The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 174: Started, started to give away

Su Chen did not choose to stay in a hotel with Bai Bing'er this time.

Instead, choose to back off.

Instead of staying in a hotel, he found a large villa.

Money or something is not an issue.

Although this is not the capital, but for Su Chen, there is no difference.

The power of the Su family is so terrifying.

Now is not the mission period.

Naturally, you can't get too close to the heroine, and even Su Chen has planned to stop looking for those heroines after today.

Judging from previous experience, the more frequent the search for the heroine, the greater the probability that the heroine will collapse.

What's more, Bai Bing'er is still a normal heroine, although because of her relationship, the system punishes the male lead for the first time. Although this is unheard of, it's a bit scary.

But this is not about Bai Bing'er. On the contrary, it can be said that Qin Luoyi caused it.

Of course, Qin Luoyi didn't come with him this time, which made Su Chen a little relieved.

Su Chen, who was enjoying it alone, couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, she was so happy when she didn't have the heroine by her side.

Just as Su Chen was sighing, the thunder suddenly became more and more intense, and the rain gradually became heavier, which was very scary.

Strong winds, lightning and thunder.

Is this the system about to lower a thunder penalty?

This was the first thing that came to Su Chen's mind, but then he thought about it with confidence.

Since Fang Yufan is the male protagonist, he shouldn't be so stupid, and now he is still wandering around in this weather.

Should be unlikely.

Unless you are really sleeping in the house, you can be struck by lightning.

Originally, Su Chen still felt a little unbelievable.

If you think about it carefully, from the perspective of the urine of the system, it is not impossible.

Just as Su Chen was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, a small white BMW entered his line of sight.


"Who is it?"

Su Chen was actually quite curious. Logically speaking, no one should know where he is!

Su Chen looked fixedly.

It's actually Bai Bing'er.


Trouble is at the door.

Su Chen was startled, he just wanted to find a place to hide now.

This is also a last resort. The heroine takes the initiative to find it, and nothing good will happen.

There was absolutely no way to escape.

Originally, I thought it would be safe if I didn't go to Bai Bing'er.

I originally thought that Bai Bing'er was the heroine whose character design did not collapse.

But now with her active search, everything turned into a bubble.

Su Chen could see that Bai Bing'er obviously went to investigate on purpose, so she finally came here.

But he doesn't want to face it now.

Bai Bing'er parked the car, held an umbrella, and walked with great difficulty in the rain. Suddenly, the wind became stronger, and a terrible scene appeared. The little BMW without brakes was actually blown.

And it's very fast.

This wind is terrifying as can be imagined, not only that, but the rain is also getting heavier and heavier, crackling, listening to the sound, it is as terrible as hail.

At this time, Bai Bing'er was also struggling to move forward slowly.

When she first came out, there was no such heavy rain at all, so naturally she didn't think much about it.

Immediately ran out to find Su Chen.

And she has something very important to tell Su Chen, and naturally she can't delay for a second, which is also her character.

Unexpectedly, the rain was getting heavier and heavier along the way.

Eventually it evolved into what it is now.

Bai Bing'er is forcibly holding on now, or else she will really be blown away.

Gritting her teeth, just when she was about to lose her hold, suddenly a force was dragging her.

She raised her head subconsciously, and it was Su Chen who caught her eye.

I saw Su Chen hugged her tightly at this time, and with the support of a powerful force, she was able to maintain her balance.

Feeling the warmth in this embrace, Bai Bing'er couldn't help but ask, "Is this the embrace Qin Luoyi is lying in today?"

"It's no wonder that girl will linger, it's really warm."

Gradually, Bai Bing'er subconsciously leaned her head against Su Chen.

It is a completely relaxed situation after all.

Now as long as Su Chen lets go, Bai Bing'er will be blown away immediately, and without any precaution, this will definitely be seriously injured.

Su Chen naturally felt Bai Bing'er's change.

Now Bai Bing'er is not exerting any force at all. Now he is exerting force. Of course, even so, Su Chen is still very relaxed.

It was just Bai Bing'er's state that made him speechless.

"Sure enough, you shouldn't have come out to save Bai Bing'er just now."

Originally, Su Chen upheld the idea that the enemy retreated and I advanced, and the enemy advanced and I retreated.

Since Bai Bing'er is here, he will leave so that the other party will never find him.

But seeing Bai Bing'er's half-dead appearance, Su Chen finally chose to save her.

First of all, Bai Bing'er is the heroine. If there is any accident, it will be troublesome.

From the beginning to the end, he felt that the system maintained the idea that the male protagonist can have problems, the villain male supporting characters can have problems, and the female protagonist must not have any problems.

Under such circumstances, Su Chen naturally couldn't abandon Bai Bing'er.

Secondly, even if Bai Bing'er is not the heroine, in such a situation, he still has to help.

Whether it is the real world or the world of fiction, there are not many people who dare to help the grandmother, ... it is only him.

Although Bai Bing'er is not yet, but sooner or later, so there is no difference.

But now seeing Bai Bing'er's appearance, Su Chen regretted it.

Not only regret, but also the thought that this would never have happened in the first place.

He is all done, buy some soapy water, buy some barbecue, and have a good night.

But the final result was that Bai Bing'er suddenly appeared, making all this go to waste.

Not only that, but he also appeared, and after he appeared, he even pretended to love him to the death.

Su Chen got angry and cursed: "Bai Bing'er, are you an idiot?"

"Didn't you see such a heavy rain? What are you scaring away? You have to trouble me to come out and save you."


Hearing Su Chen's words, Bai Bing'er sneered and glared at him angrily, "Are you saying that I am a fuel bottle?"

Bai Bing'er is angry!

She was often looked down upon since she was a child, so now she is extremely sensitive.

Not to mention that the person who looks down on her is still a man, and she is still Su Chen.

Bai Bing'er was naturally extremely angry, and looked at Su Chen angrily.

Obviously, Bai Bing'er has learned to boil the eagle... but Su Chen has no fear at all when she is angry.

On the contrary, he was a little proud.

So he continued: "That's right, I just said you're a drag bottle, what's wrong?"

"Look at what it looks like now?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, go ahead and talk."

Su Chen deliberately expressed disgust.

But Bai Bing'er didn't show any sign of anger this time, instead her face gradually turned red.

At this time, she realized a very important point, that is, she was wearing a skirt.


But now because of being wet by the rain... Bai Bing'er's face suddenly turned wrong.

She doesn't have time to argue with Su Chen now.

Because now Su Chen's hand was placed on her waist because he wanted to hold her.

And still the kind of force.

So even her body was completely attached to Su Chen.

She didn't respond just now, but now that she knows, she blushed suddenly.

But she couldn't let Su Chen let go.

Because her current clothes are very problematic, and Su Chen didn't notice it because she was distracted, but if she said it, wouldn't Su Chen notice her shy look now.

Not to mention, Su Chen took advantage of it again.

It was really a dilemma for a while.

Bai Bing'er didn't know what to do anymore.

It can only be so stalemate.

But Su Chen finally noticed something.


How could Bai Bing'er's heartbeat become so fast, what happened?

I scolded her a few times, her heart beat faster, and then her face blushed?

Not so perverted.

Wait... what a scene this is.

Su Chen moved his body forward.

At this moment, Bai Bing'er's face was completely close to him.

Bai Bing'er, who was just leaning against Su Chen, frowned instantly.

Because she could clearly feel that Su Chen's heartbeat was accelerating.

Is this what happened?

Bai Bing'er slowly raised her head and followed Su Chen's gaze.

"Su Chen, where are your eyes looking?"

"You are shameless."

How can this be shameless... Su Chen smiled and said, "I saw that your skirt was wet, and I was afraid that you would catch a cold, so I wanted to give you some warmth, so I hugged so close."

Bai Bing'er glared at him angrily, "Why is my skirt wet, don't you know?"

Su Chen? ? ?

"I admit it's because of me."

"Su Chen, you bastard!" Bai Bing'er blushed instantly.

Hey, hey, it's obviously that you are thinking crooked, what is it about me... Su Chen thought to himself.

Bai Bing'er was so angry that she didn't want to pay attention to Su Chen.

In the heavy rain, the girl hugged him tightly,

Su Chen now has a hard time discerning the path under his feet.

It's raining too much.

However, the strange umbrella did not blow open, and even remained motionless.

Bai Bing'er naturally noticed it, so she glanced at Su Chen with very complicated emotions.

But Su Chen didn't notice it at all, at this time he was walking forward cautiously.

The weather was so bad that he had to be careful.

What's more, there is a tow oil bottle behind him.

But suddenly, Su Chen felt a hand touching his face.

This time, he was startled immediately.

"Bai Bing'er, what are you doing?"

Su Chen lowered his head, and just happened to have a fierce collision with Bai Binger's blurred little eyes.

He was stunned at first, and then his eyes couldn't help but start to move at will.

After seeing Bai Bing'er's current appearance clearly, Su Chen was indeed amazed.

"White." Su Chen blurted out.

To say that people really like a color.

Bai Bing'er's name is white.

The color of the car is white.

The dress is white, and...

At this time, Bai Bing'er didn't speak, as if she was too angry to speak, but looked at Su Chen fiercely.

What are you looking at, it seems that I did it on purpose... Su Chen was speechless, "I didn't notice it at first, it was you who came to touch my face for no reason."

Bai Bing'er blushed even more when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was originally worried that her current appearance would be secretly seen by Su Chen, so she thought about covering Su Chen's eyes.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be self-defeating.

Bai Bing'er can't talk about this kind of thing now, it's too embarrassing.

Therefore, Bai Bing'er said with a serious face: "It's alright, I just saw something on your face, I'll give you a good wipe."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that if you fall because of this, it will hurt me."

If it wasn't for the last sentence, I really believed it... Su Chen turned his eyes away and was speechless.

Now the situation is very obvious, Bai Bing'er has become very serious.

The blushing for no reason was the beginning of his nightmare.

Su Chen said sternly: "Okay, since you are all right now, then you should go by yourself and lean on me. I don't know when you will be able to return to the house."

After speaking, Su Chen deliberately took advantage of Bai Bing'er with his eyes and left hand.

Seeing the angry look of this glamorous heroine, Su Chen was ecstatic.

If you're willing to leave, then don't blame me.

I moved my hand, and that was no small matter.

Bai Bing'er glared at him coldly, thinking of what Qin Luoyi had explained, and suddenly said:

"Su Chen, do you dislike me now?"

"Of course."

"What do you think I am not good enough? No one can dislike me."

"You are not good anywhere." Su Chen said disdainfully.

Every part of your body is very good... Su Chen refuted himself in his heart.

Su Chen is happy. Bai Bing'er said coldly.

"You helped me heal, of course I want to repay you, but you actually dislike me, is it because of that Fang Yufan today?"

"If that's the case, then I'll kill him. In that case, you'll be happy."

Su Chen? ? ?

Su Chen was instantly frightened by her words, her face changed wildly, and hurriedly said:

"No, Fang Yufan didn't do anything, you don't need to be so cruel to people, right?"

He is not afraid that Bai Bing'er will go to the other side Yu Fan to start.

Fang Yufan was about to be struck by lightning.

Being taught such a thing by Bai Bing'er is simply insignificant.

But Su Chen didn't want Bai Bing'er to be the enemy of Fang Yufan because of his reasons.

It's not that he's here to spoil the plot.

Nothing can be said.

"No, I want to clear up the misunderstanding between us first." Bai Bing'er said.

She was secretly delighted, as Qin Luoyi said it was no problem!

Su Chen, this time you can't escape my palm...Bai Bing'er laughed in her heart.

Real hunters often appear in the form of prey... Su Chen heard Bai Bing'er's words and hurriedly said, "Auntie, please, don't do this."

"There is no misunderstanding between us. You are so beautiful, how could I not want to see you, let's go in."

Su Chen took it.

He all knew whether Bai Bing'er said this on purpose or unintentionally.

She used to look like a real heroine before, but why has it become like this now.

Suddenly, Su Chen had a very bad idea.

Could it be Qin Luoyi?

"It's ok if you don't go, but it depends on your performance." Bai Bing'er said with a serious face.

Su Chen was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Come with me, I don't want to move anymore, you come." Bai Bing'er said softly.

Su Chen? ? ?

I rely on, start, the heroine began to give for nothing.

What does this mean.

Let him do something behind his back.

Send welfare, send warmth?

playing with fire, right?

Have you ever heard a saying that those who play with fire eventually get on fire... I am fire.

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