"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning 3 Semi-Saint-level Tyrant Swords!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the Magic Soldier Tower!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning 30 Semi-Saint Blood Blades!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host......"

The voice of the system kept ringing in Zhou Qiong's mind, and a large number of precious items were drawn out! This centralized lottery was a great harvest!

Zhou Qiong clicked on the introduction of the Magic Soldier Tower, which said: The Magic Soldier Tower can breed magic soldiers by itself. At the same time, any weapon placed inside will slowly increase its level!

The others are mostly semi-saint-level weapons, which can just fill the shortage of weapons for the high-level members of the Demon Cult!

On the back mountain of Tianmo Peak, a huge peach tree was shaking slowly. Not far away from it was a huge black tower, which was the Demon Cult's Magic Tower, surrounded by disciples who were breaking through the barriers!

At this time, a giant silver tower in the sky flew down directly in front of everyone's surprised eyes.

Bang, with a loud bang, the back mountain shook slightly, and the giant silver tower fell next to the black tower!

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded throughout the Tianmo Peak,

"This is the Magic Soldier Tower, which can breed magic soldiers. All disciples above the level of deacon can place magic soldiers in it to increase their power. The Demon King and Hall Master can enter and select the semi-saint magic soldiers that suit them!"

All the disciples of Tianmo Peak bowed and responded, then quickly rushed to the back mountain.

Although they didn't know how powerful the Demon Soldier Tower that the leader mentioned was, they had heard that the Demon Kings and Hall Masters could choose semi-saint-level demon soldiers in it!

You know, there is no saint-level force in this area of hundreds of billions of kilometers, and naturally no saint-level weapons have appeared. The strongest weapon is the semi-saint level!

In many surrounding forces, even the semi-saint high-level warriors don't even have semi-saint weapons. Although it is due to the remoteness of this area, it also proves the scarcity of semi-saint-level weapons! But what did they just hear? The leader actually said that all demon kings and hall masters can choose semi-saint demon soldiers. How many semi-saint-level weapons are there in this Demon Soldier Tower!

In just a moment, the newly appeared Demon Soldier Tower in the back mountain of Tianmo Peak was surrounded by demon cult disciples!

The door of the Demon Soldier Tower opened, and the Demon Tiger King walked out of it, holding a huge axe in his hand, waving it twice, and laughing!

"I also have a semi-saint magic weapon!"

Behind him, Chen Shu, who was dressed in a green robe, also came out, holding a folding fan in his hand, shaking it gently, and a terrifying aura emanated from the fan! It was also a semi-saint magic weapon!

After that, high-level members of the Demon Cult continued to come out, holding various semi-saint weapons in their hands!

Chen Shu shook the folding fan in his hand and said in a deep voice,"Everyone, I am going to cross the tribulation, so I will go first!"

After that, the momentum on his body began to burst out, and he rushed directly to the critical point of the semi-saint realm. In an instant, black clouds gathered in the sky, and lightning and thunder roared!

Chen Shu took a longbow and shot an arrow directly at the thunder tribulation!

Half an hour later, the thunder tribulation dissipated, and Chen Shu's momentum soared, and he successfully broke through to the semi-saint realm!

"Okay, then I, Li Changsheng, will come today, too!"

As Li Changsheng's momentum exploded, black clouds gathered again! For a whole day afterwards, the thunder tribulation never left the Heavenly Demon Peak. The thunder tribulation in the sky came one after another, scaring all the creatures in the surrounding cities! It was not unacceptable for the Demon Cult to have someone break through to the semi-saint level, but now, it has been a whole day, and there must be no less than twenty people who have passed the tribulation!

And all on the same day, this Demon Cult is really, so terrifying! The thunder tribulation above the Heavenly Demon Peak was also a little confused, and even after one person passed it, they did not disperse, but waited for the next one directly!

Until the evening, after the Demon Bull King passed the thunder tribulation, the entire Demon Cult's high-level officials had all become masters of the semi-saint realm!

The face of an old man appeared on the huge peach tree below, looking at the many high-level officials of the Demon Cult in the sky, with great envy in his eyes. He was now greatly Luo is only at the fourth level, and is still far from passing the Half Saint Tribulation!

However, he thought that if he hadn’t joined the Demon Cult, he might not even be able to reach the high level of Zhenwu, let alone Daluo, and he felt a lot more comfortable!

The tribulation clouds in the sky found that no one was passing the tribulation, and finally began to slowly disperse. However, they were only half dispersed when they suddenly gathered again!

The Demon Cult leaders looked at the tribulation clouds in the sky with confusion. They had already passed the Half Saint Tribulation. Could it be that there were masters in the Demon Cult that they didn’t know about, and they also had to pass the tribulation!

Just when everyone was puzzled, a black figure rushed out of the Heavenly Demon Palace and flew under the tribulation clouds. It was Dabai!

The tribulation clouds struck down lightning tribulations again, and Dabai was radiating black light all over his body. The lightning tribulations struck it, but not only did it not hurt it, but it made it stretch leisurely, muttering,

"Comfortable, hit harder, ah! Yo! Ah!"

Half an hour later, Jieyun quickly escaped under Dabai's reluctant eyes!

Many demons below started to discuss!

"It is worthy of being the pet of the Lord Leader, it is really awesome, even when struck by lightning, it feels like a massage!"

"Yes, Lord Bai’s strength is considered to be the best in our Demon Sect!"

"Well, Lord Bai, that’s all good. Now that we have broken through to the semi-saint level, I think we will be safe!

"Yes, the last time I spent a lot of effort to pick the Wannian Cloud Fruit, it was stolen, and I also saw a shadow! It’s a pity that Lord Bai won’t admit it, and I don’t dare to ask!"

Dabai ignored the people muttering below, and quickly ran into the Heavenly Demon Palace, shouting

"Boss, Boss, I have broken through to the semi-saint realm. Haha, you can lead me from now on. No, you will be very proud if you take me out!"

Zhou Qiong looked at the white horse that kept circling around him, and a smile appeared on his face. This white horse, except that he couldn't ride it out to fight, was really good in other aspects!

Buzz, suddenly an indescribable artistic conception came���It appeared in Zhou Qiong's mind, and at the same time, the same message appeared in the minds of all the creatures in the Eastern Region who met the conditions!

It was not a voice transmission, nor was it a speech, but all the creatures understood the meaning of this message.

"The Tianjiao Battle has officially begun. Creatures can enter on their own. The passage will automatically close after three days!"

Zhou Qiong walked out of the hall and looked up at the sky. There was an endless vortex there. This was the passage to the Tianjiao battlefield!

The high-ranking members of the Demon Cult also looked up at the sky. They also received the information.

Zhou Qiong's cold voice was heard by everyone in the Demon Cult.

"The top leaders of the Demon Cult must come to the Heavenly Demon Palace as soon as possible. Mo Wudao, summon a million demon soldiers immediately!"

""Yes, sir!"

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