"Hehe, Demon Cult Leader, although your cultivation is a little low, your foundation is still quite solid. If I eat a few more people like you, I should be able to leave this continent." The fallen angel's mouth tilted, revealing a wicked smile

"What a big mouth, but in the late stage of Emperor Wu, he wanted to eat me" Although Zhou Qiong felt that the other party was obviously not an ordinary late-stage Martial Emperor, he was not too worried. He, Zhou Qiong, was also not an ordinary mid-stage Martial Emperor.

The fallen angel flapped its wings easily, and suddenly the space of hundreds of kilometers around it seemed to be locked. Even Zhou Qiong felt a pressure that made it difficult for him to move. The surrounding space began to collapse towards Zhou Qiong little by little.

The fallen angel looked at Zhou Qiong with an evil smile on her face, her eyes were cold and crazy. She didn't think Zhou Qiong could avoid her attack. She didn't take a person from a low-level continent seriously, even if he was a top figure. If it were in her heyday, she could kill a person like Zhou Qiong with just a sneeze.

Zhou Qiong looked at the collapsed space gradually approaching him, and a surge of energy slowly emerged from his body.���The air, the surrounding pressure disappeared, and the collapsed space fragments began to fly into Zhou Qiong's body.

He stretched out a palm and slapped the fallen angel. A huge palm in the sky was as big as a hundred miles. The air of life and death was spinning above, and there was even a faint breath of swallowing. It instantly slapped in the direction of the fallen angel. The space did not collapse, but was compressed, making it difficult for the fallen angel below to escape.

This was Zhou Qiong's strongest palm so far. The Sky Life and Death Hand was fully deployed, and it was mixed with the Devouring Heaven Magic Art. The attack power was difficult for even the peak martial emperor to resist.

"What? You actually hid your cultivation."The angel below had an incredible expression on his face. His wings flapped non-stop and he punched the giant palm. The space began to make loud noises. With a loud bang, a shock wave began to spread around. Even the flying chariot that had flown hundreds of kilometers away was hit and flew hundreds of miles away again. The people in the demon sect inside had incredible expressions on their faces.

"What kind of monster could fight the leader like this? The leader won't be in danger, right?" The fifth guardian said with a worried look on his face.

"How is it possible? The leader is so blessed, who in the world can be his opponent?" The Demon Tiger King on the side patted his head, but a worried expression appeared on his face.

"He is not dead, his vitality is still strong" Zhou Qiong said jokingly while looking at the fallen angel lying on the ground and trying to stand up.

The fallen angel kept coughing up blood and said in shock."You didn't hide your cultivation. You can actually launch such a bombardment. Who are you?"

"I don't like to introduce myself for the second time. If you have any last words, please tell me now."

"I didn't expect that I, Luna, would be defeated by the natives of the lower continent. You will pay the price."

The fallen angel Luna stood up straight, speaking confidently, and a jade-white crown slowly rose above her head. Then her aura rose again, and in just a moment she broke through the limit of the Martial Emperor. A god-level aura began to emanate and rushed into the sky. King Yu, who was listening to the ministers' reports at the court meeting of the Dayu Dynasty, suddenly looked up to the east and whispered,"Martial God, is there really someone who has broken through the Martial God?"

The monk who was chanting in Jinshan Temple also stopped and looked towards the east with a solemn face.

All the top masters on the continent noticed the east. They felt a strong breath rising there, which was very likely the breath of the Martial God Realm.

Zhou Qiong also narrowed his eyes and felt threatened.

There was even a hint of death surrounding him.

He thought to himself that it seemed that this damn angel could not be underestimated.

He could actually be promoted to the Martial God Realm.

The silver-black lightning at the center of the eyebrows flickered silently, and a black ring slowly rotated inside.

Looking at Luna who was obviously holding back a big move to explode, Zhou Qiong would not give her time.

The lightning at the center of the eyebrows cracked and an eye emerged.

A black ring instantly rushed out of the dark pupil and flew towards Luna.

Before Luna could react, the black ring had trapped her and tightened instantly, making Luna unable to move.

The crown on Luna's head fired at the black ring.

Light, the black ring was constantly vibrating, and small cracks gradually appeared on it.

It was obvious that the current state was a bit overloaded for it.

Luna was shocked beyond words. What did she see? An eye suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of that person, and a black ring flew out and instantly trapped her. She was now in the middle stage of the Martial God.

Even the crown on her head could not destroy the black ring. You know, the crown is the sacred object of the angel clan. Even if she can't exert any power, it is not something that ordinary weapons can contend with.

She ran the skills with all her strength, and even began to burn her blood. She knew that if she continued like this, she might be in danger. The black ring was under the double pressure of the crown and Luna, and the cracks began to widen.

It sounds long, but in fact, only a few breaths have passed since Luna's breakthrough. Luna suddenly looked up, and she felt the threat of death. Zhou Qiong whispered,"annihilate the pupil light." The black eye between the eyebrows instantly shot out a beam of light, piercing through Luna's body.

The momentum in the sky disappeared, the black ring also disappeared, and the black eye between Zhou Qiong's eyebrows slowly closed.

Luna looked at Zhou Qiong with a face full of horror,"Who are you..."

Before she finished her words, her body turned into ashes. She couldn't believe until her death that she would die on such an inferior continent. Only a crown was left spinning in place, and Zhou Qiong waved his hand to put away the crown. Disappeared on the spot.

Hundreds of miles away, the magic dragon caught up with the demon sect. Everyone stood quietly. Some people showed shock on their faces, and some people showed worry on their faces. The breath that surpassed the Martial Emperor just now was too powerful for them to imagine. The

Demon Tiger King proposed to check it out twice, but was stopped both times. This level of fighting, even the Yubo Martial Emperor realm could not stand it. Just as everyone was anxiously waiting, the magic dragon roared softly, and a figure appeared on the flying chariot.

Everyone was overjoyed

"See the Master"

"Get up," or���Tiger King couldn't help but ask,"Master, how is that man?""

"I have beaten you to ashes. Let's go back to the main temple." Zhou Qiong said this and entered the flying sedan.

The magic dragon pulled the flying sedan and began to fly towards the Demon Cult's headquarters. The flying sedan was still in shock before everyone could react. The Demon Tiger King kept laughing,"I told you that the leader is invincible."

The eyes of several guardians looking at the flying sedan were also full of fear.

From the momentum of the fight just now, they knew that the leader's skills far surpassed everyone, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Let them know themselves in the future, and regard themselves as guardians.

If someone calls the wrong name, they will be corrected immediately.

After the flying sedan left, everyone in Linhai City, dozens of miles away, was also shocked.

Although they didn't see anything, they also felt the momentum, which far exceeded the momentum of the Emperor Wu.

They were still wondering if both sides would be injured, or if the birdman would kill the leader of the Demon Cult and start to harm the people.

As a result, they saw that the leader of the Demon Cult came back, and it seemed that he was fine. Instead, the birdman who emitted the momentum disappeared completely.

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