The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 141: Ancient heroine Lu Qingyi

The manor in Chen Tong's family is very large, not even worse than the Su family's compound.

Therefore, Su Chen still has to find his way under the guidance of Chen Tong's value.

And Chen Tong's residence is actually an independent villa.

The villa alone is not too small.

And it's still in the center.

Even Su Chen couldn't help but admire it.

It's just that Su Chen came to the villa and didn't rush in, but waited for a while.

Because something doesn't seem right.

There is someone in the villa.

Still a master.

The very powerful one, at least stronger than the current Qin Yu.

Wait, what's the situation.

Su Chen felt this breath, he was still very familiar with it, as if he had seen it somewhere.

a period of contemplation.

But in the end, I still couldn't figure out who it was.

Can't remember.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Tong also noticed Su Chen's strangeness.

Just ask directly.

Nothing to mind now.

In Chen Tong's eyes now, Su Chen is his man.

"It's not a big deal, actually..."

Su Chen paused halfway through.

He didn't want to tell Chen Tong that there was someone inside.

Because Chen Tong is not a good stubborn, it will inevitably cause suspicion.

Su Chen still felt that the problem of his own strength should be well hidden.

A little bit, but not all of it.

At this critical moment, we still have to be cautious.

So Su Chen planned to lie, "It's nothing, I just don't want to let go of you so quickly!"

"Hey, I don't want it!"

Although he said so, there was still a shy look on Chen Tong's face.

What does Su Chen mean?

Are you trying to tease her on purpose?

Really annoying.

But is this the legendary love?

In fact, after Chen Tong returned to the modern age, he still studied very seriously.

I heard that girls who are in love are the happiest.

Because boys will love her very much.

It's like Su Chen treats her like this now.

I don't know why, but Chen Tong suddenly felt that his heart was sweet, and he enjoyed this feeling very much.

Su Chen was speechless all the way.

Because he felt that Chen Tong seemed to be thinking about something again.

Especially the happy and shy little eyes made Su Chen feel that it must not be so simple.

So simply don't say more, so as not to be slammed by Chen Tong on the spot.

When entering the villa, the more Su Chen went deeper, the more familiar the feeling became.

who can that be?

Su Chen was a little curious.

After opening the door, Su Chen was instantly stunned.

what's the situation.

A woman dressed in green clothes, with a makeup look very similar to the ancients, three thousand green silk with her delicate facial features, is very beautiful and moving.

How could this woman appear in Chen Tong's room?

What is the relationship between them?

Lu Qingyi.

A woman Su Chen knew all too well.

The strength is very strong.

Even Su Chen was not sure that he could win her.

At this moment, Su Chen was indeed a little surprised.

And Chen Tong next to him also noticed the changes in Su Chen.

I was shocked.

What's going on? Could it be that Su Chen knew Lu Qingyi?

Could it be that this woman is also the same type of woman as Lin Qingyan.

Although she didn't understand how Su Chen was affected, in fact, through Lin Qingyan's affairs and Su Chen's series of behaviors, she could still see some clues.

It seems that Su Chen will do some unusual things to some women.

Lin Qingyan is one, so is Yang Yuxin, and so is Yang Danxuan.

This is the information Chen Tong has obtained so far.

With that said, it is very likely that Lu Qingyi in front of him is also one of them.

Should have thought of it long ago.

Lu Qingyi not only looks like an immortal descended from the earth, but also has a very powerful ability.

Only such a woman is qualified to have a relationship with Su Chen.

The only downside is that there are some problems with the mind.

But even so, Chen Tong pretended to introduce to Su Chen: "This is my sister Lu Qingyi!"

what's the situation?

How did Lu Qingyi become your sister?

Didn't she come from ancient times?

Su Chen put Chen Tong to the other side.

At the same time, he focused his attention on Lu Qingyi.

This woman is too familiar to him.

In other words, there is no one in the whole novel who is more familiar with her than Su Chen.

Lu Qingyi is not actually the person in the original novel.

So neither the heroine nor the supporting actress.

Su Chen actually didn't know much about Lu Qingyi's situation. She seemed to be the kind of person who appeared out of thin air.

It was one of the thirty-three reincarnations before that Lu Qingyi appeared.

Not at any other time.

So Su Chen actually thought that it was just a small bug, and there was nothing else.

But that time, Su Chen was actually surprised.

When I first discovered Lu Qingyi, she seemed to appear in front of Su Chen out of thin air.

Confused, speaking and strange things.

At first, Su Chen thought it was some kind of stray girl, and planned to fool her, but no, she planned to help her well.

Otherwise, what's the use of this iron rod.

But after a deeper understanding, Su Chen discovered that Lu Qingyi, the woman in the fairy picture scroll, was actually a transmigrator.

But it is a person who has traveled from ancient times to modern times.

And don't know anything.

At that moment, Su Chen seemed to have discovered a new continent.

Because Lu Qingyi's eyes are very flattering.

At least Su Chen likes it.

Because those eyes are very pure, so far, Su Chen has only seen it in the eyes of those children.

Lu Qingyi seems to be a girl who has not yet entered the world.

It's too easy to be fooled.

After Su Chen said a few words, she was immediately fascinated, and she was obedient.

But at that time, Su Chen still had to finish the villain's script well.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Qingyi to follow him.

But this kind of thing is so magical, the more Su Chen wants to get rid of her, the more Lu Qingyi wants to entangle Su Chen.

Until later, Su Chen had a bold idea.

Since Lu Qingyi is a BUG character, does that mean that he can get stuck in BUG.

So in the end, Su Chen chose to fool Lu Qingyi to help him kill Qin Yu.

In the end, Lu Qingyi also went.

Although Qin Yu's strength has risen sharply, he is full of true energy.

But in front of the powerful Lu Qingyi, he still seemed too immature.

Qin Yu was defeated before he could even make a few moves.

But I have to say that Qin Yu has great luck.

He escaped Lu Qingyi's pursuit again and again.

And Su Chen didn't dare to make a move beside him.

I'm afraid it will disrupt the plot and attract the attention of the system.

After all, the other party is a girl.

But because of his relationship, he was deeply surrounded and seriously injured.

Even life is at stake.

In love and reason.

Su Chen is more or less a little sorry.

At this time, Lu Qingyi looked at Su Chen.

I don't know why, but there is a familiar feeling in my heart.

But it's very unfamiliar.

The most important thing is the other person's eyes.

stared at her so directly.

Although the days when she came to the future were not very long.

But there are a lot of people in contact.

Su Chen's eyes are now different from the greed of ordinary men.

On the contrary, there is some guilt, and the meaning of debt is in it.

Lu Qingyi couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Obviously it was the first time we met.

How could the other party look like this?

Does he know me?

"Hello, I'm Su Chen, I'm a good person!"

Su Chen looked at Lu Qingyi and felt a lot of relief.

After all, it's over.

"you're good too!"

Lu Qingyi replied with a smile, although now he is slowly realizing the sinister nature of the human heart.

But in the face of Su Chen's straightforward introduction.

She still chose to believe.

Another point is that she can also see that the other party has a good relationship with Chen Tong.

She would never doubt Chen Tong's eyes.

Therefore, she reluctantly agreed with Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Lu Qingyi's cute little face.

To be honest, he actually wanted to go up and pinch well.

Although he likes the style of a **** royal sister like Chen Tong, a girl like Lu Qingyi who might cry when she pinches her might be more interesting.

But now the relationship between the two is obviously not at this stage yet.

Su Chen could only give up.

"Since it's sent back, then I'll go first!"

Su Chen's words made Chen Tong a little reluctant.

But when she looked at Lu Qingyi next to her, she couldn't say much.

Just complaining in my heart.

What's going on, Lu Qingyi's light bulb actually appeared.

"Do you want me to take her back?"

Lu Qingyi nodded, "No problem, rest in peace!"

She suddenly gave Chen Tong a "don't worry" look.

Su Chen was of course happy when Lu Qingyi saw him off.

For fear that Chen Tong would make trouble, he left quickly.

And when Su Chen and Lu Qingyi left the room together.

Looking at the backs of the two, Chen Tong was extremely depressed.

She was so angry that she wanted to give Lu Qingyi a good beating.

"What a good atmosphere, it was actually destroyed by Lu Qingyi."


Come outside.

In fact, Lu Qingyi didn't send him anywhere.

It was just taking Su Chen outside the villa.

Su Chen was surprised to see Lu Qingyi.

It feels a little strange to each other.

But didn't ask much, because that might be a good thing.

At least for Lu Qingyi, she will no longer be easily deceived.

Su Chen returned to where the car was.

At this time, in addition to Qiu Wushui waiting in place, there was also the appearance of Chen Fan, which made Su Chen a little surprised.

what's the situation.

Isn't this guy waiting for Xingshi to ask his guilt?

But before Su Chen approached, Chen Fan ran over with a diligent face and smiled, "Brother-in-law, good!"

"Why don't you stay longer in my sister's room?"

Just as Su Chen wanted to speak, Chen Fan explained to himself.

"Oh, I get it. This is hard-to-find. My sister will think of you in her dreams at night."

"It will be easier to start next."

Su Chen? ? ?

good guy.

What's the situation.

Change so much?

It wasn't that he was still full of hostility towards me before, but now it has become like this.

Su Chen didn't know what to say about Chen Fan's explanation.

"What's the matter with you?" Is it because everyone is a dude.

Is there a topic to compare with each other?

But I have to say that Chen Fan's brother-in-law's name is really good.

Suddenly, Su Chen had a bold idea.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable if Yang Yuxin was called her brother-in-law.

As for Chen Fan's matter, Su Chen actually only needs to judge from the point of view of a dandy young master, and in fact, he can roughly know what he is thinking.

It's nothing more than an interest in picking up girls.

"Brother-in-law, don't pretend, you can get any character of my sister. I admire you so much now, let's see when you can teach me!"

In fact, as a man, Chen Fan was still a little envious of Su Chen's ability to pick up girls.

As for hearing Chen Fan's words, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head, as expected.

But he was also quite speechless.

Because I don't know what to say.

It seems that it is easy to conquer Chen Tong!

It can even be said that he did not take the initiative.

Of course, Su Chen would not say such things.

Just looking at Chen Fan, he said in the tone of an elder, "Boy, you still have a long way to go."

Su Chen came to the front of the car, Qiu Wushui, as the secretary, of course wanted to help Su Chen open the door.

At this time, Chen Fan also noticed Qiu Wushui.

I was even more surprised.

What an amazing woman.

I rely on.

Chen Fan had been thinking about other things just now, and he didn't notice Qiu Wushui at all.

I really didn't expect this person to be so beautiful.

Especially the temperament, Chen Fan was a little itchy.

At the same time, he admired Su Chen even more.

"Good guy, as expected of my brother-in-law, he can make such a beautiful woman a secretary."

When Chen Fan thought of himself, he immediately felt a lot lower.

Why can't I find such a woman.

In Chen Fan's mind, a graceful figure also appeared.

That is his senior sister.

But now she's off campus.

Although it is not very beautiful, and even a little careless, for Chen Fan, the other party gave him a different feeling.

But unfortunately, Chen Fan never dared to confess.

He didn't dare, so he always showed his wealth in different ways.

Demonstrate his ability as a young master of the Chen family.

But unfortunately, the other party doesn't care about it every time.

Chen Fan adjusted his mood and said with a smile: "Hehe, as long as my brother-in-law teaches me a few tricks, I will definitely catch up with my senior."

Chen Fan thought, the joy in his heart could not be suppressed completely.

He couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone, called those friends, and shared his inner joy.


the other side.

Lu Qingyi returned to the room, looked at Chen Tong who was lying on the bed blushing and looked like a little daughter, and asked in surprise:

"Sister, what happened to that guy just now, and what happened to you? You don't like him, do you?"

Chen Tong did not answer.

Instead, he slowly took off his clothes.

At this time, Chen Tong was drinking too much.

She smelled of alcohol all over her body, and she wanted to take a good bath.

Otherwise, I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

At this time, Lu Qingyi also noticed that Chen Tong's clothes were actually stained with blood, and he was even more surprised.

Can not help but shocked.

What kind of woman is Chen Tong?

Lu Qingyi admired her very much.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that he is an idol of learning.

But even such a person, would he give himself to a man?

What's so good about that man?

Lu Qingyi carefully recalled Su Chen just now.

To be honest, the other party gave her a little familiarity.

Nothing else at all.

But even Chen Tong has fallen.

And Chen Tong next to him also noticed the change in Lu Qingyi's expression.

She took a good look at Lu Qingyi.

To be honest, the other party is completely different from her style.

Obviously has a perfectly proportioned body, but the clothes are very conservative.

Obviously still retains the ancient ideas.

It's all about giving people a ladylike and gentle image.

Thinking about this kind of woman does seem to be more likeable.

"Of course men are not good things, but Su Chen is different. You are still young and won't understand."

Chen Tong explained to her with a smile, and then walked into the bathroom in a very comfortable mood.

Leaving Lu Qingyi with a blank face.

With a thoughtful look, he seemed to be seriously thinking about what Chen Tong said just now.

There is also curiosity about Su Chen.

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