regardless of left and right."

"Stop talking, the more you talk, the more nervous I get."

Su Chen, who heard Qiu Wushui, didn't even know what to say.

[Hehe, I can still eat you, but give it to me, I don't even take it to watch. 】

Qiu Wushui was very aggrieved when he sat in the passenger seat.

This **** Su Chen.

Is she so unbearable.

Don't even close the door.

Of course Qiu Wushui didn't believe Su Chen's nonsense.

She is the school flower of Kyoto University, and there are many people who pursue her.

Qiu Wushui clenched his fists.

Both angry and arrogant.

Because she thought of being Su Chen, it seemed that she might not like her very much.

After all, they are the number one young man in Kyoto.

"Shameless!" Qiu Wushui said viciously.

Su Chen? ? ?

Man, I was called shameless for not doing anything.

In the end, it was guided by the navigation to the destination.

Su Chen looked at Qiu Wushui suspiciously, "Are you sure you're really talking about cooperation in this place?"

Qiu Wushui nodded, she was a little skeptical at first, but after looking at the navigation and information, she found that there was nothing wrong.

is this address.

She nodded heavily and affirmed: "Yes, it's here."

Su Chen waved his hand, "Forget it, let's go back first!"

good guy.

Of course Su Chen didn't believe that he had come to the right place.

He knew how the other company was doing, but Bluestar Technology was also a big company with hundreds of billions of dollars.

Talking about business does not talk about going to that kind of Gusheng Manor.

It has to be a big hotel anyway.

Good guy, how could this be the right place for a business to come to such a romantic place.

Su Chen got in the car and wanted to leave, but was pulled by Qiu Wushui,

"Su Chen, there is absolutely nothing wrong, this is our destination, the place to talk about cooperation."

Su Chen looked at Qiu Wushui's serious expression and said helplessly: "Okay, let's go in and have a look."

As soon as he entered the door, the waiter immediately recognized him.

And led him to a box.

Su Chen was a little embarrassed.

Didn't expect it to be true.

Qiu Wushui next to him looked at him with a happy expression.

The smug look makes people want to go up and teach him a good lesson.

The waiter knocked on the door, "Is it President Chen? Young Master Su has already arrived."

Su Chen was a little curious.

Who is it.

And when the door opened, he was dumbfounded.

It turned out to be a beautiful woman.

Hu Meizi's face, with a smile on his face, seems to be intriguing at any time.

Especially those eyes, which are tempting at first glance, but incomparably simple on closer inspection.

It's really puzzling that the opposite effects appear in one person at the same time.

Especially those legs.

In comparison, it was actually longer than Qiu Wushui.

Wait, these legs are a little familiar!

Su Chen looked up and found that Chen Tong was smiling at him at this time, especially the eyes, as if looking at something coveted.

Good guy, it's actually a woman named Chen Tong.

what's the situation.

Why did Lin Qingyan have anything to do with this woman?

There should be no women in Chen Tong's original work.

But she is a dangerous woman.

Both the scheming and the means are extraordinary.

At this time, when she came to find herself, Su Chen couldn't help but be vigilant.

But Su Chen is not afraid. If she has any conspiracy, Su Chen doesn't mind letting her know what pain is.

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