Just as the man was guessing, he saw the armored man in the sky bowing to the flying chariot and saying:

""Master, we have arrived at the battlefield!"

A majestic voice came from the flying chariot!

"Well, let’s find a city to settle down first!"

""Yes, sir!"

The four men below were shocked. What did they see? The terrifying figure who had just attacked actually saluted inside the flying chariot. It seemed that he was just one of his subordinates!

If it were in the outside world, this would not be unusual, but this was in the Tianjiao battlefield. The people inside must be under a thousand years old! How terrifying that person must be. Could he be the top-level demon Tianjiao?

When the four were still imagining, three dragons in the sky roared and pulled the flying chariot away!

Just when the four were relieved, a huge beast suddenly appeared behind them, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the four people directly! The

Demon Tiger King and others in the distance looked back and didn't care. In this battlefield where the weak are preyed on by the strong, you have to be prepared to die if you come in!

They also found the beast just now, but they didn't kill it for them because there was no need!

Zhou Qiong, who was sitting in the flying chariot, heard the voice of the system in his mind!

"Ding, the host appears in the Tianjiao battlefield. Please note that the will of heaven is strong here. If you want to kill the person with destiny, you need to buy a stronger level of Heaven-covering Talisman!"

"You mean, if I kill the Child of Destiny here, I will have to spend more villain points to buy the Heaven-Covering Talisman!"

"Yes! Host!"

Zhou Qiong frowned. He analyzed something from the system's words, that is, here, the Heavenly Dao will pay special attention to those children of destiny, so a more powerful Heaven-covering Talisman is needed!

"System, will Tiandao discover the abnormality of Liansheng and Bai Haotian!"

"Don't worry, host. After the system transformation, although they are also the sons of destiny, they will not attract the attention of the heaven!"

Zhou Qiong nodded!

"That’s good, system, how many villain points do I have left!"

"The host's current villain value is 10,000 points!"


All the villain points Zhou Qiong had accumulated before were exchanged for the next level of the"Magic" technique!

In the flying chariot, Zhou Qiong and the system were silent for half a quarter of an hour! Finally, the system's voice sounded!

"Ding, the Tianjiao Competition mission is launched. As long as the host enters the top 100 of the Tianjiao list, a reward of 1 million villain value will be given. After that, for each person who advances, a reward of 1 million villain value will be given. If you enter the top three, a reward of 10 million villain value will be given for each person who advances! Do you accept it?"

"Accept!" Zhou Qiong nodded. That's right. It's been a long time since there was a task that rewards villain points! Not only does it take villain points to kill the Son of Destiny, but the technique he practices,"Demon", also urgently needs villain points to exchange for the following techniques!

At this time, in a city 500 miles ahead of the flying chariot, a large number of creatures were hiding from the beast!

All the beasts stopped outside the city, as if they didn't dare to attack the city. This is why the creatures hid in the city before night, because the beasts basically wouldn't attack the city!

Inside the city, a lot of shouting sounded!

"Why can you live in houses while we can only live on the streets!"

"Yes, my Juchi tribe is not easy to bully! We all need to live together in the house!"

""Be quiet, if anyone dares to shout, I will throw him out! Feed the beast!"

A man in a purple robe with ferocious eyes shouted, and then a terrifying aura burst out, instantly suppressing all the creatures present. There were no less than 20 guards around the man, all of whom were Tianjiao with the cultivation of the third level of the semi-saint!

Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet. After all, although there were countless monsters in the Tianjiao battlefield, the Tianjiao battlefield was also very large!

At this time in this city, the purple-robed man on the other side was obviously much better than them, and even on the entire battlefield, he should be regarded as a number one figure! The purple-robed man looked at everyone and stopped talking. He walked slowly into the city lord's mansion with his guards. If he hadn't taken into account the creatures in the city who were attacking him, he would even want to kill all the creatures!

After the purple-robed man disappeared, the creatures outside talked one after another!

"Who is this? He is so powerful and his guards are so strong!"

"Yes, I was afraid that he would kill us just now!"

"I know, that's the third prince of our Kongzhou Tianhu Empire! His strength is said to have reached the seventh level of semi-saint! He's only six hundred years old this year!"

"It is indeed a peerless monster. I am content. It is enough for me to enter the city to avoid the disaster. Why should I care where I live and what I do!"

A creature with a snake head and a human body said decadently!

There are countless creatures rushing into the city from all directions. There are creatures of all races, among which humans are the most. I don’t know if it is because of teleportation or other reasons!

There is only one city lord’s mansion in a city. Although the city lord’s mansion is huge and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, it is now occupied by the third prince of the Tianhu tribe!

Other creatures can only stay outside!

At the beginning, there was nothing, but later more and more humans came, and several warriors with good strength immediately began to make trouble!

Shouted to the city lord’s mansion,"Come out quickly, or we will rush in!"

Not long after, the purple-robed man walked out with a gloomy face, looking coldly at the human geniuses who were shouting!

At this time, thousands of humans had gathered here, all of them were above Daluo, and there were even dozens of semi-saints, led by three semi-saint fifth-level geniuses!

One of the men in a white robe cupped his hands and said,"I am Tongzhou, a disciple of Yuanyang Holy Land. I hope the third prince will give us a favor and let us humans go in and have a rest!" The purple-robed man sneered,"I'll give you face. You small human race are just slaves in my dynasty, and you actually want face! I think you don't want to live anymore".

After speaking, he waved his hand, and immediately the guards behind him all took action. A huge claw emerged from the purple-robed man's hand and grabbed the three geniuses!

"Not good!"

The three of them had never expected the purple-robed man to suddenly attack, and they quickly took defensive positions!

With a bang!

The three of them were directly slammed into the city wall, slid to their knees on the ground, and vomited blood!

"You actually attacked me by surprise. Are you bullying me because I have no one? If my Holy Son wasn't here, you...." The disciple of Yuanyang Holy Land pointed at the purple-robed man and said angrily!

After hearing this, the purple-robed man was about to kill the three people, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at the horizon. All the creatures in the city also stopped and looked into the distance!

""Roar, roar, roar"

The dragon's roar reached everyone's ears!


Thanks to {95838075} {not a big deal} {Nan Xiaoniao} X2 for the reminder for the update.

Thanks to {校*强则校*不能下*} {相信爱?呵! } for the mountain climbing invitation. Thanks to all the other big names who gave rewards and readers for their support!

Writing a book is not easy, if you haven't given a good review, please give a five-star review!


Author's words:

Update is coming!

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